McClatchey Presentations


  • McClatchey, W.C. & D. Reedy A Mouthful of Diversity: Cider Production Around the World and Conservation of Traditional Apples. Invited Spring Colloquium, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawa`i. (March 3)


  • McClatchey, W.C. & K. Winter. Resilience in Polynesian Landscapes Addressing Climate Change Stress. IUCN Symposium, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, Cape Town, South Africa. (October 8)
  • McClatchey, W.C. & D. Reedy. A Mouthful of Diversity: Cider Production Around the World and Conservation of Traditional Apple Cultivar Diversity. Plenary Lecture. 5th International Congress of Ethnobotany.Bariloche, Argentina. (September 22)
  • McClatchey, W.C., D. Reedy, A. K. Chock, K. Bridges, H. Lau, K. Kamelamelka, L. Weiss, Z. Ritchey, M.L. Nguyen, T. Ticktin, T. Gallaher & V. Savo. Ethnobotany Segues to Science: Using Popular Classes to Increase Enrollment in STEM Courses & Degree Programs. Poster presented at the Society for Economic Botany Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. (June 4-5)
  • McClatchey, W.C., P. Mokamul, A. Pensuk and K.W. Bridges. Lao and N.E. Thailand: A frontier of Indian plant knowledge in SE Asia. Plenary Lecture. Mekong Conservation and Ethnobotany Symposium. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai`i. (April 11)
  • McClatchey, W., M. Sirikolo, J. Stevens & P. Lincoln. Ethnobotany Research and Documentation of the Endangered Ririo Language (Solomon Islands). First International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation Supporting Small Languages Together, Honolulu, Hawai`i. (March 14)
  • Winter, K. K. Bridges & W. McClatchey. The Role of Linguistics in Identifying Social-Ecological Keystones. Symposium on Linguistics and Ethnobiology: Possible synergies for research and conservation. in First International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation Supporting Small Languages Together, Honolulu, Hawai`i. (March 14)


  • McClatchey, W., Z. Ritchey & K.W. Bridges. Shifting Cultivation as an Ecologically Creative Process. Invited Presentation in Symposium: Rainforest as Artifact in the Sixth World Archeology Congress, Dublin, Ireland. (July 4)
  • Reedy, D., W.C. McClatchey, C. Smith & K.W. Bridges. A Mouth Full of Diversity: Knowledge of Cider Apple Cultivars. Contributed paper in the 49th Annual Society for Economic Botany meeting, Duke University, Raleigh, North Carolina. (June 3)
  • McClatchey, W. Ethnobotany: Segues to Science. Symposium Presentation in the 49th Annual Society for Economic Botany meeting, Duke University, Raleigh, North Carolina. (June 2)
    • McClatchey, W. Climate Change and Impacts on Plants and People of the World. Guest Lecture Series, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kaua`i. (February 14)


  • Reedy, D., M. Nguyen, K. Bridges & W. McClatchey. Ethnobotany: Segues to Science. Contributed paper, Society for Economic Botany annual meeting, Chicago. (June 7)
  • McClatchey, W., W. Pensuk, P. Mokamul & K.W. Bridges. A Questions of Scale: Where is Biodiversity within a Hotspot? Contributed paper, Society for Economic Botany annual meeting, Chicago. (June 6)
  • McClatchey, W. Learning from our Ancestors about the Future of Life on Earth. Invited John Dwyer Lecturer, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri. (April 27)
  • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Ethnoecological Insights from People Living on the Margin. Invited Presentation in Symposium: None Like it Hot: Climate Change, Plants, and People, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (April 19)
  • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Using Traditional Knowledge of Plants as a Measure of Local Biodiversity. Jean Andrews Visiting Faculty Fellow of Tropical and Economic Botany, invited speaker, Lady Bird Johnson, Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas. (March 21)
  • McClatchey, W., K. Winter & K. Bridges. Ethnobotanical Basis of Plant Classification Systems in Polynesia. Jean Andrews Visiting Faculty Fellow of Tropical and Economic Botany, invited speaker, University of Texas, Austin. (March 20)
  • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Impacts of Climate Change on Atoll Cultures of the Central Pacific. Jean Andrews Visiting Faculty Fellow of Tropical and Economic Botany, invited speaker, University of Texas, Austin. (March 19)
  • McClatchey, W. Biocognosy: Extracting Conservation Theory and Applications from Plant Collections. Invited speaker, Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis. (March 15)


  • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Biodiversity and Biocognosy of Phutai in N.E. Thailand. Botany Symposium Series, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. (December 6)
    • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Using Traditional Knowledge of Plants as a Measure of Local Biodiversity and Identification of Species New to Science. Anthropology Colloquium, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. (October 25)
    • McClatchey, W. Medical Ethnobotany: Wisdom of the Past for Survival in the Future. Invited presentation. University of North Texas, Health Science Center, Fort Worth. (October 6)
  • McClatchey, W. Natural Products from Plants used in the Treatment of Liver Disorders. Keynote Speaker. Continuing Education in Natural Pharmacy, Chareonthani Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand. (May 18)


  • McClatchey, W. Ethnobotany in Pharmacy Practice in the U.S.A. Invited Speaker. Faculty of Pharmacy, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand. (November 7)
    • Bridges, K & W. McClatchey. The Peaks and Valleys of Presenting of Ethnobotanical Data. Contributed paper, Society for Economic Botany Annual meeting, Fort Worth, Texas. (June 7)
  • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Quantum Ethnobotany and Survival in the Marshall Islands. Invited Symposium Speaker, Society for Economic Botany Annual meeting, Fort Worth, Texas. (June 6)


    • McClatchey, W. Polynesian Healers, Plants, and Ethnopharmacology. Invited speaker. Lady Bird Johnson, Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas. (October 14)
    • McClatchey, W. Polynesian Healers, Plants, and Ethnopharmacology. Invited speaker. Botanical Research Institute of Texas and the Fort Worth Botanical Garden, Symposium. (October 13)
    • Hansen, C., M. Ross, D. Srock, V. McClatchey & W. McClatchey. Examination of Phytochemical and Traditional Usage Diversity Across a Range of Plant Families. Poster presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Canterbury, England (June 14).
  • McClatchey, W. Some Observations on Cultural Interactions with Palms in the Western Pacific. Invited Speaker. International Palm Society annual meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i. (May 9)
  • McClatchey, W. The Importance of Scale in Determination of Human Population Distributions in the Marshall Islands. Invited Speaker. Millennium Ecosystem Assessments, Alexandria, Egypt. (March 17)
  • McClatchey, W. The Pacific Island Way: Oldest Agriculture in the World to Space Age Solutions. Invited Speaker. University of Hawai’i, Hilo, Geography Department, Hilo, Hawai’i. (February 24)
  • McClatchey, W. Development of a National Botanical Garden in Palau. Invited Speaker. Palau Tourists Authority and Palau Conservation Society, Koror, Palau. (January 31)


  • McClatchey, W. The Pacific Island Way: Oldest Agriculture in the World to Space Age Solutions. Invited Speaker. Volcanoes National Park, After-Dark in the Park Seminar Series, Volcano, Hawai’i. (September 16)
  • McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Emergent Theories of Human Interactions with Plants based upon 55 years of Economic Botany. Contributed Paper, Society for Economic Botany Annual meeting, Tucson, Arizona. (June 3)
  • Durant, Kanani, Levon ‘ohai, & W. McClatchey. Hawaiian Traditional Rationale for Selection of Medicinal Plants. Contributed paper, Society for Ethnobiology Annual meeting, Seattle Washington. (March 27)
  • McClatchey, W. & Kim Bridges. Enhancing The Comparisons Of PABITRA High-island Sites By Examining Terrestrial Plant Diversity On Atolls. Symposium presentation, Pacific Science Association, Bangkok, Thailand. (March 17)


  • McClatchey, W. & Kim Bridges. Strong Inference in Ethnobotany. Contributed Paper, Society for Economic Botany Annual meeting, New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York. (June 25)
  • McClatchey, W. Traditional Knowledge and Education. Invited Speaker, Brigham Young University, Hawai‘i, Spring Symposium, Laie, Hawai‘i. (March 13)


  • McClatchey, W. Phylogenetic and biogeographical analysis of Metroxylon section Coelococcus in the Western and South Pacific. Invited Speaker, International Sago Symposium, Tsukubo, Japan. (October 16)
  • McClatchey, W. On Ethnobotany, Botanical Gardens and Arboreta. Invited lecture, Lyon Arboretum, Summer Internship Program, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. (August 10)
  • McClatchey, W. Plenary Welcoming Address: Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge. Society for Economic Botany and International Society for Ethnopharmacology Annual Meetings held in conjunction with the Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge Summit meetings, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. (May 28)


