3 New Mindvalley Courses For Business, Relationships, And Intuition 2024


Remember the humorous quip by Einstein, "Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think"? Now, envision Mindvalley as the gym for your brain, and this September, it's offering some state-of-the-art equipment. 

When I pick a course, it's personal. Over 12 transformational years, I've been absorbing, dissecting, and weaving self-improvement wisdom into the tapestry of my life. Part of this involves studying the authors behind these courses, ensuring their content aligns with NLP patterns, a technique close to my heart, ensuring that knowledge penetrates our subconscious seamlessly. These courses need to not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

At IMHO Reviews, our rigorous methodology for course evaluation is anything but casual. We look at the structure, the practicality, and most importantly, the transformative potential. And when a platform like Mindvalley comes under our scanner, we also weigh in on the collective experiences of its vibrant community. Their journeys, triumphs, and feedback play a pivotal role in shaping our final say.

"Trust your gut," they say, but honestly, the last time I trusted my gut, it asked for a triple cheeseburger at midnight. Jokes aside, there's a vast universe of difference between listening to your stomach grumble for fast food and hearing what your inner voice truly has to say. Especially when it comes to the most critical decisions in your life, from love and career to whether you should eat that last piece of chocolate cake. But how do you tap into this oracle within? Enter Mindvalley’s "Sixth Sense Superpower" by Sonia Choquette—a course that promises to be your Rosetta Stone for translating gut feelings into life-altering decisions.

About the Author

Imagine, for a moment, a modern-day Oracle of Delphi, but dressed in casual wear and packing a laptop. That's Sonia Choquette for you, a woman whose name is synonymous with intuitive intelligence. Why is she the crème de la crème in this domain? For starters, she has penned 27 New York Times bestsellers, has a following that would make some small countries envious, and has trained over 100,000 people worldwide via her online courses. Not to mention, her methods draw from neither rigid scientific dogma nor spiritual mantras but from an innate ability to help you connect to your inner guidance system. In essence, she's the Steve Jobs of intuition; she believes that people don't know what they want until she shows them how to listen to themselves.

About the Course

The "Sixth Sense Superpower" is a 20-day voyage into the world of your own intuition. Each day, you have an intimate 20-minute session with Sonia, exploring tools and techniques that lead you not just intellectually but holistically into the realm of your intuition. It's not just a thinking man's game; it's a holistic experience involving your heart and soul, supplemented with practices like breathwork and meditation. By the time you've completed this course, you're not just "knowing" your intuition; you're "feeling" it. You're living it.

The Problem This Course Aims to Solve

You might be wondering, why do we need this course? Trusting our gut should be as natural as breathing, right? Unfortunately, the reality is far from this ideal. A staggering 90% of people, according to a study by John Mihalasky at the Newark College of Engineering, lack the confidence to follow their intuitive intelligence in decision-making. Consequently, they miss out on crucial business or personal opportunities. You know, the kind of once-in-a-lifetime chances that make you go, "Why didn't I think of investing in Bitcoin in 2011?"

Skills that the Course will Enhance

Imagine yourself sitting at a crossroads. One path leads to a stable but unfulfilling job, and the other to a risky venture that could be your life's work. A year ago, I found myself in this exact situation. My gut told me to take the risk, but my mind spun with doubts and what-ifs. I took the course, and it was like being struck by mental lightning. I took the plunge, and today, I'm running a successful business that aligns perfectly with my passions and skills. This course isn't just about honing a mystical sixth sense; it's about transforming your decision-making, elevating your emotional intelligence, and essentially leveling up your life.

Most Significant Insights

This course can be an epiphany cannon, shooting flashes of insight into different aspects of your life. One such nugget was the concept of the "barking dog" and the "divine self"—your ego versus your spirit. Sonia taught me that these are not adversaries but allies in the quest for an intuitive life. She guides you through exercises that not just stifle the barks of the ego but teach you how to listen to the whispers of your spirit. If you're still on the fence, Mindvalley does offer free masterclasses where you get a taste of what full courses like Sonia's can offer.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

The journey towards unlocking your intuitive intelligence is like embarking on a sea voyage without a map. The waters are unknown, but therein lies the adventure. With Sonia as your guide and your intuition as your compass, you're not just drifting; you're exploring, discovering, and claiming your destiny. Ahoy, matey, are you ready to set sail?

Remember, intuition is not just a superpower; it's your birthright. Reclaim it, and watch how life unfolds not as a series of accidents but as a well-orchestrated symphony, where you are both the conductor and the audience, in awe of the beautiful music you create. So, are you ready to listen to your life's melody? The next chapter begins now, and it starts with a single, intuitive step. What will yours be?

2. The Science of Personal Branding by Gerard Adams

About the Author

Gerard Adams is the Emmy award-winning entrepreneur and founder of Elite Daily. This guy is a Sherpa in navigating the treacherous terrains of personal branding. 

