She tried to do what?!

Post date: Sep 06, 2012 7:52:0 PM

This week has been a whirlwind of activity! After a long Labor Day weekend, we got down to business. We have now written most of our introduction after some preliminary research. Among our findings is a restoration gone wrong on a painting of Jesus in Spain, done by an elderly woman who took it upon herself to attempt to restore it. The painting was dramatically ruined and can be seen here on BBC. All four of us were shocked when we saw the damage she had done to a relic that has been hanging for centuries.

We each read a previous IQP related to the churches in Venice and found several great sources for us to look into further. We realized that although previous groups have already collected information on the church floors and artifacts, each project only actually collected new information on a handful of the 144 churches in Venice. This means that some of the information we have available to us hasn't been updated since the 1990s! We may need to go back and assess the newest damage that has been done to the floors in the past 2 decades or see what has already been preserved since the last projects.

We met with the research librarian and found some good places to begin our research for the background section of our report. Over the next few days we plan to each research a different section of the background and write it over the weekend.

Our first Italian class was very interesting because everyone going to Venice has had different levels of foreign language instruction and even in Italian specifically. Should be an interesting next few weeks!

Only 38 days until the proposal due date...
