Class Diary 1º NI B2 (2019-20) Groups A and B

GROUP A: Mondays and Wednesdays at 7pm

Face-to-face lessons interrupted and remote learning starts due to the Covid-19 outbreak

11th March

1. Initial chat

2. Revision of zero conditional, first conditional and second conditional with infographics and songs: "Rain" by the Beatles, "Girl from the North Country" by Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash and "If" by Pink Floyd.

Homework: Grammar rules and exercises pages 139-140

9th March

1. Initial chat

2. Page 156 (vocabulary about the weather)

3. Page 37: Listening

4. Speaking: predictions for the distant future using future perfect and future continuous.

4th March

1. Info about exams and written mediation activity

2. Reading comprehension and oral mediation activity (page 36)

3. Vocabulary bank: page 156 (1st exercise)

4. Handout: useful expressions to talk about the weather

5. Dialogues about the weather

Homework: written mediation activity (handout)

26th February

1. Initial chat

2. Definitely, probably, likely and unlikely. Predictions with future perfect and future continuous.

3. How to prepare my monologue (handout)

4. Monologues in class and recorded on phone

24th February

1. Initial chat (about the talk last Wednesday)

2. Grammar exercises page 138

3. Oral mediation activity: the healthy eating plate and the healthy eating pyramid. Differences between the old and the new pyramid.

4. Dialogue about diet.

19th February

1. Initial chat

2. Listening task for assessment and correction

3. Talk about healthy habits, food and sport

Homework: Reading task for assessment (handout)

17th February

1. Initial chat, information about health week

2. Grammar and speaking: future perfect and future continuous with timeline.

3. Page 35: Speaking: In twenty years

12th February

1. Initial chat

2. Tristan and Isolde: description of picture and dictogloss with story

3. Song: "All I want is you"

5. Writing messages for Friendship Day

Homework: page 35: Grammar: future perfect and future continuous. Page 138: grammar Bank 4A

10th February

1. Initial chat

2. Quiz page 34: "How eco-guity are you?"

3. Listening: page 33 "In the street"

4. Functional language and dialogue in class

5th February

1. Initial chat (quite long this time)

2. Page 33. Colloquial English: Listening comprehension, listening with transcript and vocabulary.

3. Looking at language: fillers

4. How to prepare your dialogue

5. Dialogue: e-books vs print books

Homework: fill in the handout with functional language that you know for each category

3rd February

1. Initial chat

2. Page 115. For and against: reading aloud, pronunciation, filling in the gaps and vocabulary.

3. Speaking: extreme sports

4. Listening: Aboriginal rock painting

5. Communicative game: Have you ever...?

29th January

1. Initial chat

2. Show and tell presentations (the 8 students)


- Monday 3rd February: Travelling notebook entry (only Juanjo)

-Wednesday 5th February:

Write an essay of between 120 and 180 words on the following topic: "Print books or e-books?: advantages and disadvantages". You have a model text and useful expressions on page 115 of your book.

27th January

1. Initial chat

2. Warmer: guessing game and question formation

3. Checking of reading answers: Fashion in the Stone Age

4. Colloquial English part 2 (page 32)

5. Game: revision of present perfect simple and irregular verbs

6. The Rainbow Serpent: story

7. Australian Aboriginal Rock Painting

22nd January

1. Initial chat

2. Colloquial English part 1 (page 32)

3. Example of show and tell presentation

4. Memphis Tennessee by Chuck Berry (Listening)


Monday: Reading: Tarea Evaluable

Travelling notebook entry (Juan)

Wednesday : Show and tell presentation (Monologue)

Bring to class an object that has personal significance to you and is connected to a story. Tell the story using a variety of past tenses correctly, adverbs and adverbials and useful expressions to tell a well-structured story. Don't forget to use the correct form and pronunciation of irregular verbs. You should speak between 3-4 minutes.

