2º Nivel Intermedio Semipresencial 2020-2021

Continued on Google Calendar and Google Classroom)

Week 19

Webnesday 17th February: MEDIATION AND WRITING EXAM

Week 18

Wednesday 10th February: READING AND LISTENING EXAM

Week 17

Wednesday 3rd February

1. Speculations about photos of the day




2. Groundhog Day: Listening comprehension, reading aloud, vocabulary and pronunciation practice.


3. Gerunds and infinitives

Song by The Doors


Explanation and checking of exercises

Homework: Listening and reading practice (you will get it by e-mail)

Weel 16

Wednesday 27 January

1. Pictures of the day. Speculation with modal verbs and other expressions




2. Oral mediation. Explanation and mediation strategies

3. Dreams: dialogue: at the dream analyst: revision of expressions for speculation, giving advice and giving opinions.

Homework for the next lesson: revise rules for verb patterns with gerunds and infinitives (GRAMMAR BANK 6A)


Week 15

Wednesday 20th January 2021

1. Pictures of the day: speaking, reading and pronunciation


2. Martin Luther King’s Day (Third Monday in January, federal holiday in the US)


-Eliciting information about this historical character. Providing some details about his life and contribution to the world

-Reading and listening to his most famous speech


- Speaking: Noticing language, metaphors, ideas, things that caught your attention. Has the dream come true? Have black people reached total equality nowadays? What needs to be done yet?

4. Speaking: Dreams Questionnaire

Homework: For next week be ready to tell a dream that you have had, using narrative tenses (a monologue)

Week 14

Wednesday 13th January 2021

    1. Welcoming students back after the holidays.

    2. Exam dates and plan for the month

    3. Reminder of the last grammar point we studied before the holidays: wait / expect/ hope / wish / look forward to

    4. Difference between wish and hope: uses and structures


    1. Dialogue about wishes and regrets


    1. Listening comprehension BBC news clip


Homework: watch these two more videos about the difference between WISH and HOPE



Week 13

Wednesday 16th December

1. Initial chat

2. Revision of 0, 1st and 2nd conditionals

3.Third conditional with song


4. Sesame street version of the song


5Difference among wish/hope/expect/wait/ look forward to


6. Wishes and regrets (revision)

7. Dialogue: complaining


Extra videos about wish/hope


Week 12

Wednesday 9th December

1. Initial chat

2. Revision of conditional sentences (0, 1st and 2nd) and time clauses with songs


Homework: exercises about conditionals on handout

Week 11

Wednesday 2nd December

1. Information about the exam, tasks and how to organise the course

2. General feedback about monologues

3. Returning to Suzanne Vega’s song: analysis of vocabulary and meaning in connection with gender-based violence


4. Revision 12 verb forms in English and uses in a conversational way

5. Revision -ed endings: rules and song



Homework: An opinion essay to be handed in through the platform. Deadline: 9th December


Week 10

Wednesday 25th December

1.Initial chat.

2.Clarification of doubts about homework and the CREA material

3. Rules and exercises about countable and uncountable nouns and quantifiers in English. Checking exercises, reading aloud and pronunication practice.

5. Songs: Bang Bang and fill in the gaps, revisions of habits in the past, irregular verbs (form and pronunciation) and pronunciation of ed endings.


My name is Luka: Listening, reading and class discussion


Homework: Writing task on the platform

Week 9

Wednesday 18th November

1.Initial chat.

2.Books from library and encouraging students to read extensively, reminder of homework

3.Clarification of doubts about homework and the CREA material

4. Rules and exercises about articles in English and pronunciation practice

5. Listening: fun with flags: Clip from The Big Bang Theory


6.How to prepare a dialogue and revision of functional language


7. Preparing and acting out a dialogue about single-sex schools versus mixed schools


Crea Material, Unit 2


If you finish with Unit 2, you can start with Unit 3


Week 8

Wednesday 11th November

1.Initial chat.

2.Books from library and encouraging students to read extensively, reminder of homework

3.Clarification of doubts about homework and the CREA material

4.Pronunciation: presentation of phonemic chart

5.How to prepare a dialogue


6.Preparing and delivering a dialogue



Homework: Monologue 13th November

Crea Material, Unit 2



Wednesday 4th November 2020

1. Books from library and encouraging students to read extensively

2. Revision of connectors (From English File C1)

3. Conjunctions Bingo

4. Dialogues in pairs

How to prepare my dialogue

Homework: Monologue 9th November (see instructions on Moodle platform)

Start working with Crea Material, Unit 2


Wednesday 28th October 2020

    1. Initial chat.

    1. Clarification of doubts about the CREA material, extra material on so/neither and informal email

    2. Suzanne’s Vega “Tom’s diner”

-Listening comprehension: fill-in-the-gaps activity

-Revision of tenses with song

-Listening comprehension with introduccion to the song

Homework: finish off CREA activities Lesson 1 and start with lesson 2

Recorded: monologue

Extra exercises about





Wednesday 21st October 2020

1. Initial chat

2. Recommendations about CREA exercises UNIT 1.1: Music Unites:

Essential exercises: those that present new vocabulary and grammar

Do a few reading and listening exercises but don't worry if you can't finish them all

Those parts that are about speaking or writing will be done in class (or an equivalent of them)

3. Likes and dislikes at advanced level: Handout and video

4. So do I /neither am I: explanations and videos





Monday 19th October 2020 19:00-21:15

Questions and answers session and conversation

Recommendation of websites:

For Word formation: https://www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/wordbank/

Interactive phonemic chart for practising the sounds of English: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/phonemic-chart

Other websites for practising English pronunciation: https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home/pronunciation

WEEK 4: 14th October

1. Informal chat and vocabulary learning through speaking

2. Election of student representative and substitute representative

3. Level tests back

4. Whole class error correction activity with mistakes taken from the exam. Presentation

5. Speaking about paintings from English-speaking artists Paintings

Homework: Writing an informal e-mail to a character in a picture. Instructions and handing-in through Google Classrroom

WEEK 3: Holiday

WEEK 2 30th September 2020

"Pruebas Iniciales de Evaluación"

1. Reading

2. Listening

3. Writing

4. Mediation

WEEK 1 23rd September 2020

1.-Introductions 2.-Covid 19 protocol Link to presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEImQEEZd0/__UBX37ELJjLp3cwssXZnA/view?utm_content=DAEImQEEZd0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink 3.-Icebreaker I: "Introduce your classmate" activity in pairs and as a whole group: In pairs, students interview one another asking and answering questions about their jobs, hobbies, reasons for learning English and other personal information. 4.-Some more information about the course: timetables, the B2 level, the platform, additional online resources, library, attendance and assessment. Link to teacher's blog: "With Flying Colours" https://sites.google.com/site/withflyingcoloursherrera/home 5.-Icebreaker II: questions chain: students think of one question to ask to one of their classmates, then, as a whole group, questions are asked and answered.