

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Life-style of the Cross Vouchsafes the Blessing

In recent months I've spent considerable time meditating on the subject of the blessing of the Lord.

It maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow.

It includes health, wealth, inheritance, land, primary produce, gold, lots of children, house, and strong nationhood, etc.

I've also had some questions about prosperity:

1. Does the expectation to prosper conflict with the lifestyle of Jesus and of Paul?

In answer, Jesus said to me:

"If more people lived like me, the nation would be more blessed and there would be more blessed nations".

In other words, living the lifestyle of Jesus can result in prosperity, not always the opposite.

And Paul was a follower of Christ, therefore following Paul can also lead to wealth.

Jesus had to suffer the death of the cross - so we don't have to. We don't have to die at age 33. He will satisfy us with long life.

He came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill the Law. Since He didn't destroy the Law, that means He didn't destroy the blessing of the Law either, because the blessing is part of the Law.

Since He came to fulfill the Law, that means He fulfills the blessing of the Law also, because the blessing is part of the Law. He never abolished our Covenant right to expect to prosper. He came to confirm it - to confirm the promises made to the fathers. He came to vouchsafe the blessing to Israel - and we Gentiles are grafted-in.

2. Is there somehow more sacrifice required of disciples under the New Covenant than was expected of Jews under the Old Covenant?

Is the New Covenant somehow a less material covenant than theblessings promised in the Old Covenant?

Persecution was a possibility under the Old Covenant just as much as it is a certainty under the New Covenant. Many Old Testament saints suffered too, despite the covenantal promises.

But neither Covenant deliberately imposes poverty.

We are more free now, because Christ already made the once-for-all sacrifice. All we have to do now is believe.

The Law points to Christ. Therefore if a person believes Moses, he will follow Christ. And if he is persecuted for Christ's sake or if he sufers for Christ, then his sacrifice would be as much a consequence of his former allegiance to the Law as it is a consequence of his allegiance to Christ - because it was the Law that led Him to Christ.

So the blessing under the Law was not intrisically any more material than it will be under the New Covenant. In Paul's Jewish mind, inner spirituality and external social life are inseparable.

Jesus came to deliver from the curse of the Law. Judgment was due to those who broke the Law - how much more to those who neglect so great a salvation. So Jesus didn't come to remove the possibility of blessing, rather, He came to redeem from the certainty of the curse. Jerusalem could have avoided their fall if they'd believed in Jesus.

The Law, the Old Testament, the New Testament and even pre-Law times each preached the coming of the Lord with wrath, judgment and reward.

The Law and the Gospel both focus on God, on faith, on love, on hope. Both admitted that the godly may suffer persecution on behalf of the elect, like Elijah and Paul.

Both testaments admit times of peace, like what David and Solomon experienced; and in the New Testament, Paul said to pray for peace (I Timothy 2:1-8). Notice that Paul states why we should pray for political peace - because God wants all men to come unto the knowledge of the truth. That is quite similar to why God wanted peace for them under the Old Covenant. Paul slotted the fact and the function of his apostleship into this:

(Apostleship + peaceful government = spread of Gospel)

We can expect an answer to such a prayer, or else Paul wouldn't have exhorted us to pray for it!

Therefore we can expect the same and greater national blessings under the New Covenant that they were promised under the Old Covenant - along with persecutions. And as in the Old Covenant, our focus in the New Covenant remains the unseen, heavenly things, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father; we still live for the unseen, we are still motivated by the unseen, in the same way that they were under the Old Covenant. But with greater freedom now!!

Paul still encouraged people to work, that they may have to give. "Be not weary in well doing," he said.

We don't live in a state of diminished expectation; in a state of any less actualization than they did under the Law. We live in more! We live in a better hope, but not in less actualization than they. Without us they were not made perfect. Even we wait for that which is perfect to come. So both they waited, and we wait. Since waiting is not exclusive to the New Covenant, neither is the expectation of being blessed now. The nation can be blessed now. And yet, it's nothing like what we will see at the resurrection and the coming kingdom!

Did Israel have the "kingdom of God" under the Law? In a sense yes (I Chronicles 29:23) "Solomon sat upon the throne of the Lord". Well if he sat upon the throne of the Lord, it means he sat in God's kingdom, doesn't it? A throne implies a kingdom. And yet they were still in a sense waiting for the Kingdom of God.

Do we, through the Gospel, now inherit the Kingdom of God? We can experience Christ's rulership in Gentile nations similar to what David and Solomon experienced (Romans 15:12). We can also enter the Kingdom in a real way, unlike in the Old Covenant. And yet in a sense we still wait for the coming Kingdom.

Under both covenants, there was a sense of having the Kingdom already, and also a sense of still waiting for it. We are nearer to it now, we are freer, we have more power, we have a foretaste of glory, and we are real partakers of the Holy Ghost!

Therefore the blessing of the nations now, under the Gospel economy, can be equal to and greater than what was promised under the Old Covenant - with persecutions, and subject to the same qualifiers that applied under the Old Covenant.

Some of the qualifiers:

David had to go to war; Solomon didn't.

Israel spoiled the Egyptians; Elisha said, "Is this a time to receive?..."

David was chased by Saul; Nehemiah said, "Shall such a man as I flee?"

David prospered and caused the nation to prosper; Jeremiah was put in a dungeon and pronounced deportation upon the nation, and he himself became subject to the occupying nation with regard to where he would live.

For everything there is a time.

The lifestyle of Jesus and of Paul does not conflict with prosperity - it procures it. It procures it for God and for the brethren, eternally - even if you have to make sacrifices and die in the process. Some men of faith in the Old Testament had to die too.

Our's is not a lesser contract than the Old. It is a better one, far better, even with regard to prosperity and nationhood. The core values of the New Testament lifestyle are no different to the core values of the Old Testament - which is love (the New Commandment) which fulfills the Law. Therefore since they had the promise of prosperity, wealth and health - this promise is yes, and amen in Christ unto the glory of God by us.

Paul's choices were morally no different, and his priorities came from the same values that they held under the Old Testament. (Remember, Paul was actually an Old Testament young man, originally!)

So don't think the Old Testament promises are annulled or destroyed. They are fulfilled! Since Jesus came not to destroy but to fulfil the Law, then this includes the blessing (of the Law), not only the commandments contained in ordinances!

In each of the New Covenant, the Old Covenant and the period before the Old Covenant, the same values existed: faith, hope and love. None of these three values takes away in any way from the promise of health, healing and prosperity. These three values have the same promise in every dispensation.

God still wishes above all things that you, his beloved, prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.

The prosperity that is due to faith, hope and love in not negatively affected by the introduction of the second covenant. In fact, the likelihood of it is increased under the New, because it is based on better promises. And we still look forward in hope to the coming Kingdom.

Everything in Matthew 10:16-42 is true, but the apostles did appeal to law in their defence (Isaiah 8:20); Paul also demanded his civil rights, and appealed (Acts 16:37; 22:25; 25:11). Pennsylvania was a 'holy experiment'. Australia was an achievement.

Go and "teach all nations" Jesus commanded. Who knows if the result of teaching the nations would not be the establishment of the Kingdom of God in a political sense? Social life and spiritual life are inseparable in Paul's mind, being the Jew that he is.

To preach the Gospel among the nations, you have to live among them. If you live among them, you have the right to carry on a business among them. The business is not aimed at gaining a monopoly over the people so as to put them down. It is to help you to raise them up! It's ok to expect to receive some profit for your work. Service, at a profit.

Jesus said you may be welcomed, and if not, to leave.

The motive of our work there must be to honour God, to love, to serve, not to be greedy, not to pud down, to introduce Christ's Law, not our own or another man's. Take the Law of Christ to the nations: grace and truth. Take the commandment of love, which is the fulfilling of the Law.

Jesus commanded them to go and preach the Gospel (good news); teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; be wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Take the Law - the royal law of love.

In the process of preaching this message, who is to say that new nations won't be the result; or that a new political and legal system won't be adopted; or even that new people could begin to dominate in new lands, regardless of race or status or inheritance? This could be like colonizing, only with the royal law of love.

"God lifts up and puts down".

"The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning" (Psalm 49:14).

Is the "morning" restricted to mean the second coming?

It means the second coming, but the day brightens even before the sun is seen over the horizon. In Psalm 90 "morning" is given the opposite meaning - so its meaning doesn't necessarily need to be restricted to mean the last day. Those who are still living have dominion over the already dead.

Taking the Gospel is taking a Law, a testimony, acting as a witness; it is a teaching, an announcement, a proclamation, a preaching, it is good news, it is heraldic.

The "signs" that follow it, done by the Lord, are additional legal testimonies to the point of Law we are announcing, namely - the remission of sins in His name through the blood of the Cross (Iaiah 8:16,18).

They proved from the Scriptures that Christ is the Saviour.

Not the terms "bind up" and "seal". Jesus used "bind" and "loose". He makes lawyers out of all of us! Lawyers proclaiming emancipation, the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of Jubilee, the remission of sins, grace and truth - because of the blood.

I wonder if "bind" means to put in writing, so to speak; and if "loose" means to unseal?

It would be good to study:

  • The values of the Kingdom - righteousness, peace & joy in the Holy Ghost

  • The Gospel - Jesus saves, heals, baptizes with the Holy Ghost, coming King

  • The things Jesus commanded (the new commandment of love)

( Don't be afraid of the things Jesus commanded, for His commandments are not grievous).

Paul was a follower of Christ and he told us to follow him. He told us to put on Christ.

It's the way to live!

By adopting Paul's and Jesus' lifestyle, you will lose nothing that you weren't going to keep anyway, had you stayed under the Old economy.

Instead, you will eternally gain everything that the Law promised, and more!

Living the Paul way, the Jesus way - which is the way of love, the way of the cross - you have nothing to lose (in comparison to what was available under the Law) and everything to gain.