About the Course

Now, how would you like to unravel the business of YOU in a course that does a deep dive into who you really are? "The Science of Personal Branding" isn't your run-of-the-mill personal development schtick. It's an 18-day, 3.1-hour program that unleashes your business potential by harnessing the strength of your unique personality and presence.

The Problem This Course Aims to Solve

We all wear masks. Not just during Halloween but, metaphorically speaking, in daily life. Studies show that 90% of entrepreneurs are fixated on public perception. Nearly 80% dread public speaking, and let's not forget the universal struggle with self-doubt. I've had 12 years of mental practice and self-improvement under my belt, and even I can attest to these masks of pretension. You're likely no different. So what's the remedy? Mindvalley, baby! Their courses, especially Adams' jewel of personal branding, aim to rip off these masks to unveil a more authentic, fearless you.

Skills that the Course will Enhance

Tom Peters once wrote, "All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc." Adams' course is like reading a long-lost sequel to Peters' concept but in high-def video. I remember stepping into the world of personal branding and feeling lost - lots of jargon, lots of vagueness, and lots of unanswered questions. Then came Adams, and let me tell you, his course is in a league of its own on the Mindvalley platform.

The course lays out a crystal-clear three-step formula: First, you unmask yourself, revealing the raw, unedited you. Next, you lay the foundation by identifying your core beliefs, values, and capabilities. Finally, you launch this 'new you' into the world. All these are done through engaging lectures, activities, and most importantly, real human experience.

The course has empowered 8,998 students so far. It's not just a course; it's a transformational journey. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a professional, or a leader, the insights gained here are invaluable.

Most Significant Insights

So, are you ready for a taste of the real journey? I enrolled in this course to dissect my personal brand, an area where I found myself stumbling. After 18 days, I found myself more aligned with what I wanted to say and how I wanted to be perceived. 

The course didn't just provide academic insight; it shifted my paradigm. It was like a mental defibrillator—resetting the arrhythmic beats of my professional identity to a balanced, authentic pulse. This sort of transformation isn't just about tweaking your LinkedIn profile or adding pizzazz to your elevator pitch. No, it’s far deeper. You become a magnet, a force field of authenticity that attracts success, influence, and meaningful connections.

Now, what are you waiting for? Want to be part of the success stories? This course doesn't just stop at telling you the what and the why; it also takes you through the how, when, and who. Envision a more authentic you, a life sans masks, where you control the narrative. With Gerard Adams and Mindvalley, this isn't just possible; it's a guarantee.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

After completing this course, your life will never be the same. You'll gain awareness of the masks you've been wearing and learn to remove them, connecting with your authentic self at a level you never thought possible. Your authentic personal brand is what makes you irresistibly interesting. So, who are you waiting to become? What's the holdup? Your authentic self is calling. Will you answer?

3. Body Language for Dating & Attraction for Women by Linda Clemons

About the Author

Linda Clemons, the creator of this groundbreaking course, is a name that needs no introduction. With over four decades of experience in teaching body language, she's like the Beyoncé of nonverbal communication. Linda is a force of nature whose impact is felt not just in the lives of female entrepreneurs and celebrities but also in anyone willing to open their hearts (and posture) to her teachings. 

About the Course

"Your body speaks volumes," said an ancient sage. Or maybe it was Jane Austen; it's hard to keep track. Regardless, if you want to amplify your amorous semaphore, Linda Clemons has you covered in Mindvalley's latest course. Imagine sipping a mojito on your next date, a woman who oozes confidence, commanding the space with as much finesse as a ballet dancer. This, my friend, could be you after taking the "Body Language for Dating & Attraction" course.

The Problem This Course Aims to Solve

The course is not just about the physicality of attraction; it's like a shot of self-assuredness with a hint of Silva Ultramind System. Channeling a mix of psycho-sensory skills and physical cues, you'll learn to be captivating from the boardroom to the bedroom. Who says a woman can't be both a boss and a seductress? The curriculum unfolds like a Russian novel - complex, intense, and deeply revealing. In just 10 days and 2 hours of immersive training, the course covers an astounding range of skills that aim to transform not just your dating life but your self-worth and charisma.

Skills that the Course will Enhance

Can you picture yourself standing across from your dream date and radiating energy so powerful that they're entranced before you even speak? Your stance, your smile, even the way your eyes flit. All calculated yet authentic, all disarming yet empowering. This course is the secret sauce that will elevate your natural charm and have you embracing your sensual being.

Most Significant Insights

So why should you care about one more self-development course in the ocean of Mindvalley's offerings? Your Honor, I present Exhibit A: personal experiences from the Mindvalley tribe that are nothing short of transformative. Stories of women who, after taking this course, have unlocked levels of magnetism and self-assuredness that have not only spiced up their love lives but also bolstered their professional lives. By gaining mastery over your own body language, you amplify the joy and charisma in your environment, uplifting not just yourself but others around you.

