The Champion Mindset By Florencia Andrés Mindvalley Quest Review

The Champion Mindset Quest is a 14-day Mindvalley program taught by international mindset coach Florencia Andrés. I've been a Mindvalley member for almost five years, took dozens of courses, and there was no single one I didn't like (there were a few that were not a right fit for me, but even those were good). As you can imagine, I was very optimistic when I decided to take one of Mindvalley's new courses. And I have to tell you I was actually surprised. So is The Champion Mindset really worth the hype? Let's see what I found out. 

Florencia Andres The Champion Mindset Review

The Champion Mindset Overview

The goal of this Quest is to develop a mindset similar to the one elite athletes have in your personal and professional lives. Florencia Andrés focuses on cultivating drive, motivation, and an unbreakable pursuit of excellence. The truth is, most of us aren't stuck because we're lazy or incapable. It's our mindset, and it often traces back to school. We were taught to look for mistakes, avoid tasks because they're boring, and wait for someone else to tell us exactly what to do.

A winner’s mindset, though, is completely different. It’s about collaboration, enjoying the process, and believing in yourself to create the results you want. But here’s the kicker—even the top performers face self-doubt, failure, and procrastination. So why should we listen to Florencia Andrés? Because after taking this course you will see for yourself, that she knows how to help.

What Is The Champion Mindset Quest?

This is a 14-day program designed to equip you with the mindset of elite athletes. It focuses heavily on breaking self-imposed limits and building the drive, motivation, and confidence needed to excel in both personal and professional areas. Lessons are short—around 10-15 minutes per day—so it's practical and easy to fit into your daily schedule.

But here’s where it might not suit everyone: 14 days might feel a bit rushed for people who are completely new to personal development. Florencia often speaks from her personal experiences, so it’s easy to relate. She shares her struggles with fears and doubts, just like everyone else, which is where the mental shift happens. You realize that even those who win face the same challenges but take action anyway.

For some, this approach might feel too simplistic. The content doesn’t dive deep into subconscious beliefs, so if you're looking for a reflective journey, it may not be enough. But if you want a fast-paced program that emphasizes taking action and building momentum, this could be perfect.

Who Is Florencia Andrés?

Florencia is a big name in mindset coaching, especially for athletes, executives, and entrepreneurs. She’s known for boosting confidence and resilience in her clients. As an international motivational speaker who’s originally from Argentina and now lives in Spain, she brings a multicultural perspective to her coaching. You can feel the different influences in her style.

I spent six months in Argentina during one of their crises, and it was intense. But the reality is that Argentina has been in a state of crisis for the past decade. Florencia’s background reflects this resilience. Her approach might be fast-paced, but it’s rooted in a reality where challenges are constant, yet people keep pushing forward.

Her method is direct—get things done, and don't dwell too much on obstacles. That works well if you’re looking for practical, actionable guidance without needing hours of theory. However, if you prefer a more in-depth, slow-burn approach, it might not be enough.

The Champion Mindset Quest is about taking action, and while it’s not perfect for everyone, it’s highly effective for those who are ready to make moves now.

Florencia Andrés has written several bestselling books that focus on mindset, motivation, and confidence. Some of her most popular titles include:

These works are part of what has established Florencia as a leading figure in the coaching and self-development world, with over 500,000 copies sold worldwide.

Quest Structure

The Champion Mindset Quest is structured into four main sections, each targeting different mental shifts to help participants develop the mindset of elite athletes. 

1. The Golden Mindset

This section focuses on removing mental blocks and expanding your vision of what's possible. Florencia introduces techniques like the GOAT Mindset (Greatest Of All Time) to help you adopt the thinking of champions and high achievers. Another technique, the Golden Letter, encourages you to write a vision of your future self, reinforcing positive beliefs and making success feel more tangible. This part is all about breaking free from limitations, whether imposed by others or yourself.

2. Outstanding Confidence

Here, the focus is on building unshakable confidence. Florencia guides you through exercises to overcome fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs, so you can face challenges head-on. Confidence isn’t just a natural trait for elite athletes, it's something they consistently work on. The techniques in this section help shift your mindset to believe that you can take on more risks and handle whatever comes your way. This part also taps into how confidence can influence your ability to influence others, a critical aspect for both personal and professional success.

3. Authentic Motivation

Authentic motivation is all about connecting deeply with your goals. This part of the Quest teaches you how to develop lasting motivation by tying it to a purpose greater than just short-term wins. Florencia explains that when motivation is tied to a larger sense of purpose, it becomes more sustainable. Participants learn how to stay driven even when the initial excitement of a goal fades. This section helps establish that motivation isn't just about feeling pumped; it’s about aligning your actions with something that matters.

4. True Grit

The final section emphasizes resilience—what Florencia calls a "warrior mindset." True grit is about sticking with your goals through challenges and adversity. This part of the program focuses on developing consistency and the ability to persevere through setbacks. Florencia teaches that grit is often the key difference between those who succeed and those who give up, reinforcing that resilience is a skill anyone can cultivate.

Personal Experience

For both me and my wife - we like to take Mindvalley courses together - The Champion Mindset Quest was a very positive journey. Having taken multiple courses over the years, I wouldn’t call it the absolute best, but it certainly stands out among other great programs. The first course you take always has that special impact, but this one still brought fresh value. I really liked the instructor, Florencia Andrés. She’s relatable—especially for me, as someone with two kids. It felt like she gets the everyday challenges of balancing personal life with big goals.

One of the things that really connected with me was how the goal-setting process was a thread woven through the whole course. I enjoyed the practical exercises, especially those pushing us to be bolder in setting our goals. It opened my mind to higher horizons and taught me to value myself more in the pursuit of those goals. The structure is simple, yet effective—straightforward micro-learning that’s easy to digest, and we could easily fit it into our days.

I’ve read the experiences of others, and most people have positive things to say. One standout is how much Florencia’s personal story resonates with participants. Many appreciate that she comes from Argentina and lives in Spain now, bringing a unique cultural blend to her teaching style. Others also liked how she ties motivation to purpose and found her confidence-building techniques especially effective.

Here are some common points from others' reviews:

The only downside is that the course is short (14 days), and some participants mentioned that they wanted a bit more depth. However, for those looking for a quick, impactful boost, it hits the mark.

Is The Champion Mindset Quest For You?

I think this Quest is best suited for professionals, athletes, and high-performers who are looking to push their mental game to the next level. If you’re someone who needs a confidence boost or you’ve been feeling stuck, this course provides a structured and actionable way to shake off self-doubt and move forward.

It’s perfect for:

However, it’s not for everyone. If you struggle with serious procrastination or lack of discipline, this course may not be structured enough to help. You need to be ready to take action and implement the lessons daily. It also may not be the right fit for those seeking deep inner work like meditation, trauma healing, or subconscious rewiring. The focus is on building momentum quickly, not diving deep into your past.

Final Thoughts: Is The Champion Mindset Quest Worth It?

The Champion Mindset Quest delivers an impactful boost of motivation and confidence in just 14 days. The program’s strength lies in its simplicity—short lessons with practical exercises that help you build resilience, confidence, and motivation quickly. The system is straightforward and designed to get you moving.

But here’s the thing: if you’re dealing with deeper emotional issues or self-doubt rooted in trauma, this might not be enough. It can give you the motivation to move forward, but it’s not a substitute for therapeutic work. From my personal perspective, while the course is great for building momentum, it may not be sufficient for someone who has deep-rooted mental barriers or is looking for a more intense personal transformation.

In a nutshell, if you’re ready to take action, it’s worth it. If you need a therapeutic deep dive, you may want to supplement this with something more intensive.