# posted by John @ 7:05 PM 0 comments

Jesus is the One for Me

I went to bed last night reading about the voyages of Matthew Flinders. He was the first to circumnavigate Austalia, and it was he who suggested the name Australia.

When I woke up in the morning, I went to the piano and started to sing that song:

It is you I pursue with all of my being

It is you I pursue with all of my heart

Things of the earth are of very little worth

When we compare them with the richness of the things you've brought us through

As significant as Matthew Flinders' journeys and sacrifices were, it fades in comparison with the riches of knowing Jesus intimately.

There is no-one as beautiful as Jesus.

There is no life worth living like the life lived for Jesus.

As I sat at the piano, moved to tears, I sang this new song unto Him:

You make the blind to see

And the deaf to hear

Set the prisoner free

Broken hearts to heal

Cause the lame to walk

Bring good news to the poor

You are the One

You are the One

Jesus You are the One for me

# posted by John @ 6:51 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Davidic Foundation

Jesus Christ and the Gospel was played-out on the stage of the nation of Israel.

Then Jesus called the apostles and told them to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel, teaching all nations to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you".

God first built a nation, gave them a Law, gave them a military mandate, blessed their health, and blessed their economy - and on this political platform, in this civil environment He introduced Jesus Christ.

It is in such a blessed, Davidic nation that the Gospel life can be lived and where the Gospel can flourish. It is difficult to live the Gospel life and to spread the Gospel in a persecuted regime. In a nation with a blessed government, laws, economy, health and prosperity - the church can flourish. The Gospel is the object - but a strong nation is the foundation.

That's why Paul exhorted believers to pray for kings, for all who are in authority, that we may be able to lead a quiet and peaceful life in all honesty and godliness.

The Gospel flourishes on a good civil foundation.

The Gospel also produces such a society.

"Go and teach all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you".

In the founding of the United States of America, the Davidic role was achieved (David fulfilled all God's will, in a political sense); and in that environment the Gospel was free to flourish.

By the same token, that Davidic role in America was birthed out of the Gospel being preached for centuries.

That's why Christ introduced the new office of apostles: because preaching the Gospel is the most important thing.

Without Christ at our foundation, nothing else has meaning; with everything else in tact (prosperity, good government, etc) the whole reason for it is so we can now live the Gospel freely - and preach it.

# posted by John @ 10:21 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Waiting on God

This morning when I woke up I sensed that the Lord wanted me to work today. At one stage, I felt like the Lord told me to even get my shoes and shirt on ready. I thought I could maybe find a day's work through the Salvation Army Employment Plus - but I sensed the Lord resisting that idea. Whenever I needed to work in the past, God provided the work by making someone call me - it never came as a result of my own efforts to look for work. So while I waited on the Lord on my knees this morning, the phone rang. It was my dad asking me to come and work. I was ready in minutes! And it was a lovely time working with my father. He is such a nice man. And I had so much energy to work, because I felt so good in my spirit about it. I was working from my spirit, not just from my will or intellect.

# posted by John @ 9:46 PM 0 comments

No Glory Like His Glory

The next day after I discovered the truth of the Queensland flag and the glory of the Crown Jewels and the prominence of the Cross on these emblems, I woke-up in the morning and glanced over at the Queensland flag standing on my desk.

During the morning I got up and went to the piano and sang to the Lord. I began to weep and weep before Him.

As wonderful as the Crown Jewels are; as fabulous as is the old glory of the United States of America; as honourable as is the seal of the President of the United States of America; as excellent as is the State of Queensland, Australia - there is no glory like His glory; no honour like the honour of the Lord!

And only Jesus has abolished death:

"They do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible" (I Corinthians 9:25).

In Christ not only is there glory and honour, but in Him immortality is found.

"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Notice it is ok, said Paul, to seek glory:

"To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life" (Romans 2:7).

But the eternal glory and honour which includes immortality is only found in Jesus Christ.

"The kings shut their mouths at him".

# posted by John @ 7:40 AM 0 comments

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Crown Jewels

The Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom are considered to be the most valuable jewellery collection in existence.

St Edward's Crown has the Cross at the top, and four more crosses around the base. It is made of gold and has 444 semi-precious stones:

The Imperial Crown also has the Cross at the top and four at the base; it is made of gold and has 2,868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and five rubies:

The Royal Orb of authority is again underneath the Cross. The orb is placed upon the altar duirng the whole of the Coronation ceremony, while the Monarch swears on oath her submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ:

With the Sceptre with the Cross in her right hand (representing her submission to Christ), and the Sceptre with the Dove in her left hand (representing the Holy Ghost and the church), the Crown is placed upon the Queen's head. Afterwards the Sovereign Orb is handed to her.

In the prophets, it says when God would restore the Israelites, that they will appoint one head over themselves - and this was not condemned. Civil authority is ordained of God. It derives its authority from God. The New Covenant in His blood can become foundational to every nation. He sprinkled many nations. The isles waited for His Law. Kings shut their mouths at Him. You haven't seen beauty until you have looked into the eyes of Jesus.

And He chose twelve, and named them apostles. The preaching of the Gospel, the building of His church, the freedom to live the Christian life - these are the reason for the need for good government, and they are also the source of good government, as well as of national health and economic prosperity and national security. "Peace on earth, good will toward men," was the angels pronouncement, at the birth of King Jesus.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of the world.

He who serves among you, is greatest.

Without Him I can do nothing. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel, teaching all nations to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you".


# posted by John @ 2:25 PM 0 comments

Kings Shall Shut Their Mouths At Him

The Greatest King

The Lord Jesus came as a servant. He poured out His soul even unto death. He sprinkled many nations. Therefore He has been exalted and extolled. He has been given a name which is above every name. His name is King OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. The kings shall shut their mouths at Him, for they shall be told about and consider that which they had not seen nor heard. The isles shall wait for His Law.

The Place for Nationhood

God established the nation of Israel - with it's Law and blessings - as the platform on which to reveal His Son. The Gospel was first announced to Israel while Israel was in nationhood. Nothing that Jesus ever said was intended to take away from the greatness of Israel's nationhood. Jesus Christ is all about blessing nations. In Him all families of the earth shall be blessed!

The Kingdom was taken away from the Jewish leadership and given to another nation. That other nation is the church. Jesus is building His church. The Gentiles are included in the church. The New Covenant is now central to the new nation - to the church - just as the Old Covenant was once central to Israel. The preaching of the Gospel through His apostles now becomes foundational to the church, along with the prophets.

Wherever the Gospel is received, it has an influence on civil government, national health, and on the prosperity of the economy. Just as the Old Covenant was once central to Israel's nationhood, so the Cross, through the preaching of the Gospel, now becomes foundational to civil structure.

That influence is made through prayer, through apostleship, through the preaching of the Gospel.

Since good government, a strong economy, a powerful military and a healthy way of life in Israel were all meant to be the platform on which the Gospel was to be first introduced, it follows that these things can also be the product of the Gospel wherever it is received. These things are also desirable so that the Gospel can flourish - that's why Paul exhorted that first of all men pray everywhere, for Kings and for all who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness.

Therefore nationhood, good government, national health and economic prosperity are not hidden from God's interest. He delights in these things!

The Paramount Place for Preaching

But keep in mind that these things come about only through the preaching of the Gospel. Therefore servanthood in the Gospel, to Jesus Christ, remains the all-important function.

In his youth, Job was like a king amongst the army. Young men fled from him. The nobles kept silence, placing their hands over their mouths. But wherefore did he receive such honour? Because he defended the cause of the fatherless. The heart of the widow sang for joy because of him.

Why was Jesus exalted? Because He humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.

Paul laboured abundantly in the Gospel. Subsequently his writings have virtually founded nations.

John Wesley travelled on horseback, leaving behing the clothes on his back, two silver spoons, and the Methodist church.

Men like William Tyndale and George Washington were willing to die for their cause. They faithfully responded to the call of the hour. The result was the laying of a good foundation for generations to come.

The source of all societal blessing, dignity and honour, is covenant - the New Covenant in His blood. Therefore civil pomp and ceremony is not unimportant, but preaching the Gospel is paramount and eternal importance and honour.

The prophets said that Israel would appoint themselves one head - and this is not condemned. Whether the chief administrator is called President or King doesn't matter - the Book of Acts calls the Roman administrators kings. And Paul told the believers to honour, obey and pay them, despite their imperfections. Jesus also said not to give what is their's, and not to offend them.

Government and nationhood as a goal, has no glory except for being a reflection of His Kingdom and glory - which has been given us through the Gospel. There is no Crown like His crown; no jewels like His jewels; no ceremony like His ceremony; no glory without His glory; no life without His life.

Civil government provides the ground on which the Gospel can be preached. Good government is fertile ground for the Gospel to germinate and flourish in. The Gospel again works to produces that type of society.

Therefore we place great honour upon society - as the civil officers are God's ministers. And as for me, I'm called to preach the Gospel.

# posted by John @ 1:29 PM 0 comments

Friday, November 03, 2006

Flag of Queensland

The flag of the State of Queensland displays the cross of Jesus eight times - twice as many times as the national Flag of Australia. This is probably more times than any other flag in the world.

  • The Cross of St George

  • The Cross of St Andrew

  • The Cross of St Patrick

  • The light blue Maltese Cross in a white field

  • The Cross on top of the Imperial Crown in the centre of the Maltese Cross

  • Three crosses pattee on the base of the Crown

The actual Crown includes four crosses on its base, so the Cross is implicated nine times on the Queensland flag.

The Imperial Crown is used exclusively in the coronation of a new monarch. It was made in 1661 and is reputed to contain gold from an eleventh century monarch. It is made of solid gold and set with 444 precious stones.

The Maltese Cross is identified as the symbol of Christian warriors.

It's eight points are said to symbolise the chivalric virtues:

  • Loyalty

  • Piety

  • Frankness

  • Bravery

  • Glory and honour

  • Contempt of death

  • Helpfulness towards the poor and the sick

  • Respect for the church

# posted by John @ 10:45 PM 0 comments

Activating the Angels

I heard brother Hagin say in a sermon that God told him something like:

"From now on don't ask me anymore for money. Instead claim it - by commanding Satan to take his hands off your money, then tell the angels to go forth and cause the money that you need to come in".

