McClatchey Academic Employment

Over the years I have worked in a range of academic prositions. Some of these have been primary jobs but some have been either courtesy or adjunct appointments.

Texas Christian University

  • Affiliate Professor, Institute for Environmental Studies 2011-2015

Although I more or less left academia when I moved to Texas, TCU offered the opportunity to continue to mentor graduate students and to help teach courses in conservation of natural resources.

University of North Texas, Health Science Center

  • Affiliate Graduate Faculty, Biomedical Sciences 2012-2015

When the decision was made to move to Texas, I still was supervising several graduate students from University of Hawai`i and working collaboratively with graduate students from Thailand. UNT provided laboratory space and collaboration opportunities through a prior agreement with BRIT so my students were able to continue their work.

University of Hawai`i, Mānoa

  • Professor of Botany 2007-2010
  • Coordinator, Ethnobotany interdisciplinary curriculum
  • Graduate Faculty in SE Asian Studies
  • Adjunct Researcher in Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i, Natural Products Program
  • Graduate Faculty in Pacific Studies Program
  • Associate Professor of Botany 2002-2007
    • Coordinator, Ethnobotany interdisciplinary curriculum
    • Adjunct Researcher in Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i, Natural Products Program
    • Graduate Faculty in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Program
    • Graduate Faculty in Pacific Studies Program
  • Associate Director, Lyon Arboretum 2002-2005
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Botany 1997-2002
    • Adjunct Researcher in Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i, Natural Products Program
    • Graduate Faculty in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Program
    • Graduate Faculty in Pacific Studies Program

Although I was based within the Botany Department, collaborations and interdisciplinary research projects created opportunities to work in several different programs in Hawai`i. I was hired to produce the world’s first undergraduate degree in Ethnobotany, which happened in 2002. Since then the program has been copied in variations at five other U.S. universities. I supervised more than 30 graduate students, hundreds of undergraduates in botany and biology, and at times up to 5 staff members and multiple federal grants and private contracts for research. I am vested in the state of Hawaii retirement system so will retire as a full professor in the future.

William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden

  • Research Associate 2007 - 2014

Khon Kaen University, Thailand

  • Visiting Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy 2005-2006
    • Fulbright Fellowship Researcher and Instructor

University of Florida

  • Post-Doctoral Instructor, Department of Botany 1996-1997
    • Presidential Recognition Award for Teaching, University of Florida
    • Fulling Award, Society for Economic Botany
  • Instructor, College of Tropical Agriculture 1996
  • Graduate Researcher, Florida State Museum, Herbarium 1994-1996
    • McGinty Research Fellowship, University of Florida
  • Systematic Field Researcher, Fairchild Tropical Garden 1995-1996
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Botany 1995

Brigham Young University

  • Special Faculty, Department of Botany & Range Science 1994
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Botany & Range Science 1991-1993
  • Graduate Researcher, Department of Botany & Range Science 1991-1994