McClatchey Students

I have been blessed to work with some wonderful students who have taught me more than I have taught them. Some of these students are listed below. Hopefully some of the missing students will find this page and contact me with their information as others have already done.

Jon Abbott, M.S., Anthropology

Kamaui Aiona, M.S., Botany

Anthony Amend, Ph.D., Botany/EECB

Hazen Audel, M.S., Botany/Education

Alea Ausmer, M.S., Forensic Genetics

J.D. Baker, Ph.D., Anthropology

Nathaniel Bletter, Ph.D., Biology, Lehman College, Bronx, New York

Jeff Boutain, M.S., Botany/EECB

Jeff Boutain, Ph.D., Botany

Adam Brown, M.S., Botany

Sandy Buczynski, Ph.D., Science Education

Donald Bunnell, M.S., Pacific Studies

Leyla Cabugos, M.S., Botany

Steve Carlson, M.A., Anthropology

Catherine Davenport, M.S., Botany

Klaus Dragull, Ph.D., Agriculture

Liloa Dunn, M.S., Botany

Benjamin Feinstein, Ph.D., Science Ed.

Candice Felling, Ph.D., Botany

Patricia Fifita, Ph.D., Anthropology

Lara Franco, M.S., Zoology

Rebekah Fuller, Ph.D., Botany

Tim Gallaher, Ph.D., Botany

Thomas Galioto, M.S., Geography

Lisa Gollin, Ph.D., Anthropology

Heather Harlow, M.S., Botany/EECB

Carrie Harrington, M.S., Botany

Bruce Hoffman, Ph.D., Botany/EECB

Courtney Horwath, B.A.,Liberal Studies Honors thesis

Russell Ili, M.S., Botany

Katie Kamelamela, M.S., Ph.D. Botany

Vandana Krishnamurthy, Ph.D., Botany

Lance, Mahi La Pierre, Ph.D. Geography

Han Lau, Ph.D., Botany

`uala Lenta, M.S., Botany

Ari Levine, M.S., Anthropology

Peiluen Lu, Ph.D., Botany

Jonathan Martinez, Ph.D., Botany

Heather McMillen, Ph.D., Anthropology

Clarke Monson, Ph.D., Geography

Kaleleonalani Napoleon, M.S., Botany

My Lien Nguyen, Ph.D., Botany

Mark Nickum, M.S., Botany

David Reedy, M.S., Ph.D., Botany

Sylvia Salcedo, M.S., Botany

Horangi Sears, M.S., Pacific Studies

Neeva Shrestha, M.S., Botany

Orlo Steele, Ph.D., Botany

Jodi Stevens, Ph.D., Botany

Michelle Stevens, M.S., Botany

Lori Tongco, Ph.D., Botany

Arika Virapongse, M.S., Pharmaceutical Botany

Jared Williams, M.S., Environmental Science

Kawika Winter, M.S., Botany

Kawika Winter, Ph.D., Botany

Tamara Wong, M.S., Botany/EECB;

Ph.D., Botany

Michael Wysong, M.S., Botany/EECB

Sarah Ziomek, M.S., Environmental Studies

Hawaiian perspectives of weeds and weed science. Conflict management and cultural conservation issues. Chair: Nina Etkin

Ethnobotany and Folk Taxonomy of Hawaiian Limu. Chair: Will McClatchey

Population Biology of Tricholoma matsutake in Northwestern Yunnan Provence, China. Co-Chairs: Will McClatchey and Sterling Keeley

Plants used in Waorani Hunting and Fishing Practices. Chair: Will McClatchey

A Comparative Study of Three Methods to Enhance the Collection of DNA from Plant Material. Chair: Joseph Warren.

Medical anthropology of Piper methysticum in Hawai‘i. Chair: Nina Etkin

Comparative study of plants used to treat diabetes, schistosomiasis, and skin infections in two Peruvian cultures.

