1º Nivel Avanzado C1 2020-2021


Continued on Google Calendar and Google Classroom)


Lesson 37: 16th February: Speaking Exam


Lesson 36: 11th February: Writing and Mediation Exam

Lesson 35: 9th February: Reading and Listening exam


Lesson 34: 4th February

1. About silver ferns, korus, hakas and a little of the history of New Zealand



2. Checking of some vocabulary exercises pages 62 and 63

3. Listening comprehension (New Zealand's flag)

4. Dialogue in pair/trio about bad habits

Lesson 33: 2nd February

1. Groundhog Day


2. The Archers

-Introductions: reading aloud and pronunciation practice


-Listening to The Archer’s live and noticing functional language from it


4. Dialogue: Taxing junk food

Homework: pages 62 and 63


1.The Guardian’s photos of the day

https://www.theguardian.com/news/series/ten-best-photographs-of-the-day 2. Textbook page 59: Speaking, reading aloud, pronunciation, listening and vocabulary (collocations) 3. Text pages 60 and 61. Mediation: What is the text about 4 . Types of smiles: introduction of vocabulary and video smile, grin (a big happy smile) to grin from ear to ear, beam (for a long time because you’re very happy, pleased of proud of something or somebody) smirk (smile in an unpleasant way because pleased of someone’s bad luck or you know something they don’t) leer (unwelcome sexual interest), sneer (offensive, you think someone is stupid or less good than you) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhlnoTVtXMk 5. TED Talk: Listening and reading: Why we laugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhlnoTVtXMk 6. Dialogue: at the dream analyst (speculation, opinions, advice) Homework for lessons next week: Vocabulary pages 62 and 63

Lesson 31 Tuesday 26th January

1. The Guardian: Photos of the Day (perhaps) https://www.theguardian.com/news/series/ten-best-photographs-of-the-day 2. Australia Day https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home/festivals-and-special-days/26th-january-australia-day 3. Burns Night https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home/festivals-and-special-days/burns-night 4: Songs with gerunds and infinitives https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qm8EOyWlU_fSMSktD08MciJZxzva3Uo0wCwBpwXuLw/edit#


Lesson 30: Thursday 21st January 1. Picture of the day, speculation with modal verbs https://www.theguardian.com/news/gallery/2021/jan/21/heavy-weather-and-a-leninalike-thursdays-best-photos#img-7 2. Bills and Laws, video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFroMQlKiag 3. Page 47 Textbook: intensifiers 4. Monologues Alba, Victoria and Ildefonso 5. Speaking activity in pairs: dreams HOMEWORK: Textbook: pages 59 (Tuesday) and 61 and 62 (Thursday) Optionally, you can revise unit 3 with activities on pages 54-58

Lesson 29: Tuesday 19th January

1. Pictures of the day, speculation, reading and speaking


2. Grammar pages 46 and 47: checking of some exercises and clarification of doubts

3. Martin Luther King’s speech: reading, listening, mediation and speaking


Homework: Monologues in class for Thursday 21st


Lesson 28: Thursday 14th January

1.BBC 6 o’clock News. Listening and speaking (mediation)


2. Vocabulary pages activation


3. Listening


What’s your experience of remote working or remote lessons? How did they make you feel?

Listening and answering the comprehension questions (2 or 3 times)

4. Dialogue: Giving advice

Student A: You’re feeling work burnout because of working remotely: you explain to your friend what your problem is exactly and react to his/her advice, accepting it or not. You start the dialogue.

Student B: Your friend is suffering anxiety due to teleworking. You give him/her some advice as to how to relieve his/her stress. You are second.



Tuesday 19th January: Textbook: Grammar pages 46 and 47

Thursday 21st January: Monologue to be delivered in class:

1.BBC 6 o’clock News. Listening and speaking (mediation)


2. How was Christmas? Plan for the month

4. Vocabulary pages 44 and 45 Checking of some vocabulary exercises and speaking

5. Revision of expressions to give advice

6. Read the “Dear Mariella” problem and give advice to this person


Homework: Grammar pages 46-47


Lesson 26: Tuesday 22nd December

0.Reminder of books from the library:

1.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


-Listen to sound effects and describe the picture in your mind. What does the sound suggest to you?

-Reading the poem

-Speculating about the poem’s meaning

-Practising shadowing with the poem

2. The Gift of the Magi

Mediation: The students retell the part of the story they have read

We listen and read to the rest of the story



3. Listening comprehension

The Simpsons


4. Christmas Carol: The Twelve Days of Christmas





HOMEWORK: read and listen to English during the holidays, consider it as something enjoyable, not as an obligation, make it part of your everyday life.


