Best 7 Mindvalley Business Development Courses for Entrepreneurs In 2024

Business development is like dating but with less room for error. You’ve got to be smooth, persuasive, and most importantly, deeply committed to long-term growth - kind of like how Shakespeare was committed to writing despite all the sword fights and plagues. In today’s fast-paced digital age, continued learning and upskilling are as crucial to your business as having a great Wi-Fi connection. That’s where Mindvalley comes into the picture. With a wide range of courses tailored to entrepreneurs and business owners, it’s your go-to platform to stoke the fires of your business acumen. 

Mindvalley Business Development Courses
Zero to 100 Million by Miki Agrawal Mindvalley Business Development

1. Zero to $100 Million by Miki Agrawal

Skill Level: Who is it for?

Picture this - you’re an entrepreneur, maybe a seasoned one, perhaps fresh out of the gates. Whatever your experience level, Miki Agrawal’s course is designed for those with a burning idea that they believe could be worth at least $100 million. You know, the kind of idea that keeps you up at night, strategizing and daydreaming in equal measure.

What will you learn?

This course is not just an intellectual exercise; it's a strategic road map. Miki aims to teach you how to find, hone, and own an idea that can fuel a high-impact brand. Through daily 20-minute video lessons over seven weeks, she’ll take you from refining your business idea to building your brand and mastering marketing, PR, and community-building strategies. It’s like getting a condensed MBA but without the stuffy classrooms and steep tuition fees.

About the Author

Miki Agrawal is a powerhouse, plain and simple. With several $100 million brands to her name, this woman knows her stuff. She's been celebrated by everyone from Bill Clinton to Mark Hyman. Her accolades include being featured in Fast Company’s ‘The Most Creative People’ and Time Magazine’s ‘Best New Inventions’. So when she talks about building a brand from scratch, you listen.


Now, let's talk time investment. We all know that time is money, especially in the business world. This course is structured over a span of 7 weeks, with a total of 6.6 hours of training. It's like a Netflix binge, but instead of melting your brain, it upgrades it.

Course Structure

The course is beautifully compartmentalized into segments that address everything from finding your hit product to mastering the art of PR. Each segment is like a stepping stone leading you closer to that $100 million dream.


You won’t find pie-in-the-sky theories here. This course is grounded in the nitty-gritty of actionable advice. Take, for instance, the lesson on "Turning Your Idea Into a Prototype." This isn't just business poetry; it's a workshop that gives you real tools to bring your vision to life.

Skills Acquired

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with more than just a stellar business idea. You’ll have the marketing, branding, and PR know-how to make it a living, breathing entity. Think of it as getting a toolbox, but instead of hammers and wrenches, it’s filled with skills like effective copywriting, funnel creation, and investor pitching.

Community Interaction

Mindvalley is renowned for its community interactions. You’ll find yourself amid an enthusiastic network of like-minded entrepreneurs, all rooting for each other’s success. 

Coach Interaction

What’s unique about this Mindvalley course is the level of interaction you get with Miki herself. It’s not a "watch videos and hope for the best" situation. Miki is remarkably accessible, ready to answer your questions and guide you in real-time. It's almost like having a business Yoda, minus the cryptic speech patterns.


For the certificate enthusiasts out there, yes, Mindvalley offers certification upon completion of the course. But let's be honest - the real certificate is the growth and transformation you’ll see in your business and yourself.


The reviews are overwhelmingly positive, boasting not just of the business knowledge acquired but also of the newfound sense of clarity and purpose. 

Is it worth it?

Now, envision a world where your idea has materialized into a $100 million brand. You wake up to the news of record-breaking sales, interviews are lined up, and life couldn’t be better. In this world, you're not just surviving; you're thriving, thanks to your unyielding commitment to upskilling and growing every single day. Miki Agrawal's course might just be the catalyst you need to propel yourself towards all of your goals.

2. Business Freedom Blueprint by Eric Edmeades

2. Business Freedom Blueprint by Eric Edmeades

Skill Level: Who is it for?

The course is tailored for entrepreneurs of every ilk - be they novices embarking on their maiden venture or the seasoned ones eyeing that elusive next level of growth. The commitment: a mere 20 minutes a day for six weeks. Here's the beauty of it, through the intricacies of business development, tactics, and mindful strategies, Edmeades stitches together a curriculum that transcends your current positioning, promising value irrespective of your standing in the entrepreneurial journey.

