Chapter 42 : The Lakanate (Kingdom) of Tondo Manila (Kaharian ng Tondo Manila) is Existing

Timeline of the Pre - Hispanic Philippine

The Kingdom of Tondo Manila (Kaharian ng Tondo Manila) or Lakanate of Tondo Manila

The Kingdom of Tondo (Kaharian ng Tondo) or Lakanate of Tondo exists unnoticed by the public even today, the hereditary leaders are intact, but they decided to work in the background. One of their major concerns is to advocate for the ancient Filipino culture, arts and tradition like the arnis, baybayin, tinalak, kundiman, siday , hilot, bahay na bato architecture, etc.. They are getting in touch with Filipinos with native sounding surnames whom they believe are their blood relatives or descendants of loyal officers of the ancient kingdom. They secretly help manage the country through the "Sumpa ni Lakan Dula" and maintain secret rituals among key leaders thought "Dine with the Ancestors". Its hereditary leader is a descendant of Lakan Bunao Dula, the last King of Tondo, who inherited the royal title of Rajah or Lakan. They do pro poor projects, maintain websites and meet with potential partners and dignitaries. They are also in search for the descendants of other kingdoms listed below:

Dawn man and Callao man existed as early as 250,000 and 65,000 years ago.1800 BC – Ancient Lawan Pacific Settlement (Ophir, the homeland of Polynesians)

1000 BC - Igorot Society (CAR)

601 AD - Chiefdoms of Zabag and Wak-Wak (Pampanga and Aparri

800 AD - Namayan (Mandaluyong, Sta. Ana Manila)

900 AD - Tondo (Tondo, Manila)

971 AD - Huangdom of Ma-i

1176 AD - Kingdom of Tondo

1200 AD - Rajahnate of Cebu, Madjas-as Confederation, Dapitan, Butuan

1252 AD - Lupah Sug (Sulu)

1376 AD - Bruneian Empire

1408 AD - Caboloan Vassal State of Ming China (Pangasinan)

1430 AD - Sultanate of Sulu

1450 AD - Kingdom of Tondo reached its peak with the largest territory in the archipelago

1470 AD - Namayan became a vassal state of Tondo

1492 AD - Kingdom of Taytay (Palawan)

The Kaharian ng Tondo of the present – day Philippines

The Kaharian ng Tondo of the present – day Philippines is one of the oldest monarchies in the world. Japan's Yamato dynasty traces its origins back to 660, making it the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in the world. The 79-year-old Emperor Akihito has reigned since 1989 and is, according to legend, the 125th emperor in his line, though there's some debate as to the exact count of emperors. Based on the Laguna Copperplate, the Kingdom of Tondo existed earlier than 900, maybe a century younger than the Yamato Dynasty of Japan. The 10 latest monarchs of the Kingdom of Tondo are the following Lakans: Lakan Timamanukum, Rajah Alon, Sultan Amir Ul-Ombra, Sultan Sulaiman, Rajah Gambang, Sultan Bolkiah, Rajah Lontok, Rajah Sulaiman Bolkiah I, Lakan Bunao Dula, and Batang Dula (did not claim the throne due to intense Spanish persecution of the native nobilities).

1499 AD - Brunei conquered Ma-i and Sulu1500 AD - Brunei conquered Tondo's Manila territory and established the puppet Kingdom of Maynila1501 AD - Maguindanao established1502 AD - Brunei totally took-over Tondo which lost its territories up north of Luzon.1521 AD - Magellan reaches the Philippines & is killed by Lapu-Lapu in the battle of Mactan1522 AD - Maranao established1532 AD - Lanao established1564 AD - Sultanate of Ternate established, Spain conquered Cebu1567 AD - Datu Pagbuaya established1573 AD - Spain conquered Madjas-As and Tondo1577 AD - Spain conquered Caboloan

During the WWll, Philippine President Manuel L.Quezon, a native of the Pacific side of the Philippines within the influence of the ancient Lakanate of Lawan (Ophir), saved more than thousand Jews from Europe to be butchered by the Nazis by accepting them into the Philippines and settling them in his properties in Marikina Valley, and the rest is history...

The civilization of the Philippines started in the Pacific Ocean. In January 2018 it was announced that modern human finds at Misliya cave, Israel, in 2002, had been dated to around 185,000 years ago, the earliest evidence of their out of Africa migration. The earliest H. sapiens (AMH) found in Europe are the "Cro-Magnon" (named after the site of first discovery in France), beginning about 40,000 to 35,000 years ago. At around the same time, the human beings already existed in the Philippine archipelago as evidence by the Tabon and Callao men. Filipino archaeologist Anna Valmero believes that the 67,000 years old Callao man discovered in a Philippine cave near Pacific Ocean could be oldest human in Asia Pacific. Since life started in the ocean, it is logical that the human being in the Philippines are even earlier than the human beings of Europe and have started some contacts with the human beings in Israel. Modern scientists have confirmed that the Philippines is the global epicenter of marine biodiversity in the planet, in a symposium “Scientific Discovery and the Urgent Need for Conservation at the Philippine Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity”. The scientists, in a You Tube presentation, call the country the Center of Center of The World. Some historians, like Agoncillo of the Philippines, believe that Filipinos are descendants of Tarshish, one of Noah’s great grandsons, who settled in the Philippines after the great flood. Tarshish started the settlement that the natives still call today even today as the “Araw City” which was named eventually as Samar in the present dimension. Samaritans are people with Jewish blood but are not strictly practicing Jewish rituals. This historical fact is now unfolding after a group of scientists discovered that the Tagalog dialect actually came from the Waray dialect of Samar, as proven by the Calatagan Burial Jar, which indicates that the earliest civilization in the Philippines might have started in some part of Northern Samar facing the Pacific Ocean where the earliest biological living form from the ocean in the tropics to the land area might have gestated and evolved into human form after millions of years of biological gestation The Lawang – Catubig – Palapag area is an ideal vegetation in the geography of an ocean, a sea, a bay, a big river, groups of islands, etc -- the topography is a complete package of fertile terrain. The earliest men of Israel and the Philippines might have been already in contact long before men in Europe emerged.

