McClatchey Videos

In Production

  • McClatchey, W. Hawaiian Voices. In six episodes.
    • The Queens Garden (in production) with Nalani Olds at various locations on O`ahu.
    • `ahupua`a o Kahana (in production) with Sunny Greer and Dieter Mueller-Dombois at Kahana Valley on O`ahu
    • Surfing Plants (in production) with Ian Masterson at various location in the Hawaiian Islands.
    • Chants with Plants (in production) with Sam Gon and John Lake at various locations on O`ahu.
    • Marking Time. (in production) with Keoni Nunes at various locations on O`ahu.
    • Na Mea Kaua Hawai`i. (in production) with La`akea Suganuma at various locations on O`ahu.
  • McClatchey, W. Fundamental Research Methods for Ethnobotanists: Part I. In four episodes.
    • Herbarium Specimens (in production) filmed at Bishop Museum / University of Hawaii, Manoa.
    • Market Surveys (in production) filmed at Honolulu China Town, Kalihi Filipino Market and Moilili, Star Market.
    • Informed Consent and Human Subjects (in production) filmed with W. Dendle.
    • Questionnaires (in production) filmed at various locations on O’ahu and Hawai’i.


  • McClatchey, W., M. Ostraff, T. Ticktin & C. Davenport. 2007. Maintaining the Beat. In four episodes.
    • Why are Plants Useful to Us? Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Hula Plants (27 minutes) Filmed at various locations on Maui.
    • Felted Bark: Kapa/Tapa (in production) filmed at Makapu’u and Bishop Museum, O’ahu.
    • Kuo Hina E Hiapo (27 minutes) M. Ostraff filmed in Tonga. Provided for series.


  • McClatchey, W. T. Ticktin, M. Merlin & K. Winter. 2006. I’ll Drink to That! In five episodes.
    • Stimulating Beverages (34 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Alcoholic Beverages (40 minutes) Filmed at Murphies Bar, O’ahu.
    • ‘Awa and Cultural Conservation (52 minutes) Filmed at Limahuli Botanical Garden, Kaua’i.
    • Entering Another World (22 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Plants of the Gods (43 minutes) Filmed at St.John Garden.
  • Ticktin, T., C. Trauernicht, O. Gauoe. 2006. Conservation of Culture and Biodiversity. In three episodes.
    • Ethnoecology and Conservation (36 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawaii, Manoa.
    • Ethnobotany and Conservation in Micronesia (16 minutes) Filmed at various locations on Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
    • Ethnobotany and Conservation in Africa (24 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawaii, Manoa.
  • McClatchey, W. 2006. Science, Faith and Plant Thoughts. In four episodes.
    • Taxonomy (44 minutes) Filmed at St.John Garden.
    • Ethics (55 minutes) Filmed at Kapiolani Garden, O’ahu.
    • Buddhism and Plants (30 minutes) Filmed at Honolulu Myohoji Mission.
    • Christianity and Plants (40 minutes) Filmed at St. Elizabeth Episcopal Church.


  • Discovery Channel Production Featuring W. McClatchey
    • Moringa-The Miracle Tree. 2005. (16 minutes) Filmed in Hawai`i, Mexico, and various locations in Africa.
  • McClatchey, W. 2005. Ethnobotany: The Science of Interactions between People and Plants. In four episodes.
    • Introduction to Ethnobotany (29 minutes) Filmed at Lyon Arboretum.
    • Guns, Germs and Steel (31 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawaii, Manoa.
    • Transported Landscapes (46 minutes) Filmed at Ka’ena Point, O’ahu.
    • Origins of Plant Uses (26 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
  • McClatchey, W. & I. A. Abbott. 2005. Evolution of Oceanic Cultures. In four episodes.
    • Evolution of Pacific Cultures (19 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Lapita Toolkits (36 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Crops in Pacific Island Cultures (24 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Limu (Algae) (42 minutes) Filmed at Waialae Beach Park, O’ahu.
  • McClatchey, W., T. Ticktin & M. Nguyen. 2005. What’s Really for Dinner. In four episodes.
    • Wild Food Plants (25 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Origins of Agriculture (46 minutes) Filmed at Kawela and Waialee, O’ahu.
    • World Food Crops (30 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Cultural Diaspora & Culinary Knowledge (16 minutes) Filmed at
  • McClatchey, W., L.X. Gollin & T. Ticktin. 2005. So Bitter, So Strong! In four episodes.
    • Illness and Medicine in Cultural Settings (38 minutes) Filmed at Wa’ahila State Park, O’ahu.
    • Making Sense of Plant Medicines (39 minutes) Filmed at St.John Garden.
    • Herbal Remedies (34 minutes) Filmed at Wa’ahila State Park, O’ahu.
    • Medicinal Plant Conservation (36 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
  • McClatchey, W. L. ‘Ohai & Y.H. Lau. 2005. Peaceful Warriors. In four episodes.
    • Polynesian Herbal Medicine (43 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Rotuman Health Care (44 minutes) Filmed at Sand Island, O’ahu.
    • Hawaiian Health Care (34 minutes) Filmed at Limahuli, Kaua’i.
    • Chinese Traditional Medicine (21 minutes) Filmed at St.John Garden.
  • McClatchey, W., D. Webb, T. Ticktin & S. Leinweber. 2005.Home is Where the Heart is. In five episodes.
    • Shelter and Cultural Identification with Nature (38 minutes) Filmed at Pu’uHonua o Honaunau, Hawai’i.
    • What Makes Plants Waterproof? (32 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.
    • Hawaiian Housing Materials (38 minutes) Filmed at Bishop Museum, O’ahu.
    • Architecture and Historic Buildings (27 minutes) Filmed at ‘iolani Palace, O’ahu.
    • Home Gardens (38 minutes) Filmed at University of Hawai’i, Manoa.