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Z00 - The Z-Papers on English Literature secret codes
The Devil of Faust defeats the university neurotransmiiter NOISE of Cole Hall, DeKalb, Ill
The ideas of Faust and Farms of Virginia Tobacco in the Base 16 hexadecimal neurotransmitter streams of consciousness DEFEAT Virginia TECH
Gulliver & other books
Gulliver travels on 2 GREAT STREETS
Henry Miller - Community Cancer definition
The Gulliver biochemistry and hepatology WORD and CONCEPT clues
The Gulliver's Travels war casualty of the English literature WAR --> Michael Brown
The internal LIVER and its output message to the EXTERNAL world --> Guillible Liver's Travel
Lewis Carroll
Alice in Organic Chemistry --> Social chemistry and advanced molecular English literature with Lewis Carbon atomic author ..... alias Lewis Carroll.
Alice in Wonderland --> Chicago 1968 --> the Chicago Seven ENGLISH LITERATURE trial of Chicago university secret languages
Humpty Dumpty has a great Fall --> The Battle of Fallujah, Iraq
Lewis Carroll helps explain the Chicago Seven organic chemistry molecule TRIAL --> Hofmann elimination of Bobby Seale
Nature's secret communications LINK between the Nitrogen Cycle, Alice in Dairyland, and Wisconsin DEATH and decomposition.
Organic chemistry Lewis structures --> Lewis Carroll English language structures of the valence electron WONDERLAND.
The atomic social science messages written by Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass - the Virginia TECH chemistry glass stopper and formaldehyde
INTERNAL blood codes and their EXTERNAL hematology manuscript - A Midsummer Night's Dream
The atomic output signals of the King Lear Manuscript.
William Shakespeare's DEATH in year 1616 and the DEATH bio-optical bio-computer subroutine's TIME TRAVEL to the tragedies at Century 16 multiplex and April 16 English department.
Sherlock Holmes
The Sherlock Holmes secret B100D iron message codes to scientists
The Sign of Four --> 4-H Club of Wisconsin help explain July 4, 1776 and the 4-DNA nucleotide biochemistry constitution
The Sign of Four --> Sherlock Holmes in China --> The Gang of Four and the June 4th Incident in 1989
The Sign of Four mystery ---> the four story Echelon office building in Austin Texas with the Joe Stack story
Solzhenitsyn ... Fort Hood SOL (Solar System literature language) ---> Soldier READ Center literature battle.
The First Circle - the secret math continuum boundaries and range defined
The Solzhenitsyn atomic language and electromagnetic coupling LINK to the Solomon organic molecule continuum level for the UW, Madison display of consciousness.
Double-Helix English
DH = Double Helix literary agent D.H Lawrence explains secrets of language. Bio-chemistry thought -->social chemistry.
DNA music and dance expressions
Hepatology secret social science language codes
Nature's post office system VIA male carriers
Oliver Twist and the two strands of DNA ERROR cities: Liverpool, England and Livermore, California
The Dick and Jane school book problem of Janesville, Wisconsin
The double-helix of Leopold and Loeb and the ART DECO murder of Robert Franks.
The Syria conflict represents language code --> Sy --> Symbols, Systems, and Symmetry
University language ERRORS result in casualties
Book wars
Book exposes the SECRET LANGUAGE codes of UW and Madison, Wisconsin
Book 1984 .... The INVERSE Wilson Hall ... FermiLAB Physics ERROR
Book 1984 advanced education for Virginia TECH ..... Mr. Cho year of birth 1984
Book explains university MURDER systems
Book provides clues to Sandy Hook WAR ZONE
Book reveals Princeton University secret codes
Book reveals University poetry secrets about the Carl Sandburg murder system
Hannah Graham and the UV and UW biochemistry textbook WAR
The University of Virginia English Department Ultra-Violet spectrum UVA murder of Hannah Graham explained by Agatha Christie
The DIck and Jane school book war
University of Virginia - WAR of the Worlds
Who is AFRAID of Virginia Woolf and Edward Albee? Virginia university battle zone.
EM-Field Death
The electromagnetic system equation of the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.
The Solar System optics battle at Virginia TECH for violations of the photosynthesis cellulose THESIS integrity laws.
Watertown Daily Times newspaper ... the EM-field battle at EMMET Township ....and its molecular and optical TIME codes
Hari Seldon --> Hara Kiri Seldon(e) and the Foundation series on suicide
Mirror word codes
Nature displays Botany English language VIA the cellulose extensions of William Strunk and E.B.White
S.I. Hayakawa neuroscience language WAR
The aldehyde molecule ENGLISH language communication problems at Virginia TECH
The George Orwell death keyword list: 1984, totalitarian state, Oceania.
The secrets of dermatolgy SKIN languages and the economic TAX system.
