Assignment 1


1. First of all, have a good look at the 8 portraits below and choose ONE.

2. Next, try to imagine what this character's life is like (where he/she is from, what he/she does for a living, what his/her personatity is like, etc.)

3. Then you have to imagine that you have some sort of relationship with this character (for example, you could be this person's best friend, enemy, lover, boss, a member of his/her family, and so on and so forth).

4. Once you have decided on your imaginary relationship with the character and the character's personality, you have to WRITE AN INFORMAL LETTER to him/her, telling him/her anything you want (for example, recents events or changes in your imaginary life, advice, you can also express your feelings towards him/her etc.)

The informal letter should be between 150-200 words (the length for written interaction in certificate exams).

Here's a model of informal email which can help you a great deal