Chapter 11 : Documented Probable Miracles on Covid Cases in the Philippines -- God Seem to be Responding in Exact Months as Prayed For

Documenting Probable Miracles

In March 2020, a group of ancient royal houses in the Philippines prayed to God, through the Sto. Nino de Tondo (the ancient palace of the last King of Tondo, Lakan Bunao Dula), for the Covid cases to go down in April 2020 and came April, covid indeed went down. In March 2021, a surge of Covid cases in the Philippines scared the whole country and the council prayed again for the cases of Covid to go down by April and the cases indeed went down came April. These two prayers have been posted in several Facebook groups. The Grand Patriarch of the Principalia Hereditary Council of the Philippines, noting the exact accuracy of the responses from God, decided to inform the Pope about them, attaching copies of the exact prayers that were posted in the Facebook together with the news clippings and computations of Covid cases going down as prayed for. The Vatican might have procedures on documenting this kind of modern miracles.

A Letter from the Kingdom of Spain, a Catholic Mass and Anointing of a Lakan of the Lakanate of Tondo

The First Miracle , the Prayer and the Proof that the Covid Cases Really Went Down on the Exact Month as Prayed

The Second Miracle, the Prayer and the Proof of the Miracle that Covid cases indeed Went Down on April 2021

The Letter of the Principalia Council to Pope Francis as a Testimony to these two Miracles

As of today, April 27, 2021, Covid cases in the Philippines are still high that hospitals in Metro Manila are almost full. The response of the Pope to this letter is still being awaited. The message of the Principalia Council to the people is to fight directly the Covid virus through personalized disinfection procedures for those Covid virus which are still airborne invisibly in the environment, and with Vitamin C with Zinc and Ivermectin to kill the Covid virus that are already inside the body. Vaccine and lockdowns are on the same level -- they are only ways of avoidance from the virus and not intended to kill directly the virus. Last year, the Principalia Council wrote Malacanang Palace a letter and uploaded in the YouTube a request for the Military to do systematic disinfection campaigns to directly nip the bud of the Covid virus who are still just starting. The DOH issued an order discouraging disinfections which might have resulted to the second wave several months later. Until now, the government is not initiating disinfection campaigns which prompted the Principalia Council to seek direct assistance from God (hence this prayer) since the government seem to be too busy in putting up tarpaulins all over the place for a presidential run of a daughter of the President. The community pantries are sprouting all over the country as result of people suffering from hunger, started by a lady who was once a guest to the House of Dulay Mendoza of the Lakanate of Tondo, the residence of the Grand Patriarch of the Principalia Council in Marikina Valley.

An Experience of the Patriarch of the Lakanate of Tondo During the Typhoon Ondoy

" I am not a religious type of person. I may be a devoted Roman Catholic but not the fanatic type.I am hesitant to write this because I may look lunatic or stupid but I really talked to God. I did.

During the great flood caused by typhoon Ondoy, our ancestral house at the poblacion of Marikina, Philippines, including the nearby Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of the Abandoned, was flooded for the first time in history, as high as maybe 10 feet in the road.

My daughter Katreena, together with one of my maids, Joan was rescued by some neighbors by mistake and were brought to the nearby evacuation center at the Red Cross. I said by mistake because we were not planning to evacuate because my house has two storeys with an attic.

Braving the flood, I visited my daughter Katreena and our maid at the Red Cross temporary evacuation center and told them to stay there.

On my way back, there are commotions – several people are stranded in their one - storey houses. Some of them have babies. I joined the ragtag rescue team with nothing but my basic swimming skills and wearing a basketball short and a t-shirt. Being one of the taller volunteers, I was assigned to be in front of the pack, together with another tall neighbor. We are holding a rope tied to a post. I first encountered a lady neighbor desperately calling for a rescue. She rode on my back and I swam and walked her all the way to the Red Cross. Then I went back to the rescue scene…I met another lady whom I did not talk to for a long time, but really in need for a rescue, I also made her ride on my back and delivered here to safety.Then, at the farthest house near the river, two babies with their own mothers were stranded. The water was getting high. We can not swim anymore because of strong current. We made our way by clinging into the post, and iron grills and walls. I even encountered an old man trying to join the rescue team, but is nervously clinging on the wall. I said….come on, move (because he is clinging on the wall blocking my way).He said, “I am afraid, I don’t know how to swim.” I said, “You better go back, your life will be in danger.”

