12 Best MasterClass Courses of 2024: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

In this article, I would like to discuss the best MasterClass courses of 2024 for writing, cooking, photography, business, and more. Get ready to explore top-rated classes taught by masters in each field.

Whether you are a fervent professional, a knowledge-thirsty learner, a career shifter, or a dedicated hobbyist, we are about to traverse an enlightening journey through some of the best MasterClass courses available this year. And trust me, this is coming from a guy with Shiny Object Syndrome, so narrowing down to the crème de la crème was no easy task!

Mastering the Art of Negotiation with Chris Voss best masterclass course

1. Mastering the Art of Negotiation with Chris Voss

Negotiation is a subtle art that is oftentimes as intricate as a dance. Picture yourself amidst a vital negotiation - your heartbeat is rhythmic, pulsating in your ears, your palms slightly sweaty. Now, what if you had the secret sauce to not only maneuver through that conversation but to navigate it masterfully toward your desired outcome?

Enter Chris Voss. Former FBI negotiator turned charismatic educator. He's someone who has faced real-time, intense negotiations and emerged victorious, managing to keep his cool while parleying with bank robbers and kidnappers. His course structure dives into a thrilling 3.5 hours, where tactics such as Mirroring, Labeling, and mastering the delivery of your verbal symphony become second nature.

One beguiling element I unearthed from this course was his concept of "Creating the Illusion of Control.” Remember how one can subtly steer a negotiation by manipulating the perceived power dynamics? Voss elucidates this with an engrossing blend of theory and practical exercises that literally speak to the very soul of any deal-making scenario.

With Chris predicting we engage in 4-7 negotiations daily, turning these into effective collaborations could not just better our outcomes, but also elevate our emotional intelligence.

Beautifying Spaces with Interior Design with Kelly Wearstler best masterclass course

2. Beautifying Spaces with Interior Design with Kelly Wearstler

Now, let’s navigate towards a different, more aesthetic realm. How does it feel to walk into a space that resonates with you, where every color, texture, and piece of furniture is a note in a visual melody that sings to your soul? This, my friends, is what Kelly Wearstler can help you orchestrate.

In a world that often feels chaotic, our personal space becomes our sanctuary. With sessions spanning the process from inception to fruition of a design project, Wearstler’s course is not just theory; it’s an actionable playbook. When I was redesigning my workspace, I wanted an environment that would ignite creativity yet exude tranquility. Wearstler's principles helped me harmonize my penchant for retro aesthetics with modern functionality, without it feeling like a mishmash of disconnected ideas.

She not only teaches you how to view a space but how to feel it, incorporating elements that merge to create not just a room, but an experience.

Gardening with Ron Finley best masterclass course

3. Gardening with Ron Finley

Ah, imagine this, folks, the serene rustling of leaves under the brilliant California sun, and in this verdant utopia, we find our next mentor, Ron Finley, a man who turned a barren strip of public land into a food forest and sparked a gardening revolution in South Central LA. A man who not merely gardens but "gangster" gardens, weaving the practical and the radical together to sow seeds of change, quite literally.

Now, why this course? Ron Finley is not your run-of-the-mill gardening guru; he brings to the table something fresh, fun, and fundamentally transformative. His class isn’t just about the “how-to’s” of planting, but it paints a canvas that sprouts from community spirit, rebellion, and sustenance. This MasterClass, comprising a lush 10 video lessons totaling 2 hours and 7 minutes, delves not only into the technicalities of soil quality and composting but also narrates a tale of empowerment and resilience through gardening.

Inspired by Ron, I once decided to create my own urban garden, turning a previously overlooked balcony into a tiny, yet thriving green escape amidst the city bustle. I discovered, hands caked in soil, that the act of growing something – whether it’s sweet potatoes or peas – can be profoundly therapeutic and an exciting journey of experiments. The transformation was palpable, not just in the lush, leafy greens that now adorned the space, but in the vibrant butterflies and birds that began to visit, and the subtle yet persistent enhancement of well-being experienced.

Cooking with Gordon Ramsay best masterclass course

4. Cooking with Gordon Ramsay

Can you almost hear the sizzling of a succulent steak on the pan and the distinct, assertive voice of none other than Gordon Ramsay guiding you through each culinary step? Yes, the Michelin-starred chef invites us into his domain of expertise through a 15-video lesson course, which spans a hearty 4 hours and 14 minutes, and trust me, it's a flavorful ride!