What will you learn?

The objectivity here isn’t just to sail, but to conquer uncharted territories. Edmeades, with his multifaceted business expertise, funnels you through a transformative journey that betters both: you as a strategic entrepreneur and your business in its structural functionality. You will learn to automate, optimize, and usher in a cascade of breakthroughs, not just in operational aspects but also in team management, leadership, marketing, and emotional and strategic intelligence as a business owner.

About the Author

Eric Edmeades, a seasoned entrepreneur, and a fervent business mentor, hasn't merely flirted with various business spheres but has rooted his flag into them - be it military R&D, Hollywood effects, or wellness through his globally applauded WILDFIT program. A recipient of numerous accolades, including a medal from the Speaker of the Canadian Senate, Edmeades is not just a business builder but a weaver of transformative entrepreneurial journeys. His methodologies, now encapsulated in the "Business Freedom Blueprint," have heralded entrepreneurial success across diverse fields.


Imagine harnessing the secrets to automated wealth, lifestyle freedom, and limitless growth and impact in a structured 6-week program, with each week unraveling a new dimension of business mastery. What stands out in this ocean of knowledge is the structurality - it’s designed to be efficiently intensive yet not overwhelmingly exhaustive, ensuring you keep sailing without feeling burdened by the pace of progress.

Course Structure

Nestled in these six weeks are meticulously crafted modules that will guide you through developing a robust business vision, framing actionable and achievable business plans, focusing on growth through both micro and macro lenses, enabling perpetual business and personal development through Kaizen, crafting a magnetic marketing strategy, and finally, orchestrating a business structure that’s designed for autonomous functionality, even in your absence.


With an immersive learning style, engaging visuals, and step-by-step actionable strategies, the course ensures the transition from learning to application is seamless and practical. Edmeades doesn’t merely stop at ‘what’ and ‘why’; he delves into ‘how’, ensuring that the strategies discussed can be materialized into real-time business outcomes.

Skills Acquired

The course not only hones your business management skills but also polishes your acumen as a leader, strategist, and emotionally intelligent entrepreneur. It does not just stop at teaching you to build a successful business but ensures you evolve into an entrepreneur capable of sustaining and growing it.

Community Interaction & Coach Interaction

With vibrant peer networks and insightful interactions with Edmeades, your learning isn’t confined to the modules. The interactions are not mere sessions but a treasure trove of experiential knowledge, firsthand experiences, and a safe space for curating innovative ideas and solutions to existing business predicaments.


Upon completion, a certification is available, not just as a testament to your accomplishment but as a recognition of the business mastery and acumen acquired during the journey.


With accolades and appreciation from numerous global entrepreneurs, such as Marc Baumholz’s acknowledgment of the massive knowledge acquisition, Elar Häidberg’s recognition of newfound ideas, and numerous others highlighting the experiential learning, the course stands tall with a flag of proven efficacy and tangible impact.

My personal journey through the course was akin to enlightenment where every module was a new horizon of opportunities, introducing me to innovative strategies, from automating business functionalities and devising magnetic marketing strategies to nurturing a business that's not merely profitable but perpetually evolving and autonomous.

Is it worth it?

Given the holistic development, tangible skill acquisition, structured curriculum, and a commitment of just 20 minutes a day, “Business Freedom Blueprint” surfaces as a valuable investment for every entrepreneur wishing to transcend conventional boundaries and navigate through the high tides of the business world with an expert captain leading the way.

Crafting an Enthralling Personal Brand by Gerard Adams Mindvalley Business Development

3. Crafting an Enthralling Personal Brand by Gerard Adams

Skill Level: Who is it for?

The Science of Personal Branding was architectured by Gerard Adams, an eight-figure entrepreneur, with an inclusive mindset. Although the material is unarguably rich enough to satiate experienced entrepreneurs, it is crafted with simplicity and clarity that welcomes beginners, intermediates, and seasoned professionals alike. His 18-day program isn’t simply a guide; it’s an intimate journey, meticulously crafted, promising to unmask the real you and, in turn, transform your business or career through the power of your genuinely unique personality and presence.