Tagalog (pronounced təˈɡɑːlɒɡ in English) is an Austronesian language spoken as a first language by a third of the population of the Philippines and as a second language by most of the rest. It is the first language of the Philippine region IV (CALABARZON and MIMAROPA) and of Metro Manila. Its standardized form, commonly called Filipino, is the national language and one of two official languages of the Philippines. It is related to-though not readily intelligible with-other Austronesian languages such as Malay, Javanese, and Hawaiian. The word Tagalog derived from tagailog, from tagá- meaning "native of" and ílog meaning "river". Thus, it means "river dweller". Very little is known about the history of the

language. However, according to linguists such as Dr. David Zorc and Dr. Robert Blust, the Tagalogs originated, along with their Central Philippine cousins, from Northeastern Mindanao or Eastern Visayas. The first written record of Tagalog is in the Laguna Copperplate Inscription, written in the year 900 and uses fragments of the language along with Sanskrit, Malay, and Javanese. Meanwhile, the first known book to be written in Tagalog is the Doctrina Cristiana (Christian Doctrine) of 1593. It was written in Spanish and two versions of Tagalog; one written in the Baybayin script and the other in the Latin alphabet. This proof was corroborated in an article entitled: "The mystery of the ancient inscription" by Rolando Borrinaga published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. The article talks about the historically famous "Calatagan Pot" which is a burial jar of the Ancient Tagalogs whose seat is in the Kingdom of Tondo. The burial pot which dates back from 12th to 15th century has mysterious markings which for so many years’ historians and linguists have not found

a comprehensible interpretation. The historians found out that the pot is used in ancient rituals of sending a dead person's soul to the next life. They used lot of methods to decipher the message in the pot but still they cannot connect the burial rituals and the messages, until they used the present Waray dialect of people from the hinterland of Samar. The ancient messages became very clear. If you go to the Isla de Batag and Laoang Islands in Northern Samar even today, you can still hear natives speaking some Hebrew words not found in any part of Samar or in Tagalog Region. For instance, they have a word "sibul" for a part of a dwelling place. In Hebrew is "zebool" or dwelling or residence. They have words like "asaya", or eat the fish without rice which must have come from Hebrew word "Asayah" or Yah has made. They also have a term "bug - at" which means heavy, which might have come from the Hebrew word "baw-at" which means to trample down. Incidentally, Northern Samar is also the gateway to Manila, being the first Philippine island you will see after long years of travel in the Pacific Ocean. That was the reason why a lighthouse was built in Isla de Batang (Batag) and the Spanish government chose the existing ancient native shipping industry in Palapag Island to be the repair station of the Galleon Trade and where the revolt of Lakan Dula descendants, Sumuroy

Revolt, also started. The antiquity of the area was scientifically proven with a research on ancient chicken DNA which shows that the Philippines could be the ancestral homeland of the Polynesians, whose forebears colonized the Pacific about 3,200 years ago, the University of Adelaide said recently. An international team of researchers led by Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Center for Ancient DNA (ACAD), at the University of Adelaide used the ancient DNA to study the origins and dispersal of ancestral Polynesian chickens, reconstructing the early migrations of people and the animals they carried with them. They found that Polynesian chickens had their roots in the Philippines, making that region a candidate for the homeland of the mysterious Lapita people thought to be ancestral to Polynesians who transported the domesticated birds to the Pacific islands. “We have identified genetic signatures of the original Polynesian chickens, and used these to track early movements and trading patterns across the Pacific," said lead author Dr. Vicki Thomson of ACAD. "We were also able to trace the origins of these lineages back into the Philippines, providing clues about the source of the original Polynesian chicken populations." 7 There is a scientific theory that the peoples of Polynesia and the rest of Australasia (New Zealand/Australia/Papua New Guineau) including Samoa, Hawaii and likewise as far east as Easter Island and Indonesia and as far west as Madagascar island originated from the Philippines. Our ancestors if the theory is to be believed were highly skilled sea voyagers who predated the Chinese and the Europeans in circumnavigating the globe. Proof of this theory is that the species of chicken in the Philippines is the same as that of chickens in Polynesia and the other islands. Aside from this, the Philippine carabao species is found in Madagascar but not in the African Continent. Plus Philippine mango varieties can be found as well in Madagascar. Additional evidence is the discovery of huge balangays or ancient boats in Butuan, just across Samar Island that could carry up to sixty people at one time. This could point to an ancient civilization among Polynesian people roaming around the islands in the Pacific, flourished in a fertile vegetation of Catubig- Laoang –Palapag of Northern Samar facing the Pacific Ocean, scattered outward in different island in the pacific rim and inward into the Philippine archipelago that eventually bloomed into the Kingdom of Tondo, a confederation of native local chieftains from different parts of the archipelago, with the Lakans of Tondo as their paramount rulers.

Lakan Bunaw Dula is the King of Tondo which kingdom extends to Ilocos Region in Luzon and Northern Samar in the Visayas. He has a recorded seven children. The eldest son and heir apparent is Batang Dula, then Magat Salamat, Dionisio Capulong, Phelipe Salonga, Luis Taclocmao, Maria Poloin and Martin Lakan Dula. It is a historical mystery why only the eldest and youngest of the children had been anointed to use the regnal surname Dula. As a paramaount ruler, Lakan Bunao Dula has historical close and loyal allies from among the native chieftains in most part of the Visayas and Mindanao, one of them is the ancient tribe of Datu Iberein of Lawang, Northern Samar.. Many names such as Samar, Samal, Ibabao, Tandaya were given to Samar Island prior to the coming of the Spaniards in 1596. An unknown community writer from Las Navas town said in jest that the name "Samar" was derived from the local language samad, meaning "wound" or "cut", out of a joke. Recent scholars however connect the name Samar to the ancient city of Samaria, the capital of the northern Kingdom of Israel. The early Datu of Samar, Datu Iberein of Lawang Town, in the northern part of the island may have a Samaritan lineage. This explains the presence of spotty Hebrew sounding words in the present Lawang dialect and why the Sephardi Jews settled in Northern Samar on later years and in line with the recent findings of the Jewish scholars that the territory of Datu Iberein which reigns extends to Surigao, Butuan and Mactan, could be the center of the the biblical Ophir which is now known in the books as the present Philippines, or in native folklore as Araw City. Datu Iberein may have the influence in officially naming the island as Samar, in honor of his homeland Samaria. Samar Island was also named by the Spaniards as the original Filipinas, which was extended eventually to pertain to the whole Philippine archipelago. The influence of Datu Iberein is based on the fact that his territorial base covers the prosperous and historical ancient Catubig-Laoang- Palapag topography. Catubig was the Capital of the whole Samar Island, Palapag is the home of the ancient shipping industry which was later to become the shipping repair station of the Galleon Trade before it was moved to Cavite and is also known historically as the home of the Sumuroy Revolt; and Laoang is the seat of the power of the tribe of Datu Iberein which is a stronghold and gateway from the Pacific of the Kingdom of Tondo headed by a dynasty of Lakans, or "paramount rulers" of all native chieftains of what is now known as the Philippine archipelago. Recent diggings in a place called Sawang ( part of Lawang) of ancient jewelries, plates and martabana (ancient burial jar) points to the legendary prosperity and influence of the tribe of Datu Iberein which was the reason why the eldest son of Batang Dula was put in their care because the Spaniards may have to contend with the force of the tribe. Quite incidentally, the Araw City and Sigbin legends of the native Warays (the native of Samar and Leyte) of today are also pointing in the direction of the prosperous topography of the Catubig-Lawang-Palapag naval grid. Some natives of Samar believes that Ophir and Araw City are one and the same? The Samaritans or Jewish - blooded people who are not faithful to strict Jewish rituals, are the indigenous inhabitants of the Philippines. The Aeta are not the indigenous natives of the Philippine archipelago since they came from Borneo. In a book found in Spain entitled Collecion General de Documentos Relativos a las Islas Filipinas, the author has described how to locate Ophir. According to the section "Document No. 98", dated 1519-1522, Ophir can be found by travelling from the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, to India, to Burma, to Sumatra, to Moluccas, to Borneo, to Sulu, to China, then finally Ophir. Ophir was said to be "[...] in front of China towards the sea, of many islands where the Moluccans, Chinese, and Lequios met to trade..." Jes Tirol asserts that this group of islands could not be Japan because the Moluccans did not get there, nor Taiwan, since it is not composed of "many islands." Only the present-day Philippines, he says, could fit the description. Spanish records also mention the presence of Lequious (big, bearded white men, probably descendants of the Phoenicians, whose ships were always laden with gold and silver) in the Islands to gather gold and silver. [9] Other evidence has also been pointed out suggesting that the Philippines is the biblical Ophir. Copy of Solomon's Gold Series - Part 7: Track of the Hebrew to the Philippines shows why the Philippines is the Ophir.

