Chapter 43 : Sumpa ni Lakan Dula on Erap, Arroyo, Noynoy Aquino and on Probably Duterte?

What is the "Sumpa ni Lakan Dula" ?

This is found in an obscure discussion page of Wikipedia which some PGMA hackers tried to remove or hide. The way we see it, this discussion is among the descendants of Lakan Dula, otherwise, they will not bother to go to that Wikipedia topic. We removed the names of those involve in the discussion so that our understanding of the topic will be more objective. More or less, this will tell us if there is really such a curse:

"We have been hearing of some legends about Lakan Dula from our old folks. Is it probable that we can somehow incorporate some of the legends that we been hearing about him in this article? Like, maybe, if its possible, then, we can incorporate the "Candola of Lubao" tales, written by the grandfather of President Gloria Arroyo. Here is another legend that we can also probably include together with "Candola of Lubao" tales, the "Sumpa ni Lakan Dula" legend.


President Erap was supported by the Dulay Clan of Marikina Valley when he run for senator and later vice president in 1992, until the time he run for President and won. But after winning the presidency, Erap neglected the Clan. Erap was booted out of office and was convicted and jailed.

President Gloria Arroyo was supported by the Dulay Clan of Marikina Valley, when she run for senator, vice president and in EDSA Dos against Erap. But after she assumed the presidency, she neglected the Clan. She was jailed after her term.

The Dulay Clan supported Noynoy Aquino when he run for senator and president. But after winning the presidency, he neglected the clan. He died young and alone.

President Duterte was supported by the Dulay Clan but after winning, he ignored the clan. Will President Duterte also suffer from the curse?

Take note of the following discussion in the Wikipedia:


"We know that this is still a legend that has to be accepted through time, and we think it will not pass the Wikipedia standard same way as the "Candola of Lubao" tales. As this article is being written, the fulfillment of "SUMPA NI LAKAN DULA" is presently unfolding in the Philippines today. Filipinos from all walks of life are demanding the resignation of President Arroyo for a series of corruption charges. Is the Sumpa of Lakan Dula now working on President Arroyo after it worked on President Erap? Is the "Sumpa" just coincidental or it is rooted on the psyche of Filipinos and written in the destiny of this nation? We find it quite interesting."-------

"The Curse of Lakan Dula is I think true. Like today, Former Senate President Jovito Salonga, a descendant of Lakan Dula from Pasig filed a plunder complaint against President Gloria Arroyo. The late Ceferino Dulay, the 4th generation leader of Dulay Clan of Marikina is a good friend of President Diosdado Macapagal. Maybe we can restate the "SUMPA NI LAKAN DULA" this way: if you are a leader trusted by Lakan Dula thru his descendants, serve the people well, dont steal and be honest, because if you violated the Lakan Dula trust, you will earn the curse of Lakan Dula thru the wrath of his descendants. This sounds logical and doable, and historical too. In fact, it is happening right now on President Gloria Arroyo who is claiming to be a descendant of Lakan Dula herself, a claim which the Wikipedia community had been questioning by asking some proofs or citations." --------

"The elders of the descendants of Lakan Dula of Tondo, Philipine Vice President Teofisto Guingona and Philippine Senate President Jovito Salonga will make sure that the "SUMPA NI LAKAN DULA" will apply on both President Joseph Estrada and President Gloria Arroyo."-------

A probable PGMA staff wrote this: "To all detractors of PGMA in this discussion, why dont you give her a break. The Sumpa of Lakan Dula will not work on PGMA because she is not a descendant of Lakan Dula of Tondo but a descendant of Carlos Candola of Lubao, a Spanish collaborator. The two are different people. Please read the original "La Candola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", which is coming from the Macapagal family itself, and you will see that they are different people.."-------

One curious Wikipedian asked this: "Candola is a place in San Luis, Pampanga. Can someone make a link between La Candola of Lubao and Candola of San Luis. Maybe Candola of Lubao is named after Candola of San Luis. Candola is a Spanish word. What is the meaning of that word in English? Traitor? Fake? What?."-------

It seems that PGMA, a descendant of Carlos Candola my be tried for plunder. Is Carlos Candola a descendant of Lakan Dula of Tondo? How? What is the proof? Is the "Sumpa ni Lakan Dula" applicable to all Filipinos, descendants or not? Let us see how this PGMA plunder case will unfold. President Noynoy is a Lakan Dula descendant on the Sumulong side of Cory. Noynoy should be very careful not to be corrupt, otherwise, he might also suffer the "Sumpa ni Lakan Dula".---------