What will you learn?

Peering through the lens of a certified hypnotist with 12 years of immersing myself in self-improvement, neuro-linguistic programming, and various mind-and-body modalities, I spot a fusion of tangible and metaphysical learning objectives here. The curriculum guides you through three defining stages of personal branding mastery, aiming to purge illusions, solidify self-identity, crystallize your unique superpowers, define what you and your business authentically stand for, and subsequently establish a resonant personal brand that communicates authentically across all channels of your business. And all this in a neatly packed, 18-day transformational journey.

About the Author

Known to many as a beacon of entrepreneurship and conscious leadership, Gerard Adams, an Emmy award-winning entrepreneur and leadership coach, brings a fresh yet profoundly deep perspective to the creation of personal brand development. His trajectory, from dropping out of college to immersing himself in entrepreneurship, culminating in the development and sale of Elite Daily for $50 million, denotes a journey fraught with practical learnings, all of which he generously pours into this course. His methodology integrates the deep, introspective, and almost spiritual exploration of your “authentic self” with solid, ground-level, practical strategies for implementing these learnings into your business and career.


In a snugly packed 18 days, this program is designed to stimulate seismic shifts towards unfiltered self-expression, courageous vulnerability, and the awakening of your unique capacities and presence in the business world. Adams’s approach interweaves self-discovery, supercharged efficiency, optimal goal-setting, and a myriad of high-impact business skills to steer you toward scalable and profitable business growth while amplifying your influence and impact in your industry. He ingeniously marries solid business principles with holistic self-exploration, providing a well-rounded, transformative experience.

Course Structure

Juxtaposing Mindvalley’s abundant resources with Adams’s profound experiences, the course is sculpted into three pivotal stages: Breaking the Mask (Days 1-3), Building New Foundations (Days 4-10), and Emergence of Your Personal Brand (Days 11-18). In my humble, holistic, self-improvement enthusiast’s opinion, this structure isn’t just a learning path; it's a transformative journey from introspection to external application, ensuring the changes are not merely skin-deep but are intrinsically woven into every fiber of your personal and business being.


Theoretical knowledge without practical application is like a ship without a sail – it simply won’t move forward. But here, Adams provides not just knowledge, but actionable insights, tangible strategies, and the psychological fortitude to implement them, ensuring you’re not just educated but are unequivocally empowered to apply your learnings in the real world, making your navigation through the turbulent waves of entrepreneurship not just bearable, but profoundly impactful.

Skills Acquired

Through a labyrinth of learnings, from identifying and annihilating distractions, focusing on your innate strengths, and optimizing your goal-setting machinery, to mastering a plethora of high-impact business skills like public speaking, digital media dominance, and expert-level negotiations, Adams ensures that your personal brand becomes a guiding compass.

Community Interaction

Despite the inherently individualistic journey of personal branding, Adams’s course does not leave you isolated. Through Mindvalley’s community feature, you are seamlessly connected with a vibrant network of like-minded individuals, entrepreneurs, and dreamers who are walking the path alongside you, ensuring that your journey, while profoundly personal, is never lonely. It’s an arena for sharing, evolving, and growing collectively.

Is it worth it?

Gerard Adams lays down not merely a course but a transformative journey that navigates through the depths of your authentic self, ultimately enabling your personal brand to emerge as an unshakeable foundation upon which your business and career are built. It’s a marriage of self-exploration with practical business strategies, ensuring your entrepreneurial journey is not just successful, but authentically aligned with your true self.

In a world that is rapidly evolving, where the lines between personal and professional are becoming increasingly blurred, where authenticity is emerging as the cornerstone of influential leadership and impactful entrepreneurship, courses like these aren’t merely an option; they’re a necessity. What do you think about marrying personal development with business strategy?

Scale Your Business to Million by Verne Harnish Mindvalley Business Development

4. Scale Your Business to $1 Million by Verne Harnish

Skill Level: Who is it for?

Verne Harnish’s course, “Scale Your Business to $1 Million”, is perfect for businesses desiring to not just exist but triumph in the competitive business arena. You will be given a sea of proven, tested tools and strategies tailored to elevate your business to a state of seven-figure stature – a dream, isn’t it? Crafted meticulously for growth-focused entrepreneurs of all levels, this Mindvalley program is an amalgamation of decades of experience and successful stories of scaling businesses to their zenith.