  • McClatchey, W. Evolutionary Biology and Creationism. Invited representative of the University of Hawai‘i, EECB program, Hawai‘i Baptist Academy, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. (December 7)
  • McClatchey, W. & Jodi Stevens Learning Basic Ethnoecological Knowledge: Changing Patterns of Interaction with the Environment Among the Ririo of Lauru, Solomon Islands. Invited presentation, International Society for Ethnobiology, Congress, Athens, Georgia. (October 25)
    • McClatchey, W. Establishment of Long-term PABITRA biodiversity Monitoring and Ethnobotanical Documentation Groups in the Western Solomon Islands. International Vegetation Science Congress, Nagano, Japan. (July 24)
  • McClatchey, W. The Future of Economic and Ethnobotany. Invited symposium speaker at the annual meetings of the Society for Economic Botany, Columbia, South Carolina. (June 22)
  • McClatchey, W., Myknee Sirikolo, Jodi Stevens, Harry Boe, Fredrick Vot’boc, Edison Biliki & Michael Wysong. Interlinked Roles for Conservation of Language and Biological Diversity. Contributed paper. Annual meetings of the Society for Economic Botany, Columbia, South Carolina. (June 21)
  • McClatchey, W. & Piet Lincoln. Melanesian Neighbors: 1) Ririo Plant Terms in the Context of a Reconstructed Proto-Oceanic Language and 2) Borrowed Landscapes: Ancient Austronesian and Non-Austronesian Interactions Invited presentation for the University of Hawaii, Linguistics, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (April 4)
  • McClatchey, W. Polynesian Ethnobotany. Invited Speaker for the Academy of Life Long Learning, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (February 22)


  • McClatchey, W. Ethics and Ethnobotanical Research. Invited speaker for the Hawaii Botanical Society, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (November 1)
  • McClatchey, W. Botanical Sample Selection Criteria and Ethnobotany. Invited speaker for the Hawaii Biotechnology Group, Aiea, Hawaiʻi. (September 22)
  • McClatchey, W. Development of a Cultural and Biological Field Research Station in the Solomon Islands. Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology Program Lunch, Honolulu Hawaiʻi. (September 17)
  • McClatchey, W., Myknee Sirikolo, Harry Boe, Moses Biliki, Edison Biliki, & Fredrick Votboc. A Proposed Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect (PABITRA) Terrestrial Research Site on Lauru in the Western Solomon Islands Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Sydney, Australia (July 8)
  • McClatchey, W. Ethnobotanical Field Methods for Non-Botanists. Invited speaker for the Austronesian Circle, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (April 22)
  • McClatchey, W. Integration of Traditional Healing Systems and Western Medicine. Invited speaker for E Ola Mau, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (April 17)
  • McClatchey, W. Western Pacific Ethnobotany and Herbal Product Development Possibilities. Invited speaker for the University of Hawaiʻi, CASAA semi-annual meeting, Pacific Club, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (April 8)
  • McClatchey, W. & Stephan Moisyadi. Potential for yaqona crop development in Fiji. Special consultation presentation for his excellency, Sir Ratu Mara, President of Fiji. Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (March 1999)
  • McClatchey, W. Andrographis paniculata and Andrographalides as potential anti-HIV natural products. Consultation presentation for Helishwa, Inc. Research and Development. Anaheim, California. (March 1999)
  • McClatchey, W. Some implications of pre-historic cultural movements of Western Pacific plants in considerations of Pacific biodiversity transect studies. Invited symposium speaker. American Society of Geographers annual meetings, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (March 1999)
  • McClatchey, W. Educational Opportunities and the Future of Ethnobotany. Invited symposium speaker. University of Florida Ethnobotany Society, Gainesville, Florida. (January 27)
  • McClatchey, W. Rotuman Traditional Medicinal Practices and Conservation Values. Invited speaker. United Plant Savers Conference “The Uses, Cultivation and Conservation of Native Medicinal Plants.” Hoʻomaluhia Botanical Garden, Kaneohe, Oʻahu. (January 24)
  • McClatchey, W. Polynesian Healers, Diseases, and Cultural Perspectives on Medicinal Plants and Conservation. Invited symposium speaker. United Plant Savers Conference “Planting the Future.” Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Gardens, Captain Cook, Hawaiʻi. (January 23)


