Project Update - 03/07/2022

The following is a copy of the email sent to WCAG registered members. We have been having some issues with sending this to those registered with Bigpond or Telstra email addresses, so if that includes you, you may have missed out on receiving this important update.

At an event held in Wamboin on 30 June 2022, the NSW Deputy Premier, Paul Toole MP together with our local member, Nichole Overall MP and senior officers of the Department of Regional NSW, announced that a contract had been signed with Opticomm Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Uniti Group, to build our community Fibre-based broadband network.

Our fibre network is the first of several projects being funded under the banner of the NSW Gig State initiative with the aim “to deliver a metro-level internet service to regional communities and businesses”. The Deputy Premier’s full Press Release is available here.

The key aspects of this announcement include:

A total investment of $12 million to construct the network – made up of $9.5m from the NSW Government and $2.5m in resources and services from Opticomm.

The contract provides for delivering superfast broadband connectivity to 1,352 premises across the Wamboin, Bywong and Sutton regions. This includes Opticomm building, operating and maintaining a Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) network that connects residences and businesses to internet and telephone services.

The broadband network will operate under a wholesale model (similar to the NBN), where residents and local businesses gain access to the internet at speeds of up to 1Gbps through one of Opticomm’s more than 50 Internet and telephone service providers, not directly from Opticomm. Each service provider offers a range of plans with different speeds, data allowances and other features. As these are national plans, residents will be getting access to the same pricing as those living in the cities. See for the current list of available service providers.

Construction is planned to commence in early 2023 with services progressively becoming available.

This is a significant financial investment and one that will greatly benefit the three communities, residents and the many businesses that are based here. It will provide the basis of enabling us to participate fully in the increasingly digital society and economy.

The Wamboin Communications Action Group (WCAG) was formed in 2017 by a small group of local residents who have volunteered their time (and money) to advance a cause they each passionately believe in. Consequently, for those of us on the WCAG committee, this announcement represents a major milestone and the culmination of over five years of effort. It is also confirmation that the hundreds of hours they have each committed towards achieving this outcome has been worth it.

But WCAG is not planning on taking a back seat. We have committed to the Department and Opticomm that we will work to ensure that the project is a success, delivers on the aspirations that the Government has set for it and that it meets the expectations and needs of the residents and businesses across the three communities. In particular, WCAG will aim to provide a conduit between the community and Opticomm throughout the construction and commissioning phases – to support the consultation process and facilitate a feedback mechanism and keep everyone advised of any issues as necessary.

How and when will I be able to connect to this broadband network?

Opticomm is currently completing a detailed project plan, network route design, schedule and various aspects of how consultation with property owners will be enabled.

We anticipate that network services will begin to be offered in early 2023 and expand as the network is progressively rolled-out. As soon as possible, WCAG and Opticomm will be providing information to residents about the planned information sessions and construction schedules.

Opticomm has advised WCAG that they will be adopting the industry standard approach to constructing the network along road verges. As a consequence, the connection into residences (known as the “lead-in”), will be installed by Opticomm from the property’s front boundary. The actual route that the lead-in will be installed across your property will be the subject of individual discussions and agreed with property owners. As touched on above, more information will be provided in relation to the consultation process that is proposed here.

An example of what is involved in this process is outlined here

What will it cost me?

WCAG understand that, provided the installation of the lead-in fibre connection to each property/residence is completed as part of the planned network rollout, this will be done at no cost to the owner. Residents can choose to ‘opt-out’ and not have the lead-in constructed to their residence during the construction period for their street. However, if you choose to opt-out and you (or future owner of the property) subsequently request a lead-in connection at a later time, this will be an expensive process and will be at full cost to the owner.

After the property is connected to the fibre network, owners can then contact their preferred service provider, choose their plan and sign-up for the service to be activated. At this point, we understand there will be a one-off new fibre connection fee of $300 (Incl GST) payable to the service provider. Most service providers typically also offer their own (preconfigured) WiFi routers – which you may or may not need. You should discuss this with the service provider.

What do I need to do now and where can I get more information?

At this stage residents do not need to do anything. WCAG will work with Opticomm to facilitate and coordinate a number of community forums which we hope to run over the next few months.

WCAG will use its web site as the primary source of advice to the community. As we learn more about Opticomm’s plans and schedule we will post this first to that site. We will also continue to provide email updates from time-to-time. WCAG’s web site is at:

More details, including the finalised coverage map, will be made available as soon as these are provided to us.