Editing, Editing, and...graphics!

Post date: Sep 27, 2012 9:7:53 PM

Since we didn't have a proposal draft due this week, we focused our efforts on editing the proposal and creating some graphics! Some good news came in to play on Monday night when Danielle found a way to open the Microsoft Access files from 2004 and 2005 and export the data into Excel! We now have details about every visible artifact in the floors of the churches of Venice! If you really want to see the spreadsheet, it can be seen here. To be honest, the amount of information available is a little overwhelming! There are over 2200 rows of data...

We have been continuing to edit our proposal and edit values based on our findings as we sift through the past project data. We have been developing graphics and creating a time schedule for what we plan to accomplish while we are in Venice. Our graphics include a hierarchy of pages for Venipedia.com since we met with the Venipedia team today to discuss the outline of our pages. They also include a GIS image of the churches in Venice, with each church color coded in reference to their status. This is to help differentiate between churches that have assessed artifacts, just a floor photo, just a facade, or no information at all. Another graphic is a bar graph with the number of artifacts in each church as well as a pie graph of the churches.

Like I said before, our main focus has been on editing the proposal draft and adding in final sections to our background and methodology sections. basically, we have been focusing on figuring out exactly how we plan to add information to the Venice Public Art smart phone application and create Venipedia pages for 2200 artifacts!

These next 2 weeks will be busy but only 17 days until the proposal is due....and about 3 weeks until we are in Italy!