Is it worth it? Ramsay, synonymous with culinary excellence and a dash of dramatic flair, doesn’t just share recipes; he provides an immersive experience into the art and science of cooking. While some may argue that a few of his recipes may lean towards the intricate, Gordon brilliantly balances the complex and the straightforward, ensuring accessibility for beginners and a sprinkle of challenge for the more seasoned home cooks among us.

The skills that I learned here transgressed mere cooking. For instance, my attempt to mimic Ramsay’s method of crafting the perfect scrambled eggs (hint: it includes a surprising ingredient – crème fraîche) became a tale of curiosity, experimentation, and eventually, triumph in crafting a deliciously creamy and indulgent breakfast dish, all while inadvertently mastering the subtle art of patience and precision.

Writing with Malcolm Gladwell best masterclass course

5. Writing with Malcolm Gladwell

Now, journey with me into the eloquent world of Malcolm Gladwell, a writer, and journalist whose pen dances gracefully across myriad topics, always leaving a trace of intrigue and thoughtful reflection in its wake. Encompassing a whopping 24 video lessons, which gracefully unfold over 4 hours and 54 minutes, this course is not merely a guide but a gateway into the world of narrative nonfiction.

So why Malcolm? Because he understands the nuanced tapestry of writing, successfully intertwining data, stories, and psychological insights to produce content that captivates and challenges the reader. Skills acquired from this course extend beyond constructing sentences to crafting narratives that linger in minds long after the last word is read.

Imagine the thrill of penning down words that enchant readers into a trance-like state, navigating through the rhythm of storytelling with Gladwell as the maestro leading the way. Having applied these subtle yet potent techniques to my writing, I discovered not just an improvement in reader engagement but a newfound respect for the delicate balance between facts and stories, a balance that when struck right, elevates writing into an art.

The Art of the Short Story with Joyce Carol Oates best masterclass course

6. The Art of the Short Story with Joyce Carol Oates

You may be asking, why should you step into the potentially tumultuous waters of short story writing with Joyce Carol Oates? Well, Joyce, an author whose prose often explores the intricate tapestries of the American cultural and social landscape, opens a window into the techniques that enable her to produce narratively rich, yet succinct stories.

In a genre where every word must pull its weight, this course invites you on a journey to not only learn but to feel each narrative arc, understand the silent potency within brevity, and to embrace the often-overlooked art of what is left unsaid.

In my experiments with short story writing, post this course, I unearthed a newfound appreciation for the potency encapsulated within brevity and the silent, spectral beauty of the unspoken, realizing that sometimes, it is the words left unsaid that resonate the most deeply.

Sales and Persuasion with Daniel Pink best masterclass course

7. Sales and Persuasion with Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink, The New York Times bestselling author and former speechwriter for US Vice President Al Gore is your instructor on this course. His prolific career has rendered him an influential voice in discussing the nuance and art of selling and persuasion, anchored not merely in conventional wisdom but in rich, science-backed strategies.

After you take the course, your sales pitches, no longer stumbling through the void of uncertainties, will be guided by the tactical wisdom Daniel instills in each of his students. His course is worth its weight in gold for its adept ability to equip you with "tactics for achieving better outcomes in any interaction," ensuring that your messages not only land but also inspire action.

Over 16 lessons spanning 2 hours and 57 minutes, Daniel not only shares theory but also encourages learners through a variety of exercises to apply these principles practically. From exploring sales trends and creating resonant messages through "Clarity: Making Your Message Count," to bolstering your mental fortitude via "Buoyancy: Develop a Resilient Mindset," this course doesn't merely speak to you. It speaks with you, ensuring each lesson is a two-way conversation between learner and teacher.

Mindfulness and Meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn best masterclass course

8. Mindfulness and Meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn

A professor emeritus of medicine and the pioneering founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic, Jon Kabat-Zinn doesn’t just instruct; he shares, bringing over 40 years of mindfulness experience into each session. To dive into mindfulness under Jon’s gentle guidance is to allow your stress to ebb away, replaced by a serene awareness that enriches every moment of your existence. His non-MasterClass, as he warmly refers to it, doesn’t just teach; it immerses you in mindfulness, gifting you skills that "help you make the most of being alive."

20 intimate lessons, a sumptuous 6 hours and 30 minutes, where Jon doesn’t stand as an instructor but walks beside you as a friend and guide. From lessons in Hatha Yoga to healing the world, the practical applications are as boundless as they are enlightening, ensuring your journey through mindfulness is both profound and authentically applicable.

