WCAG @ Bungendore Show

Post date: 30-Jan-2017 07:06:13

WCAG was busy over the weekend. We had our display at the Bungendore Show; raising the awareness of locals to the poor state of our telephone system and the issues of NBN Satellite here. Signed up several more names and emails, so the group is growing. We are also slowly doing a letterbox drop around Norton Road and its side streets too.It was great to talk to people who have similar problems and to link up with a couple of other areas who want to form action groups. It seems the local electorate are not happy about the state of their communications! We managed to have a brief chat with John Barilaro and spoke to a rep from Mike Kelly, we shall be following up with them in the near future. Also good to talk about solutions that are being trialed in other areas and how we might benefit from them. All up a good and productive day in spite of the heat!

Bungendore Show WCAG Stand