I'd assumed that asking God, or even simply trusting God, automatically put the angels to work at God's command, without us directly commanding them.

But I decided to give it a go.

After calculating that my needs amounted to somewhere between $100 and $110, I made my request known to God, named the amount, and made a conscious decision that the angels were now on assignment to go forth and cause the money to come in, having been activated by my faith.

That night I went to a mid-week meeting at church, and it so happened that the usual leader had been called away - so I was asked to stand-in as the speaker.

During the meeting a helper took-up an offering, counted it, placed it in an envelope, and wrote the amount on the envelope.

Afterwards I noticed the amount: $107.

This fitted the parameters of my request, so I wondered whether the leader would give it to me as an honorarium for having stood-in as the speaker, but he didn't - the leader didn't give me anything.

After the meeting I went out to a coffee shop with some friends.

Later as we were leaving the coffee shop, one of my friends said, "I feel led to give you some money...let me check if I have the amount in my wallet that I feel led to give you."

He opened his wallet, then handed me $100.

Immediately another of my friends standing by said, "I'm going to add $10 to that."

So without me having said anything to anyone, God caused the amount that I requested to come in.

It seems that if we nominate a range of two amounts - say between $100 and $110 - $107 won't be God - it will be the higher of the two amounts that God is fixing to give you!

# posted by John @ 10:13 AM 0 comments

The Cross

The diagram below shows the composition of the Union Jack, comprising of the three crosses of St George (England), St Andrew (Scotland) & St Patrick (Ireland), which is displayed in the top left corner of the Flag of Australia.

To these three crosses the Australian flag adds a fourth - the Southern Cross.

Submitted under the cross of Christ is the seven-point Star of the Commonwealth or Federation Star, representing the six original States of the Federation plus the territories and any future States.

# posted by John @ 9:17 AM 0 comments

The Welsh

The Union Jack, which is displayed in the top left corner of the Flag of Australia, is comprised of the Flag of England, the Flag of Scotland, and a flag representing Ireland - but the Welsh nationality is not distinctly represented in the Union flag, and hence, not in the Australian flag.

But I feel that God made it up to the Welsh in that the entire new Colony was named New South Wales. Originally the entirety of Australia was named New South Wales.

That's a sizeable inheritance for the Welsh!

# posted by John @ 9:08 AM 0 comments

The Flag of Australia

The Flag of Australia displays the Cross of Jesus Christ four times:

  • Red cross on white background (flag of St George)

  • Diagonal white cross on blue background (flag of St Andrew)

  • Diagonal red cross on white background (flag of St Patrick)

  • Plus the Southern-Cross

No other national flag in the world displays the cross of Christ more times than the Australian flag.

Then the seven-point Star of the Commonwealth or Federation Star is placed under the Cross - symbolizing the nation's submission to Christ.

# posted by John @ 9:01 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Where and When to Display the Australian Flag

# posted by John @ 10:02 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We Can Set God to Act on Our Behalf

At the party my good friend Paul slipped $50 into my pocket.

We discussed together that when we were at the Kenneth Copeland meeting recently, we both felt like our spirit wouldn't allow us not to give in the offering, even though Kenneth didn't give any great call for money.

We realized that it is possible for a man to have a covenant with God so that God Himself speaks to men to give to the ministry on that man's behalf.

# posted by John @ 12:27 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 30, 2006

God is Able to Make it Comfortable

To get to the birthday party using public transport, I would need to catch two buses, one train, walk, and then get a lift with a friend the rest of the way. Then I would need to get a lift home with two people whom I don't know. John Coyle asked me to let him know my intentions, so he could arrange the lift home. But I felt held back in my spirit about locking-in the plan.

When the day of the party came, I told the Lord that I would much prefer it if I could instead drive straight to the party then straight home.

That morning when my sister heard that I was going to Ipswich, she informed me that she was also planning to go to Ipswich to visit a friend of her's. So she picked me up in her car, dropped me at the party, then drove me home again.

Then ten dollars which Jacek gave me two days before was ample provision for the toll.

God is willing to make it as comfortable as possible for us, when we but ask.

I was impressed with the beauty and sincerity of Cathleen's heart, at this her 18th birthday party.

# posted by John @ 10:34 PM 0 comments

Ask and You Shall Receive

I was invited to a birthday party, but I needed $9.80 in bus and train fares. I asked the Lord for it. On the way home from my speaking engagement at the Mirikai Drug Rehabilitation Centre that night, my friend Jacek handed me $10.

# posted by John @ 10:24 PM 0 comments

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Coming Revival

The coming revival will be just like how it was when the Gospel first began.

It will be:

(1) miraculous, and

(2) it will attract the attention of whole regions.

Let’s have a look at what it was like in the beginning of the Gospel.

John's Ministry

First of all, look at John’s ministry:


16 The people which sat in darkness saw GREAT LIGHT; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

Notice that the people saw “a great light.”

It was no small thing. All Israel went out to hear John. Even the Romans came.

John’s ministry made such a public impact that Jesus called him “a burning shining light.”


5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and ALL FLESH SHALL SEE IT TOGETHER…

The glory wasn’t revealed in a small building in some corner of the city.

“All flesh shall see it together,” the prophet said.

Yet as gret as John’s ministry was, it was only a preparation for what was to come – the ministry of Jesus.

The Ministry of Jesus

Jesus' ministry was so great that John said He had the Spirit without measure (John 3:34).

John said, "I must decrease and He must increase".

Jesus actually made and baptized more disciples than John.

“And all men come to him,” said John’s disciples (John 3:26).

His miracles of healing and His teaching attracted multitudes.

The Apostles' Ministries

Now let’s look at the effects of the Apostles’ ministries after the resurrection.

ACTS 5:12-16

12 And by the hands of the apostles were MANY SIGNS AND WONDERS [not just a few] wrought among the people…

14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, MULTITUDES BOTH OF MEN AND WOMEN [not just a few].



The Apostles certainly continued in the style of both John and of Jesus – they attracted the attention of whole regions.

And they followed in Jesus’ ministry of miracles, as Jesus said they would:

John 14:12

12 Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Paul's Ministry

We observe the same two characteristics in Paul's ministry:

ACTS 19:10

10 And this continued by the space of two years; so that ALL THEY WHICH DWELT IN ASIA HEARD THE WORD OF THE LORD JESUS, BOTH JEWS AND GREEKS.

11 And God wrought SPECIAL MIRACLES [better than ordinary ones!!] by the hands of Paul:

12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and THE DISEASES DEPARTEED FROM THEM, AND THE EVIL SPIRITS WENT OUT OF THEM...


The Gospel got the upper-hand in society!

People eventually called the Apostles “those who have turned the world upside down” and said, “all the world is gone after them.”

God never intended for the manifestation of His glory to be contained to a little building in the corner of society. It’s not just for a few lucky people who happen to live next-door to a witnessing Christian.

The glory of the Lord shall be revealed! All flesh shall see it together. A river will flow into society!

If there was so much glory manifested publicly in Moses’ ministry, which was all to do with a temporary covenant - how much more glory do you think God wants to reveal through the Gospel, which is the prized and final plan of God since before the foundation of the world!

The manifested glory in our day ought to make the plagues, the parting of the red sea, the pillar of fire and cloud, the shaking of the mountain and the provision in the desert seem small - because it is much more important now.


7 But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:


9 For if the ministration of condemnation [because the Law of Moses brought condemnation] be glory, MUCH MORE doth the ministration of righteousness [the gospel brings righteousness] EXCEED IN GLORY.

10 For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of THE GLORY THAT EXCELLETH.

11 For if that which is done away was glorious, MUCH MORE that which remaineth IS GLORIOUS.

It’s coming!

How it Works

Joel said, “…and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered [saved]… (Joel 2:32).

But notice that is preceded by, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour my spirit upon all flesh…” (Joel 2:28).

It’s all done by the Spirit of God.

That’s the significance of the current move of God. God is visiting the church with a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God to prepare it for the coming revival.

Anything God does in the world, He will do through the church. Because the bible says, “Out of Zion the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.” If God is going to reveal his salvation and glory to ALL FLESH (“All the ends of the earth have seen [not just heard about but seen demonstrated] the salvation of God”) its going to start by a fresh outpouring on his church.

Be aware of God is wanting to do. Discern the significance of all this laughter and joy, all this healing & deliverance and all these visions and gifts that accompany this current outpouring. It’s not just a temporary refreshing. It is intended to result in revival and church growth. God is up to something bigger.


The following is a testimony of the extent to which this outpouring can progress.

I was sitting in a church ready to preach, thinking over what I was going to say. Then the Holy Spirit said to me, “I don’t want you to preach that sermon.” Now, it had a title, an introduction, three points and a conclusion (and I could even have thrown a poem in at the end)! But I said, “Why not, Lord, it’s about the Holy Spirit, and they need to hear about the Holy Spirit in this church.” The Lord said, “This church has had 20 years of good preaching and teaching, what they need is a fresh move of the Holy Spirit. And they’ll learn more about that by watching me move than by hearing you talk about it.”

“So what do you want me to do?” I asked.

“I want the people to experience the Joy of the Lord,” He replied.

When I stood up to preach I said, “I know we usually preach first, but tonight lets allow the Holy Spirit to move first.” I got them singing a joyful song but I had a sense that wasn’t quite what God was talking about when He said, “I want the people to experience the Joy of the Lord.”

I didn’t quite know what to do though, so I stepped off the stage and laid hands on a lady and said, “Receive the Joy of the Lord.” To my surprise she started laughing and ended up rolling around the floor. So I tried it with someone else. They started laughing too. It spread to the whole church. 45 minutes later we had some testimonies of people who were touched, and we discovered that healing and all sorts of things accompanied the laughter!