Lesson 25: Thursday 17th December

1.Initial chat

2. Speaking in pairs about jobs


3. Oral mediation activity with reading text on pages 42 and 43

4. Reading, listening and pronunciation and vocabulary with the song "Sixteen tons"


Homework: Reading short story "The Gift of the Magi"


Lesson 24: Tuesday 15th December

1. Initial chat

2. Feedback about written mediation tasks

3. Page 41: Office personalities (speaking, listening and vocabulary)

4. Page 31-Making suggestions (Listening and Useful expressions)

5. Role play about making suggestions

Homework: Textbook: Reading pages 42 and 43 and vocabulary pages 44 and 45


Lesson 23: Thursday 10th December

0. Initial chat

1. Questions about the exercises? Linking words (questions and checking of some exercises)



2. Song: Cause, by Sixto Rodríguez


Speaking, practice of pronunciation of -ed endings, exceptions to the pronunciation of -ed endings, vocabulary and cultural references

3. Handout with many types of functional language


4. Dialogue: role play about a manager wanting to fire an employee and employees trying to defend and keep their jons


Tuesday: Prepare page 31 of your textbook on your own (speaking skills), and page 41

Thursday : Reading pages 42 and 43

Proposal: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzNzE5MTAzNDg5/a/MjExOTc0ODc1ODY3/details


Lesson 22: Thursday 3rd December

0. Initial chat

1. How to pronounce -ed endings (mnemonics)



2. Questions and answers anout textbook exercises (pages 36- 40)

3. Tips on how to to write a Proposal (textbook pages 32-35)

4. Linking words: Revision of some grammar patterns of linking words


5. Game: Conjunctions Bingo

Homework: Read and make the exercises in the photocopied handoout about linkers that I gave out in class, I'll upload its scanned version onto the Drive folder I share with you as soon as possible.

A proposal (for the 17th December)


Lesson 21: Tuesday 1st December

1. Information about exams and tasks for assessment

2. Rhyme: Eeny Meeny, Miney Mo

3. Delivery of monologues, class discussion, feedback and recommendations for future monologues.

Homework: If you have the time, read pages 32, 33, 34 and 36 before the lesson (on how to write a Proposal).


Lesson 20: Thursday 26th November

1. Initial chat Talking about the weather: cold

2. What do you know about Thanksgiving? From the articles you’ve read

Reading: article about Thanksgiving

Longer and easier article about Thanksgiving

3. What are you thankful for?


4. Video: Listening and vocabulary: Thanksgiving food: What did the Pilgrims eat?


5, Listening: What do American Natives think about Thanksgiving?


6. Misogyny and Sexism -Colonialism/Imperialism Brainstorming

7. Listening and speaking: Mary Beards’s other excerpts from the other day’s video "How misogyny in Ancient Rome shaped modern cyberstalking"


8. The image/metaphor/ visual representation of colonialism as rape. Conquering a country =a woman’s body by force. Submitted provinces/ countries as helpless women = Ireland by the British Empire

Examples of sculptures/art


Homework: Monologue about technology. Choose topics from handout


Start revision exercises at the end of unit 2 36, 37, 38, 39 40 (For Tuesday, Thursday and next week)

Lesson 19: Tuesday 24th November

1. Initial chat

2. Warmer:speaking about a meme on women's rights

3. Song: Suzanne Vega's "My Name is Luka" Speculation about the meaning of the song.


3. About the origins of the 25th November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against: The Mirabal Sisters. Reading aloud and pronunciation practice.


4. Short story: Eveline: class discussion and reading aloud of some selected passages.

5. Video: Interview to mary Beard "How misogyny in Ancient Rome shaped modern cyberstalking"


Homework: If you have the time, you can watch the whole video about Mary Beard and we will keep working with in the next class

Reading: article about Thanksgiving

Longer and easier article about Thanksgiving


Lesson 18 Thursday 19th November

1.Initial chat

2. Warmer: by the end of June next year, what do you think will have happened? In the world/in Spain/in Andalusia/ Villacarrillo/ your life/your English. Do you think we will have stopped using masks?

3. Checking of grammar exercises "it"/"there"

3. Listening page 30 and vocabulary focus

4. Listening comprehension with a real dialogue (and speaking)



Tuesday 24th November: Reading: short story: Eveline by James Joyce

Thursday 26th November: Reading: article about Thanksgiving

Longer and easier article about Thanksgiving

Lesson 17 Tuesday 17th November

1.Initial chat and reminders, books from library emergency evacuation drill, homework on classroom, material on drive.