20th January

1. Initial chat.

2. Reading and listening pages 30-31

3. Prepositions Bingo

4. Continuation and ending of the Sir Gawain and the Green Knight story

15th January

1. Initial chat

2. p 137 Grammar Bank

3. Listening: Task for assessment, correction and working on transcript

13th January

1. Initial chat

2. Reading aloud, pronunciation practice and reading comprehension.

3. Page 29: b and c

4. Making up an ending for the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

5. Storytelling game

Homework: p.137 Grammar Bank

8th January

1. Initial chat about Christmas

2. Reading text: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole: New Year Resolutions

3. New Year Resolutions: mingling activity

4. Dramatised version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

5. Text and singing of Auld Lang Syne

Homework: Make up an ending for the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

18th December

1. Exams back and feedback

2. Chrismas carol singing: "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

16th December

1. Initial chat

2. Satisfaction survey

3. Dream survey: in pairs and feedback to the whole group

11th December

End of term exam: Reading, Listening and Writing

4th December

1. Song: Bang Bang (focus on irregular verbs and pronunciation of regular and irregular verbs in the past simple and past participle forms)

3. Listening (task for assessment)

4. Telling anecdotes as a whole group

2nd December

1. Page 26: Grammar: reading aloud, pronunciation, checking the exercise.

2. Speaking: how would you react if something like this ever happened to you?

3. Page 136: narrative tenses: explanation and exercises

4. Useful language for telling anecdotes and telling anecdotes in pairs

27th November

1. José's presentation

2. Mini grammar page 25: so/such that. Checking of exercises and creating personal sentences

3. Listening: "tarea evaluable": test, check and speaking about the content of the listening

Homework: Speaking task: in pairs or groups of three prepare and act out a job interview (you could record it in video or do it in class in front of everyone). You should speak between 4 and 5 minutes. It could be a normal job interview or an extreme interview. Make sure you use the grammar we've studied in units 1a and 1b: different types of questions, questions, indirect questions, auxiliaries and comparatives the...the . Try to use as much vocabulary we've seen in this unit as you can. For the 2nd or 4th December

25th November

1. Initial chat

2. Air travel: vocabulary

3. Reading pages 24 and 25: reading, aloud, pronunciation, speaking

4. Questions circle

Homework: grammar page 26 and grammar bank 3A

20th November

1. Information about assessment, tasks for assesment and exam dates

2. Speaking task: in pairs or groups of three prepare and act out a job interview (you could record it in video or do it in class in front of everyone). You should speak between 4 and 5 minutes. It could be a normal job interview or an extreme interview. Make sure you use the grammar we've studied in units 1a and 1b: different types of questions, questions, indirect questions, auxiliaries and comparatives the...the . Try to use as much vocabulary we've seen in this unit as you can. For the 2nd or 4th December.

3. Page 13: 2 Looking at language

4. Speaking: your experience about air travel

5. Listening and vocabulary about air travel (page 24, a) and b)

6. Speaking: questions and answers circle

Homework: p 154 Vocabulary bank, air travel

page 25: mini grammar, so and such...that

18th November

1. Speaking: what to do to keep warm in the winter

2. Functional language for giving advice

3. Reading: the history of the blues: answer check, reading aloud and pronunciation practice.

4. History of the blues: Listening

5. Colloquial English p.13: In the Street

Homework: pages 24-25 Reading

13th November

1. Compositions back and feedback. Explanation about marking criteria

2. Colloquial English: Parts 1, 2 and 3

3. Auxiliary verbs game

Homework: Reading activity, history of the blues

11th November

1. Initial chat

2. Playground saying: "Beans beans good for the heart"

3. The...the comparatives (page 11) Grammar explanation, controlled practice and free practice.

4. Vocabulary and speaking: compound adjectives

5. Listening comprehension: song Love in vain

6th November

1. Cultural information about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night

2. Communicative activity "You're psychic, aren't you?"

3. Robert Johnson's jumbled video activity. Video

4. Visit to the library

Homework: Robert Johnson reading activity (handout on drive folder)

30th October

1. Initial chat

2. The English-speaking countries song (pronunciation of sibilants)

3. Workbook page 8: 4 grammar auxiliary verbs

4. How to write an informal email: p. 113

5. Page 10: 6: Listening and speaking

Homework: write an informal email to a friend in which you tell him/her a spooky/scary story. Make sure that you use the appropriate format and useful language (page 113) as well as a variety of narrative tenses (page 136). Between 120-180 words

For Wednesday 6th November.