Skills you can learn from this course include, among others, incorporating mindfulness and meditation into daily life, employing stress-reduction techniques, practicing Hatha Yoga, and enhancing overall well-being and personal development.

Songwriting and Producing with Alicia Keys best masterclass course

9. Songwriting and Producing with Alicia Keys

Close your eyes and listen to the soulful resonance of Alicia Keys, a master of melody, harmony, and emotional depth, beckoning you into her world of songwriting and producing. The multiple award-winning artist invites you, with open arms and a wealth of knowledge, to explore the realms of musical creation.

The very notion of being mentored by Alicia Keys, a titan in the music industry, is a prospect that demands attention. Alicia doesn’t simply teach; she shares, revealing not only the technicalities of her craft but also the emotional journey that underpins every note and word, unlocking an experiential learning journey that is as heartening as it is instructive.

With 19 video lessons that run for 3 hours and 22 minutes, Alicia unveils the intricacies of her artistic and technical process, enabling you to delve deep into the realms of vocal arrangements, control room alchemy, and the potent subject of sisterhood in the music industry.

Learn how to develop and compose emotive and authentic songs, navigate the technical and collaborative aspects of production, engage in expressive vocal arrangements, nurture and navigate relationships within the music industry, and so much more.

Creativity and Leadership with Anna Wintour best masterclass course

10. Creativity and Leadership with Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour, having helmed Vogue since 1983, is an unequivocal symbol of fashion, leadership, and creativity. She's not merely an editor; she’s a beacon of power and perseverance in the ever-evolving world of fashion and has successfully navigated Vogue through the transformative tides of the industry for decades.

By taking this course, you're given a golden ticket into the mind of a woman who has seamlessly blended creativity and stern leadership to steer a global brand to its pinnacle. In just 2 hours and 36 minutes of visual journey, Anna unfolds chapters from her life and career, giving you an intimate look at the processes, the decisions, and the creative chaos that brew behind the iconic Vogue covers. It's an exploration into nurturing talent, evolving a brand, and making decisions that align with an impactful vision.

The course consists of 12 meticulously curated sessions, ranging from her management tips, and her thoughts on finding one’s voice, to the intricate case studies from her career. One might get swayed by the controversial yet striking editorial decision-making showcased. But beneath the layers of glossy papers and scintillating designs, Anna’s insights into spotting talent, guiding them, and creating a brand legacy is where the real treasures lie. There's an enthralling peek into the creative turbulence of transforming events like the Met Gala, which becomes an imaginative playground for leadership and innovative planning.

The course leans heavily on not just the aesthetic, but the strategic and emotional facets of leadership. From nurturing talent, envisioning and executing a brand vision, to deeply understanding and evolving your brand, Anna ropes in a multitude of skills that are indispensable for any leader in the creative world.

Photography with Annie Leibovitz best masterclass course

11. Photography with Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz, with her lens, has not only captured moments but has narrated profound stories of personalities and times. Her powerful portraits, a silent yet eloquent witness to history and culture, mirror the depths and diversities of her subjects, reflecting her unparalleled narrative ability in photography.

Submerge into a 3-hour and 4-minute visual odyssey where the master of portrait photography unveils the secrets behind her enchanting images. Leibovitz not only discusses the technicalities but envelops you into the emotional and conceptual depth of photography, something that turns a picture from being seen to being felt. The course doesn’t simply tell you about lighting and angles; it goes beyond, into realms of creating concepts, connecting with subjects, and breathing life into frames.

Across 15 sessions, delve into the artistic and technical world of photography, from portrait-making and lighting nuances to studio setups and location choices. Annie walks you through her experiences, the stories behind her famous shots, and her inspirations, knitting together a learning experience that is as visually rich as it is insightful. Notably, her case studies, like the "Angels in America Photoshoot for Vogue Magazine," provide a candid view into the on-ground challenges and thought processes of a professional photographer.

This course isn’t just about taking good photos; it's a holistic journey through creating concepts, telling stories through images, understanding and utilizing light, working with subjects, and developing a distinctive photographic voice. Annie’s methods guide you to not just look, but see, and not just click, but capture.

Self-Made Entrepreneurship with Sara Blakely best masterclass course

12. Self-Made Entrepreneurship with Sara Blakely

Sara Blakely, the embodiment of entrepreneurial spirit and the brains behind Spanx, sculpted her path from having $5,000 in savings to being a billionaire business mogul. Her journey, an amalgamation of innovative ideas, resilience, and unwavering faith in her product, Spanx, has become a modern-day entrepreneurial legend.