2.Pages 28 and 29 : Q &A and checking some exercise

3. Speaking: grammar in use: How will we have changed by the year 2525? What will we be doing in the year 2525? (Think about food, clothes, physical appearance, houses, personality, life expectancy, habits, education outlook, ideas, the environment, entertainment, art, sports, politics, science and technology) Use Future Forms and language to express degrees of certainty.

4. Listening and reading: Song: In the year 2525 (comprehension and vocabulary)

5. Pronunciation games



Lesson 16 Thursday 12th November

1.Initial chat, books from library, information about emergency evacuation drill

2. Pronunciation: diphthongs (with drawing)

3.Vocabulary: Q &A and checking out of some exercises

4.Speaking: activation of vocabulary


5. Shadowing with film clip from Blade Runner



Textbook: pages 28 and 29

Google Classroom: Written mediation task


Lesson 15 Tuesday 10th November

    1. Initial chat, books and magazines from library

    2. Page 23: Reading aloud, checking the exercise, clarifying vocabulary, correcting pronunciation with chart and showing them the shadowing technique with the video.

    3. Reading pages 24 and 25

    4. What is the text about (mediation)

    5. Video

    6. Checking of exercises

    7. Revision of mediation techniques


    1. Mediation dialogues: explain the contents of the article to a child/ an old person/ a secondary school student/ a technology fan, geek without a high level of English

For a more detailed description of the shadowing technique watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvO01NTdKWw

Homework for Thursday 12th November: Vocabulary pages 26 and 27


Lesson 14th 5th November

1. Initial chat, books from the library 2. Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes’ Day https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home/festivals-and-special-days/bonfire-night-guy-fawkes-day

3. Monologues in class, feedback and class discussion

4. A quick overview of the vowel sounds of English with the interactive phonemic chart:



Textbook: Page 23 and Reading pages 24 and 25 (Tuesday)

Vocabulary pages 26 and 27 (Thursday)


If you have the time, you can practise the vowel sounds of English with the interactive phonemic chart


or download the app Sounds


Feel free to explore other resources to improve your pronunciation:


Lesson 13 Tuesday 3rd November 2020

1. Initial chat, books from the library

2. Lord Randall (Scottish Ballad)


    1. Introduccion to the song (meaning of dark forests in the Middle Ages) and clarification of difficult vocabulary

    2. Listening and filling in the gaps (2 or 3 times, intensive listening if necessary)

    3. Speculation about the ballad. (Speaking in pairs)

3. Listen to Bob Dylan’s song “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’ (1962) and speculate about its meaning (speaking in pairs). What may this ballad have in common with “Lord Randall”?

4. The Landlady by Roald Dahl: speaking in groups, with a different topic for each group: 1. Plot, 2. Characters, 3. Setting (time and place) and symbolism. Interpretation of ending and personal opinion about the story


audiobook version

Homework for Thursday: Choose one of these topics and prepare a monologue to be delivered in class.


Lesson 12 29th October 2020

1. Initial chat, questions and answers

2. Gemma Correll’s comic strips


3. Speaking about fears. Spooky vocabulary


4. Why do we enjoy being frightened? Listening and speaking


Homework: The Landlady by Roald Dahl and audiobook version (for a class discussion)

Choose one of these topics and prepare a monologue to be delivered in class.

Lesson 11: 27th October 2020

1. Initial chat

2. Questions and answers

3. Expressing likes and dislikes at advanced level



Speaking: So do I, neither do I/ I do, I don’t

How to prepare a dialogue


Dialogue in class

WEEK 5: Lessons 9 and 10

Lessons of the week cancelled because of Extraordinary Official Exams

Email with homework:

Dear all,

As we won't be having lessons this week in the end, this is the work that you can do in the meantime (in order of importance):

1. You have until Friday to hand in the writing assignment (letter/email to the picture)


2. You can revise Unit 1 from your textbook (revise grammar, vocabulary and useful language, ideally in context, that is, rereading the texts and the full exercises and listening again to the audios, rather than studying from the word lists). If you have the time, you can also do and self-check with the digibook pages 18 and 19 (Language knowledge) page 20 (Language Focus) and pages 21 and 22 (progress check). If you have any doubt about any exercise, we'll solve it in class next week.



3. I've assigned a new task through Google classroom, Listening Task for Assessment (I). If you finish with everything else, you can do this one, but it's due Friday 30th October, so you still have plenty of time left.


I've already marked Reading Task for Assessment 1. I've sent you back all the individual corrections, but now you can also see the right answers on the original Google document, where I've also highlighted the evidence from the text in yellow (for exercise 1) and green (for exercise 2). Please check everything out and if you have any doubt whatsoever, you can ask me next time we see each other in class.


