2º Nivel Intermedio B2 B/CAL 2020-2021


Continued on Google Calendar and Google Classroom)


Lesson 37: 16th February: Speaking Exam


Lesson 36: 11th February: Writing and Mediation Exam

Lesson 35: 9th February: Reading and Listening exam

Week 18

Lesson 34: Thursday 4th February

1. Monologues, class discussion and general feedback

2. Dialogues in pairs/groups

Lesson 33 Tuesday 2nd February 1.Slight Change: exam dates: Reading and Listening: Tuesday 9th February Writing and Mediation: Thursday 11th February Speaking: Tuesday 16th February 2. Groundhog day https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home/festivals-and-special-days/groundhog-day 3. Vocabulary page 49 (phrasal verbs): Checking of exercises and activation of vocabulary through speaking in pairs. 4. Listening: film clip Groundhog Day https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EpUG4YkMBdm9MeIc1V2l17I7EAp32xYhdyfZvvm2VcE/editHomework: prepare monologue for class


Lesson 32 Thursday 28th February 1.Photos of the day https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2021/jan/26/invasion-day-protests-across-australia-in-pictures 2. Time clauses: Grammar, listening, writing and speaking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZ-vSrFhZE (2:50)When the music is overTurn out the lights (6:39) Before I sink into the big sleep I want to hear the scream of the butterfly 3. Checking of grammar exercise page 47 4. Mediation. Explanation. Reading aloud of first task and correcting pronunciation. Dialogue. Opinions, making suggestions. https://classroom.google.com/w/MTUzNzE5MTAzNTE3/t/all Homework: Monologue Thursday (about holidays) and use vocabulary about the holidays, phrasal verbs and idioms https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzNzE5MTAzNTE3/a/MjQ3OTM4MzgyMDQ2/details Page:49 vocabulary

Lesson 31 Tuesday 26th February

1. Warmer and speculation: Photo of the day and speculation with modal verbs and extra expressions. An image that isn’t easily recognisable at first glance. https://www.theguardian.com/news/gallery/2021/jan/26/heavy-snowfall-and-oldest-paperboy-tuesday-best-photos 2. Uses of the future 3. Video: Predictions for the year 2000 from 1966: Listening/reading, grammar and speaking https://www.facebook.com/100865096953196/videos/130956388696957/ Homework: page 49 Vocabulary Transport Optionally: Listening page 48 on your own


Lesson 30, Thursday 21st January

1. The Guardian Photos: Speculation about photo of the day using modal verbs and other expressions for speculation https://www.theguardian.com/news/gallery/2021/jan/21/heavy-weather-and-a-leninalike-thursdays-best-photos#img-7 2. Reading aloud, pronunciation practice and vocabulary learning with text about the Swiss direct democracy: https://www.eda.admin.ch/aboutswitzerland/en/home/politik/uebersicht/direkte-demokratie.html#:~:text=Direct%20democracy%20is%20one%20of,amendments%20to%20the%20Federal%20Constitution.&text=All%20Swiss%20citizens%20aged%2018,vote%20in%20elections%20and%20referendums. 3. Textbook: Checking of vocabulary exercises page 46 4. Monologues Isabel, Irene and Manu 5. BBC News for today: Listening comprehension and mediation https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000rc4k HOMEWORK FOR NEXT LESSON: Grammar page 47 of your textbook

Lesson 29 Tuesday 19th January

1. The Guardian Photos: Highlight of the day (speaking, reading, vocabulary learning and pronunciation)


2. Esteban's monologue: delivery, class discussion and feedback

Homework: Reading pages 44 and 45 (to give context to the vocabulary, but we won't be checking the exercises in class) Vocabulary page 46 (Thursday).