In future meetings, we gave more room to the Holy Spirit to touch people like this. The laughter became deeper. People were so drunk they had to be carried home. As interest grew, the church started meeting more often, not just a couple of times a week. Even prayer meetings and music practices were affected. People started seeing visions as well. Tongues were poured out. Deliverance began to take place. They gladly allowed it to interrupt their song list!

Finally, young people were so full of the Spirit that when they went to school they couldn’t stop speaking in tongues – apparently including known languages such as Chinese and English (which they hadn’t studied!) The teachers asked, “Where did you learn to speak these languages so fluently?” So the young girl asked God to enable her to speak her own language again so she could explain. The whole class fell under the power of God. Classes couldn’t continue. The next day the same thing happened. Students began to come from other class rooms, wanting to be prayed for. Everyone she touched fell over and when they got up they asked with tears, “What have we got to do?” As she laid hands on them, she prophesied and cast out demons. Classes couldn’t continue for weeks so that the Principal threatened to expel her. She brought students to the Holy Ghost meetings at church, and as soon as they walked in the door, they fell under the power and cried. The TV news arrived to the school to film her. But to avoid too much attention (and trouble with the teachers) she refused. To further avoid attention, she laid hands on her friends to impart the same anointing, so they could be used as well as her – and everyone they touched received from God in the same way. It spread to other schools and universities. Students in universities were on the floor of lecture rooms laughing in the Spirit, under a visitation of God.

Meetings that started with 25 people grew to over 400 in a matter of weeks as other churches began to close down their own services to join the revival. Unprecedented unity was the result. Backsliders came back. Reconciliation was made. Finances multiplied. As pastors went back to their own churches, the glory spread, as they agreed to put aside their programs and let the Holy Spirit move.

One such pastor was opposed to it at first. But finally the Holy Spirit challenged him, “Are you going to let me move in your meetings like this?”

He agreed. The presence of God came in like a mist. Unbelievers walking past saw the building on fire. They came the next day to give the pastor their condolences for losing his building- but there the building was – perfectly fine! In that meeting, they had to put the children outside to allow room for the adults. After the adults had a glorious meeting they went outside to get their kids. And guess where they were? Flat on their backs on the ground under the power of God – seeing visions of Jesus, angels and laughing. The church grew.

Some Baptist pastors came to have a look. When they went back to their own church, people began laughing in the Spirit and speaking in tongues while he spoke, without anyone even laying hands on them. The place where they were gathered began to shake so they all ran outside thinking it was an earthquake. But the neighbours said, “There’s no earthquake. Your church is the only building shaking.” There were some visitors in the church that day. When they returned to their own churches, it spread their also.

The anointing is transferable.

You see, the laugher brings with it the potential for revival, if we become intimate with what the Holy Spirit is wanting to do in meetings and in our lives, on a continuing basis.

Lets be like the children of Issachar who “had discernment of the times and seasons, to understand what Israel ought to do.”

[This testimony, with footage of some of the actual meetings, is available on video].

Letting God Move in Meetings

Having discerned what God is wanting to do, we can learn to make adjustments and flow with it in our services, in order to maximize the potential of the anointing that God is making available in these days.

Some Suggestions:

1. This is not just a temporary visitation.

If we look on it as merely a season of laughing and then we go back to church as normal, we could be like Israel who did not perceive the hour of her visitation.

2. “Refreshing” is meant to be a permanent state of the church. Let’s clear something up about “times of refreshing.” It’s possible to over-emphasize the truth that God moves in seasons by calling something seasonal when really it should have stayed and just been the beginning!

We often hear Acts 3:19 quoted, but let’s look at it in context and notice what it’s really saying:

ACTS 3:18-21

18 But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets,

that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, WHEN THE TIMES OF REFRESHING SHALL COME FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD;

20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:

21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things…

It’s clear that “the times of refreshing” which Peter referred to is the offer made to Israel through the gospel. The time frame for this “refreshing” begins at the cross (verse 18), is received through repentance (verse 19) and lasts until Jesus comes back (verses 20,21). At that time, Peter may have thought it would only be a short season of refreshing for the nation and then Jesus would shortly return. But he soon discovered that the promise included the Gentiles, and that season of refreshing has extended to 2000 years so far. The time of refreshing referred to is the entire gospel age!

So let’s receive all that God is making available and not mistakenly think that revivals are only meant to be periodic seasons of blessing for the church. I believe that what we call revival, God calls normal. Revival can be the normal state of the church. The reason God has to keep sending revivals is because we keep sinking below what was intended to be continuous.

When I was a child I eagerly studied revivals to learn how they started. Then once I became involved in moves of God in churches, I became more interested in why they stopped. In every case I studied or observed, specific reasons could be pointed to concerning why they stopped, and it was never because of God. He wanted them to keep going and growing! But outside observers who were not aware of those reasons easily came to the wrong conclusion that God must have decided to stop what He had started, and then called it “seasonal.”

(Some of those reasons include: ceasing to allow God to use whoever He wants; ceasing to allow the move of the Spirit to manifest at any time in the meeting; pride & jealousy about people who are used; common arguments and disunity; not acting on guidance from the Lord; backing-down because of criticism of the move; fear of man, not perceiving the purpose of God. There are so many examples that could be given of churches that were in the move and were experiencing revival and church growth, then it suddenly stopped due to the reasons above – it was like switching off a light or turning off a tap. And there were such simple, human causes. Then there are examples all around the world of churches that have continued and become famous in their area because of continuing in the move – and again, it’s because they responded accurately in the Spirit and consistently with what God was revealing and doing.

3. Develop and maintain a relationship of integrity with the Holy Spirit.

For example, we sing to usher in the presence of God – right? Then often His presence comes, and we all feel it, but then we keep on singing songs like “Let Your Glory Fill this Place,” or “Summon your Power O God.” We continue on with our song list when all the while God had sent His anointing to do things in the meeting! Wouldn’t it be better to honour the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to take over in different ways when we sense He’s wanting to do that – even if we don’t get to our next song for an hour? Sometimes I think song leaders want to do this, but they feel obligated to do the job they’ve been given to do. Or sometimes we sense an anointing come but we’re so used to having the preaching first – so we override it by going ahead with the preaching and then we often try to re-create that sense of anointing on an altar call at the end. Wouldn’t it be better if the various leaders of a meeting had an understanding that they will let the Holy Spirit do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, through whomever He wants – and all the leaders flow together and make room for each other. We could make room for more flexibility in the order of our services.

4. When we sense that anointing come into a meeting, our usual response has been to keep singing, perhaps with a bit more gusto. We may sing in the Spirit and even dance a little. But I think that anointing came to do a work in the meeting – and He’s wanting to manifest Himself. Singing is only one response. Yet it seems to be the one we do all the time. We began the meeting with singing, then He comes in response to that, wanting to fill people with laughter, visions of glory, healing, deliverance etc – He just wants to fill the meeting and everyone in it – but we keep singing! Some people will still begin to be touched despite that, but most will just go along with the songs. There could be a greater manifestation of the touch of God, however, if the song-leader would instead say to the congregation something like, “The Lord is here to touch you. Now is the time to just receive. Be filled. Drink.” Or another leader who felt to could take-over at that point and begin to encourage the congregation to receive. You don’t even necessarily need to lay hands on anyone. But if you felt to, you could move amongst the congregation and begin ministering the Spirit by the laying on of hands, or by speaking words of faith like “More.” Once Jesus has had His way, ministering to the people, it usually results in a celebration of praise, singing and dancing. Out of that, preaching, teaching, prophesying and interpretation of tongues are inspired, for the instruction of the people. Sermons sometimes get preached that were not pre-planned – but it’s birthed by the Spirit – it’s what God wanted said!

5. At other times you may not feel any special anointing, so you continue with worship and the Word. Then the anointing can be activated simply by faith in the Word.

6. Sometimes when you’re activating this anointing and wanting people to come into it, they tend to do something they’re already used to doing, such as speaking in tongues or singing, or even prophesying. I often say, “This is not a time to intercede but to receive. It’s not a time to speak in tongues – receive. We can sing later. Now – receive!” Sometimes I come straight out with it and say, “Laugh!” In the same way that Jesus said to the man with the withered hand, “Stretch it forth,” and the power of God was activated by the spoken word of faith, I say, “Laugh,” or “Be Filled,” fully believing that if they know how to receive, it will happen. Sometimes we don’t get results when we minister if we don’t know exactly what it is we’re expecting. For example, Jesus never actually prayed for the sick. He gave commands. In the same way, we often spend so much time praying for people when all we really need to do is speak a word of command. But you have to speak exactly what you want. If you want this anointing to come on them, say, “Receive,” or “Be filled,” or even “Laugh.” If you’re not clear, they’ll probably just fall back into an expression that they’re used to. And it doesn’t just stop with laughter, it may not start there either, but it results in a wonderful work according to the will of the Spirit in that person’s life.

7. Sometimes our songs get in the way because they keep us thinking that we’re still asking God to move, when in fact He’s already there. So they actually hinder faith and receiving.

8. We will see new songs birthed which acknowledge what God is doing rather than contain themes which keep asking Him for something which is already here and available to those who make room for it.

Interpretation of Tongues in Song

This is a day of fulfillment

This is a day of “coming to pass”

This is a day of activation

9. This move of God also affects the way we pray. Sometimes God is waiting for us to stop praying so He can answer our prayers. A lot of our prayers are for the Holy Spirit to move in the church etc. Then God is ready to pour out His anointing but we keep praying for it instead of making room for it.


