
I began to provide formal instruction for students in 1991 as a teaching assistant to Dr. Paul Cox. This included assisting with Introductory Biology and Ethnobotany lectures, and leading field trips through southern Utah for ethnobotany students. In 1992 I was invited to be the instructor for Introductory Ethnobotany at BYU and this course, based on Paul Cox's course has been taught by me about once a year from 1992 until 2009. I cannot leave things alone. Therefore, this course has been constantly updated, changed, and used as a platform to test teaching methods and curriculum modules. No stone has been left unturned but Paul would still be able to see the threads of his course.

I have worked, mostly in collaborations, on development of 11 different new courses. Links to some of this content are listed below. More content may be found in the Open Science Network.

I have worked with a wide range of learners, the youngest being about 5 years old and the oldest (Mrs. Evalynn Quisenberry) in her upper 80s. My favorites have been middle schoolers who have not lost the curiosity of explorers, and mid-life "kids" who are returning to school to follow their passions after spending decades in the workforce. For some reason unknown to me, middle school and high school teachers encourage their students to contact people like me for career advice. Because of answering the same questions over and over, I made a page with answers to most of the questions. Once you read these, contact me for answers to further questions.

Throughout most of this time, education has been co-mingled with research and consulting activities, and I have tried to make sure that students are included in research and consulting projects. It has often been possible for the students to be members of the communities where each project takes place and I hope that this has provided a deeper level of long-term development and resilience in value.