Monologues rest of the class


Lesson 28 Thursday 14th January

1. Speaking: Describing the illustration “The storyteller”


2. Pages 40 and 41: Reading aloud, pronunciation practice and checking of exercises about adverbs and linkers

3. Listening comprehension/reading comprehension and speaking




Tuesday 19th or Thursday 21st January: Monologue in class:


Friday 22nd January: Listening Task for Assessment III


Lesson 27 Tuesday 12th January

1. Greetings after the holidays. How have you been? What have you done? Present perfect/past simple and other past tenses (don’t revert to present simple

2. Plan for the next month, exams and reminder of tasks for assessment

3. Listening to today’s news and speaking


4. Giving advice: revision of expressions from textbook, document on drive folder and video

5. Students explain their problems and the rest of classmates give them advice using the expressions learned/revised



Homework: textbook: pages 40 and 41


Lesson 26 Tuesday 22nd December

0. Reminder of books from the library

1. Comic strip. What were you going to do this Christmas?

2.Revision of Past Tenses

3.Listening comprehension (The Simpsons)


4. Christmas Carol: The Twelve Days of Christmas





HOMEWORK: : read and listen to English during the holidays, consider it as something enjoyable, not as an obligation, make it part of your everyday life.


Lesson 25 Thursday 17th December

1. Initial chat

2. Textbook page 37: vocabulary and activation of newly-learnt words through speaking

3. Preparation of role play and revision of useful language: expressions for giving opinions, agreeing, disagreeing, giving advice and and making suggestins:


4. Performing of dialogue and feedback


Grammar page 38

Grammar page 35

Read and listen to this Christmas story


Lesson 24: Tuesday 15th December

1.Initial chat

2. Feedback on essays

3. Pages 36 and 37: speaking, reading, pronunciation, speaking and vocabulary

4. Video: Pay it Forward: listening coprehension and speaking


Homework: Vocabulary page 37

Grammar page 38

Tuesday 22nd December: Grammar page 35

and pages 40 and 41 (Writing: a story)


Lesson 23: Thursday 10th December

1. Initial chat

2. Vocabulary and speaking: page 24

3. Speaking activity using used to /would and past tenses


4. Monologue in class


Homework: Reading pages 36 and 37

Vocabulary page 37

Listening task for assessment II



Lesson 22: Thursday 3rd December

1.Initial chat

2.Speaking about the weather II (cold)


3.Do you know any stories of people who grew up in the wild?

Tarzan, Romulus and Remus, Zeus and the Amalthea goat



4.Reading aloud, pronunciation practice and checking of exercises (pages 32 and 33 of the textbook)




6. Dialogue: Single-sex vs mixed schools


Homework: Texbook pages 34 and 36

Reading Task for Assessment


Extra Reading: about feral children


Lesson 21: Tuesday 1st December

1. Information about exams and tasks for assessment

2. Delivery of monologues and class discussion

3. Feedback on monologues, collective error correction and recommendations for future monologues

4. Revision of pronuniciation of -ed endings



Homework: Reading pages 32 and 33, Vocabulary page 34


Lesson 20: Thursday 26th November

1. Initial chat

2. Speaking about the weather I : Rain


3. Text: Reading aloud about the origins of Thanksgiving


4. Video: Listening and vocabulary: Thanksgiving food: What did the Pilgrims eat?


5. Menti: Writing : What are you thankful for?


6. Activity with friends



Tuesday: prepare a monologue about ONE of these topics,


following these instructions


Textbook: page 30

Reading pages 32 and 33

Thursday: Vocabulary page 35

Lesson 19: Tuesday 24th November

1. Initial chat

2. Warmer:speaking about a meme on women's rights

3. Checking of exercises about discourse markers from handout

4. Handout: How to prepare my monologue

5. Songs: Nancy Sinatra's "Bang Bang" and Suzanne Vega's "My Name is Luka"



(Revision of ways of expressing habits in the past, revision of irregular verbs forms and their pronunication)

Speculation about the meaning of the second song)

Homework: Handout discourse markers (2) Adverbs and adverbial expressions (explanation and exercises)

Think of a topic to prepare for your monologue from the list, so that you can prepare it during the next class