I was asked to speak during a half night of prayer in a particular church. I asked, “How long can I speak for?” They replied, “40 minutes.” I said, “Well how about I speak for 20 minutes and then we’ll allow the Holy Spirit to move for 20 minutes (knowing full well that once He started to move, He would spill over beyond 20 minutes – the meeting couldn’t be the same again!)” They had no idea what to expect so they said, “Whatever.” Well I spoke, then the Holy Spirit filled the church – I mean filled. They were drunk with laughter and received a new anointing. After 40 minutes I dutifully handed it back to the leader, who was supposed to lead them in prayer. When she stood up she couldn’t speak. Everyone was laughing. I was hoping that she wouldn’t just go ahead and pray as usual, because that would be evidence that they missed the significance of the visitation they’d just received. Finally she said, “We were supposed to pray for a fresh move of God – but we’ve just had one! Next, we were supposed to intercede that our musicians would be anointed – but they’ve just been anointed! Everything we were supposed to pray for – God has already poured out! So I think we’ve got nothing left to do but to dance and praise God!” Hallelujah! She caught it!

There have been more people praying for revival in the last two decades than ever before in history. Now God is pouring it out all over the world – so don’t keep begging for it – receive it!

So what place does prayer have? Well, we can ask God to increase it. We can ask God to do signs & wonders out in the community. We can pray for our persecutors. We can ask God to let the outpouring spread. We can pray for backsliders etc. We still pray, but we pray out of an understanding, an acknowledgment, a thankfulness and a receiving of what God is already doing. Don’t pray with ignorance or unawareness of what God is already doing. That blocks faith, and you keep praying for something which doesn’t need to be prayed for but is simply a matter of learning to step aside and make room for. After a church has rolled around laughing, enjoying the Lord, been ministered to by angels, seen visions, been empowered by the Spirit and ending in a great celebration of dancing and praise – then when they begin to pray – its altogether different to if they’d prayed without an acknowledgment of what God was already up to in their midst. You pray from a more informed stance.

10. It’s simply a matter of making room for God to move. For this outpouring to happen in your church, you don’t need to go on a long fast. You don’t need to intercede any more for it. God is already making it available all over the world. Just jump in! Even children are being used.


I was at a combined churches meeting and they had a big banner on the stage with the words “Great Awakening.” When I looked at their program, it was all typed out: Opening Prayer – brother So-and-So – 2 minutes. Opening songs – sister So-and-So – 15 minutes. Special number – sister So-and-So – 3 minutes. Worship songs – brother So-and-So – 20 minutes. Announcements – Pastor So-and-So – 5 minutes. Guest Speaker – Pastor So-and-So – 45 minutes. Offering – brother So-and-So – 3 minutes. Closing Prayer – brother So-and-So – one minute.

I looked at the program and thought, “Exactly at what point in this program do you want the ‘great awakening’ to take place?” I so much wanted to get up and show them how to make it happen, but I wasn’t a speaker that day.

At another combined churches meeting, a similar thing happened. But this time they gave me a chance to speak right at the end. I stood and said, “Today you’ve sung about revival, you’ve prayed for revival, you’ve had a special song about revival, and you’ve preached about revival. Now, would you like to have a revival?” They looked at me weird. Then I said, “You’ve spent 40 minutes singing and 40 minutes preaching, wanting revival. Now God is saying, “OK, I’ll give it to you.” But then you would have closed the meeting by now, if it wasn’t for your feeling of obligation to give me the courtesy of speaking just because you know I’m a missionary. Since we spent 40 minutes singing and 40 minutes preaching, do you think we could now give the Holy Spirit just 20 minutes to respond to us?” They all agreed. But once it started, it went much longer than 20 minutes. They didn’t want to stop. They were laughing, crying, getting filled and it didn’t stop there. Finally I exhorted them to get into the habit of deliberately making room in their services for God to move the way they’ve always wanted Him to. That’s all the Holy Spirit is waiting for.

11. The Welsh Revival saw about 200 000 people added to the churches in two years, yet there was hardly any preaching or leadership in the revival. It all happened because the young 27 year old revivalist, Evan Roberts, held meetings where he simply said, “Obey the Holy Spirit.”

12. Find out what is happening to people after their experience, and if they’ve been given specific guidance, help them to put action to it. One of the criticisms of this move of God is that it hasn’t resulted in evangelism or church growth in some places. But through good leadership, we can channel what God is doing into real work for God. Saul is a scriptural example of how being “slain in the spirit” can result in action for God:

ACTS 26:13-20

13 At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me.

14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying…[then Jesus called him into the ministry – lets pick it up at Verse 16]

16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness…


20 But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent…

Saul had a spiritual experience, a heavenly vision, but then he put action to it, he was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.

In the same way, we can encourage people to get up off the floor and go and obey any direction they’ve received.


In one church, we had some testimonies after the people had a time of laughing and enjoying the Lord. One guy said, “I was laughing and I saw a vision of myself leading an evangelistic team along a mountain.” I said, “Fine – when are you going?” He hadn’t even thought of doing anything about it! I said, “I want you to go to your pastor and make a definite plan to obey that vision.” A couple of months later I was back in that church and I found the young man and asked him, “What ever happened about your vision, did you go?” He said, “Yes. We took a team for two weeks. And many people came to Christ!”

In another church, a girl was crying then laughing then crying again. We asked her afterwards what was happening. She said, “I was crying because I saw a vision of my sister tied in chains by a demon. Then an angel came and beat off the demon and untied my sister. So I was laughing at the demon. Then some demons came and fought off the angel and proceeded to tie up my sister again. They were trying to drag her to the end of a waterfall at the bottom of which was a river of flames. So I cried again. God told me, “I want you to go and share the gospel with your sister.” So she went and told her sister about the vision and she cried and hugged her and received Christ.

In the same church, the first person to start laughing was an eleven year old boy. God told him to preach to his teacher and class. So at school, he told them about Jesus and led them to Christ in prayer. Then they all started laughing!

In this way, you go from laughter to real results – by acting on the heavenly vision. You’ll go out in a new anointing that you haven’t known before.

13. Settle it in your heart that it’s not because of you that people are touched, neither is it your fault if they’re not. You can go to some meetings and all heaven breaks loose. In other places not much happens at all, and you can start wondering, “Maybe I didn’t pray enough.” No. There was probably some reason why they weren’t accepting it so easily, such as being unsure about the whole move, or having their minds on the program or the dinner that was to follow. Sometimes you can think, “Well maybe God just wanted to do something different tonight.” Maybe, but usually its just that they were having trouble receiving. Atleast you’ve done your part.

14. As God leads you in the future, always maintain a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Let Him guide in everything. He is the director of the church and of all ministry. Stay soft and sensitive. Follow even when it costs.

15. Remember the most important thing is love. If we make love our goal, everything else will follow – the manifestation of the Spirit, and souls being saved.

16. As you go on in this revival, share with us what you learn along the way!

# posted by John @ 5:07 PM 0 comments

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mirikai Drug Rehabilitation Centre

Jacek invited me to minister the Holy Spirit to the residents of Mirikai Drug Rehabilitation Centre tonight.

I was very impressed with how immaculately clean the place was and with the friendly atmosphere.

We sung worship songs about Jesus. I shared the Word. Three people got saved. Then we laid hands on everyone who asked for it.

Afterwards many of the residents shared testimonies about the touch from the Holy Spirit they just received.

# posted by John @ 10:03 PM 0 comments

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Key

Dr Paul Payton ministered on the guitar at the congregational meeting Wednesday night. Michael also invited people forward for the laying-on of hands. Because there was no loud music to distract the congregation's attention away from the work of the Holy Spirit, His work kept getting deeper and more widespread and more profound as the meeting wore on. We were able to hear and therefore participate in and respond to what the Holy Spirit was doing amongst the congregation. Prophetic words, interpretations of tongues or words of knowledge were shared from the stage, the floor, the front, the back, from leaders and the congregation alike. Not one person was untouched, and the unity deepened as time went on.

All this was attained simply because the music did not dominate. Quite often in the past, the music is so dominant that the congregation's focus is on what is coming out of the speakers suspended from the ceiling. A few people have hands laid on them, they fall to the floor, meanwhile everyone else is a spectator or they merely keep singing, and then we all go home.

Last night, however, the music served a supportive role, rather than a dominant role, over the work of the Holy Spirit in the building. Therefore rather than the "altar call" and the laying-on of hands being the peak of the meeting, it became just the beginning of a deepening interraction with the Holy Spirit amongst the Body, as the meeting progressed.

Often the key to seeing a greater manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our meetings is something practical - it may not be that we need to fast more or that we may be missing something spiritual - often the problem is simply the music, or our focus on the music, instead of on the other operations of the Spirit of God.

# posted by John @ 9:38 AM 0 comments

His Gifts Are Perfect

I prayed about the fuel efficiency of the car the Lord gave me. It hadn't been performing too efficiently. For quite a while I just accepted it. But occassionally I wondered whether the Lord would really intend giving me a car which performed so inefficiently. Since praying about it, the car is performing nearly 30% more efficiently. It occurred to me to check the air in the tyres, and one of them was quite low. Truly "every good and perfect gift cometh down from the father of lights".

# posted by John @ 9:34 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

An Early Lesson

One day I was at Metro Church, and the offering was being taken-up. Instead of putting my offering in the container that was being passed around, I felt led to give $5 to my nephew David, after the meeting.

When I gave it to him, his face lit up. He told me that he had spent five dollars on a present for his mother, and from memory, I think he'd made a point (by faith) of seeing what the outcome would be.

And now I approached him, telling him that the Lord had led me to give him that very amount. He thought it was amazing.

# posted by John @ 6:11 PM 0 comments

A Significant Offering

I was reminded the other night about the first time I met Bennett at the D-House.

After talking to him for some time, I said goodbye and left. Whilst I was walking down the steps, the Holy Spirit told me to go back and give him 20 cents (or it may have been 25 cents - something small like that).

So I went back and gave it to him. Sometimes it's harder giving an unusually small offering like that, than it is to give $10 - because it seems ridiculous.

But as soon as I gave it to him he smiled. He had given his last twenty cents (or twenty-five cents, whatever it was) in the offering the Sunday before. From memory, I think Bennett said that when he gave the offering, in his mind he was testing the promise, "Give and it shall be given unto you".

So now I turn up saying, "The Lord told me to give you this" - the same amount.

That was a sign to him, a new believer.

It was possibly one of the most significant offerings I've ever given!

# posted by John @ 6:06 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 02, 2006

Going With the Holy Ghost

Last night after church Michael and Corinne went to a coffee shop with a young man whom they are discipling. The young man shared about the profound touch of God he felt one Sunday night when Michael was ministering. That particular night, Michael had begun his ministry by telling the church that although he had a sermon prepared, God was telling him to take his hands off and just let the Holy Spirit dictate the proceedings of the meeting. As a result of Michael's sensitivity and obedience, the Holy Spirit really moved that night. After that meeting though, Michael said he was tempted to feel silly about what he'd done, or hadn't done. So when this young man shared tonight about the profound touch of God he felt that night, and about how he'd talked about it with others for a long time afterwards, it was encouraging to Michael, and also to me. It just goes to show how valid and how expedient it is to lay down our natural mind, and let the Holy Spirit have His way. Michael and I both agreed that had he preached that night instead, no matter how brilliant it was, it probably wouldn't have been talked about for as long afterwards. Going with the Holy Ghost is always the way to go! How kind of the Lord to encourage Michael - and it was refreshing to me also - to hear, these many weeks afterwards, of the fruit that came as a result of going with the Holy Ghost.

# posted by John @ 3:21 PM 0 comments

God's Hand Was In It

Pati and her two friends from Sydney, Bernie and Jenny, came to church in the morning. They brought two girls with them, one from Japan and one from America, whom they'd met whilst kayaking on Friday. Amazingly, both the girls were also holidaying from Sydney, where they study at Macquarie University, where Pati's church conducts a regular outreach. God so obviously had a hand in it!

And after we shared lunch together, together with some of the Transformation boys, Pati and her two friends left for Coolangatta, and I drove the two students into Surfers where they were to catch a bus at 4pm. On the way, one of the girls noticed she'd left her coat with Pati. This, I thought, could have happened providentially, or atleast God will work it together for good - because now the girl will have to get in touch with Pati again once she's back in Sydney! And I learned that the other girl had previously shared a flat with a Christian, who had once taken her to the Hillsong Conference.

God had a hand in it all along.

# posted by John @ 3:16 PM 0 comments

Saturday, September 30, 2006

God Has His Way

I've been sensing that the Lord wants me to have some further involvement with the Greek church in Brisbane. I committed this unto Him, but I didn't know how it would come about. Then my phone rang. It was Pati, inviting me to join her and and two of her friends from Sydney, with Alex and George and their families as well as pastor Arthur and Ruth, in Surfers Paradise. That evening, pastor George said to Alex, "We should get John up again to speak at our Bible Study". God has his way of getting us together again, when He wants it!

# posted by John @ 10:10 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

They've Come a Long Way

Today when I dropped my youngest nephew PJ at King's Vacation Care, I noticed the nice landscaping surrounding the many buildings of King's Christian Centre.

I remember the day many years ago when Pastor Kindah Greening announced that he had started a Christian school in a back room of the church, with six students!

# posted by John @ 10:35 AM 0 comments


It occurred to me that the time I was recently led of the Spirit to visit the Heritage City Community Church, was actually the time of the anniversary of our moving onto the premises of the Old Suttons Foundry to turn the buildings into the new home for the church. So without realizing it, the Spirit was actually making me part of Jesus' celebrations!

# posted by John @ 10:15 AM 0 comments

The Way They've Always Done It

I noticed that the Greek Evangelical Church where I preached in Brisbane also has a box for offerings, placed in the sanctuary near the foyer. As I watched one of the deacons, I presume, unlocking the lid to collect the money after the meeting, it was explained to me, "That's the way we've always done it here - we couldn't imagine passing a bag around to collect the offering". And looking at the freshly painted walls and the polished wooden floor in this piece of prize real estate, they obviously haven't done too badly by using this approach.

# posted by John @ 9:00 AM 0 comments

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Pastors Were Amazed

When Ron Surtees took me for a tour of the recent developments at Heritage City Community Church, I noticed in the foyer of the auditorium two slots: one entitled, "Tithes and Offerings"; the other entitled, "Missions".

Ron explained that Pastor Phillip felt it was taking up too much time to collect offerings during the services - so they no longer do so. Instead, the congregation is free to place whatever offering they want to give as they enter or leave the building.

Ron commented that ever since the change in procedure, the weekly offering immediately rose dramatically, including the missions offering, and it has stayed consistently at the higher level.

Pastor Carl Mutzelburg said that he shared this at a recent Pastors' meeting, much to the amazement of the other pastors present.

# posted by John @ 8:31 AM 0 comments

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Just When You Thought It Was Over...

Tonight at the Surfcity Christian Church Pastor Richard preached a Gospel message, and one person repented. Then the Pastor asked the whole church forward to commit ourselves seriously to our task of preaching the Gospel to a lost world. Then the Pastor said, "Just when you thought the meeting was over..." and the Holy Spirit's anointing started to manifest. With that the Pastor began to lay hands on the people, many of whom fell to the floor under the power of the Spirit, laughing or crying as the Spirit touched their lives. An hour or more after the meeting was formally closed, two people were still under a special anointing of the Holy Spirit, and through them, a greater anointing was spread to others. As we were leaving the church, one young man was heard to say, "This is the best church service we've had in a long time".

# posted by John @ 10:18 PM 0 comments

Friday, September 22, 2006

New Surfcity Centre

New Surfcity Centre

Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

The former Hoyts Cinema complex has recently been carpeted, painted and tiled. The road outside was blocked at 4am so a crane could hoist the new airconditioning units onto the roof, which were provided for the church at an incredibly good price. The middle wall between two cinemas has been removed, making room for the new 700-seat auditorium - right in the heart of Queensland's Surfers Paradise.

# posted by John @ 8:38 AM 0 comments

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Trust the Inner Witness

Someone informed me that Scott would be returning to China on the Friday. I wondered about this because in my spirit I sensed that I was to do a few days work for him and to spend about a week-and-a-half in Ipswich. It didn't seem to fit.

Then I felt released by the Spirit to phone Scott. I learned that he wasn't able to get flights and his departure was delayed.

And the next day Scott phoned me back and asked me to work for him and told me that he'd arranged accomodation at his mother's place.

I stayed in Ipswich until the day before he left for China. I was there nearly a week-and-a-half. It all turned-out exactly as I'd sensed in my spirit from the start.

Truly we can safely make our plans based not on appearances, but on the inner witness.

# posted by John @ 1:02 PM 0 comments

He Leadeth Me

When Beryl and I arrived at Jeff & Shirley Lloyd's place at Karalee, we had a conversation that ministered to Shirley in a way that I perceived to be the beginning of the type of contribution which the Lord had ordained for me to make during this trip to Ipswich.

Then I went for a drive into Ipswich-proper when the Lord clearly influenced me to visit Heritage City Community Church, even though this wasn't something I had in mind. Just as I was talking with the receptionist, Ron Surtees walked by, and offered to take me for a tour of the property's recent development. Then his wife Lyn saw me and said, "We were just talking about you last week", and she invited me to have lunch with the staff. I saw Pastor Phillip, and Mandy made me a delicious sandwich; Larry and Chris Cummins were there; as were Kevin and Anne Thomas, and others. What a heart-warming blessing to have been able to see so many of the people I know in my old church in one hour.

I went away feeling delighted and full in my heart, thinking that contrary to apparent likelihood, God is able to prepare a lavish welcome-table for us in the place to which He leads us by His Spirit.

# posted by John @ 12:57 PM 0 comments

The Lord Helped Me To Go

When I began to feel that the Lord wanted me to go to Ipswich, I asked Him to confirm it at the Soak. Michael Barrett prophesied a confirming word. So did Jolon. Then Zion prophesied that God is sending me out again, and that like a boomerang, I will come back. He also prophetically addressed exactly the issue that could potentially have caused me to hesitate going.

Then Beryl phoned and asked if I would be available to drive her to Ipswich one day. In my spirit I sensed "Tuesday". A couple of days later, she phoned back and asked, "Would Tuesday be okay?"

God has his ways of getting us to where He wants us!

# posted by John @ 12:53 PM 0 comments

All Nations Christian Fellowship

After the service that night, the Greek Evangelical Church was to be voting on a new name for their Sunday evening services. The morning services are performed in Greek, whilst the night services are in English and are aimed to reach people of any nationality.

Alex Glykidis carries an air of authority, as well as being a true inspiration and encouragement to everyone he meets. I am reminded of having said to him many years ago through the Spirit, that God will use him as a Pastor. Today, observing his strong role as one of the church's three elders, we are seeing the fulfilment of that word, which he said had also been spoken through others. Although Alex is not the senior Pastor, in many ways he appears to be the visionary, the bulwark of the church. Arthur and Ruth are the young senior Pastors.

I woke-up that Sunday morning singing the song, "Jesus, What a Wonder You Are", and felt instructed of the Lord that I should begin my contribution to the meeting at night by singing that song and then take it from there.

I followed the song by declaring Jesus to be the only bridge to eternal life; telling the stories of my salvation on Sunday night the 16th December 1979; of the salvation of the Debabawon Tribe in Agusan del Sur, Philippines; and of our early days at Bremer State High School after we received power, including the vision I'd had of the Lord.

The children were gathered in a back room during the meeting. So when I finished speaking, I offered to share a word with the children also. Pastor Arthur seemed to like the idea, so I did so after communion, at the conclusion of the meeting, whilst the voting was taking place.

With the children we talked about the glories of heaven; that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us; of the one way to be guaranteed our place in heaven; I shared examples of answered prayer, such as finding my lost colouring-pens as a child; receiving a silver watch; and the miraculous catch of fish; and I described in detail about the time I saw the Lord, when He answered my prayer to change my High School Principal's mind. It was a delightful time with the children. (I heard one of Alex's daughters comment afterwards that she had never before seen the children so attentive!)

Meanwhile, the likeable new name All Nations Christian Fellowship was adopted for the night meetings, after which we all enjoyed a fellowship supper together.

