How To Hire Freelancers On Upwork

I was always told that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Then I discovered Upwork! 

You know how the old saying goes: "You get what you pay for." But what if I told you that you could get more than what you pay for? Imagine hiring the best freelancers on Upwork, getting superb results, and at a cheaper rate. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, let me tell you, as a self-employed individual with over 12 years of hustling experience in various domains, including SEO, Video Marketing, PR, and other digital platforms, I've made that dream a reality. And I'm here to share the secret recipe with you!

Making the right choice, especially when it comes to hiring freelancers, is critical. So you're working on an important project that needs a particular skill set and you turn to the vast pool of freelancers on Upwork. But how do you ensure that you're getting the best freelancer without breaking your bank, and still achieving stellar results? Let's dive in, shall we?

Why Hire on Upwork?

Benefits of Using Upwork

Upwork has earned its reputation as the go-to platform for finding high-quality freelancers. Trusted by many, including large companies and myself, Upwork, in all its quirks, has an extensive range of professionals ready to cater to virtually any project you might have. Yes, they might take a sizeable chunk from your freelancer's earnings, but in my experience, the quality of labor and protection offered by the platform far outweighs this minor setback.

Personally, I've used Upwork for various projects spanning SEO, video marketing, and PR. And let me tell you, the value I have gotten has been worth every penny. This platform has connected me with some of the best talents in my industry, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. So, if you're wondering why hire on Upwork, my personal success story should answer your question. Now, allow me to guide you on how to navigate the sometimes murky waters of hiring freelancers on Upwork.

Setting Up An Account On Upwork

Creating an Upwork Account

Creating an Upwork account is the first step in this journey. Head over to Upwork and sign up as a client hiring for a project. You'll need to fill out details like your first name, last name, email address, password, and country. One pro tip: make sure your password is strong and something you can easily remember. And remember, always verify your email address. Now, you have an Upwork account ready for action.

Verification Process

Email verification on Upwork is a critical step that shouldn't be overlooked. Once you create your account, you'll receive an email prompting you to verify your account. This step not only secures your account but also boosts your credibility on the platform. Trust me; freelancers tend to take clients with verified accounts more seriously.

Posting A Job On Upwork

Craft a Strong Headline

A powerful headline is your first selling point. Imagine you're a headline writer at the New York Times. Your job is to lure in readers (or in this case, freelancers) with a compelling title. Remember to include your main keyword in your headline. For example, if you're looking for a Facebook ad expert for a product launch, a headline like "Skilled Facebook Ad Guru Needed for Exciting Product Launch" could catch a potential freelancer's eye.

Set Project Duration

Being clear about the project duration upfront helps freelancers know what they're signing up for. It could be a short project spanning 1-3 months, a mid-term one lasting 3-6 months, or a long-term project that goes beyond 6 months. But, as my experience has taught me, freelancers on Upwork tend to lean towards longer projects, especially when there's a substantial budget involved.

Set Level of Experience

The experience level of a freelancer is a critical component to consider when you're hiring on Upwork. There's a distinct difference between a novice and an expert. Upwork makes it easy to narrow down your search by categorizing freelancers into three experience levels: Entry, Intermediate, and Expert.

Entry-level freelancers might be new to the platform but don't underestimate their eagerness to prove themselves. They can offer innovative perspectives and are typically more affordable. However, they might require a little more guidance. Intermediate-level freelancers have a basic understanding of the field and some relevant experience. Expert-level freelancers, meanwhile, have years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of the field.

So, for instance, you're looking for a videographer for a short promotional film for your business. If you choose an entry-level freelancer, they might produce a creative and enthusiastic film, but it could lack professional finesse. An expert, on the other hand, could provide a high-quality, polished film, but it might cost a premium. The choice hinges on your needs, your budget, and the specific requirements of your project.

A word of caution, however. In my experience, I've seen some freelancers present themselves as experts when they're just starting out. They're playing a game to increase their chances of landing jobs. Luckily, Upwork vets freelancers with a series of competency tests before they can bid on certain jobs. A badge is assigned to their profile, ensuring you of their proficiency.