Lesson 18: Thursday 19th November

1. Initial chat

2. Warmer: Never have I ever (video and speaking game)


3. Pages 28 and 29: Writing: an essay

4. Extra handout on linking words

5. Grammar game: conjunctions bingo

Homework: Friday 20th: Forum entry

Tuesday 24th: exercises about linking words from handout I have given in class

Friday 27th: An essay, to be handed in through Google Classroom

Lesson 17 Tuesday 17th November

1. Initial chat, books from the library, reminder that they have to do do the tasks on google classroom, that there’s material on drive, reminder of emergency evacuation drill

2. Warmer: Our Dream Holiday (introduction to Present Perfect Simple/ Present Perfect Continuous)

3. Grammar pages 23 (Present perfect Simple/Continuous)

4. Page 26: Grammar, nouns and quantifiers: reading aloud, checking of exercises, pronunciation practice with chart and speaking.

5. Listening: Harry Potter film clip


Homework: Read pages 28 and 29

Friday: Forum Post


Lesson 16 Thursday 12th November

1. Initial chat, books from the library, reminder that they have to do the tasks on Google Classroom, reminder of emergency evacuation drill

2. Warmer: question of the day. Think of things you’re good at/good with (difference is explained)

3. Vocabulary page 25 (reading aloud, pronunciation with chart, checking out exercise, synonyms: A/ B and E)

4. Vocabulary page 25: B

The British vs The American Education system (Handout and video)



5. Listening: Video about the most pressing issues in education in the US


Homework: Grammar pages 23 and 26

Google Classroom: Writing: A Forum Entry


Lesson 15 Tuesday 10th November

1. Initial chat, books from the library, reminder that they have to do the tasks on google classroom

2. Listening and speaking page 24


    1. What do you think of the classroom arrangement in this room? Is it different from the desk arrangement when you were at primary school? Have you experienced other classroom arrangements? What’s your favourite one?

    2. Is decoration important for you? If you were the headteacher, what changes would you make to improve this classroom / this school?

Listening page 24, listening with transcript and vocabulary focus.

3. Revision of vowel sounds with chart and recommendation of pronunication apps



Sounds. The Pronuciation App. A free application to practise the sounds of English with Adrian Underhill's phonemic chart. British English. Any level.

British Council Learn English Sounds Right. A free application to practise the sounds of English: vowels, consonants and diphthongs with example words. British English. Any level.

Vocabulary page 25 and grammar page 26



Lesson 14 Thursday 5th November

1. Initial chat, books from the library

2. Bonfire Night and the Guy Fawkes’ Day


4. Listening comprehension: How to deal with a pet during bonfire night


5. Mediation:



Mediation dialogues in class

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-gn6Iquv7g


Textbook: Vocabulary page 25 (Tuesday ) and grammar page 26 (Thursday)

Lesson 13 Tuesday 3rd November

1. Initial chat, books from the library

2. Correction vocabulary exercises page 22. Reading aloud, pronunciation and speaking

3. Dialogues in class: first in pairs and then as a whole group.


Lesson 12 Thursday 29th October

1. Initial chat and vocabulary learning

2. Comic strips.


2. What are you afraid of? Vocabulary of FEAR


3. The origins of Halloween (video)



4. The tale of Stingy Jack: Dictogloss


Homework: Self-check exercises from pages 22 and 23

Listening comprehension exercise for next week classroom

Lesson 11 Tuesday 27th October

1. Initial chat and vocabulary learning

2. Checking of exercises from reading text and speaking (pages 20 and 21)

4. Likes and dislikes at advanced level


5. Reacting: So do I/neither do I

Extra material about SO/NEITHER






Lesson 10 Thursday 22nd October

1. Initial chat and vocabulary learning

2. Vocabulary revision exercises A and B page 18

3. Song: Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega:

Listening and filling in the gaps Handouts

Discussion of the meaning of the song

Listening comprehension of the singer's introduction to the song





For Tuesday 27th October: Texbook: review page 18 exercises C and and reading text and exercises pages 20-21