Finally, here are links to the trailers of the films reviewed in Reading Task for Assessment 1, in case you're interested in watching some of them during this week (or other films or series in English for that matter):

1. Getting Carter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV4XrUDBlfM 2. The Apartment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX9-5Zxy5us 3. Breathless (that one is French): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAuqDI4EAl4 4. Hidden (another French one): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvT_9TqIEtM 5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE-f1alkq9I

Well, that's all for now,

Have a nice week and take care of yourselves!



Lesson 8 15th October

1. Initial chat

2. Spot the mistakes (Vocabulary) In pairs/groups, students were asked to spot the mistakes in these sentences. Then we corrected the mistakes all together as a class.

3. Book, page 11: Comparisons: clarification of doubts about the grammar exercises the students had previously self-checked.

4. Recommedation of Floe Joe Word Bank

5. Speaking: speculation about portraits

Homework: Write an informal email or letter to a character from a painting. Intructions and handing in of task through Google Classroom


Lesson 7 13th October

1. Initial chat

2. Spot the mistakes (grammar). In pairs/groups, students were asked to spot the mistakes in these sentences. Then we corrected the mistakes all together as a class.

3. Book, page 10: clarification of doubts about the grammar exercises students had previously self-checked, with more emphasis on stative verbs.

4. Listening, uses of "used to", "would" and past simple to express habits in the past with the song "Bang Bang" by Nancy Sinatra Link to video

5. Clarification of the difference between "be used to+V ing" and "get used to+-V ing"

Homework: page 11 textbook: comparisons, exercises 8, 9, 10 and 11


LESSON 6 8th October

1. Initial chat

2. Initial tests back

3. Checking of reading pages 6 and 7 of your textbook

4. Vocabulary pages 8 and 9 (checking of exercises and activation with speaking activity)

5. Jumbled story and song: The Cruel Sister

Homework: Grammar in use: pages 10 and 11 of textbook and self-check

Reading Task for Assessment https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzNzE5MTAzNDg5/a/MTg2NjkwMjUxOTU1/submissions/by-status/and-sort-name/all

LESSON 5 6th October

1. Initial conversation and vocabulary

2. Election of student representative and substitute representative

3. Reminder of continuous assessment criteria and tasks

4. Texbook, page 5: exercises 1, 2 and 3 + vocabulary work with listening task (identifying and using it in conversations in pairs)

5. Definition of family: google document

6. Commenting on family relationships in paintings and still images from films

Homework: Reading pages 6-7 and vocabulary page 8-9


LESSON 4 1st October

"Pruebas Iniciales de Evaluación" Speaking

0. Some students finish off the Written Mediation exercise

1. Interview with the teacher

2. Dialogue in pairs

3. Discussion of topics of history and art in pairs

4. Class discussion of topics of learning English, History and Education

Homework: Think about the questions about art in the handout

LESSON 3 29th September

"Pruebas Iniciales de Evaluación"

1. Reading

2. Listening

3. Writing

4. (Mediation) Some students had time to do this part and others didn't. The latter will finish it off in the next lesson.


LESSON 2 24th September

1. Welcoming students and informal chat

2. CEFR Levels. From B2 to C1 (level descriptors)


3. Communicative activities: students interview one another and report their classmate's information back to the class on the following topic: "Talk about things you've learnt during the past few months with Coronavirus: during lockdown and the new normality"

4. Rest of presentation

5. Tips and resources for learning functional language (online resources, keeping a notebook only for this, write expressions on cards, spot them on films and TV series)


6. Different ways to say "Hello", "How are you?" and answering (class survey)

7. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_53mo10_Mbk&feature=emb_logo

8. An example of how you can notice/learn functional language from dialogues in films/TV series with a clip from "Friends": extensive or intensive watch/listening


LESSON 1 22nd September 2020 1.-Introductions 2.-Covid 19 protocol Link to presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEIaJCdJvk/6jJsu2sf3zeupLRc2pp5aQ/view?utm_content=DAEIaJCdJvk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink 3.-Icebreaker I: "Introduce your classmate" activity in pairs and as a whole group: In pairs, students interview one another asking and answering questions about their jobs, hobbies, reasons for learning English and other personal information. 4.-Some more information about the course: timetables, textbooks, additional online resources, library and attendance. Link to teacher's blog: "With Flying Colours" https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home 5.-Icebreaker II: questions chain: students think of one question to ask to one of their classmates, then, as a whole group, questions are asked and answered.