28th October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Revision of vowels, introduction to diphthongs. Practice with tongue-twister "Betty Botter"

3. Page 9. Grammar: auxliary verbs, a and b

4.Page 133. Grammar Bank.

5. Page 9: 4: Pronunciation: a), b), c) d)

Homework: workbook page 8: Grammar: auxiliary verbs

23rd October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Speaking: comic strip with negative question, speaking about the sense of the joke, insects, and fears.

3. Page 8: reading and listening (and speaking about spooky stories)

Homework: Page 9: 3 Grammar, auxiliary verbs a), b) and c): Grammar Bank 1B (p.133)

21st October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Explanation of continuous assessment criteria

3. Turning direct questions into indirect ones (from handout)

4. Page 7: Listening activity 5b. Then Listening and reading of the trascript.

5. Making free dialogues with the questions of the songs.

Homework: corresponding pages of workbook and self-check with i-checker.

16th October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Extreme interviews, introductory questions

3. Listening of text on page 6 with iTutor

4. Comprehension questions (page 7, exercise f)

5. Checking of vocabulary exercise (page 7, exercise d)

6. Pronunciation, page 5

7. Questions in songs activity (half the page)

Homework: make direct the questions from handout "questions in songs" indirect. (Only half of the questions)

14th October 2019

1. Initial chat, proposal of question of the day

2. Book, pages 5 and 132: Grammar, speaking and checking of exercises

4. Revision of vowels with Adrian Underhill's phonemic chart.

5. Phone numbers pronunciation game

6. Answers for the question of the day

Homework: Page 6: Reading and Vocabulary: a), b), c), d)

9th October 2019

1. Chat about the weekend

2. Election of student representatives

2. Book, pages 4 and 5. Speculating about the photos, after revision of modal verbs used for speculation.

3. Reading aloud, feedback on pronunciation and checking of exercises.

4. Juan's presentation of his instruments, the melodica and the ocarina.

5. Pronunciation: introduction to the English vowels with Adrian Underhill's phonemic chart

6. Juan José played the flugelhorn for us :)

Homework: 2.GRAMMAR question formation page 5 and page 132, grammar bank: read theory and do exercise a and b

2nd October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Correction of diagnostic test (reading, listening and writing)

3. Speaking test in pairs while the rest of the class revised questions

4. Final chat

30th September 2019

1- Chat about the weekend

2- Diagnostic test (reading, listening and writing)

25th September 2019

1-Initial chat

2-Revision of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous with PowerPoint (True/False game, teacher and students)

3. Communal error correction (Place your bets game)

23rd September 2019

1-Teacher's introduction

2-Icebreaker activity with name and drawing in order to get to know more about one another in the group.

3-Information about the course (PowerPoint presentation)

4-Filling in student's file with details and questionnaire on "Attention to diversity".

5-Translation of questions from Spanish into English

6-In pairs, students interview each other using questions from the questionnaire.

GROUP B: Tuesday's and Thursdays at 4:15pm

Face-to-face lessons interrupted and remote learning starts due to the Covid-19 outbreak

12th March

1. Initial chat

2. Revision of zero conditional, first conditional and second conditional with infographics and songs: "Rain" by the Beatles, "Girl from the North Country" by Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash and "If" by Pink Floyd.