For Thursday 29th October: Textbook: pages 22 (Vocabulary) and 23 (grammar)

LESSON 9 20th October 2020

Lesson called off because of Extraordinary Official Exams


LESSON 8 15th October 2020

1. Initial chat

2. Page 14: Grammar: articles, exercises A and B

3. Flags and emblems from the United Kingdom and Ireland: presentacion

4. Page 14: Listening

5. Revision of language for speculation

6. Speaking: speculation about portraits

Homework: Write an informal email or letter to a character from a painting. Intructions and handing in of task through Google Classroom


LESSON 7 13th October 2020

1. Initial chat and some exams back

2. Grammar, speaking, reading aloud and pronunciation: page 11: Present Simple, Present Continuous and Stative Verbs

3. Speaking: Expressions for giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing (page 15)

What's your opinion of flags? Do you think they are necessary in today's society? Why/why not? What's the use of flags in today's society?

4. Checking of reading comprehension activity C and vocabulary A and B page 13

5. Listening comprehension: Video "Fun with flags",from The Big Bang Theory. Vocabulary work.

Handout: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JifC8FHrDqJmlKj8nvQh6KlrXkEdU3Wc

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e8PGPrPlwA

Homework: grammar, page 14 (Articles)

WEEK 3 LESSON 6 8th October

1. Initial conversation and vocabulary

2. Checking of vocabulary exercises page 10

3. Quiz and speaking: What kind of traveller are you?

4. Revision of tense system in English and game

Homework: Textbook: grammar page 11, reading and vocabulary pages 12 and 13 (for Tuesday)

Grammar page 14 ( for Thursday)

LESSON 5 6th October 2020 1. Initial conversation and vocabulary 2. Election student representative and substitute representative 3. Reminder of continuous assessment criteria and tasks 4. Pages 8-9 of textbook: speaking, reading aloud, checking of pronunciation and vocabulary, checking of vocabulary activities, cultural notes, tips for learning vocabulary, sharing of anecdotes about the UK and Ireland. 5. Speaking in pairs and groups: "Are you a traveller or a tourist?" + questions from page 9D Homework: Vocabulary page 10


LESSON 4 1st October 2020

"Pruebas Iniciales de Evaluación" Speaking

1. Interview with the teacher

2. Dialogue in pairs

3. Extra speaking activities

LESSON 3 29th September 2020

"Pruebas Iniciales de Evaluación"

1. Reading

2. Listening

3. Writing

4. Mediation


LESSON 2 24th September 2020

1. Welcoming students and informal chat (it is advisable to copy from the board the new vocabulary that comes up in conversation so that you can use it and it doesn't get lost)

2. Rest of presentation: on attendance and assessment


3. Communicative activity: students interview one another and report their classmate's information back to the class on the following topic: "Talk about last summer and how it was different or similar to the previous summer"

4. Tips and resources for learning functional language (online resources, keeping a notebook only for this, write expressions on cards, spot them on films and TV series)


6. Different ways to say "Hello", "How are you?" and answering (class survey)

7. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_53mo10_Mbk&feature=emb_logo

8. An example of how you can notice/learn functional language from dialogues in films/TV series with a clip from "Friends": extensive or intensive watch/listening


LESSON 1 22nd September 2020

1.-Introductions 2.-Covid 19 protocol and information about CEFR levels (A1, A2, B1 etc) Link to presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEIGNTEI2I/dMlxgUwV-zE4rH19k5xoIg/view?utm_content=DAEIGNTEI2I&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink 3.-Icebreaker I: speaking activity in pairs and as a whole group: "What have you learnt during the past few months, during lockdown and the "new normality"?" FIVE-MINUTE BREAK 4.-Some more information about the course: timetables, textbook, additional online resources and library Link to teacher's blog: "With Flying Colours" https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home 5.-Icebreaker II: questions chain: students think of one question to ask to one of their classmates, then, as a whole group, questions are asked and answered and conversation is generated.