"So, because Gloria Arroyo is a descendant of Lakan Banao Dula, therefore, the curse has an effect on her. If she is not a descendant, the curse will not affect...logical.But, just the same, they have to visit the ancestral land of Dola in Candola, San Luis, Pampanga and search for their relatives there.They should listen to the stories of the old folks in Candola, San Luis why they adopted the surname Lacandola and moved to Lubao, etc..they should look for artifacts.Maybe they will also learn of some heroic deeds ( not traitors deed) of their Dola lineage..." -------

"Speaking of Noynoy Aquino, he is a descendant of Lakan Dula on the Sumulong side of his mother. He initiated the 12-K that gave hardship to millions of Filipinos. The high school and college drop outs number will shoot up because of K-12. Maybe he will also be jailed because he did not take care of his people.The "Sumpa ni Lakan Dula" is working on him now. It is so will not to spare him. Now people are already talking of putting him in jail." (Noynoy Aquino died young and alone after his term).

"The descendants of Lakan Dula are watching closely President Duterte. Will he suffer also the Sumpa ni Lakan Dula? Watch out for his appointees. If he is careless he will also go to jail."

President Duterte has Lakan Dula Bloodline through the Lineage of Jose Rizal: He is Covered with the Sumpa ni Lakan Dula

José Rizal’s sister Lucia married Mariano Herbosa. The granddaughter, Concepcion Herbosa, in turn, married the late USPF (University of Southern Philippines Foundation Vice President and nephew of the founders, Escolastico “Nene” Duterte y Solon (grandson of the original Escolastico nicknamed “Ticoy”). Escolastico Duterte, ( the first ),was a brother of Rodrigo Duterte's great grandfather named Isabelo Duterte. So Escolastico II (the second),the guy who married the grand daughter of Lucia Rizal is a 2nd cousin already of Rodrigo's father ,Vicente. Rodrigo Duterte's grandfather named Facundo Duterte is a first cousin of Escolastico II or Nene's father (still unnamed) , a brother of the founders of USPF,Beatriz Duterte-Jereza and Soledad Duterte-Samson. That's why Nene or Escolatico II was mentioned as nephew of the founders ,Beatriz and Soledad Duterte. So, if he works against the desire of the descendancy towards a prosperous nation, the curse could effect him.

The Pre Hispanic Native Royal Houses and Principalia Families of the Republic of the Philippines

The Principalia families of the Philippines are the descendants of the prehispanic lakan, sultan, datu, rajah, hadi of the different ancient prosperous native settlements all over the country that were eventually recognized by the Kingdom of Spain as part of the their royal administration in the country.

This could be a result of the informal alliance between Lakan Bunao Dula of the Lakanate of Tondo with the Kingdom of Spain. Among the agreement of the Lakanate of Tondo and the Kingdom of Spain are : there will be no more armed conflict between the two kingdoms, the native hereditary leaders will be allowed to use their ancient surnames, they will be free from paying taxes, and they will be appointed as gobernadorcillos of their own settlements. As a gesture of this diplomatic alliance between the Kingdom of Spain and the Lakanate of Tondo, Batang Dula, the eldest son and heir apparent of Lakan Bunao Dula and Senorita Goiti were betrothed and the palace of Lakan Bunao Dula, will be under the protection and maintenance of the Kingdom of Spain. Later, the palace was converted into a dormitory and eventually, a church was built on it.

It is now known as the Sto. Nino Church of Tondo. According Rev. Fr. Lito Villegas of the Church of Sto. Nino de Tondo, with the death of Lakan Bunao Dula, the Sto. Nino became the "Lakan of the Kingdom Tondo with children of Lakan Bunao led by his eldest son and heir apparent Batang Dula acting as the regents of the native kingdom. In the later part of the nation’s history, the Philippine Revolution against the Kingdom of Spain will eventually be led by natives of Tondo, Andres Bonifacio and Macario Sakay. When the Philippine Revolutionary Government was hoodwinked by both the Americans and the Kingdom of Spain through the Treaty of Paris, the revolutionary government led by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo filed a formal protest against the treaty and in their protest letter, they mentioned that the sovereignty and mandate of the revolutionary government was derived from the Lakanate of Tondo's mandate of Lakan Bunao Dula.

The recognition of the rights and privileges of the Filipino Principalía as equivalent to those of the Hidalgos of Castile appears to facilitate entrance of Filipino nobles into institutions under the Spanish Crown, either civil or religious, which required proofs of nobility. However, such approximation may not be entirely correct since in reality, although the principales were vassals of the Spanish Crown, their rights as sovereign in their former dominions were guaranteed by the Laws of the Indies, more particularly the Royal Decree of Philip II of 11 June 1594, which Charles II confirmed for the purpose stated above, in order to satisfy the requirements of the existing laws in the Peninsula.