Homework: Grammar rules and exercises pages 139-140

10th March

1. Preparation delivery and recording of monologues in class.

2. Speaking: predictions for the distant future using future perfect and future continuous.

3. Song: In the year 2525

Homework: grammar rules for different types of conditionals pages 139-140

5th March

1. Explanation of mediation activity

2. Definitely, probably, likely and unlikely

3. Expressions about the weather

4. Dialogues

Homework: written mediation activity (handout)

3rd March

1. Exam dates

2. Weather vocabulary from vocabulary back (exercises 2 and 3)

3 Listening and speaking (p. 37)

4. Speaking: the weather forecast in our town

27th February

1. Feedback to Manu's writing in travelling notebook

2. Weather vocabulary

3. Weather functional language

4. Dialogues about the weather

5. Handout: how to prepare my monologue

6. Monologues in class: preparation and delivery

25th February

1. Initial chat

2. Speaking: in pairs and as a whole class: what's your idea of a healthy diet?

3. Oral mediation activity: the healthy eating plate and the healthy eating pyramid. Differences between the old and the new pyramid.

3. Predictions about diet in the future using future perfect and future continuous.

4. Dialogue about diet.

20th February

1. Initial chat

2. Speaking: predictions with future perfect and perfect continuous

3. Grammar: checking of exercises page 135

4. Listening task for assessment and correction

5. Speaking game: Explain yourself!

Homework: Reading task for assessment (handout)

18th February

1. Initial chat

2. Grammar and speaking: future perfect and future continuous with timeline.

3. Memory and attention workshop

13th February

1. Initial chat

2. Tristan and Isolde: description of picture and dictogloss with story

3. Song: "All I want is you"

5. Writing messages for Friendship Day

Homework: page 35: Grammar: future perfect and future continuous. Page 138: grammar Bank 4A

11th February

1. Initial chat

2. Quiz page 34: "How eco-guity are you?"

3. Listening: page 33 "In the street"

4. Functional language and dialogue in class

6th February

1. Initial chat

2. Show and tell presentations: Manu and Dani

3. Page 115. For and against: reading aloud, pronunciation, filling in the gaps and vocabulary.

4. How to prepare your dialogue

5. Dialogue: e-books vs print books.

Homework: Write an essay of between 120 and 180 words on the following topic: "Print books or e-books?: advantages and disadvantages". You have a model text and useful expressions on page 115 of your book.

4th February

1. Initial chat

2. Show and tell presentations

4. Listening: Aboriginal rock painting

5. Communicative game: Have you ever...?

30th January

No-one attended the lesson (probably because of the strike)

Tuesday : Show and tell presentation (Monologue)

Bring to class an object that has personal significance to you and is connected to a story. Tell the story using a variety of past tenses correctly, adverbs and adverbials and useful expressions to tell a well-structured story. You should speak between 3-4 minutes.

28th January

1. Initial chat

2. Warmer: guessing game and question formation

3. Colloquial English parts 2 (page 32) and 3 (page 33)

4. Speaking in groups: advantages and disadvantages of print books vs e-ebooks

5. The Rainbow Serpent: story

6. Australian Aboriginal Rock Painting

7. Game: revision of present perfect simple and irregular verbs

23rd January

1. Initial chat

2. Speaking: memorable children's books

3. Colloquial English part 1 (page 32)

4. Example of show and tell presentation

5. Memphis Tennessee by Chuck Berry (Listening)


Tuesday: Reading: Tarea Evaluable

Travelling notebook entry (Javier Ruiz)

Thursday : Show and tell presentation (Monologue)

Bring to class an object that has personal significance to you and is connected to a story. Tell the story using a variety of past tenses correctly, adverbs and adverbials and useful expressions to tell a well-structured story. You should speak between 3-4 minutes.