Another proof that an ancient civilization within the pacific rim from Cagayan Valley in Luzon to Surigao Island in Mindanao, with Samar as the center of Polynesian civilization, might have existed as the Callao man 67,000 years ago and his tribe might have prospered into Biblical proportion, is the Surigao treasure which is estimated, based on carbon dating, to be as early as 10th century, around the time of the Laguna Copperplate of the Kingdom of Tondo. The seat of the kingdom might have moved from Lawang to Tondo as the ancient settlement and migration pattern in the Pacific Rim – based civilization moved inward to Mactan and into the present Manila. The settlement of Tondo prospered as it made contact with ancient China, India and the Asian Muslim and the big part of Luzon, and much later, the Spain and England, overtaking in terms of progress the ancestral Biblical civilization in the Pacific Rim where the Tagalog dialect came from. However, the contact between the biblical ancient tribes in the pacific based in Samar and the emerging Lakanate of Tondo has continued even to the present day.

There are plenty if attempts the Kingdom of Tondo has done to drive away foreign invaders. One of them is the Sumuroy Revolt lead by Juan Sumoroy of Palapag, assisted by David Dulay of Lawang, both of Northern Samar. The revolt spread in nearby provinces. The male relatives of Sumuroy and Dulay were systematically being forced to work in the shipyard of Cavite when the Palapag shipyard was transferred to Cavite. Then the Cavite mutiny of 1872 happened -- it was an uprising of Filipino shipping workers of Fort San Felipe, the Spanish arsenal in Cavite, Philippine Islands (then also known as part of the Spanish East Indies) on January 20, 1872. Around 200 locally recruited colonial troops and ship repair workers rose up in the belief that it would elevate to a national uprising. The mutiny was unsuccessful, and government soldiers executed many of the participants and began to crack down on a burgeoning Philippines nationalist movement. Many scholars believe that the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was the beginning of Filipino nationalism that would eventually lead to the Philippine Revolution of 1896. Eventually, national independence was declared in Cavite. The legend has it that the victories of the troops of Gen. Aguinaldo against the Spaniards from one town after another are attributed to the soldiers with bloodline from Araw City/Ophir of Samar Islands which has the skills to be invisible when doing some attacks. This was also the experience of the American soldiers who were defeated by the natives of Samar in Balangiga – they simply did not see the enemies coming. And when the American soldiers burned Samar as retaliation, they only see few natives, presumably, these natives were hidden by Araw City/Ophir.

The House of Dula

1. Animal Shelter, 2. Marikina News,

3. Pro - Poor Projects (Feeding Program, Outreach, and Gift Giving),

4. Baybayin, Arnis and Kundiman Revival,

5. Rajahnate of Tondo and Manila Research,

6. Descendants of Lakan Dula Research and Organizing,

7. Sumpa ni Lakan Dula Monitoring and Coordination,

8. Globalist Manifesto Advocacy,

9. Descendancy Advocacy,

10. Ethical Leadership Seminar,

11. Indigenous tribal groups in the Philippines

12. Reclaim back Philippine territories,

13. Royal Houses and Principalia Families Advocacy

14. Doctrina Cristiana Recovery

15. Dine with the Ancestors Ritual, and

16. House of Dulay Mendoza Clan Maintenance

The ancient house of Lakan Bunao Dula in Tondo is gone, it is now the site of the Archdiocesan Shrine of Sto. Niño de Tondo. But the descendants of the eldest son of Lakan Dula, Batang Dula, have the House of Dulay Mendoza of the Lakanate of Tondo in Marikina Valley. The house is pound in the poblacion of Marikina and is the official residence of the heir of the Dulay Mendoza Clan of Marikina Valley. It is the corporate office of the Ceferino Dulay Memorial Foundation, Inc (CDM Foundation). Ceferino Dulay is the 4th generation eldest son and hereditary leader of the Dulay Mendoza Clan of Marikina Valley. The CDM Foundation is headed by the hereditary leader of the House of Dulay Mendoza. It has been doing several projects and advocacies as follows:

Recently, the Patriarch of the House of Dula had a meeting with the Parish Priest of Sto. Nino de Tondo Fr. Lito Villegas. (The picture of the meeting was shown here together with the letter to Philippine Ambassador to the US Jose Manuel Romualdez hand carried by Baybayin Buhayin founder Pastor Jay Enage).The meeting affirmed an ancient historical footnote where the children of Lakan Bunao Dula headed by his eldest son and heir Batang Dula turned over the native Kingdom to Sto. Nino and agreed to donate the native palace to the Kingdom of Spain on the condition that a church for Sto. Nino will be constructed at the royal site. This event seem to emboldened the Spanish Kingdom to consolidate the 7100 islands of the archipelago into a territory. This seem seem also the foundation of the protest of the Aguinaldo - led Revolutionary Government to the Treaty of Paris represented by Felipe Agoncillo where Lakan dula was specifically mentioned. The children of Lakan Dula and their heirs will just be the ruling hereditary council of the native Kingdom ruled by the Sto. Nino. At present, the heir of Batang Dula is also the Grand Patriarch of the Hereditary Council of Principalia of the Philippines comprising of the patriarch and matriarch of DNA - identified and historically identified hereditary leaders of native royal and principalia houses in the Philippines.

As part of the foundation’s effort to help revive and propagate the ancient Arnis worldwide, Prof. Toti Dulay, as the head of the House of Dula, was invited to Award the Lakan Dula Medallion to the international masters of Arnis held recently at the Luneta Hotel. He was also invited to deliver a talk at the recent Baybayin Festival at the Folk Arts Theater of the Philippines.