What will you learn?

The 22 lessons whisper the secrets of People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash management in your entrepreneurial journey. Envision your business thriving in all four of these key areas with impactful, easy-to-implement tools. You’ll dive into hiring, culture, and retention strategies, mapping growth paths, staying on the course of execution, and lubricating the journey with a steady cash flow.

About the Author

The name of Verne Harnish echoes across the business landscape as a supreme authority on business growth. With credentials, that involve founding the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), authoring bestsellers like "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits" and "Scaling Up," and coaching businesses into becoming million- and billion-dollar enterprises, Harnish stands tall as a prolific international speaker and coach. For four decades, he has sculpted over 80,000 companies with his iconic tools and frameworks, revered for their pragmatic approach towards swift, sustainable, and profitable growth.


The course lasts 22 days, with each day unraveling a 10-20+ minute video lesson exploring the principles of fast, efficient, and sustainable business scaling. Here’s the twist – you’re not just navigating through academic theories but immersing into field-tested tools and techniques, morphed through pragmatic application across a myriad of companies, offering immediate application for high-impact, tangible results.

Course Structure

Designed like a well-structured novel, the curriculum unfolds in various parts, starting with an introduction to scaling up, moving on to people management, exploring strategy, executing the planned, and finally, managing the elixir of all business – cash. From the internal realm of developing a million-dollar growth mindset and understanding the dynamics of your people, the course segues into creating strategies that aren’t just on paper but are executable in the real world.


One could argue that knowledge without practicality is like a ship without a compass. Thus, the course isn’t just a monologue of principles and strategies but a dialogue that ensures that these principles are not mere concepts but actions that you can embed in your business model. And what’s more practical than learning from the actual experience? Throughout, you’re not only told what to do but also shown how to do it, making the course not just a learning experience but a journey of tangible growth.

Skills Acquired

From hiring to nurturing a culture, from devising the most optimal growth path to ensuring flawless execution, and from increasing sales to managing profits and cash flow, the skills you acquire aren’t just theories preached in business schools but are the real deal - practices that have been proven to work in the real business world.

Community Interaction

With almost ten thousand students enrolled, imagine the pool of network you'd be diving into! The insights, the experiences, and the knowledge shared within this community serve as an added layer of learning, where your peers become a vital part of your growth journey, imparting and absorbing wisdom.

Coach Interaction

Despite his colossal presence in the business world, Harnish does not stand on an inaccessible pedestal. His teachings, tools, and strategies are disseminated with an approachability that reflects his desire to truly aid businesses in scaling up. His accessibility is not just limited to his teachings but also permeates through his insightful frameworks and practically applicable tools.


Embark on this journey and etch your triumph with a certification, a testament to your newfound knowledge and skills, solidifying your understanding and implementation of scaling up strategies and principles in the real business world.


Many students herald the program for its transformative impact on their businesses. They attest not just to its theoretical richness but also to the practical impact it has had, enabling them to realign, redefine, and reconstruct their business pathways to achieve scalable, sustainable growth.

Is it worth it?

In an era where the business landscape is as fluid and dynamic as ever, understanding the ropes of scaling not just in theory but in practicality becomes quintessential. "Scale Your Business to $1 Million" is not just a course but a journey guided by Verne Harnish, where every lesson is a stepping stone towards that coveted seven-figure revenue. Immerse, learn, apply, and witness your business not just grow but prosper and scale in the pragmatic, tried, and tested world of Harnish’s strategies and tools.

The Habit of Ferocity by Steven Kotler Mindvalley Business Development

5. The Habit of Ferocity by Steven Kotler

Skill Level: Who is it for?

If you are an aspiring and established business owner looking to sharpen your claws in the ruthless world of business by harnessing an unwavering fortitude, navigating through obstacles with grace, and conquering goals with an indomitable spirit, then this course is for you.

What will you learn?

Dive deep into the 5-step mind hack (aka the Unbreakable Motivation) to understand how curiosity morphs into passion, guiding you towards crystal-clear clarity on your passions, and automate peak performance by exploring daily habits that place you into a flow state often, requiring minimal conscious effort.