During supper, a gentleman who had been visiting from Melbourne told me that Jesus What a Wonder You Are happens to also be his favourite song.

This particular church happens to be the only evangelical Greek church in Brisbane - making their presence and work all the more important!

# posted by John @ 12:35 PM 0 comments

God's Provision

I was thinking of travelling to Lismore for the weekend, but in my spirit I instead had a picture of myself travelling for one day only, to the south-west part of Brisbane.

I said to the Lord that whenever I step out in faith like what I thought of doing with regards to Lismore, doors open for me to preach.

He answered me that He can arrange somewhere for me to preach on Sunday.

Then a couple of days later I received an unexpected phone call from Alex Glykidis, inviting me to preach at the Greek Evangelical Church in Brisbane on Sunday night. Alex had invited me once before, but at the time I didn't quite feel right about accepting. This time, however, I gladly accepted.

So on Sunday 17th September 2006 I drove to Alex's house in the southern suburbs of Brisbane, then together we drove to the church at Highgate Hill in western Brisbane.

This was just the location and duration that I'd sensed.

"Howbeit when He the Spirit of truth is come, He will show you things to come".

# posted by John @ 12:35 PM 0 comments

Answered Prayer

Whilst waiting for an Ipswich train at Roma Street Station, I asked the Lord for a good conversation with somebody on the way. Before I even finished praying, a young man came and sat beside me on the platform.

I held the tract, "Where Will You Spend Eternity" in my hand, so I asked him, "Do you like reading?" He glanced at the title in my hand, thought about it, then said, "I'll give it a go". So I handed him the tract.

After the first paragraph, I could tell he was beginning to lose attention. He accidentally dropped the tract. Then he picked it up and, without continuing to read any more, he asked me, "Do you want me to give this back to you so you can give it to somebody else?"

Then began one of the best witnessing times I've had in a long time. He was interested enough to want to sit with me and continue our conversation when our train arrived. All the way until Indooroopilly Station, I shared Jesus with him. I could tell he was being really impacted by the truth of what I was sharing. When the time came where he had to get off the train, he said he felt sorry that we weren't able to continue our conversation.

# posted by John @ 9:18 AM 0 comments

Going Back to Ipswich

Whilst sitting in Paul's house, I wondered whether I should phone the Transinfo Line to see what time I'd be able to get a train at Yeerongpilly back into the City, then back to Ipswich, where I was staying with Scott's mum, Mrs Joan Donald. But rather than make a phone call, on the inside of me I just knew to leave Paul's house at 8:20pm.

I wondered why I shouldn't just get a lift with Paul into the City when he would be driving there to fetch his wife from work at 10pm, rather than go to Yeerongpilly Station. Presently Paul's phone rang - it was his wife telling him not to come and pick him up because she'd decided to get the bus home.

The time came where I felt I'd accomplished all the conversation I was purposed to have at Paul's that night, so I prepared to leave. Paul offered to drive me as far as Yeerongpilly Station. I glanced at the time - it was 8:20pm.

Paul accompanied me to the platform, knowing how long and lonely the wait can be for a train sometimes. But only a minute later came the announcement, "The Brisbane Train, stopping at all stations, will arrive in approximately two minutes". Paul looked at me in admiration of the Spirit's timing and leading.

# posted by John @ 9:17 AM 0 comments

Mr Murphy

Paul and his sons didn't come home for ages, and Gina was at work. But this was providential, for it gave me exclusive time with Mr Murphy, who was to go into hospital the following day for his third operation for cancer.

We talked extensively about salvation, the new birth, forgiveness, repentance, faith, heaven, hell, healing and eternal life through faith in the blood of the cross of Jesus.

It was good to be able to have had this time with Paul's dad before his major operation.

And those $2 worth of hot chips came in handy too, since Paul was so late coming home!

# posted by John @ 9:17 AM 0 comments

$2 Worth of Hot Chips & A Divine Appointment

After alighting at Yeerongpilly, I saw a corner store across the road from the Station, and even though Paul would be offering me dinner, I felt led to go in and order $2 worth of hot chips.

So I walked in and asked the lady if they have any hot chips. She replied, "The minimum order is two dollars".

Whilst she was serving me, I gained the impression she was so hospitable, that I wondered whether she might be a Christian. She answered that she is a Baptist, from a plateau region of Vietnam.

Having always had an interest in the well-being of believers in remote situations, I found the fellowship with her quite heart-gladdening. I left promising to pray for the plight of her relatives back in Vietnam who, she said, are not really experiencing religious freedom.

# posted by John @ 9:17 AM 0 comments

The Insignificant Things

At one point I felt led to stop walking and make a right turn. In my mind however, I argued, "But the Station is further ahead." This time I managed to suppress what turned-out to be an inner prompting. I came to the end of the parkland, and the Station was not to be found. I asked directions, only to discover that the Station was indeed further back, adjacent to the very spot where I'd earlier felt led to stop and make a right turn.

Fortunately it didn't matter too much, except that I'd walked a few hundred metres unnecessarily - it's just that the Holy Spirit is interested in helping us with the seemingly small, insignificant things too!

# posted by John @ 9:16 AM 0 comments

The Wind Bloweth Where it Listeth

When I arrived in the City, I walked around a bit, but I started to feel like I had no purpose being there. The thought occurred to me that if someone was to observe the way I was moving around, it wouldn't be clear to them where I'd come from or where I was going! I started to question why I sometimes feel led in such manner.

But God, who comforts us in our trouble, caused an SMS from Jolon to arrive just in time, saying, "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit". Jolon has a habit of sending prophetic encouragement just on time, for which I'm ever grateful to God.

Having received consolation, I immediately felt a peace about visiting Paul Murphy's household that evening, even though it was planned that I should go the following night. I caught the train to South Brisbane, then decided to take a leisurely stroll through to Southbank Station.

# posted by John @ 9:16 AM 0 comments

Led by the Spirit

One day whilst I was in Ipswich I felt led to spend a day in Brisbane. I preferred to drive, but I felt led to take the train instead. I was about to board the train, when the Holy Spirit led me to a carriage a little further down the platform. A few stops later, my cousin Bridson boarded the train right where I was sitting. I don't think I've seen him since Christmas! So we talked all the way to Brisbane. That in itself would have been enough, but later in the day I was to discover other reasons why the Lord had me take the train instead of to drive.

# posted by John @ 9:15 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Good Timing Again

On the way to Paul and Gina's house, I wanted to stop by the Trinity Theological College Library to read some journals and letters of John Wesley and George Whitefield.

Whilst I was enjoying my reading, the Holy Spirit said, "Go now" - even though there was some time left before the library would be closing for the day.

So I left, and drove over to Paul and Gina's. When I knocked on the door, Gerald said, "We only just got home one minute ago ourselves".

Then I was able to offer Paul's mother and sister a lift home, after they visited Paul's father.

It seems during this nine-day trip to Ipswich, the Lord wanted to surround me with all the people whom I'd led to the Lord, to encourage me.

Scott Donald even told me that I would be amazed to know the fruit that has come from our witness at Bremer State High School. He said that he himself would easily be touching 10,000 lives in China.

# posted by John @ 12:16 PM 0 comments

Divine Clockwork

Elphie asked me to accompany him to visit a brother in the Lord at Redbank Plains. I sensed in spirit that 1pm would be the right time, so I booked it in.

This meant I would need to leave the Tivoli Miracle Centre by 12:40 to make it to Elphie's by 1pm - but I was determined not to interrupt my time with Pastor Fred Muiys. I just left it with the Lord.

And at 12:39, Pastor Fred suddenly brought our conversation to a close, therefore I arrived at Elphie's at exactly the appointed time.

# posted by John @ 12:13 PM 0 comments

Good Timing

When I was in Ipswich, I got in my car to visit someone whom I had in mind. But once I started driving, I felt the Holy Spirit divert me to instead visit John Coyle at Bundamba.

When I knocked on their door, John told me it was amazing I'd caught them, because they'd only just walked in the door a minute earlier themselves.

Not only that, but whilst I was there, it seemed everyone I wanted to see turned-up, including Cheryl, Cathleen, Elphie, his fiance, and even Paul and Gina and their two sons arrived.

John recounted the story of how we had led him to Christ years ago. The first time he read the Gospel of John, he thought, "Why isn't this being shouted from the rooftops? This is amazing stuff!"

Elphie also introduced me to his fiance as "the man who led me to the Lord".

John told me that a lump has returned on his neck, so I prayed with him after a certain manner. I asked him what it is we can agree together to ask in prayer. Then we believed together.

# posted by John @ 11:51 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The D-House

After helping dad and Robert Clarke for an hour-and-a-half today, I felt led to visit the D-House. It was good to see Mark Lambert, Ben Radel, Paul Riley and Trent, among others. When Trent, Ben and I had a prayer time, the Holy Spirit came so powerfully upon Trent that he fell backwards into his seat, as he spoke with another tongue, without anyone even laying hands on him.

# posted by John @ 10:19 PM 0 comments

Friday, September 15, 2006

Fruitful Endeavour

Whilst I was in Ipswich, it was difficult to be away from the Gold Coast because I knew that Pastor Eugene Balbon of Pagadian, the Philippines was visiting the Coast. But the day after I arrived home at the Coast, Pastor Eugene telephoned. It also happened to be the day that my brother and his wife and all our families were to gather at my parents' home for dinner - perfect timing! I invited him along.

Pastor Eugene is a man faithful to his calling, despite being offered many times to immigrate to a more affluent life in Australia. Last week he came close to being kidnapped by muslims. His vehicle was commandeered and it's occupants kidnapped. He was spared only because he'd been providentially delayed along the way.

He said that he made a twenty-year commitment to the pastorate at Pagadian when he first arrived there as a young man with nothing. There are only a few years left of that twenty-year commitment, but he said God has already begun to speak to him about an expansion of his ministry. It includes a vision for cities beyond Pagadian; a ministry to the wider body. He said that since he has accepted this development of his calling, his joy in the Lord has been restored; and blessings have been received such as he has always desired - including the outright donation of a relatively large lot of land in Manila, for a new church.