Just recently, the team behind the YouTube Solomon’s Gold,God’s Culture and Rise Philippines visited the House of Dula in Marikina and participated in the Dine with the Ancestors Ritual. The "Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites of the Lakanate of Tondo". As suggested by Pastor Paul Medrano, this special rite is a variation of the classic Dine with the Ancestors Ritual but this is done when the participants talks about the Lakanate of Tondo; and the Hebrew, Ophir, and the Lakanate of Lawan connections of the ancient Philippine civilization. This rite happened on May 12: the Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites started with the arrival welcome through a ringing of a bell in the

House of Dulay Mendoza of the Lakanate of Tondo in Marikina Valley.

Then the guests talked freely while partaking grapes kept in the ancient plates that came from the Lakan Dula household and red wine on top of an antique table, and beside an antique lamp and the bayonet of Ceferino Dulay, the 4th hereditary leader of the Dulay Clan of Marikina Valley when he was a guerilla leader during WW ll and the guests also played with friendly poodles surnamed by the Philippine Canine Club as Dulay. Then they proceeded to the House of Kapitan Moy, the founder of Marikina shoe industry, Marikina being the Shoe Capital of the Philippines, then walked across the Miraculous Shrine of Our Lady of the Abandoned, one of the ten prettiest churches in Metro Manila and host of the third longest Holy Week procession in the Philippines. Then, the guests proceeded to the secret cemetery of the church to visit the tomb of the Hebrew - blooded Juana Mendoza Cerbito and Ceferino Rivas Dulay, a descendant of Lakan Dula. Then the guests went to the Shoe Museum, an old Spanish Jail where Macario Sakay of Tondo was jailed and presently keeps the famous shoes of Imelda Marcos of Samar Leyte, and, finally back to the House of the Dulay Mendoza for a Marikina dinner of local dishes of waknatoy, everlasting, locally grown fruits, as well as prunes and nuts from the middle eastern countries -- to have the taste of Havilah. Timothy, the author of the famous Solomon's Gold, the God Culture in the You Tube announced a change of his name into Pedro. This rite is only done for Top Leaders of an organization .Some of the talks during the visit was that Manila Mayor Isko Moreno is from Allen, a part of Northern Samar, which according to Australian studies, a part of the Philippines which is the homeland of the Polynesians. Otley Bayer said that there are already people in the Philippines 250,000 years ago and this was confirmed by a French study which says that the Philippines has been populated by men as early as 700,000 years ago. Some old Filipino historians still have the mindset of "Filipinos are savage and it has to be discovered and cultured by anything foreign". These local historians refuse to mention that there is a civilization of Viking – like people based in the Lakanate of Lawan in Northern Samar (Samar was derived from Samaria). The Samar civilization was once headed by Datu Iberein as written by historian Henry Scott, and take note of the name -- very Jewish -- and consistent with Jewish Samar from Samaria. These people have siday (native epic) in which one of them is Bingi of Lawan, as mentioned by historian Alcina. They have the Almuraya which is an ancient ruin and they have royal burial jars -- all evidences would point that this civilization could be the biblical Ophir, the homeland of the Polynesians and Viking – like people who sent people to Tondo and different parts of the Philippines. and islands in the Pacific Ocean, including the people of Taiwan

The Descendants of Lakan Dula

At present, the descendants of Lakan Dula keep the key to the Sumpa ni Lakan Dula which have seen the jailing of three Philippine Presidents: Ferdinand Marcos, Joseph Estrada, Gloria Arroyo. And, probably, of Noynoy Aquino, soonest.

When the 4th hereditary leader of the Dulay Mendoza Clan of Marikina Valley, Ceferino Rivas Dulay died, a group of Lakan Dula descendants of Lawang lead by Simon Dulay, Sr., a brother of undefeated Lawang Mayor Eleuterio Dulay, initiated the formation of the Ceferino Dulay Memorial Foundation (CDM Foundation), to unite the descendants and restore the grandeur of the Kingdom of Tondo. The eldest son of Ceferino was anointed President of the foundation being the 5th hereditary leader of the clan. The CDM Foundation has closely worked with other Lakan Dula descendants and sustained the clan rituals and traditions like the “Dine with the Ancestors Ritual.” It also supported the advocacy for ancient Filipino alphabet, Baybayin, being championed by Pastor Jay Enage. It is noticeable that the Dulays are involve in the two other ancient national art forms, like Samuel Bambit Dulay is the main advocate of the Arnis, the ancient Filipino martial arts; and Lang Dulay was the main advocate of the ancient tinalak weaving. Recently, the TV programs I – Juander and I – Witness visited the House of Dulay Mendoza of Marikina Valley and interviewed the 5th hereditary leader of the clan about the Kingdom of Tondo. In matter of months, the I – Witness interview had already a million views in You Tube.

Recently, the foundation participated in the awarding of medals to selected Arnis Guru coming from different parts of the World. The highest award given to blackbelters of ancient Filipino martial arts, arnis, is the Lakan Bunao Dula Medal. The awardng ceremony was done at the Luneta Park with Prof. Toti Dulay, a descendant of Lakan Dula giving the inspirational message and the awarding of medals. The following Arnis Grand Masters were the awardees: Samuel Bambit Dulay (a descendant of Lakan Dula), Rene Tongson, Max M. Pallen, Generoso Martinada, Jr. Dieter Knuettel, Juerg Ziegler, Bram Frank, Brian Zawilinski, Peachie B. Saguin; Tomi Harell, Paulo O.Motita ll, Romeo Ballares, Edward Kwan and Jason Bassels. Later in the evening, Prof. Dulay presided over the "Dine with the Ancestors Ritual" among the awardees and special guests. The ritual is historically done exclusively among the living descendants of Lakan Dula who visited the Dulay Mendoza House in Marikina Valley but it broke a tradition for the first time when the ritual was done among the world reknown arnis advocates and grand masters of the ancient Filipino martial arts -- done in an undisclosed historical restaurant among arnis guru somewhere near the ancient Kingdom of Tondo in the City of Manila. Funding of the projects of the CDM Foundation came from the private businessmen with native sounding names like the Buhains of the Rex Bookstore, the Kapunans (Lopez) of the Lopez Group of Companies, descendants of Lakan Dula plus many others who might have been blood related to the native nobility. The foundation also manages several websites and Facebook groups all related to the Kingdom of Tondo and its last king, Lakan Dula.