About The Author

Steven Kotler is an expert at peak performance. He delves into the neural and physiological aspects of motivation and grit, granting students a granular insight into the mechanics of sustained ferocity.


35 days of transformation with lessons spanning 15-20 minutes each day. Over 140 thousand students have enrolled in this journey towards reprogramming their brains for peak performance, motivation, and grit.

Course Structure

The first part of the course - Your Ferocity Primer - explores how to prime your mind for transformations and develop unbreakable motivation. The second part - A Lifetime of Ferocity - culminates insights and practices to ensure that the habit of ferocity is ingrained and becomes a lifetime practice.


Can you imagine your typical day where your actions and thoughts are not bound by inhibitions or fears, but are rather propelled by an unwavering, intrinsic motivation? Steve Allen, a Personal Transformation Coach from Sheffield, refers to this as an ongoing ‘flash of insights’, even one year post-completion of the course, developing his grit, resilience, and fearlessness towards life’s purposes.

Skills Acquired

Learn about automating peak performance and understand the neuroscience of goal achievement through Steven’s unique approach, and adopt a mindset that welcomes challenges as growth opportunities, redirecting fear into a motivational compass.

Community Interaction

Engage with a global network of like-minded individuals, amplifying your learning experience by exploring diverse perspectives and shared experiences.

Coach Interaction

During Bonus Group Coaching calls, Kotler addresses various questions about the behavioral formula of ferocity, making him fairly accessible and providing additional insights.


The program offers a certification, symbolizing not only your completion of the program but also your mastery over ferocity’s behavioral formula.

Is it worth it?

"The Habit of Ferocity" is more than an educational tool; it guides students through the tumultuous seas of self-doubt and external challenges, into a harbor of unyielding spirit and boundless potential. And for business owners navigating through the highs and lows, this might just be the compass they need to stay the course amidst the storms.

Money EQ by Ken Honda Mindvalley Business Development

6. Money EQ by Ken Honda

Skill Level: Who is it for?

Money EQ is a course that teaches students how to navigate through various aspects of their financial journeys. It is accessible to anyone from frugal students to savvy investors. As Robert Kiyosaki, an acclaimed financial literacy advocate, underscores, "Genuine wealth isn’t just in your wallet; it's located in your mind."

What will you learn?

With Ken Honda, you’ll embark on a unique journey, refining your “Emotional Intelligence” related to money, or Money EQ. In a landscape where your psychological association with currency dictates its flow through your life, Honda illuminates the pivotal concept: wealth isn’t merely accrued but also emotionally fostered. 

About the Author

Honda is not just a financial advisor but a psychological wealth-wellness coach, having penned 58 books and extensively explored humanity’s emotional relationship with monetary entities. Being mentored by the ‘Warren Buffett of Japan’, Wahei Takeda, he synergized pragmatic financial strategies with an emotional comprehension of money, establishing a holistic approach to achieving not just monetary wealth, but a prosperous life in its entirety.


The course, segmented into three meticulous weeks, employs daily videos and exercises, systematically building a sturdy foundation before erecting the complex psychological structures that redefine your association and interaction with money.

Course Structure

Week one, "A Path To Happy Money", uncovers your covert financial beliefs and starts to heal money wounds. The second week focuses more on healing money wounds, inspecting, and redefining those lurking fears and subconscious blockers. By week three, you will be creating a new prosperous way of life, where your new-found understanding transforms not just how you perceive money, but how you attract, and interact, with it.


Through Honda's careful orchestration of theory and actionable steps, his process nudges you gently, yet persistently, toward a paradigm where money evolves from a source of stress to a tool of joy and abundance. Business owners would find the transformation particularly insightful – a recalibration of their monetary lens that naturally cascades into their business dealings and strategies.

Skills Acquired

While the curriculum intricately delves into the psychological facets of monetary interactions, it cultivates an emotional richness and a robust mental toolkit that directly extrapolates to practical financial wisdom and decision-making capabilities, harmonizing the mind and wallet in a serene fiscal ballet.

Community Interaction

The course provides not merely a platform for self-discovery but also a communal space where like-minded individuals, each on their own fiscal journey, converge, share, and enrich each other’s experiences and insights.