  • McClatchey, W. Results of Pacific Ethnobotanical Studies: 1) Rotuman Traditional Medicine. Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, Cancer Research Symposium Series, Honolulu (December 14)
  • McClatchey, W. Biodiversity Transects (Botanical) in the Solomon Islands. Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Taipei, Taiwan (November 17)
  • McClatchey, W., Amanda McQuade Crawford & Trish Flaster. Paradigms in Ethnomedicine Invited symposium speakers. Natural Products Expo East, Baltimore (September 12)
  • McClatchey, W. Ethnobotanical Field Techniques for Studies of Medicinal Plants. Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, Cancer Research Symposium Series, Honolulu (June 22)
  • McClatchey, W. Pacific Biodiversity Transects of the Arecaceae. Pacific Biodiversity Research Seminar Series, Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. (April 28)
  • McClatchey, W. A Commercial Line of Topical and Internal Dietary Supplements based upon Polynesian Traditional Medicine. Consultation presentation to Helishwa, Inc., Anaheim, CA. (March 14)
  • McClatchey, W. Educational Opportunities and the Future of Ethnobotany. University of Florida Ethnobotany Society, Gainesville, Florida. (February 25)
  • McClatchey, W. & Trish Flaster. Establishment of an Ethnobotanical Natural Products Research and Development Program. Consultation presentation to Helishwa, Inc., Tulsa, OK. (February 1)
    • Patterson, Greg & W. McClatchey. Phylogenetic and Ethnobotanical Studies of Ponapean Plants, Federated States of Micronesia. Seagrant Annual Research Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. (January 29)
  • McClatchey, W. Hawaiian Traditional Medicine. Keynote talk at the University of Delaware, Annual Conference on Health and Nutrition, Honolulu. (January 6)


  • McClatchey, W. & Trish Flaster. A Commercial Line of Internal Dietary Supplements based upon Native American Traditional Medicine. Consultation presentation to Paheoke, Inc., Denver, CO. (November 8)
  • McClatchey, W. A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Useful Palms of Fiji. Hawaii Botanical Society, Honolulu. (October 6)
  • McClatchey, W. A Morphological Phylogenetic Analysis of the Basal Calamoideae. Symposium Paper presented at the New York Botanical Garden conference: Evolution, Variation, and Classification of Palms, New York. (June 18-20)
  • McClatchey, W. Ethnobotany education: What will be the future role of the Society for Economic Botany. Round-table discussion group presentation and moderation at the annual meetings of the Society for Economic Botany, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. (June 4-7)
  • McClatchey, W. Phylogenetic and cultural distributions of Metroxylon section Coelococcus. Paper presented at the University of Hawaii, Department of Botany, Honolulu, Hawaii. (May 23)
  • McClatchey, W. Ethnobotany in Florida: A Rich Tradition. Symposium paper presented at the Florida Native Plant Conference, Gainesville, Florida. (May 16)
  • McClatchey, W. On the Nature of Ethnobiological Data Sources and Collectors. Contributed Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society of Ethnobiology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. (March 26-29)
  • McClatchey, W. One-way Bridges: Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Healers Who Share their Knowledge. Symposium paper presented at the Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. (February 13-15)


  • McClatchey, W. A Role for Linguistic Data in Determination of Phylogentic Relationships of Western Pacific Species of Metroxylon (Arecaceae). Contributed Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.
  • McClatchey, W. & Alexandra Paul. An Evaluation of Educational Trends in Economic Botany. Contributed Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.


  • McClatchey, W. Useful Palms of Fiji. Contributed Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
  • Paul, Alexandra & W. McClatchey. Opportunities for Graduate Study in Ethnobotany. Discussion presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.


    • McClatchey, W. Western Polynesian House Construction Terminology and the Development of a Cultural Cladogram. Contributed Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Mexico City, Mexico. (also presented at the University of Florida Graduate Student forum, May 1995.)


    • McClatchey, W. The Ethnopharmacopoeia of Rotuma. Contributed Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Honolulu, Hawaii.


    • McClatchey, W. & Paul Cox. The Use of the Sago Palm in the Island of Rotuma. Contributed Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens, California.