Inspired by Micaela Ford's List of Mistakes in C1 Resource Pack Advanced EFL Learning EOI Fuengirola (pages 39-40)

"Kintsugi (golden joinery) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum [...] As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. "


We could develop a similar attitude towards making mistakes when learning a language: mistakes shouldn't be a source of shame or frustration, but part of your learning process, the "history" of your learning. So once these mistakes are "repaired", your English will be more beautiful and valuable.



Grammar Mistakes to avoid at B1 level

Expressing age

I have 30 years > I am 30 / I am 30 years old

Expressing agreement

I'm agree > I agree

Wrong irregular verb forms

I have bring here > I have brought here

I putted them on the table > I put them on the table

He runned to the door > He ran to the door

I weared a red T-shirt > I wore a red T-shirt

Irregular plurals

There are many mens in the room > There are many men in the room

I have two childrens > I have two children

Lack of concord (number and person)

He have found a solution > he has found a solution

There is a lot of people > There are a lot of people

They wasn't so happy > They weren't so happy

The notice saids > The notice said

My mum cook very well > My mum cooks very well

Incorrect form and use of very basic verb forms:

  • Using the present tense when speaking in the past:

Last night I watch a film on TV and don't do my homework > Last night I watched a film on TV and didn't do my homework.

  • Mistakes in the form of present continuous

I suppose she is comb her hair > I suppose she is combing her hair

  • Mistaking present perfect for past simple and the other way round:

Last night I have watched a film > Last night I watched a film

Failure to use auxiliaries

I haven't a clue > I haven't got a clue or I don't have a clue

We went not to the party >we didn't go to the party

Mistakes in question formation

You are coming tonight? > Are you coming tonight?

Mistakes in the form of modal verbs

I must to go > I must go (using to with infinitive after the modal verb)

Mistakes in some very common uses of gerunds and infinitives

I love swim > I love to swim or I love swimming

When are you going to come back for visit us > Where are going to come back to visit us?

I use this room for to work > I use this room for working

Mistakes in demonstratives

This cars are very expensive > These cars are very expensive

Mistakes in "there is/ there are"

In the room is a red chair > In the room there is a red chair

Other / another

I need other pen, this one doesn't write > I need another pen, this one doesn't write

Mistakes in the use of possessive adjectives and pronouns

Ours parents were young then > our parents were young then

Mistakes in the use of subject and object pronouns

She loves he > She loves him

Mistakes in the form and use of simple comparatives and superlatives

His house is more bigger than my house > his house is bigger than my house

Adding an -s to adjectives

The buildings were majestics > The buildings were majestic

Order of nouns and adjectives

She has eyebrows black > She has black eyebrows

Wrong use of very common prepositions

I listen music every day > I listen to music every day

in the night > at night

in TV > on TV

I arrived to Spain in 1998 > I arrived in Spain in 1998

I arrived to the cinema at 8.30 pm > I arrived at the cinema at 8.30 pm

Alternative ways to say "arrive" : "get to", "reach"

Mistakes in first (and zero) conditionals

If you will give me ten euros I mow your lawn > If you give me ten euros I will mow your lawn.

Grammar Mistakes to avoid at B2 level

Mistakes in using adjectives ending in -ed and /-ing

I was really shocking when I heard the news > I was really shocked...

Wrong use of quantifiers (few, a few, much, many, a lot of, little, a little)

There were only few students in the classroom > There were only a few students in the classroom.

I like it a lot of > I like it a lot

Incorrect use of narrative tenses (past simple, past continuous, past perfect), especially the use of past perfect:

I didn't know that she prepared a surprise party before we arrived > I didn't know she had prepared a surprise party before we arrived

Omission of subject or direct/ indirect object

I need > I need it

Is possible ?* Is it possible?

Wrong use of relative pronouns

That is the car who I drive > That is the car which I drive or That is the car (that )I drive.

Omission of articles or use of articles when you dont need them

I'm teacher > I'm a teacher

I love the nature > I love nature

( ) United Kingdom is leaving ( ) EU > The United Kingdom is leaving the EU

Mistakes in second and third conditionals

If we would be married we could apply for benefits > If we were married we could apply for benefits.

If I had know it, I would buy more meat > If I had known it, I would have bought more meat.

Wrong form “use to”*to refer to habits in the present

In the summer I use to do a lot of sport > In the summer I'm used to doing a lot of sport or In the summer I usually do a lot of sport

Indirect question word order

I don't know what can I do > I don't know what I can do

Mistaking present perfect and the passive voice

We are eaten > We have eaten



-fun / funny

-travel /trip/journey


-a new * /news, a piece of news, a newstory, some news


-bookshop /library

-the town hall /the council

-wait /hope/expect/ wish/look forward to

-say to /tell

-speak / talk


-to die, died, dying, dead, death

affect to* It affects to their health


"interchange" > exchange

"machism" > sexism, male chauvinism


Christianism ✘ became the official religion of the Roman Empire > Christianity ✓







breathe and breath







culture ( and other words ending in -URE)








though / thought/ through / throrough


-Mispronunciation of -ed endings

-Mispronunciation of -s/ -es endings


-Aspiration of voiceless plosives


-Lack of agreement

-Very few and basic linking words

-Use or wrong linking words

-Disorganised ideas

-Ideas don't follow one another logically

-Failure to write real paragraphs

-Excessive repetions, lack of use of pronouns or ellipsis

-Repeating words when synonyms could be used

-Transfer errors: Literal translation of Spanish syntax


Revise the list of irregular vebs in English, with their pronunciation; you can learn them in a fun way, listening to songs or playing games.