We finally reached the house where the babies were stranded….me, a Red Cross volunteer, a guy with a thick Visayan accent and another guy whom I could not remember now. The first baby, we put him on a big plastic tumbler and swam him through the flood all the way to the Red Cross. The next baby, we decided to pass him through the roofs because the water was already so high and the current from the river was so strong that the plastic tumbler might capsize. That baby finally reached the Red Cross.

All were saved; the four of us parted ways. I was then alone resting on top of a big abandoned tent in the middle of the flooded street, desperately wanting to swim back into my house nearby. The current from the river was getting stronger. From my house balcony, I saw my son Esdee (who has a foot injury due to basketball) shouting: “Daddy, langoy ka na dito, aanurin na yang tent na yan (“daddy, please swim towards here because that tent will collapse soon”). I was already weak and I noticed that I have a lot of wounds in my legs, body and arms with blood. I said, “I can not swim now, let me rest for a while, can you get the bamboo near the balcony and peg it into a balusters towards me.” With the bamboo, I slowly cling my way towards our balcony, just when I am about to reach our balcony, the tent that I used to rest on collapsed. I could have died there.Maybe…because the tent will be all over me in a strong current from the river. My injured son saved me.Days after the flood, I was in bed sick. But I did not let anyone know that I was not feeling well. I let two families stay in my house….because they were already driven out of the temporary evacuation. The flood subsided and the whole place was stinking. We have to remove the mud from our compound into the road…by hand. The dirt and smelly rotting meats and the garbage and the debris are all over the street which is not passable due to mountain of mud, debris and garbage. Several of my neighbors, including my eldest daughter, were sick.

I was sick. The destruction was so depressing, my wounds hurt, and the area stinks. No electricity. Food were rotten because there is no electricity to run the refrigerator.I texted Mayor Marides Fernando to please clear the road of maintains of rotting garbage and mud…an MMDA truck came in next day which allowed us to pass through the road. Very sick, I went to BPI in Cubao and withdrew cash….

After that, I found myself standing in our gate giving cash to the passers – by and some neighbors…and barangay workers helping in the rehabilitation.My sickness, that I tried to hide, made me lost control of my usual conservative disposition of money….

That night I really feel the pain. Finally, I took self medication of drugs for typhoid, the same drugs that my sick eldest daughter was taking…thinking that since my daughter has typhoid, I may have typhoid too… I wore thick jackets…I am so irritated, but never want to admit, even up to now, that I was sick then…. I was going to die without seeing a doctor….How I wish that if I had to die, it should had been when I was rescuing my neighbors so that it will be good in the tabloid: “University Professor Consultant of the Mayor Died Saving his Neighbors”. Then, some second rate local politicians will visit my wake telling everyone that we were friends. Then some of my students will say, “mabait yan si Professor Dulay..mahilig magpatawa….(too bad, I will not be around to give them stars, hey “stars” is a private class joke among my students)….

That night, I was hallucinating and chilling. I feel I am asleep but my eyes were half open. Then, I feel that my whole body floated into the outer space… I see the stars….with different colors. I was entertained of the site..better than any fireworks display during New Year celebrations. After a long journey, maybe of my soul…or maybe of my body, I don't know…., I saw three constellations of stars in the endless space that looks like an arrangement of heavenly bodies that has the shape of two human being in long white dress walking peacefully and gracefully and a third one is a shape of a human face…all floating in the endless space…. Then the planetary arrangements that looks like a human face of a bearded man saw me.

I told Him: “Hi God. Am I going to die already? “. I got the feeling the he was probably God.

He said: “Why, would you like to die?

I said: “Your will be done, but if you will allow, let me live”

He said: “Ok, you will live, what do you want?”

I said: “Thank you, I want to live as an ordinary person enjoying ordinary happiness while pursuing and achieving extra ordinary things”. (Looking back, I should have said, let me win in the lotto)

He said: “Ok…”

I said: “And God, if you want to experience again how it is to be human, you can use my body anytime. Just don’t let me know when you are using my body co existing with me, because I might become abusive.”

He said: “Ok”

Then I wake up……so weak, tired and thirsty, but not anymore chilling…..

Up to now, I still deny to my children that I got sick, because I never get sick in my whole life ever since and I am always bragging to them that their daddy has never been sick since I was born. Really. It is true. I don’t get sick.

Well, that night?……. Did I get sick? ……Let us put it this way, maybe, I was dying that night, maybe not, nobody knows..remember, I did not go to a doctor…., but I was never sick… wounds in my body, legs and hands should not count. They were not sickness. They were just wounds, Ok?"

Narrated by Prof. Sofronio Dulay