21st January

1. Initial chat.

2. Reading and listening pages 30-31

3. Page 30: speaking: reading habits

4. Prepositions Bingo

16th January

1. Initial chat

2. p 137 Grammar Bank

3. Handing out of travelling notebook

4. Listening: Task for assessment, correction and working on transcript

5. Speaking: clothes

14th January

1.Initial chat

2. Reading aloud, pronunciation practice and reading comprehension.

3. Page 29: b and c

4. Storytelling game

Homework: p.137 Grammar Bank

9th January

1. Initial chat about Christmas

2. Reading text: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole: New Year Resolutions

3. Speaking: New Year Resolutions

4. Dramatised version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

5. Making up an ending for the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

6. Storytelling game

Homework: page 28, 29 Grammar and page 137 Grammar Bank

19th December

1. Only Manu attended. Exams back and feedback

17th December

1. Initial chat

2. Satisfaction survey

3. Tutorials and feedback

4. Dream survey: in pairs and feedback to the whole group

12th December

End of term exam: Reading, Listening and Writing

10th December

1. Initial chat

2. Listening page 26

3. Revision game

5th December

1. Acting out dialogues

2. Telling anecdotes

3. Listening (task for assessment)

4. Free writing with instrumental music

3rd December

1. Song: Bang Bang (focus on irregular verbs and pronunciation of regular and irregular verbs in the past simple and past participle forms)

2. Videos: irregular verbs and pronunciation of -ed endings

3. Useful language for telling anecdotes

4. Preparing and telling anecdotes in pairs

28th November

1. Air travel, vocabulary and speaking

2. Page 136: Narrative tenses, exercises and b

3. Listening: "tarea evaluable": test, check and speaking about the content of the listening

Homework: Speaking task: in pairs or groups of three prepare and act out a job interview (you could record it in video or do it in class in front of everyone). You should speak between 4 and 5 minutes. It could be a normal job interview or an extreme interview. Make sure you use the grammar we've studied in units 1a and 1b: different types of questions, questions, indirect questions, auxiliaries and comparatives the...the . Try to use as much vocabulary we've seen in this unit as you can. For the 3rd or 5th December

26th November

1. Initial chat

2. Grammar, page 26 and 136.

3. Questions circle

Homework: Grammar exercises page 136

21st November

1. Information about assessment, tasks for assesment and exam dates

2. Speaking: your experience about air travel

3. Listening and vocabulary about air travel (page 24, a) and b)

4. 2. Reading a), b), c)

5. 3. Mini grammar so /such ... that

6. Functional language for giving advice

7. Problems and advice circle

Homework: p 154 Vocabulary bank, air travel

p. 26: Grammar narrative tenses, past perfect continuous: a), b), c), d) Grammar Bank 3a

19th November

1. Essays back questions and answers (more or less personalised feedback)

2. Reading: the history of the blues: answer check, reading aloud and pronunciation practice.

3. History of the blues: Listening

4. Speaking task: in pairs or groups of three prepare and act out a job interview (you could record it in video or do it in class in front of everyone). You should speak between 4 and 5 minutes. It could be a normal job interview or an extreme interview. Make sure you use the grammar we've studied in units 1a and 1b: different types of questions, questions, indirect questions, auxiliaries and comparatives the...the . Try to use as much vocabulary we've seen in this unit as you can. For the 3rd or 5th December.

5. Speaking: page 25

Homework: pages 24-25 Reading

14th November

1. Initial chat

2. Colloquial English: looking at language and "In the street"

3. Listening to 2 "you're hired" episodes: examples of a good interview or a bad interview.

4. Auxiliary verbs game

Homework: Watch episode 4 and episode 5 of "You're hired" and do the online interactive exercises.

12th November

1. Initial chat

2. Compound adjectives: exercises and speaking

3. Colloquial English, 1, 2 and 3

7th November

1. Initial chat

2. Playground saying: "Beans beans good for the heart"

3. The...the comparatives (page 11) Grammar explanation, controlled practice and free practice.

4. Checking reading assessed activity about Robert Johnson.

5. Listening comprehension: song Love in vain

6. Visit to the library

Homework: Reading activity, history of the blues

5th November

1. Cultural information about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night

2. Communicative activity "You're psychic, aren't you?"

3. Summary of Robert Johnson's video

4. Reading assessed activity

31st October

1. Initial chat

2. Nursery rhyme: "Hey ho for Halloween"

3. How to write an informal email: p. 113

4. Page 9: 4: Pronunciation: a), b), c) d)

5. Robert Johnson's jumbled video activity. Video

Homework: write an informal email to a friend in which you tell him/her a spooky/scary story. Make sure that you use the appropriate format and useful language (page 113) as well as a variety of narrative tenses (page 136). Between 120-180 words

For Thursday 7th November.