The Native sounding Filipino surnames todayLots of native sounding Filipino surnames today, just like the Gatbontons, are descendants of the relatives of Lakan Dula who served in special capacity in the Kingdom of Tondo. As a general rule, modern Filipinos who have native sounding names are descendants of the loyalists of the Lakan Dula Kingdom to the point that they resisted the official order of the government of Spain for Filipinos to adopt Spanish surnames. Historians have several theories why they are loyal to the native Kingdom: maybe they are relatives by blood of the ruling Lakan Dula family, or maybe they occupy responsible positions in the kingdom, or maybe they are relatives by affinity, or maybe they are just by nature patriotic. The Spanish persecutions of the descendants of Lakan Dula continued and intensified, but a lot of descendants maintained their native surnames like lakandula, dula, dulay, gatdula, dulayan, abdullah, rebadulla, dulatre, duldulao, dulayba, lakandola, lacandalo, lacandola, lacandula, dula - torre and many others revolving around the root word “dula”. During the intense persecution of the Spaniards on the native aristocracy, some descendants have to disregard the “dula” root word and adopted totally different native sounding surnames for disguise, like magsaysay, lontoc, agbayani, acuna, salonga, gatchalian, bacani, macapagal, guingona, gatpandan, pangilinan, pangalangan, sumuroy, dagohoy, kalaw, salalima, soliman, pilapil, mabini, pagdanganan, macalintal, angara, bamba, datumanong, panganiban, katigbak, macarambon, sakay, aglipay, kasilag, salamat,

karingal, kiram, daza, lacanilao, lacanlale, gatchalian, manalo, lagumbay, tamano, ilagan, bunye, pangandaman, maliksi, silang, badoy, puno, lapid, ziga, nalupta, binay, gatbonton, sinsuat, capulong, puyat, gatmaitan, macuja, dagami, ablan, capinpin, punongbayan, madlangbayan, gatlabayan, batungbakal, cabangbang, sumulong, gustilio, calungsod, capangoy, kapunan, etc, but continued fighting for the liberation of the natives from Spain. Some of the descendents hid their Lakan Dula heritage by changing their names into the likes of guevara, aguinaldo, legaspi, aquino, mendoza, osmena, de Leon, estanislao, laurel, fernando, ejercito, delapaz, mercado, santos, bonifacio, de guzman, etc, while some adopted chinese surnames of their mother like lim, uy, go, tan, etc, but they continued to pursue a belligerent posture against Spain. The Spanish authorities know this and they countered by betrothing Spanish ladies to the heirs of the native aristocracy which explains why the Capulongs, Dulays, and Gatbontons, etc, of today have fairer complexion than the ordinary natives in the localities. There are however few who were forced to collaborate with the Spanish authority. Wishing to avoid the persecution experienced by his latter ancestors, Lakan Dula's alleged great grandson Juan Macapagal, but the number 1 Wikipedia article entitled Lakandula (notice: joint lakan and dula) is suggesting that he is actually a descendant of certain Mr. Lacandola of Arayat who is a traitor to the natives and a proud pro Spaniards that is why their paid hacks are making efforts to combine the correct name of Lakan Banao Dula, (title - first name- surname), into Lakandula, which is nearer to their surname Lacandola of Arayat. Based on their own Lacandola of Arayat family history, their ancestor aided the Spanish authorities in suppressing the 1660 Kapampangan revolt of Francisco Maniago, and the Pangasinan revolt of Andrés Malong, and the 1661 Ilocano revolt. To some natives, this is an act of treason against their cause, but some leaders understand this as a heroism to save the future descendants of Lakan Dula, (if they are indeed descendants).

Pre-colonial Philippine royalty of the Postclassical Era and the early modern period

Source: National Historical Institute, 1964. Any proposed addition to the list should be communicated to the Principalia Council for further historical study and approval.

The Descendants of Lakan Dula of Tondo are United

Their unassuming secretive patriarch of the modern times does not rule, he reigns privately, the personal leadership style he inherited from the earlier traditional leaders of the descendancy, a reaction from the centuries of Spanish persecutions. He might even deny his historical role or point to somebody else when talking to a non descendant. Descendants will not point directly their patriarch but if needed, they will indirectly identify him as the one who has been very active in coordinating them.

Juancho Bong Sempio wrote this article on the KAANAK NG MGA BAYANI, KATIPUNERO AT REBOLUSYONARYO last March 13, 2016

"Our new member bro Toti Dulay is a descendant of Lakan Dula or Lakandula to some...Lakan Dula was a native muslim king of Tundun (a large area covering most of what is now present-day Metro Manila), when the Spanish colonization of the Philippine Islands had begun. He ruled a community of Muslim people who lived north of the Pasig River.Lakan Dula was one of three Muslim chieftains in the Manila during the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors led by Martín de Goiti, and Juan de Salcedo in 1570. Lakan is his official title meaning King and later baptized Lakan Carlos Dula (it was found later by the National Historical Commission that he was not actually baptized and did not changed his name), was the Lakan paramount ruler of the pre-colonial Philippine Kingdom of Tondo when the Spaniards first conquered the lands of the Pasig River delta in the 1570's. His father is Rajah Salalila (Sulayman I) and his mother is Ysmeria. His beloved wife is Mutya and they are blessed with several children. His grandparents are Dayang (Lady) Kalangitan and Gat (Lord) Lontok and his brother is Rajah Matanda (Sulayman II). Rajah Mura or Muda (Sulayman III) and Lakan Banao Dula led a revolt known as the Sulayman Revolt of 1574 in the villages of Navotas, taking advantage of the confusion brought about by the attacks of Chinese pirate Limahong. This is also often referred to as the "Manila revolt" but is sometimes referred to as the "Sulayman Revolt" and the "Lakan Dula Revolt."

Delmar Topinio Taclibon

"My deepest gratitude to Hrh Prince Omar Kiram and His Majesty Sultan Fuad A. Kiram I of the Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah for this conferment as one of the Datu(k) of the Royal Dominion."

Message of Hrh Prince Omar Kiram:

"The Hon. Datuk Sir Delmar Topinio Taclibon, KRSS, we wish you and your family and all our beloved members a blessed and prosperous joyful new year. Let us continue our resolve, commitment, dedication, true faith and allegiance to our beloved anointed Sultan Fuad A. Kiram I, to realize our advocacy of Sabah and Spratlys against Malaysia's land grabbing for the benefits of the Tausugs and the Filipinos. God Defend the Right!"

Toti Dulay : "congrats insan Delmar Topinio Taclibon and mabuhay ang Magat Salamat lineage ni Lakan Dula ng Tondo..."

Delmar Topinio Taclibon : "Thank you too Modern Day Grand Patriarch of the Lakan Dula Clan Sir Toti Dulay!"

Roderick Alain Alvarez : 9thcousin's husband's 9th great uncle's wife's 6th great aunt's husband's 16th great grandson we're that related, insan Toti, pero hindi pa tapos ang Lakan Dula genealogy: please add as many relatives coz, as head of the Royal House, you know them better :)

Toti Dulay: today at 2:36 AM

Thank you insan Roderick, in the Geni. Com genealogy, we saw na lumabas na yung name nung Juan Reyes Macapagal..ang main concern na lang natin is paano na connect si Diosdado Macapagal kay Juan Macapagal?