The descendants of Lakan Dula has been spearheaded by the lineage of Batang Dula, through the cadet line of David Dula y Goiti where the Dulay Tribe all over the country emerged. They are recognized by the organizations of indigenous Filipinos headed by Rajah Julian Canonoy and other datu as well as principalia families, royal families from Sarawak, articles, blogs, heritage websites, and historians - - as the cadet line of the Lakanate of Tondo. The descendants of Lakan Dula which is headed by the 5th hereditary leader of the Dulay Mendoza Clan of Marikina, through their foundation, Ceferino Dulay Memorial Foundation, Inc. (CDM Foundation) has been doing advocacies and projects such as 1. Animal Shelter, 2. Marikina News, 3. Pro - Poor Projects (Feeding Program, Outreach, and Gift Giving), 4. Baybayin, Arnis and Kundiman Revival, 5. Lakanate of Tondo, Royal Houses and Principalia Families, 6. Descendants of Lakan Dula, 7. Sumpa ni Lakan Dula, 8. Indigenous tribal groups in the Philippines and 9. Dine with the Ancestors. The CDM Foundation was organized by the elders of the Dulay Tribe among them was Simon Dulay Sr. of Laoang, Northern Samar in honor of the lineage of the eldest son Ceferino Rivas Dulay, the 4th hereditary leader of Dulay Mendoza Clan of Marikina Valley. The Presidency of the foundation is now with the eldest son and legal heir of Ceferino who is known as the 5th hereditary leader of the clan.

A circle of advocates on specialized fields were involved in the projects: Pastor Jay Enage, founder of Baybayin Buhayin, Inc., Samuel Bambit Dulay for arnis, Arjhay Laurea for Kundiman and the family of the late national artist Lang Dulay for tinalak. The leader of the descendants of Lakan Dula had been interviewed by bloggers, I - Juander of GMA, different students and I -Witness of GMA; and the House of Dulay Mendoza has been a favorite venue for films and documentaries. One of those who took notice of the activities of the descendants of Lakan Dula was a Fil American from New York representing the Wangdom of Ma-I in Bulalacao Mindoro. He wrote a letter to the head of the House of Dula and an informal alliance between the Lakanate of Tondo and Wangdom of Ma-I was discussed in principle to support the existing projects and advocacies. The alliance embarked on a US Mission to Recover Doctrina Cristiana now kept by the US Library of Congress which was coordinated with the Office of the President, National Historical Commission and the Department of Foreign Affairs. The people behind the God's Culture in YouTube visited the House of Dula for a Dine with the Ancestors Ritual Havilah Version. A principalia who is a high ranking Filipino priest and papal official based in Vatican City in Rome later participated in the visioning of an organization of the principalia families in the Philippines which in essence became the foundation of the council. In a meeting between the patriarch of the House of Dula and the parish priest of the Sto. Nino de Tondo, a pilgrimage of Lakan Dula descendants to Tondo was discussed and the necessity of formalizing the Principalia Council was deemed as historical priority.

The Descendants of Lakan Dula of Tondo are united, their unassuming secretive patriarch , Sofronio Dulay, does not rule, he reigns privately, the personal leadership style he inherited from the earlier traditional leaders of the descendancy, a reaction from the centuries of Spanish persecutions. He might even deny his historical role or point to somebody else as their leader when talking to non descendants or in public. He simply does not like to talk about it.Descendants will not point directly their patriarch but if needed, they will indirectly identify him as the one who has been very active in coordinating them.


Our new member bro Toti Dulay is a descendant of Lakan Dula or Lakandula to some...

Lakan Dula was a native muslim king of Tundun (a large area covering most of what is now present-day Metro Manila), when the Spanish colonization of the Philippine Islands had begun. He ruled a community of Muslim people who lived north of the Pasig River.Lakan Dula was one of three Muslim chieftains in the Manila during the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors led by Martín de Goiti, and Juan de Salcedo in 1570. Lakan is his official title meaning King and later baptized Lakan Carlos Dula (it was found later by the National Historical Commission that he was not actually baptized and did not changed his name), was the Lakan paramount ruler of the pre-colonial Philippine Kingdom of Tondo when the Spaniards first conquered the lands of the Pasig River delta in the 1570's. His father is Rajah Salalila (Sulayman I) and his mother is Ysmeria. His beloved wife is Mutya and they are blessed with several children. His grandparents are Dayang (Lady) Kalangitan and Gat (Lord) Lontok and his brother is Rajah Matanda (Sulayman II). Rajah Mura or Muda (Sulayman III) and Lakan Banao Dula led a revolt known as the Sulayman Revolt of 1574 in the villages of Navotas, taking advantage of the confusion brought about by the attacks of Chinese pirate Limahong. This is also often referred to as the "Manila revolt" but is sometimes referred to as the "Sulayman Revolt" and the "Lakan Dula Revolt."