Through a 3-hour and 30-minute exploration, Sara doesn’t merely dissect her journey; she lays down a blueprint for how one could nurture an idea into a thriving business entity. Her course isn’t steeped in business jargon and theories; it’s a practical, hands-on guide, echoing her philosophy of "make it, sell it, build awareness."

Sara’s 14 sessions navigate through a plethora of entrepreneurial facets – from developing an idea, and embodying the entrepreneurial mindset, to pricing, positioning, and building a culture that fuels growth. What makes her course remarkably intriguing are the real-life case studies, notably one on Spanx, providing genuine insights into the challenges and breakthroughs encountered on her journey.

Sara's approach demystifies entrepreneurship, pivoting it from a word that's often encased in complexity to something that's tangible and achievable. Expect to absorb skills such as developing and validating ideas, understanding the consumer, pricing, creating buzz, and establishing a brand, among others.

So, dear reader, we've embarked on a fascinating journey through the labyrinth of MasterClass courses, and what an exhilarating ride it has been! As Yogi Berra aptly put it, life often presents us with forks in the road, and when it comes to the plethora of choices on the MasterClass platform, I'm here to be your guide.

We've ventured into the art of negotiation with Chris Voss, where the subtle dance of tactics like Mirroring and Labeling can transform everyday conversations into triumphant negotiations. We've explored the world of interior design with Kelly Wearstler, learning not just how to see a space but how to feel it, turning our environments into sanctuaries. And we've joined Ron Finley in the concrete jungles of LA to uncover the transformative power of gardening, an experience that can nurture both plants and well-being.

Gordon Ramsay, the culinary maestro, invited us into his kitchen, where we learned not just recipes but the art and science of cooking, gaining patience and precision along the way. Malcolm Gladwell, the master storyteller, showed us how to craft narratives that captivate and challenge, leaving a lasting impact. And Joyce Carol Oates guided us through the intricate art of short story writing, where words left unsaid resonate the most deeply.

But our journey didn't stop there. We explored the world of sales and persuasion with Daniel Pink, delved into mindfulness and meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn, and ventured into the soulful realm of songwriting and producing with Alicia Keys. We even stepped into the fashionable shoes of Anna Wintour, who shared her wisdom on creativity and leadership, and we learned the art of photography from the legendary Annie Leibovitz.

Sara Blakely, the self-made entrepreneur, provided a blueprint for turning ideas into thriving businesses, and we discovered that entrepreneurship doesn't have to be shrouded in complexity. With each MasterClass course, we gained new skills, perspectives, and the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the world.

So, as you can see, MasterClass has something to offer you. It's not just about online learning; it's about practical tips, real-world insights, and the chance to learn from the brightest minds in various fields. It's an investment in yourself, your growth, and your passions.

As we wrap up this ultimate guide for beginners, remember that the journey of self-improvement is a continuous one, and MasterClass is your trusted companion along the way. So, go ahead, explore the classes, pick the ones that resonate with you, and embark on your own path to success and personal growth. The best MasterClass courses of 2024 await, and the opportunities to learn and grow are endless. Happy learning!

A self-taught expert in design, SEO and marketing, PR relationships and more. He never completed his university studies due to having to move to the US during his higher education years. Instead, he decided to educate himself through various courses and professions. He became a licensed real estate agent in Miami, certified hypnotist, studied SEO and took numerous courses on writing, design and video editing. Whatever interests him he will explore it further! Vitaliy is passionate about self-improvement loves audiobooks and continues to challenge himself with new projects - currently working on projects related to SEO as well as IMHO reviews and marketing - all with a view to continually improving his skillset. 

Our Editor and Researcher. She has a Bachelor's degree from SPBGU in the field of philology and Japanese studies. But that's not all - Anna also holds a Master's degree from Columbia University in Marketing. On top of that, she is an avid traveler, a big book lover who wrote her own book about traveling on a budget! Since childhood, Anna always wanted to be a doctor so she spends her free time studying the human body and natural remedies as well as ways for our bodies to function better with simple daily habits.

Anna is truly passionate about helping people and giving them the best advice possible - this passion is what drives her work at our company every day! By constantly researching new trend information and staying up to date with the latest news, Anna helps us to provide our customers with useful content they can trust.