Now, here's a chapter straight out of my life. I was always the shy, retiring type - until I took Linda Clemons's course. I tried some of the techniques, like stroking the glass, touching the hand, and yes, even making compliments, during a casual coffee meet-up with an acquaintance. Trust me, the change was almost cinematic. The awkward silences were replaced with meaningful conversations, the hesitant glances transformed into intentional eye contact. I had become the protagonist of my own romantic comedy, without even having to endure a makeover montage.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

If you're still on the fence, consider these captivating stats: 20,391 stories on Mindvalley about the transformative power of this course, 9,125 students enrolled in just the first few months, and an immeasurable surge in feminine empowerment. Statistics don't lie, but they also can't capture the magic and mystique that is waiting to be unleashed within you. The beauty of your dream romance is yours for the taking. All that's left is for you to reach out and grasp it. Will you?

What Are Mindvalley Quests?

For me, Mindvalley is like a treasure trove of knowledge. But instead of a static, boring curriculum, you have something alive, vibrant, and dynamic. It's a daily microlearning approach where topics, ranging from peak performance to mindfulness, are explored in video-based lessons and practice tasks, typically spanning 30 to 50 days. It's like reading a bestselling author's book but in an interactive, engaging format. It's like taking a superbrain course by the famed Jim Kwik or delving into the mind of Vishen Lakhiani through his "6 Phase Meditation". And speaking of books, I've always been a voracious reader, a lover of self-improvement books. Trust me when I say, Quests are the future!

Is Mindvalley A Legitimate Company?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt. In the realm of online learning platforms, Mindvalley stands tall as a reputable pillar of self-development. Having explored numerous platforms, I can affirmatively state that Mindvalley offers a unique blend of courses, helmed by experts, CEOs, therapists, and even New York Times best-selling authors. Think of Lisa Nichols with her "Speak and Inspire" or Marisa Peer's "Uncompromised Life". 2024 seems to be an exciting year for the platform with its launch of new Quests, continually adding to its rich catalog.

Is Mindvalley Membership Worth It?

Do you want to transform your life in just 30 days? That's the promise and power of Mindvalley. With a yearly membership fee of $499, you gain unlimited access to a buffet of over 70 courses. Be it conscious parenting mastery, personal growth, or even something as intriguing as transformational hypnotherapy. In comparison to other platforms like Udemy or Skillshare, or even self-improvement books by trainers on Mindvalley, this platform provides a holistic approach to personal growth. For me, the value Mindvalley brings in terms of content and community support is unparalleled. But, don't just take my word for it. With a 15-day money-back guarantee, the risk is practically zero.

What Is The Price Of Mindvalley Membership?

The Mindvalley Membership costs $499 per year or if you’re looking for a monthly commitment, it’s $99 per month. Still contemplating? Remember, you’re not just buying courses. You’re investing in a life visioning mastery, one step at a time. But for those looking to delve deeper, they also offer coaching certification programs starting at $2,299.

Can I Get A Refund If I’m Not Satisfied With a Mindvalley Course?

Absolutely! Mindvalley understands that not every shoe fits. Thus, they have a 15-day money-back guarantee for their Membership. If you're not satisfied and trust me, it's a rare sentiment among users, you can always contact their customer support or navigate through your account settings to cancel. But, before you make a decision, let me share...

Recent Mindvalley Quests I took:

Last month, I embarked on the journey of "Conscious Uncoupling". No, I wasn’t breaking up with someone! It was a deep dive into understanding relationships. The impact? Profound! It’s as if Eric Edmeades, with his course on health and Ben Greenfield's teachings on peak performance, teamed up to overhaul my life. The culmination was conscious parenting, which as a fan of mental practices, I found transformative. From helping me foster a better relationship with money to enhancing my speed reading abilities, Mindvalley has consistently proven its mettle.

Does Mindvalley Offer Certificates?

Yes, they do! Upon completing their Quests and scoring at least 80% on a test, Mindvalley bestows Certificates. Not only does this add to your personal development portfolio, but it also provides a sense of achievement, showcasing your dedication to self-betterment.

How Do I Cancel My Mindvalley Subscription?

Although, I can't fathom why anyone would (wink), canceling is straightforward. Either reach out to their diligent customer support or tweak the settings in your platform account. Remember, there’s that 15-day money-back guarantee to fall back on, ensuring your experience is risk-free.

As we come to a close, ponder upon this - life's about continuous growth and self-improvement. Whether it's through a Mindvalley masterclass or an engaging hypnotic session, the quest for knowledge is endless. And while you contemplate which course to enroll in next, I'll leave you with this: "Knowledge is power, but applied knowledge is superpower." Until next time, keep growing, keep exploring.