8/26 First Post: Week One

Post date: Aug 26, 2012 10:52:40 PM

Our group has had a few meetings in the past week and we have gotten to know each other. Our first PQP meeting last Friday gave us all more insight into what the next 14 weeks have in store for us. We have established a fixed meeting schedual and opened our website. The team alias has been created for both gmail and WPI and was being used to coordinate files while everything was getting set up and running. The google drive is set up now though, with a completed Assignment 2 as well as a draft of a letter to our sponsors requesting a phone call. In addition we are planning to meet with a research librarian the week of Labor Day, as suggested in Assignmnet 2. Overall progress is going well, we took our team picture today as well, to be posted shortly.

49 days until the Proposal is Due...