PinoyInEurope says:

March 11, 2015 at 6:27 am

" – the ruler of Manila and Tondo, was a Muslim and a scion of the Bolkiah family that ruled Brunei then and rules it to this day. The grandson of Lakandula, another of the three rulers of Manila, was David Dula y Goiti, also known as David Dulay and had a Spanish mother. He was the first mestizo to revolt against the Spanish."

Delmar Topinio Taclibon

"My deepest gratitude to Hrh Prince Omar Kiram and His Majesty Sultan Fuad A. Kiram I of the Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah for this conferment as one of the Datu(k) of the Royal Dominion."

Message of Hrh Prince Omar Kiram:

"The Hon. Datuk Sir Delmar Topinio Taclibon, KRSS, we wish you and your family and all our beloved members a blessed and prosperous joyful new year. Let us continue our resolve, commitment, dedication, true faith and allegiance to our beloved anointed Sultan Fuad A. Kiram I, to realize our advocacy of Sabah and Spratlys against Malaysia's land grabbing for the benefits of the Tausugs and the Filipinos. God Defend the Right!"

Toti Dulay : "congrats insan Delmar Topinio Taclibon and mabuhay ang Magat Salamat lineage ni Lakan Dula ng Tondo..."

Delmar Topinio Taclibon : "Thank you too Modern Day Grand Patriarch of the Lakan Dula Clan Sir Toti Dulay!"

Roderick Alain Alvarez : 9th cousin's husband's 9th great uncle's wife's 6th great aunt's husband's 16th great grandson we're that related, insan Toti, pero hindi pa tapos ang Lakan Dula genealogy: please add as many relatives coz, as head of the Royal House, you know them better :)

Toti Dulay: today at 2:36 AM

Thank you insan Roderick, in the Geni. Com genealogy, we saw na lumabas na yung name nung Juan Reyes Macapagal..ang main concern na lang natin is paano na connect si Diosdado Macapagal kay Juan Macapagal?

Delmar Topinio Taclibon of the Lakan Dula Clan with Vice President Jejomar "Jojo" Cabauatan Binay @ the 4th death Anniversary of President Ma. Corazon "Cory" Cojuangco Aquino, August 1, 2013. Both gentle-fellows carry the Magat Salamat Bloodline of the Descendants of Lakan Dula being remnants of the Ibanags of Cagayan valley in Isabela Province. Greetings to the Grand Patriarch of the Lakan Dula Clan, Datu Toti Dulay!

Datuk Delmar Topinio Taclibon, Bt., DKR, KRSS, MBA, Ph.D.D.A.

A UP Professor Jaime Caro, the historian of the Mendoza Clan of Marikina has this conversation with Toti Dulay:

Trivia Piyu Saturday

TRIVIA: Did you know that a professor in FEU is a descendant of Lakan Dula?

His name is Prof. Sofronio "Toti" Dulay.

He is also the current Grand Patriarch of the Lakan Dula Clan. One of the

best professors not only in IABF but in FEU as a whole.

More info about Prof. Toti Dulay, read


Follow us on Twitter: @trivia_piyu

-admin J

          • Delmar Topinio Taclibon: Okay, I will do that Grand Patriarch Toti Dulay

              • Hester Cheng As the finance officer of the CDM foundation i am very happy of this development, ill be getting in touch with you,,

Suijul Tasorre : Dear Sir Toti, I am very happy to know that you were able to protect the continuity of the Dula lineage....... how I wish na makilala ko kayo....... I'm a fan royalties specially ancient filipino royalty.... the missing link of our history as a nation.......

Sam Jezrel Moran kamahalan.. pinag mamalaki ko po na akoy pilipino.. kau po pala ang prinsipe ng tondo si Prince. Sofronio Cerbito Dulay I.

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Purmana Wati, whose grandmother is a dayang (princess) in the lineage of Sultan Abdul Kahar, the sixth Sultan of Brunei who ruled Negara Brunei Darussalam in 1524. Purmana resides in their ancestral homeland in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Below is a conversation between Purmana of Sarawak, and Toti Dulay: