Gaheris Vitruvius Gracchus

Sir Gaheris Vitruvius Gracchus

  • Michael Grove
  • Passed: June 18th, 2017

From Duchess Maisie Dunbarton and Duke Gregory Ahearn, Trimaris.

I am saddened to bring you the news that Mike Grove, known in the Society as Sir Gaheris Vitruvius Gracchus, passed away just before 5:00 AM (6/18/17) this morning. As some of you know, Mike had been fighting brain cancer for many years, although he kept up a strong spirit, and endured his hardship with grace, resolve, and a strength that can only be described as admirable. Many of you did not know of his illness because Mike was one to never seek sympathy or pity, but instead worked hard to not cause anyone discomfort, even at the expense of his health.

Gaheris, was known throughout the Knowne Worlde for his prowess, his determination, and his discretion. Never once did he disparage another fighter, or brag on his abilities, though any would be hard-pressed to do the same, were they in his situation. His quiet determination belied the intense love he held for the art of combat; he truly loved nothing more than to fight; winning, renown, rewards; these were simply by-products of his love for combat, and his prowess demonstrated that love. Conversely, never was a negative word heard about Gaheris, as he was as loved as he was respected. He accepted every challenge cheerfully, and always had a compliment or word of advice for his opponent.