Palaeoethnobotany in the Pacific. Chair: Mark Merlin

On the origin of hops: Genetic variability, phylogenetic relationships, and ecological plasticity of Humulus (Cannabaceae). Chair: Will McClatchey

Traditional Botanical Knowledge of the Plain Mennonites: Time, change, and knowledge transitions. Chair: Will McClatchey

A qualitative study of epistemologies and pedagogies of environmental practitioners in Maui, Hawaiʻi. Chair: Pauline Chinn

Broussonetia papyrifera in ancient and modern Hawai‘i . Chair: Will McClatchey

An evaluation of native species suitability and environmental performance of green roofs in Hawaii. Chair: Tamara Ticktin.

Climate Change on Southern Appalachian Orchards: Perceptions, practices, and apple diversity. Chair: James Veteto.

Comparison of properties for the plant fibers of Hau, Olona and Niu in their use as cordage for traditional seafaring and fishing practices. Chair: Isabella Abbott

Isolation and characterization of novel compounds from Piper methysticum. Chair: C.S. Tang

Traditional medicinal plants of the Marquesas. Chair: Will McClatchey

Teaching a College Course on Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Chair: Pauline Chinn

Phytogeography and phylogenies of Acacia koa. Chair: Cliff Morden

Indigenous Articulations of Health and Disease at the Interface of Modernity: An examination of healing practices in Tonga. Chair: Ty Tegan.

Agent-based modeling as an analytical tool for a complex, open system: Coral reefs. Chair: Chuck Birkeland

Fungi and Polynesia: New Zealand and Cook Island Maori ethnomycology. Chair: George Wong.

Systematics and biogeography of the Pandanaceae with a population genetics approach to the “Pandanus tectorius problem.” Chair: Sterling Keeley.

Production of Hawaiian theme gardens for conservation in communities. Chair: Lyndon Wester.

Taban Kenyah (Kenyah Medicine): Linking the Cultural and Biological Significance of Indigenous Medicines in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Chair: Nina Etkin

Tibetan Traditional Medicine in Exile. Chair: Will McClatchey

Analysis of competitive inhibition of MAP kinase phosphorylation by polymethoxylated flavanoids from Vitex rotundifolia L.f. Chair: Will McClatchey

Comparisons of Ethnoecological Patterns of Behavior in Two Amazonian Communities. Chair: Will McClatchey

Healthcare 2000: Integrative Healing. Chair: Will McClatchey

Chair: Isabella Abbott

A Hawaii Case Study: Knowledge of Traditional Gathering Areas. Chair: Tamara Ticktin.

Ethnobotany, trade and population dynamics of Cycas circinalis L., and Cycas swamyi Singh & Radha in the Western Ghats of southern India. Chair: Tamara Ticktin.

Preserving Hawaii’s Biodiversity: A Tree, Place, and Culture. Chair: Lyndon Wester

Development of theoretical models of human interactions with plants based upon observations among the Paiwan and Amis of Taiwan. Chair: Will McClatchey

Ethnopharmacology of Hawaiian remedies for cancer. Chair: Will McClatchey

Piper methysticum usage in modern Hawai‘i. Chair: Nina Etkin

Systematic, evolutions, and biogeography of the plant genera Dracaena Vand. Ex L., Sansevieria Thunb., and Pleomele Salsb. (Aspagaceae). Chair: Cliff Morden.

Invasive algae in coral reef habitats of Hawaii. Chair: Celia Smith.

Chair: Nina Etkin

Flying Foxes and the Chamorro. Chair: Lyndon Wester

Ethnopharmacology of Hawaiian Limu. Chair: Will McClatchey

Vietnamese foods and changes in traditions in populations moving into new environments. Chair: Will McClatchey

Kalia Mileniume: Ethnobotany of a Tongan Voyaging Canoe. Chair: Will McClatchey [Subsequently earned a Ph.D. studying Fruit Crops at University of Florida, Gainesville.]