A UP Professor Jaime Caro, the historian of the Mendoza Clan of Marikina has this conversation with Toti Dulay:

Suijul Tasorre : Dear Sir Toti, I am very happy to know that you were able to protect the continuity of the Dula lineage....... how I wish na makilala ko kayo....... I'm a fan royalties specially ancient filipino royalty.... the missing link of our history as a nation.......

Sam Jezrel Moran kamahalan.. pinag mamalaki ko po na akoy pilipino.. kau po pala ang prinsipe ng tondo si Prince. Sofronio Cerbito Dulay I.

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Purmana Wati, whose grandmother is a dayang (princess) in the lineage of Sultan Abdul Kahar, the sixth Sultan of Brunei who ruled Negara Brunei Darussalam in 1524. Purmana resides in their ancestral homeland in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Below is a conversation between Purmana of Sarawak, and Toti Dulay:

Rocky Brito to Toti Dulay

Happy birthday po Lakan Toti Dulay!

What a happy coincidence my reaching out to you was!

I drink to your name and to this movement to revitalize, preserve and protect the true identity of the Filipino people!

Nag bibigay pugay,

Rocky Andal Brito-Contreras Ng Bulalacao

Some Confusions on the Descendants of Lakan Dula

It is proper that the article on Wikipedia about Lakan Dula of Tondo respects the formal way of naming a royal, which is title, first name and then surname. The title is Lakan , which according to Scott stands for "paramount ruler", the first name is Bunao, and the surname is Dula. So, by logic and common usage, the title of this article should be Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo. Any deviations from this normal way is a suspect of being a paid hack for a family that has for so long been attempting to change the name so that it will be nearer to their surname and therefore easier for them to claim lineage to Lakan Bunao Dula. Apparently, the Wikipedia article is dominated by paid hacks (Wikipedia allows editing from the public) who wants to dilute the official name of Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo into Don Carlos Lacandola of Arayat, two different persons.

The next article is an archived talk page of the said Don Carlos Lacandola of Arayat Wikipedia article which is up to now is still active.

Rajah versus Lakandula

Lakandula, like the word rajah, is a TITLE of nobility. It is not a personal name. Various scholars on Philippine history keep pointing this out. Lakandula is the hereditary title of the rulers of Tondo who, unlike the rulers of Manila, were not Muslims. Tondo was politically distinct and autonomous from Manila in the 16th century. Unlike the rulers of Manila who were heavily influenced by Brunei, the rulers of Tondo retained their indigenous titles and did not call themselves "rajahs". The two words, "rajah" and "lakandula" simply negate each other. Please check your sources. Thank you. Ushiwaka (talk) 16:30, 1 February 2008 (UTC)

I agree. Rajah and Lakan are both titles. So, Rajah Lakan Dula is an oxymoron. It is just like Don Mister Lopez or Miss Binibining Gloria. Either you call it Rajah Dula or Lakan Dula or Gat Dula but never Rajah Lakan Dula. Please show some respect to the Filipino pre-hispanic history. (talk) 06:05, 8 February 2008 (UTC)

Edited to Lakan Dula, your welcome ;) people please show respect to our pre-hispanic heritage... But hmm, I cannot edit the name of this article :( someone please correct this error!!!

Merge to Lakandula

An article on Lakandula already exists. Any pertinent info in this article should be integrated into that article. -- • Kurt Guirnela •Talk 09:17, 8 February 2008 (UTC)

Oppose. Lakandula article describes the title of the Tondo Rulers. Rajah Lakan Dula is a person anyway. I will remove the template. --The Wandering TravelerWIKIPROJECT UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! 05:38, 22 May 2009 (UTC)

Strongly support. As per Nick Joaquin's Manila,My Manila, the rulers of Tondo specifically did not use the term "Rajah" (as opposed to the rulers of Maynila, who did). Also, the term Rajah Lakandula was not used, as far as I've seen, in the original 16th century sources as quoted by Scott and Dery. Whereas there is an argument (IMHO a weak one) for separating the articles for Lakandula an Banaw Lakandula, Rajah Lakan Dula simply should not exist. I am going to wp:be bold now and do what I can to merge the two. - Alternativity (talk) 13:26, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

Lakan Dula of Tondo versus Lacandola of Lubao: Who is Real,Who is Reel?

Based on "Lacandola of Lubao" unique article, it is strongly possible that Lakan Dula of Tondo and Lacandola of Lubao are totally different persons. First proof: Philippine history would say that Lakan Dula of Tondo is a Muslim, while the "Lacandola of Lubao" unique article said that this guy Lacandola is a pagan, big difference. Second proof: Lakan Dula of Tondo is a fighter to the end, he is even referred to as Gat Dula, etc. This Lacandola of Lubao is a Spanish collaborator, according to its own article, and to be branded as a traitor is something that the legitimate descendants of Lakan Dula of Tondo will not accept without a fight, so, they will not identify with that dude Lacandola, whoever he is.Third proof: take note of the differences in the spelling: Lakan Dula is with "k" and "u".Lacandola is with "c" and "o". Fourth proof: the Spanish alphabet doesnt have letter "K" but alibata has, so, Lakan Dula is native.On the other hand, Lacandola uses "c" which is hispanic, so, they could be referring on two totally different persons in a very different time span. Fifth proof, Lakan Dula is consistent with the pre hispanic history of name system: official title (Lakan) and single name (Dula), and they are separated,like Datu Sumakwel is not spelled as Datusumakwel. We dont have surnames during the pre-hispanic era. The Lacandola guy is saying that that Lacandola is already its full name, without any title. All in all, we suggest that let the historical Lakan Dula of Tondo flourish and let that certain Lacandola dude of Lubao exists too, for whatever purpose it may serve.If its a fiction, then, let it be.But let us be clear that they are totally differrent and there is no point of linking them.However,if the article would say that Lacandola is only an adopted name because the person is a descendant of Lakan Dula of Tondo, and they are afraid of hispanic prosecution, as lots of Filipions were, according to our history that is why they hid his identity, then, thats sound more logical and historical too. But the article is not saying so. So, it is really probable that this is a case of wrong attributions to two totally different subjects. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:30, 11 February 2008 (UTC)

"Lacandola of Lubao"? Is there such an article in the English WP? -- • Kurt Guirnela •Talk 10:30, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

Yes, there is. The "Lakandula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", which according to the neighborhood here in Lubao was based on the tall tales written by the grandfather of Gloria Arroyo. Tina Pineda. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:15, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Juan Macapagal and Carlos Lacandola

Something is wrong here....Juan Macapagal is claiming his connection with Lakan Dula of Tondo thru Carlos Lacandola. But as the article admitted, Carlos Lacandola is written by Juan Macapagal. Wow, here is a case where the proof of the authenciticy was written by the one whose authenciticy is being questioned....this is a hoax.Please read the article again! Can somebody do something about this. Darius David, Guagua. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:26, 5 November 2009 (UTC)

I saw this in the main page but when I clicked it, its dead: |url= |title=Magat Salamat |author=Tomas L. |accessdate=2008-07-14}}</ref>. Is this PART OF THE HOAX? Rita Ronquillo, Lubao , Pampanga —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:00, 13 January 2010 (UTC)

Gatbontons link to the Dulas...