29th October

1. Initial chat

2. The English-speaking countries song (pronunciation of sibilants)

3. Workbook page 8: 4 grammar auxiliary verbs

5. Page 10: 6: Listening and speaking

Homework: Do the listening on page 10 again and read the transcription at the same time.

24th October 2019

1. Tonguetwister: She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore

2. Speaking: comic strip with negative question, speaking about the sense of the joke, insects, and fears.

3. Page 9. Grammar: auxliary verbs, a and b

4.Page 133. Grammar Bank.

Homework: Workbook page 8: 4 grammar auxiliary verbs

Reinforcement and extension activities: Units 1A: self check with iChecker (CD)

22nd October

1. Initial chat about the weekend in pairs and whole class

2. Explanation of continuous assessment criteria

3. Page 8: reading and listening (and speaking about spooky stories)

4. Tonguetwister: Betty Botter (pronunciation practice) (text) (video)

Homework: Listen and read the transcript of "The coffee cup reader"(page 9)

17th October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Question of the day: "which superpower would you like to have?" (I forgot to ask them for the answers in the end").

3. Turning direct questions into indirect ones (from handout)

4. Page 7: Listening activity 5b. Then Listening and reading of the trascript.

5. Making free dilogues with the questions of the songs.

Homework: corresponding pages of workbook and self-check with i-checker.

15th October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Extreme interviews, introductory questions

3. Listening of text on page 6 with iTutor

4. Comprehension questions (page 7, exercise f)

5. Checking of vocabulary exercise (page 7, exercise d)

6. Pronunciation, page 5

7. Questions in songs activity

Homework: make direct the questions from handout "questions in songs" indirect. (Only half of the questions)

10th October 2019

1. Initial chat, proposal of question of the day

2. Election of student reps

3. Book, pages 5 and 132: Grammar, speaking and checking of exercises

4. Revision of vowels with Adrian Underhill's phonemic chart.

5. Phone numbers pronunciation game

6. Answers for the question of the day

Homework: Page 6: Reading and Vocabulary: a), b), c), d)

8th October 2019

1. Chat about the weekend

2. Book, pages 4 and 5. Speculating about the photos, speaking about favourite film genres.

3. Reading aloud, feedback on pronunciation and checking of exercises.

4. Speaking: asking and answering questions from book.

5. Pronunciation: introduction to the English vowels with Adrian Underhill's phonemic chart

Homework: 2.GRAMMAR question formation page 5 and page 132, grammar bank: read theory and do exercise a and b

3rd October 2019

1. Initial chat

2. Correction of diagnostic test (reading, listening and writing)

3. Speaking test in pairs while the rest of the class revised questions

1st October 2019

1- Chat about the weekend

2- Diagnostic test (reading, listening and writing)

3- Speaking practice with Leticia, Irene (and Isabel), who were early finishers.

26th September 2019

1- Initial chat

2. Communal error correction (Place your bets game)

3. Revision of language for speculation and deduction (present modals). Speculation about paintings by English-speaking artists

4. Icebreaker: numbers in my life (teacher and students)

24th September 2019

1-Icebreaker activity with name and drawing in order to get to know more about one another in the group.

2-Information about the (PowerPoint presentation)

3-Filling in student's file with details and questionnaire on "Attention to diversity".

4-Translation of questions from Spanish into English

5-In pairs, and as a whole class, students interview each other using questions from the questionnaire.