Image result for Alea Ausmer
Image result for Donald Bunnell hawaii
Steve Carlson
Image result for "catherine davenport" maui

Studies of Human Interactions with Cider Apples. Chair: Will McClatchey

Building predictive models of human adaptation to climate change through crop selection. Chair: Will McClatchey

Anapurna Himalayan Ethnobotany. Chair: Will McClatchey

Conservation of traditional plant knowledge in Cambodia. Chair: Lyndon Wester.

Analysis of Nepali Immigrant Ethnobotanical Knowledge in Hawaii. Chair: Will McClatchey

The Natural and Anthropogenic Biogeography of Mangroves in the Southwest Pacific. Chair: Will McClatchey [Currently, Associate Professor, Forestry, University of Hawaii, Hilo.]

Comparative ethnopharmacology of three Pacific Island communities. Chair: Will McClatchey

The Comparative Ecophysiology of Mountain and Coastal Populations of Sida fallax Walp. (Malvaceae) in Hawaii. Chair: Guillermo Goldstein

Conservation Practices of the Kanawan Aytas in Morong, Bataan, Philippines. Chair: Will McClatchey

Ethnomedicine and Materia Medica used by Kui Healers in Northeast Thailand. Chair: Chayan Pichaensoonthon

Mitigating Nutrient and Pathogen Storm Water Pollution via Bioretention Techniques: A Comparative Analysis of Three Filter Designs’ Pollutant Removal Efficiencies and Filtrate Volumes Released for Irrigative Re-Use at Oscar Dean Wyatt H.S. Fort Worth, TX. Co-Chairs: Will McClatchey and Michael Slattery

Hawaiian ‘awa: A gift of the ancestors. Chair: Will McClatchey [Currently, Director, Limahuli Botanical Garden, Kaua`i.]

Quantification of Ethnobotanical Evolution with the Specific Example of `awa (Piper methysticum) in Hawaiian Culture. Chair: Will McClatchey [Currently, Director, Limahuli Botanical Garden, Kaua`i.]

Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae) growth and light environment in the understory of differing tree canopy species of an agroforestry system. Earned certificate in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology. Chair: Will McClatchey

Ecology and Restoration Biology of Alyxia stellta on Kaua`i. Chair: Tamara Ticktin.

Quantitative Ethnobotanical Studies of Samoan Coastal Plants. Chair: Will McClatchey

Image result for Richard Sears, Education Specialist

Plant Species Richness of Lyndon B. Johnson National Grassland Ponds. Co-Chairs: Will McClatchey and Michael Slattery



  • Nat Bletter. Modeling of Emergent Diseases and Plant Remedies in SE Asian Cultural Contexts.


  • Han Yeong Lau. Biodiversity Analysis and Conservation using Applied Landscape Ecology and Spatial Modeling in Lao PDR.


  • Michael Thomas. Re-Design of Introductory Ethnobotany (BOT 105)offered at the O‘ahu and Maui Campuses of the University of Hawai`i. Computer database and on-line course delivery system development.


  • Lisa Gollin. Cross Cultural Toxidromes and Identification of Potential Biological Activity in Plants. Ethnobotanical theoretical and field studies in Polynesia and Indonesia.
  • Peter Miller. Psychoactive Biotechnologies: A Scientific Investigation of Local Innovations with Psychoactive Plants. Ethnobotanical field studies throughout the Hawaiian Islands on distributions of psychoactive plants, knowledge of psychoactive plants, and means for plant introductions.
  • Michael Thomas. Compactorization, Reorganization, and Electronic Cataloging of the University of Hawai`i Herbarium Collections. Inventory, computer database development and reorganization within the Angiosperm Phylogeny Working Group II system. Production of herbarium website.


  • International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, SWEDEN
  • Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, THAILAND
  • Leyman College, New York, U.S.A.
  • Lucknow University, INDIA
  • University of Florida, Gainesville, U.S.A.
  • University of Kent at Canterbury, ENGLAND
  • University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, FIJI