
Who Will Go?

Prophecy by Dr Rodney M. Howard-Browne

“For I am the Lord I change not”.

And even as I moved in days gone by, surely I will move in this hour.

For even as my servant Moses stood before that burning bush and I did commission him, even so this night I’m calling many of you, saith the Lord.

You see my fire, you hear my voice – I’m calling you to go!

Will you obey?

You say, “Lord I cannot go. I cannot speak”.

But oh! Even this night I do anoint your lips. Even this night I do take a coal from off of the altar and I place it upon your lips.

Even this night I place my hand upon you.

Even the lowliest among you, even the outcast among you, my hand even rest upon you even in this time, saith the Lord. And I call you forth.

Will you go? Will you go?

For the world even at this time cries out, for they walk in darkness; for they have not heard about Jesus; they have not heard about His love; they have not heard about the price that He paid on the Cross, that He gave His all – and they cry out, and they wander into eternal damnation.

Will you go? Will you go?

Will you heed the call?

Will you obey?

Will you listen?

Will you hearken unto the voice of the Spirit of the Lord your God this night? For He calls you.

Will you go? Will you go? Will you go? Will you go?

Oh! The call is made out. The call is made out. Even now the clarion call:

“Who will go? Who will go? Who will go? Who will go?”

Congregation shouts:

I will go! I will go! I will go!

I believe there are people here tonight, you’re not in the ministry, but God’s calling you in the ministry.

I want you to run down here and stand around this altar right now. The Spirit of God’s calling you. Quickly, come.

You, you’re not in the full-time ministry but you hear the call of the Holy Ghost tonight – you’ll obey! You’ll go! You’ll do what he wants you to do! – come.

The world cries out even now.

Come! come! come! come! come! come! come!

You will obey!

You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! You will go! Oh! Come!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!



…to the fields

White as the snow

I hear you calling

I see you sending me

To the fields

White as the snow

So let your fire fall

The anointing fill me

For it’s your will Lord that I desire

For it’s a new day

I lift my hands and say

I’ll go anywhere

You want me to go

Some of you have been waiting for a hand writing in the sky; some of you have been waiting for a burning bush; some of you have been waiting for an angel – but this night the Spirit of God has spoken to you.

All it takes is a decision:

Yes Lord I will go. Yes Lord I will do. I lay aside the things of the world. I lay aside that which others would say about me and to me. I give everything to you.

There are people standing here right now (the Spirit of God says to me):

If you will obey from this night forward, I will use you to shake NATIONS!!

“The glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea”.

But He wants to flow through you to a lost and a dying world.

God’s breaking you free from your comfort zones right now. God’s breaking you free right now.

Lift your hands, the power of God’s, I mean – just breaking people free right now.

In the Name of Jesus I break every bondage and everything that would hold your church back - and I loose you, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of the Living God! In Jesus’ Name be free! Be free! Be free!

The power of God’s falling all over this place right now.

I said, the power of God’s falling all over this place right now.
