
I've Been Healed

Share how you got healed - or how you ministered healing to somebody else, in Jesus' Name

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I used to get bronchitis twice a year. Antibiotics - the works. Then one winter I kept everyone awake with my coughing, so I said to myself, "I've had enough of this". Next night I was in a meeting in Katoomba when the leader said, "There's a healing anointing here." He prayed a general prayer in Jesus' Name. No laying on of hands or anything. I've never had bronchitis ever since! That was 14 years ago. All that phlegm just disappeared from my body into thin air. Needless to say everyone was glad I didn't keep them awake anymore.


A woman in India asked me to pray for her to be able to have children. She'd been married for several years. Before I prayed, I asked the Lord how to approach her particular case. The Lord said, "Tell her I've already answered her." So I told her. And a few weeks later she wrote to say she'd just discovered she was already a few weeks pregnant. Now she has a beautiful child.


I was sitting up the back of a meeting in Ipswich, QLD once when the number "3" came to me. I said to the person sitting beside me, "I think I've got a word of knowledge." At that very moment the visiting preacher said from the platform, "Somebody here has a word of knowledge." I yelled out from the back, "That's me." "What is it?" he asked. I said, "I'm getting the number 3, and back pain." So the preacher said, "Anyone with backpain?" Three people raised their hands. Then instead of praying for them the preacher told them to come to me. So the three people came to me and I laid hands on them. One of them told me he was born with an unformed disc in his spine. I asked him which disc it was, and he said, "Number 3 from the bottom". A few years later I met one of the men again, and he told me his back had been real good ever since, even though he'd previously suffered back pain for many years. Then he asked me if I remember his friend with the unformed disc. I said yes. Then he told me that was his friend's first time ever to attend church - or at least a church of that nature. So the experience made an excellent impression on him.