I am a grandson of Feliza Gatbonton Corrales-Macam. The Gatbontons are not descendants of Lakan Dulas but rather a direct relative. Gatbonton (mandala) was the administrator of the rice granary of the kingdom. He was the son of Dayang Lahat, sister of Raja Sulaiman Sri lila (salalila)I. His other kin were MONMON, GATCHALIAN, GATMAITAN, MACARALAGA, GATMAITIM, MANDIC, GATDULA and DUMANDAN." note, the Gatdulas of today is not in the line of the present day Dulas. But surely of the Gatbontons as their Father was Gat Timog. the will says:"GATBONTON married MACAYABONGDILI ( in english: the one with the ladies in waiting), a sister of my father*. They had five children, namely LOVERA, MACABAT, CAPITANGAN, TAUI and PAMPALUNG (founder of the kingdom of apalit) whom they called MACAPAGAL. the name could have been used as a cover up to avoid persecution when the Gatbontons escaped Tondo for Candaba via Rio Grande River. the name was used during his youth and assumed another before he died. he had also a son named Palong Gatbonton. from this line comes the line of my great Grandmother Simeona Gatbonton-Corrales, Martha Gatbonton-kelly;grandmother of FPJ, juan Gatbonton, liborio Gatbonton, Manolo gatbonton and Zcarina gatbonton.

Regarding the Gloria quest to the lakandula thingy..I have an acquaintance whose name was Jeanne Pascal Tan her mother was a De Lacandola, she was really spanish looking though she claims that her roots were from tondo. means the surname de Lacandola really did it exist but it has no proven relation with the Dulas. since it does sound similar it created a confusion between the two. and now the Marcoses also claims that they are the descendants of Lakan Dula, remember their Maharlika illusion? from the Gutilio side, and so The Macapagals, by way of attaching their family name here and there. Rumors has it that the Arroyos are related to the Marcoses...hmmm... parang nga. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Paperprince (talkcontribs) 13:45, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

The solution to these confusions:

Apparently, the Macapagal Arroyo family of Lubao, Pampanga needs to be precise on their claim of ancestry with Lakan Bunao Dula of the Kingdom of Manila. Their claim lies on one of the surnames their grandmother which is Lacandola, whose daughter married a Reyes, and whose daughter, married a Macapagal. That grandmother who has a surname Lacandola can not be a daughter of Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo, because it is a historical fact that Lakan Dula has only one daughter, and that is Maria Poloin. What if that Lacandola is not actually a grandmother but a grandfather? Can be, yes. But Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo has no son with a surname Lacandola. The children of Lakan Dula of Tondo are: Batang Dula, Magat Salamat, Phelipe Salonga, Dionisio Capulong, Maria Poloin, Luis Taclocmao, and Martin Lakan Dula. No children of Lakan Dula of Tondo has a surname Lacandola. The initial strategy of the paid hacks of the Macapagal family to claim their ancestry from Lakan Dula is to maneuver the changing of the name of Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo (title, first name, last name) to single word Lakandula and maybe later to Lacandola. They did that.When the Gloria Arroyo was the president, she initiated the Lakandula Award. Take note that it is incorrect because it should had been Lakan Dula Award. Then they are maneuvering to dilute historical records by saying the Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo few months before he died was later called Don Carlos Lacandola. It was a long shot and it does not matter. Bacause the fact still shows that no children of Lakan Dula of Tondo was surnamed Lacandola. So, from which children of Lakan Dula did they come from?

What they failed to recognized that in order to trace their lineage with Lakan Dula, they should do it though one of his children, namely: Batang Dula, Magat Salamat, Dionisio Capulong, Felipe Salonga, Martin Lakan Dula, and Maria Poloin. Magat Salamat died early as martyr. It is not yet clear if he has children before he died. Definitely Martin Lakan Dula lineage stopped because he joined and died as a priest, so , he has no children. The best bet of the Macapagal Arroyo is to trace their roots from any among Batang Dula, Dionisio Capulong, Felipe Salonga and Maria Poloin.

What they have not explored thoroughly is the lineage of Batang Dula who has three children: David Goiti Dula, Daba Goiti Dula and Dola Goiti Dula and where hidden among his relatives in places presently known as Candawid, Candaba and Candola respectively, Kan is an ancient Tagalog word for "owned". Apparently, these three children where given with tracts of land and plantations protected by armed relatives. Dola Goiti Dula, the youngest daughter was given a big tract of farmland in what is now known as Candola in San Luis, Pampanga who later decided to use the surname Lacandola for her children, to hide them from the intense Spanish persecution of the native aristocracy. If the Macapagal Arroyo family can only prove through their family history that they descended from that granddaughter of Lakan Dula in San Luis, whose descendants adopted a surname Lacandola and settled in Lubao, Pampanga, then, it could have been historically probable that their Macapagal Arroyo family descended from Lakan Dula. But their family history is not saying this. They are so fixated with diluting the name of Lakan Bunao Dula of Tondo to Lacandola forgetting that to claim lineage from Lakan Dula, it must be done through his children and Lakan Dula has no children with a surname Lacandola. Maybe they need to research some more. What they can do is to trace the ancestors of their grand mother which has a Lacondola surname, find if she is actually Dola Goiti Dula, the sister of Daba Goiti Dula whose children were also hidden from Spanish persecution by adopting the surname Capulong. The Macapagal Arroyo family should see if their root is from Candola, San Luis, Pampanga. Maybe they should also look for their relatives there and ask some questions among the old folks.Maybe the house of Dola Goiti Dula is still there.They can look for antique artifacts, etc. If there is no Lacandola surname in Candola, why? Is there a history of massive migration to Lubao? Because of Spanish persecution?

One complication about the search of the Macapagal Arroyo on their link with Lakan Dula is that the Capulong and Macapagal of the historical Candaba are disowning them. They don't like the family history that the Macapagal of Lubao sided with the Spaniards against the native patriots. The Salonga lineage is also against the Macapagal, for one, Sen. Jovito Salonga led the Liberal Party of President Noynoy Aquino, a Lakan Dula descendant himself from the Sumulong side - in putting ex President Gloria Arroyo to jail. The hereditary leader of the Dulay Clan of Marikina Valley has also a bad personal experience with President Gloria Arroyo which only PGMA personal secretary Yoko Ramos can confide.

Meantime, the confusions of the Macapagal Arroyo in their desperate effort to link with the bloodline of Lakan Dula continues. Their approach for so many years is wrong.

