Cider Apple Diversity and Biogeography

Research is being conducted on cider apple cultivar diversity around the earth as it has spread from central Eurasia in the Pleistocene across Europe and Asia and then via colonial links to other parts of the world. Most of my efforts have involved two collaborators, David Reedy and Valentina Savo. Many others have worked with us, including orchardists, cider makers, government scientists, fruit collectors and enthusiasts.

We have several focal projects. One is being developed is found at the following web site: Orchard Biocomplexity (limited access is provided to project participants), and Orchards and Climate Change (limited access is provided to project participants).

Multiple consulting projects are examining three aspects:

1. Distributions of cider technologies: Evolution and diversity of processing technologies and their distribution. Linguistic terminology for apple processing terms and related technologies.

2. Genetic distributions of apples: Cider apples and other taxa used for production of cider (other than desert apples).

3. Ethnobiological classifications of apples within cider producing communities and how these may relate to local transmission of knowledge and patterns of connection between extended social networks of cider producers.

Secondarily we are also examining the diversity of cider that is being produced at the present time in a related project.

This work is also contributing toward production of educational curriculum in the "Segues to Science" research project.