Set a Budget 

Another crucial step in the job posting process is setting your budget. An adequate budget will attract the right talents and ensure a smooth working relationship with your freelancer.

Upwork provides options for both hourly and fixed-rate projects. It even offers guidance on what freelancers typically charge based on their level of expertise. For example, it might suggest that social media marketing professionals charge between $10 to $36 per hour. This can be a useful benchmark when setting your own budget. Remember, expert-level freelancers tend to send proposals for projects that offer competitive rates.

However, it’s always worth keeping in mind that cheaper isn’t always better. Striking a balance between what you're willing to pay and the quality of work you're expecting is key. I once hired a graphic designer at a bargain rate. The initial designs they sent were subpar, and I ended up spending more time (and money) on revisions than I would have if I’d invested in a more experienced freelancer.

Review Your Job Post 

The final step before your job goes public is the review process. Pay close attention to every detail in your job post to avoid confusion or misinterpretation. A clear, concise job post can attract the right freelancer and make the hiring process a breeze.

The Hiring Process On Upwork

Okay, you have now posted your job on Upwork, and the applications are pouring in. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point, but don't worry, the next steps in the process will help you sort through the applicants and find the best freelancer for your job.

Invite Talent for Interview 

The first thing to remember in the hiring process is that you are not just a passive recipient of applications, you can actively seek out the talent that matches your job requirements. Similar to the way headhunters work in the physical world, you can proactively invite freelancers to apply for your job. This gives you the advantage of reaching out to individuals who have a track record of success in similar projects.

Upwork offers a feature that recommends freelancers based on your job post. These recommendations take into account your budget, the skills required for your job, and the freelancer's previous success in similar projects. However, Upwork's algorithms are not perfect. In my personal experience, it’s important to go through profiles carefully, looking at their portfolio, success rate, and reviews from previous clients.

Add a Billing Method 

Upwork requires you to add a billing method before you can hire a freelancer. This process is crucial, as it ensures that you are a genuine client and your payment details are secured on the platform. From my perspective, adding a verified billing method before hiring a freelancer is a sign of professionalism and commitment. I've often seen freelancers on the platform gravitate towards clients who have verified billing methods, as it signals a seriousness of intent. Upwork accepts Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, and Diners for payment, as well as PayPal.

Select a Freelancer 

As the proposals come flooding in, you're going to have to start sorting through them. This is where your detective skills will be put to the test. You're looking for signals of credibility and competence. Keywords to look out for include "percentage of job success" and "top-rated freelancers". A high job success percentage is a good indicator of client satisfaction and the freelancer's commitment to delivering quality work. A top-rated badge, meanwhile, is a signal of consistent high-quality work over an extended period of time.

Remember, it's not just about the cheapest bid, but about value for money. Picture this, you have two freelancers. One charges $10 an hour and takes 20 hours to complete a task. The other charges $20 an hour but takes 5 hours to complete the same task. The first freelancer may seem cheaper, but in reality, you'd be spending more money for the same output.

Safety Measures On Upwork

When you finally find an incredible freelancer who's ready to jump into your project, you shouldn't forget to safeguard your transactions and interactions on the platform. No matter how convincing the freelancer's profile might be, always prioritize the safety measures Upwork provides. One golden rule? Pay freelancers only through the platform. This ensures a secure, traceable payment and serves as a layer of protection for both parties. As much as Upwork is a marketplace for talent, it's also a fortress that guards against fraudulent activities. So stick to Upwork's in-platform payment system.


As you can see, hiring the best freelancer on Upwork for a reasonable price and achieving great results is no magic trick. It's a systematic process that can be mastered with careful planning, patience, and consistency. From creating your account and posting a well-crafted job to selecting the ideal freelancer and ensuring safe transactions, each step is integral to your hiring success.

Now you're armed with the tips and tricks necessary to make the most of Upwork. Ready to dive into the world of freelancers and discover the perfect fit for your next project? Remember, it's not about finding the cheapest bid, but about securing the best value. Start hiring on Upwork now, and welcome to a new realm of possibilities.

As we always say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Your next big success story could just be a job post away!