Upskilling News

Do you feel that your age is holding you back from finding a job? Here are some tips and strategies to overcome ageism and land the job you want.

When you're older and looking for work, you develop insecurities. There's a tendency to feel that companies might reject you because of your age. However, the online space brings more opportunities for senior workers. Here are some job search tips when you feel like you’re too old.

It’s no surprise that having high employee retention makes is extremely beneficial for organizations. When an individual leaves, they take both their unique skills and the institutional knowledge of the company and customers with them. Recruiting and hiring new employees can be costly, and it takes time to equip them with the same institutional knowledge that was lost. Meanwhile, as workplace social dynamics shift and reduced bandwidth slows productivity, team morale may start to decline.

If you want to keep as much of your workforce for as long as possible, then you need to find out why people leave their jobs in the first place. Digging deeper can lead to surprising discoveries.