God has brought good people around him to work with him in this vision, including his sister and brother. He said that many nation-impacting ministries in the Philippines have their bases in the Provinces rather than in Manila, and he intends being no different - he will maintain his base in Pagadian.

A church has already been build on donated land in Pagadian. And land has been donated and architectural drawings made for a proposed, large building to serve as headquarters, if God wills.

He is also involved with Intercessors for the Philippines, and a national feeding program, and also desires to launch into a radio or television ministry.

He gave a good report about the results of the Au$100 which my mother, Adam Briffa and I transferred to him several months ago for Pastor Lando in the mountains of Mindanao, Philippines.

My instructions to Pastor Eugene at the time were:

1) To also receive an offering from his own church in the city, to add to our offering; and

2) Not to hand over any cash to the worker in the mountains, but rather use the money to buy breeding goats or chickens for their future livelihood.

That was several months ago. Now Pastor Eugene reports that the goats have now multiplied. His goal is to provide a pair of breeding goats for each family in the mountain. He has instructed the people to build fences and shelters for chickens. He said it will now be easy to obtain financial support from the Filipino Governement, now that a visible start has been made on the work. I advised him to start a farm. Everyone involved is excited about it. The Pastor in the mountain is happy to know that people in a faraway country are mindful of him in his remote place.

The young people from the city church operate a regular feeding program there, and they never return without having led people to Christ. And Pastor Lando is planning to take the Gospel to the surrounding villages also.

Originally it was suggested that the money be used to buy pigs instead of goats, which are more popular in the Philippines. So I asked the Lord recently if there is a reason why I sensed goats instead of pigs, aside from the fact that goats have a more sophisticated digestive system. I since discovered through Pastor Eugene that the surrounding villages are predominantly Muslim.

This means that if the farm develops and they want to sell meat, their neighbours won't be in the market, if it is pork. But if it is venison that they produce, their neighbours will accept it! Or atleast this will prevent from offending their neighbours whom they want to win to the Lord.

# posted by John @ 6:53 PM 0 comments

Good News Fellowship

Last Sunday I felt led to drop-by the Good News Fellowship (Riverview) in the afternoon, even though their usual sevice is held on Sunday mornings.

I telephoned Paulo's house first, whereupon his wife Lorinda said that I could see Paulo rightaway at the Centre, as he was running their children's program, followed by a special Bbq, at that very moment.

Soon after I arrived, Pastor Paulo asked me if I would like to share a word with the children. I followed him inside, and immediately began to share Jesus with the children. I talked about answered prayer; about heaven; about my vision of Jesus and about my school days - and we opened-up the time for Jesus to touch their lives in a real way.

I thought of singing the song, "Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus", but I first asked if one of the leaders could suggest a suitable song. Steve answered, "There is a song called 'Into my heart'."

I could see that one of the parents in particular was also being touched by the word as well as by the Lord. Afterwards he approached me to say, "I was really touched. I haven't been involved in church much for a long time - things happened - but now I really need to get back into it".

Paulo invited me home for a roast dinner with his wonderful family. He said it was really good timing when I turned-up, because due to interruptions, he'd been unable to prepare a message for the children.

On the way, I had asked the Lord to give me a personal word for Paulo and Lorinda. As we sat around the table, they shared the good news regarding the growth of their work in Riverview (they now have 40 in regular attendance, including children).

I said, "I see a vision that the growth of the branches has begun to be above the wall". Lorinda said, "That's really encouraging". You could sense their delight in many of their people whom God has sent to them to shepherd.

Paulo and Lorinda have been faithful. Their time of reward shall surely come.

The church is blessed with the use of an excellent facility on acres of beautifully landscaped grounds. (This is the building that was originally, superbly built by Evangelist Geoff Ramsay of Harvest Rain Ministries).

# posted by John @ 6:43 PM 0 comments

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tivoli Miracle Centre

Whilst I was in Ipswich, I desired to catch-up with Pastor Fred Muiys of the Rivers of Life Christian Church (for whom I'd preached some ten years ago). In my spirit I saw a vision of he and I standing on a property looking at development and construction, and in my spirit I sensed this would take place at 11:30 on Tuesday.

I tried phoning on Monday, but his office was closed. So on Tuesday morning I phoned, and Fred said that he intended being on-site at 11:30, exactly like I'd sensed, so I arranged to meet.

When I first met Fred he was pastoring at Karana Downs, and still working full-time in the secular arena. He had plans to purchase two-and-a-half acres of land on which to build a sanctuary seating some 150 people. That was considered a fairly sizeable faith-step for a congregation their size.

But one day a visiting prophet said to Fred through the Spirit:

"You have a building plan, but your plans are too small - God's plans are ten times bigger. And God wants you on the other side of the river."

Some time afterwards Fred was invited by his denomination to combine his church with the Karalee church, and to assume the leadership over both.

As he drove over the Brisbane River from Karana Downs into Karalee, he remembered the prophecy that God wants you on the other side of the river - so he accepted the proposal.

Today I stood with Pastor Fred on the twenty-two acre former Tivoli Drive-In, which his congregation has recently purchased. They have obtained Council approval to build a 1500-seater auditorium, along with many other buildings and features including 200 landscaped carparks. Everything is exactly ten times bigger than his original plan, just as God said.

He feels commissioned to emphasize the healing ministry, therefore he is calling his church the Tivoli Miracle Centre. Since the church is to become a place for miracles, Pastor Fred said its very foundation needs to be miraculous. Consequently, they have achieved all of the development and construction so far without even seeing a bank.

# posted by John @ 3:57 PM 0 comments

Prophetic Confirmation

I got in my car on Sunday morning intending to drive to the Surfcity Christian Church at Surfers Paradise, when it was as if the car seemed to want to turn south.

Instead I drove the car to the Tweed Civic Centre for the last day of the Tweed Valley Community Church's conference, ably led by Pastor Willy Dumas. (Pastor Willy had previously built-up a very successful church at Taree; and his brother likewise at Port Macquarie - the gift must run in the family!)

Whilst I was sitting in the morning meeting, I sensed the Lord telling me to remain for the night meeting also - and I had a sense about eating fish during the afternoon. After the morning meeting, a young man invited me to join them for lunch - at a local fish and chips takeaway.

One of those at lunch was a wonderful aboriginal woman who has recently pioneered a new church in Townsville. I was wondering about people who decide to pioneer a local church whose main priority is not the pastoral office. "I'm not at all a Pastor...I'm more one who raises others up to do the work of their ministry. I'm calling them in now," she said.

All day I had a growing sense that God may want to use her young Youth Pastor in a video, DVD or television work. When she said that, the feeling welled-up in me and I spoke, "I think God wants to use someone around you in somewhat of a video, DVD or television work".

Immediately the young Youth Pastor embraced me, saying excitedly, "You are confirming. Speak to me, brother!" He told us that he has free access to television equipment through a relative who works in the IT Industry, and he'd been praying for direction regarding whether or not he should pursue this.

It's such a wonderful thing - the gifts of the Holy Spirit - to speak unto men for edification, exhortation and comfort!

# posted by John @ 3:47 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The First in Our Family

Jill Paton BBus

Last Saturday night my beautiful sister was awarded a Bachelor of Business Degree from Griffith University, at the University's Awards Ceremony held at the Gold Coast Convention Centre.

# posted by John @ 9:22 PM 1 comments

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Love Letter

What an awesome Sunday morning service! Fifteen young people were baptized in water. So many young people are getting saved. Our Pastor continued the series on the Book of Revelation. This was the Book of Revelation as it's meant to be preached - being the love letter that it is! By the time he was finished, the Holy Spirit was bringing so much glory to Jesus that the whole congregation rose to their feet worshiping God and singing Hallelujah! For the Lord God Almighty Reigns; Worthy are you O Lord God Almighty; Worthy is the Lamb; Amen, as we rededicated ourselves to our first love for Jesus. And in the night service, three more people gave their hearts to Jesus.

# posted by John @ 12:09 AM 0 comments

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Good News of the Kingdom

Last night at church the topic was the Good News concerning JESUS: how that He is coming back one day to judge the wicked; that there shall be a resurrection of the dead - some to damnation and others to eternal life; and that the way to obtain salvation and to enter His Kingdom was made available to us all through the Cross of Jesus. A number of people repented and believed on His Name tonight.

# posted by John @ 12:36 AM 1 comments

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Young Virgin Who Pleases the King

Beryl celebrated her 80th birthday. At the party last night, Peter Clyburn asked God for His Word for Beryl, and he was led to read Esther 2:2-4, where it says, "...and let the young virgin which pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti..." We all had no doubt that like the young virgin in this verse, Beryl pleases the Lord. She is such a beautiful person. It was a great delight to share the evening with her and all her honoured guests. Truly God loves those who love Him with all their heart!

# posted by John @ 12:35 AM 0 comments

Thursday, July 27, 2006

While Adam and I were having a time of prayer together tonight, I felt a certain type of connection to Jesus like I haven't felt in a long time. It was nice.

# posted by John @ 10:47 PM 0 comments

Filled With All the Fulness

Every Wednesday the guys get together and have a "soak". Last night the guys laughed, cried, spoke with tongues, interpreted, saw visions, or prophesied as the Holy Spirit met with them. They also shared Communion together. It's always a great night!

# posted by John @ 2:02 PM 1 comments

Monday, July 24, 2006

Uncontrollable Laughter

I visited the D House tonight, and Paul told me: "We were touched by the Lord of joy. We laughed uncontrollably. We laughed so much we almost thought we'd have to go to hospital and they'd have to put something in us to stop us laughing." Apparently he and Zion laughed for two hours, and I think Ben got caught-up in it too. "You would have enjoyed it John", said Paul.

# posted by John @ 11:55 PM 0 comments

About Me