Coach Interaction

While the pre-recorded sessions are your primary guide through the course, the platform provides extensive resources and community interaction that ensure you’re never left stranded on your journey.


A formal certification of completion of Money EQ is available through Mindvalley.


Vianee from Luxembourg found peace and clarity in her financial dealings and self-worth related to monetary transactions post-course. Silvia from Salt Lake City moved from a daunting $95k debt to a manageable $30k, gaining not just financial relief but also an emotional unburdening that unshackled her spirit and fiscal future.

Is it worth it?

Embarking on this course is not merely a stride towards financial prosperity but a journey towards a richer, emotionally fulfilling interaction with every transaction, every earned (and spent) penny, and every fiscal decision, big or small. Imagine, then, a world where your every monetary interaction is not a source of stress but a step towards continual prosperity and emotional well-being. That is the world Ken Honda invites you into with Money EQ.

Total Self-Confidence by Paul McKenna Mindvalley Business Development

7. Total Self-Confidence by Paul McKenna

Skill Level: Who is it for?

Whether you're an established business owner or a newbie testing the entrepreneurial waters, Paul McKenna's course doesn't discriminate. It’s a holistic guide suitable for anyone wishing to step up their confidence game. Think of it as your personal roadmap to unshakable self-belief, irrespective of where you currently stand.

What will you learn?

With 15 lessons spanning a concise 4 hours, the course promises to give you a science-based system to reignite your intrinsic confidence. It’s designed to help you transcend fear, uncertainty, and adversity. Paul McKenna emphasizes mastering the art of effective communication, goal-tackling, and problem-solving. Essentially, everything that changes when you channel your peak disposition.

About the Author

Paul McKenna is a world-renowned hypnotist, bestselling author of self-help books, behavioral scientist, and television and radio broadcaster.


As I've already mentioned, the course lasts 4 hours and 3 minutes, but don't let the brevity fool you. McKenna packs a punch with an array of hypnotic techniques and transformative teachings, ensuring you receive value every minute.

Course Structure

Engage with three leading-edge hypnotic technologies designed to reshape your cognitive framework:


By weaving techniques from hypnosis, psychosensory therapy, and NLP, Paul creates an actionable, grounded approach. He understands that confidence isn't just about mental conditioning; it's about translating that mindset into real-world actions.

Skills Acquired

Beyond just self-confidence, you’ll equip yourself with tools to tackle problems, communicate effectively, and pursue goals with a newfound vigor. As someone who's dabbled in various hustles over the years, from SEO to PR, I can attest that such skills are invaluable.

Community Interaction

With over 30 thousand students enrolled, you're joining a community of like-minded individuals who are always eager to share their knowledge and give feedback.

Coach Interaction

Paul’s list of clientele reads like the who’s who of the business and entertainment world. But here's the deal: even with such acclaim, Paul’s teachings in this course feel intimate, almost as if he's your personal confidence coach.


While the details provided on the website don't explicitly mention certification, the skills and transformations you acquire? They're your lifetime badges of honor.


I could pepper this with statistics, but let's keep it real. Feedback from actual course-takers, like Nilkanth Jatar from India and thousand of others, elucidates the transformative journey this course promises.

Is it worth it?

As someone who's always on the hunt for the next big thing to improve my personal and professional life, I'm genuinely intrigued by Paul McKenna’s approach to self-confidence. The world of business is tough, and the backbone of any successful venture is unshakable confidence. So, is "Total Self-Confidence" the missing piece in your entrepreneurial jigsaw? Only one way to find out. Dive in and let the transformation begin. Until next time, and remember: all is one. Stay curious, dear reader.

A self-taught expert in design, SEO and marketing, PR relationships and more. He never completed his university studies due to having to move to the US during his higher education years. Instead, he decided to educate himself through various courses and professions. He became a licensed real estate agent in Miami, certified hypnotist, studied SEO and took numerous courses on writing, design and video editing. Whatever interests him he will explore it further! Vitaliy is passionate about self-improvement loves audiobooks and continues to challenge himself with new projects - currently working on projects related to SEO as well as IMHO reviews and marketing - all with a view to continually improving his skillset.