We are all relieved that this article was finally renamed Lakandula because this is indeed an article about Lacandola Tall Tales of Lubao town in Pampanga. Then, there will be possibility of coming out with the correct article entitled Lakan Dula someday, where the Lakan Dula High School of Tondo was named after. It happened before, there was a Lakandula article and another article Rajah Lakan Dula. Then, the Lakandula article , because of fewer hits, was merged with this Rajah Lakan Dula article. Now, they changed the Rajah Lakan Dula article to Lakandula for a complete circle. Why do they renamed it to Lakandula, no historical reason..except that it is near to Lacandola, a common Filipino surname who happens to be one of the surnames of the grandfather of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who is now in jail for several cases. The family has paid hacks who do all these things. They are good in playing around the Wikipedia system.This latest efforts will backfire on them and will earn the hatred of the descendants of Lakan Dula of Tondo, the patriots on descendants of Lacandola of Lubao, the traitors. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:06, 19 April 2012 (UTC)

The family of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo should realize that it is useless to mangle the name of Lakan Banao Dula to Lakandula/Lacandola because it will not give them lineage to Lakan Dula even if they are succesful in mangling the name. The only way to prove their lineage to Lakan Dula is to provide a direct lineage with one of the children of Lakan Dula. Among the children, nobody has the surname lacandola anyway, so, why mangle Lakan Dula with Lacandola when Lacandola will not give them the lineage that they need. In fact, it will only distance themselves with the Lakan Dula of Tondo heritage because they will be isolated and be identified as the Lacandola of Lubao, the traitor family and fake claimants to the lineage of Lakan Dula. Their latest tactic is to enter Luis Taclocmao as one of the children of Lakan dula of Tondo and claim direct lineage from him is a right move. And that move will not require mangling the name Lakan Dula to Lakandula/Lacandola because the efforts are not complimentary to each other..they are in opposite direction. Either they establish lineage through Taclocmao, or they pursue their Lacandola Tall Tales which unfortunately does not provide direct lineage from any children of Lakan Dula. The Dola Goiti y Dula lineage of Candola, San Luis, Pampanga could be it, but the Macapagal Family can not find a relative in Candola, San Luis, Pampanga with a surname Lacandola. The family of Gatbonton like JJMacam is spilling the beans all over town and internet, revealing the family secret that the macapagals are not really descendants of Lakan Dula of is an internal family conflict but the revelation is damaging to the Macapagal. So, let us just maintain the title of this article to Lakandula for the people to see the efforts of the Macapagal Family of Lubao to link with Lakan Dula of Tondo. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:17, 15 May 2012 (UTC)

Lakan Dula of Tondo is different from Carlos Lacandola of Arayat because they have a different set of children. The children of Lakan Dula of Tondo are Batang Dula, Felipe Salonga, Magat Salamat, Dionisio Capulong, Martin Lakan Dula and Maria Poloin. Carlos Lacandola has a grandson named Juan Macapagal y Reyes, meaning, the daughter of Carlos Lacandola has a surname Reyes but married a Macapagal that gave birth to Juan Macapagal y Reyes. Lakan Dula of Tondo has no daughter with surname Reyes as seen in the list above, because he has only one daughter, Maria Poloin. Therefore, Lakan Dula of Tondo and Carlos Lacandola of Arayat are two different people. Furtheremore, this Wikipedia article is not about Lakan Dula of Tondo but Carlos Lacandola of Arayat. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is not a descendant of Lakan Dula of Tondo but of Carlos Lacandola of Arayat. We have uncovered a historical anomaly in the Philippines. Thanks Wikipedia.

It is possible that one of the grand daughters of Lakan Dula, Dola Goiti Dula from whom Candola (owned by Dola)of San Luis, Pampanga was named after, married somebody with a Reyes surname. Later, the Reyes family will have a daughter who married a Macapagal which gave birth to Juan Macapagal y Reyes. This could have been very possible and logical and fool proof, which will put the Macapagal Family the honor of being a direct descendant of the first - born son of Lakan Dula, Batang Dula. This could have settled every doubts if the Macapagal are really descendants of Lakan Dula or not. But the paid hackers of the Macapagal family are not seeing it that way. They are so illogically fixated in changing Lakan Dula with Lakandula and later Lacandola which only made the real descendants of Lakan Dula of Tondo mad because it is insinuating that Lakan Dula of Tondo and Carlos Lacandola, the traitor from Arayat are the same. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:40, 25 June 2012 (UTC)

Lakan Dula, Banaw, and the Muhammed vandalization

No evidence was given to support his use of "Muhammed", vandalism... Also, Banaw or "Banao" was a personal name, so it would be properly used as "Lakan Dula Banaw/Banao" if need be used, otherwise, simple Lakan Dula, ALSO, "Lakan Dula" is a title as well as a dynasty, so therefore, there were previous Lakan Dulas before the last one, which IS this one.--LakanBanwa (talk) 00:28, 13 July 2012 (UTC)

So, this last Lakan Dula which is the subject of this article is not really the Lakan Dula of Tondo? Then, we must have another separate Wikipedia article about the Lakan Dula of Tondo from whom the Lakan Dula High School was named. The distinction would be that this present article is about Carlos Lacandola of Arayat whose one of the daughter is surnamed Reyes and married a guy with a surname Macapagal and gave birth to Juan Macapagal y Reyes, the 10th generation great grandfather of President Gloria Arroyo. The Lakan Dula of Tondo has the following children: Batang Dula, Martin Lakan Dula, Magat Salamat, Felipe Capulong, Dionisio Salonga and Maria Poloin. Take note that Lakan Dula of Tondo has no daughter with a surname Reyes. Finally, the truth has come out. Thanks Wikipedia. (talk) 16:26, 15 July 2012 (UTC)

This Lakan Dula specifically was from Tondo, if I'm not mistaken, all the "Lakan Dulas" are from Tondo... Now, if there was another nation with a ruler using "Lakan", but without "Dula" following it, then you have something to investigate there.--LakanBanwa (talk) 10:52, 10 October 2012 (UTC)

Attention LakanBanwa, you are mistaken.There is only one Lakan Dula of Tondo. You are blinded by your own agenda. You are mistaken again, there is another ruler in the Philippine history that used the title Lakan. He is Lakan Timamanukum,father of Rajah Alon. Please stop your secret agenda of corrupting Philippine history by eventually linking Lakan Dula of Tondo with Carlos Lacandola of Arayat whose one of the daughters is surnamed Reyes and married a guy with a surname Macapagal and gave birth to Juan Macapagal y Reyes, the 10th generation great grandfather of President Gloria Arroyo. Lakan Dula of Tondo has no daughter with a surname Reyes. Lakan Dula of Tondo is not Carlos Lacandola of Arayat. You are committing a HISTORICAL PLUNDER!