Two Pennsylvania State Troopers shot in LANGUAGE battles
Enzyme words
Book reveals blood ENGLISH language codes
symBOL ......... subset code .... BOL ..... eBOLa disease of vowels a,e .... LINKED to EARTH Language Space /Time problems
The communities of Summit-Oconomowoc and lake Lac La Belle biochemistry war casualties are a display of the Lack of Lac operon LANGUAGE knowledge.
The enzyme English language Hieroglyphics Hierarchy bio-physics Problem between FermiLAB and Egypt causes Cairo protests.
The Penn State Enzyme English language DEMO of the LOCK(ER-room) and KEY Trial.
THY LORD ---- the THYroid gland message from the wealTHY family of Robert Franks
Vowels a,e and their integrity violations are a factor in ebola disease in West Africa
Jules Verne
Code --> White House --> the SUN white spectrum LINK to the iron tribe Hittite
Journey to the Center of EARTH --> war report --> Earth Iron Core VS World Trade Center.
Journey to the Center of EARTH and the Journey to the Center of World Trade Center bull-stories
Journey to the Center of EARTH World and World War 1 and 2
Princess Diana - the Paris TUNNEL and the Jules Verne runic script
The Jules Verne 1864 atomic equation of ferrous oxide IRON atom revealed
The World War 2 alliance between Germany and Italy expresses the Jules Verne influence on human thought
Tiananmen Square - Journey to the Center of Earth's Iron Core 26 protons on April 26, 1989 in CHINA, Asia
Optic battles
Book reveals the OPTICAL Language MURDER of Hannah Graham
Book reveals the language LOCK & KEY war of Madison, Wisconsin
Cooley's language anemia. The eye / optical nerve SYMBOL MACHINE deficiency
Sandy Hook and the Isaac Newtown optical PRISM war helps explain a chain of optical war EVENTS and casualties.
Star Wars book helps explain the human eye optic WARS
The Germanwings plane crash in the French alphabets REVEALS the incandescent light bulb war casualty Lubitz
The Cyclops EYE WAR signal from the Virginia TECH English department and Norris Hall
The eyeglass rim .... optical STAR WARS military code: The Outer Rim Sieges
The Brazil Nightclub real life performance of the Sartre play " NO EXIT "
The secrets of Bedroom THEATER ..... code words revealed
The water molecule THEATER of WAR ..... the water English language WAR casualties
Theatre --> tre tree of WAR .... Copyright LAW results in death of Michael Brown
University of Chicago THEATER Performances in BS in year 1924
Vowel Machines
Cybernetics, vowels, words, and SNOW jobs
Jeffrey Fowle and his Jeffery Tubes (human throat and espohagus) ... Star Trek mission
Star Trek secret codes of Cavendish Labs .... MOUTH cave VOWELS
The vowel math (VM) machine and its extensions.
VM .... Vowel Machines and Virtue machines ...Star Wars book and its secret military codes
Symbol Machines
Abstraction Ladder
The S.I. Hayakawa ABSTRACTION LADDER shooting battle at the LAX airport terminal escalator
Atomic English
"Elements of Style" by William Strunk, Jr.
Book atom and molecule command codes to control the Univerity of Wisconsin
Fellini movie 8 1/2 plays OUT at Penn State .... Abstraction Ladder FELL 39 Feet
Organic molecules and their English language thoughts
The atomic ENGLISH language of Energy
The language WAR translation of agent code --> General Eisenhower
The oxygen atom "Elements of Style' and the atomic number 8 elementary rules of usage
The Symbol Machine and atomic English language WAR of noun, proper nouns, algebra subsets, and concepts
Virginia TECH En department violations of the atomic English language enRICO fermi STATUTE of 1970 covering language racketeering and corruption
Base 16 HEX
Sybil and the 16 personalities of Virginia TECH displayed on April 16, 2007
The Aurora, Colorado battle between Century 16 Hollywood movies and Century 16 Wlliam Shakespeare literature
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and the EARTH english language conflict with Janet Reno and the university dictionary errors
The word --> Gray --> Gra + ray --> Grammar Ray. The optical nerve military book.
Nikola Tesla
Book 1984 Oceania code helps explain Nikola Tesla wave war code 0.08484
The Nikoli Tesla AC language code SM = Symbol Machine O key
Word Disease
The American Cancer Society attacks on the human brain and EARTH geography regions
John Milton code word ...Paradise Lost ......... Parallel disease ..we are LOST.
Z00 - The Z-Papers on English Literature secret codes
John Milton code word ...Paradise Lost ......... Parallel disease ..we are LOST.
Post date: Jul 18, 2020 1:19:00 AM
Z-paper-836 by Herb Zinser
Z-paper-836 --> John Milton code word ...Paradise Lost ......... Parallel disease ..we are LOST.
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