The ideas of Faust and Farms of Virginia Tobacco in the Base 16 hexadecimal neurotransmitter streams of consciousness DEFEAT Virginia TECH

Post date: Jul 19, 2020 7:02:54 PM

RD-blog-number-2669 by Herb Zinser

When serious books are written, they are an optical information INPUT data stream to the eye /ris / retina , the optical nerve. and the brain symbolic processor.

The input information to the bio-computer brain may eventually go to the subliminal mind level, the subconscious level, or the Carl Jung collective unconscious level of the GROUP MIND. Thus eventually over years, decades, centuries ...the more primordial LEVELs of thought acquire a symbolic education. These foundation levels of thought work for NATURE's systems and Nature's intellectual projects .... that may or may not be in agreement with some university professor or some corporate businessman or some womans biased VIEW of reality and the purpose of life and thought.

Let's look at Goethe and outline Nature's advanced education quality control system and Nature's social engineering message processing system..

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

German Section - Foreign Languages and Literatures - Virginia

3305: Readings in major works of German literature from the late Middle Ages ... the age of Goethe: Goethe, Schiller, and Hölderlin; the development of German ..

German Literature Degree Programs: Frequently Asked

Your literature courses may include studies of common themes in German classics, poetry and drama and in pieces by Faust, Nietzsche and Goethe.


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust is a tragic play in two parts: Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil (translated as: Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy) and Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy).

Goethe completed a preliminary version of Part One in 1806.

Goethe finished writing Faust Part Two in 1831

The principal characters of Faust Part One include:

Faust Part One takes place in multiple settings, the first of which is heaven. Mephistopheles makes a bet with God: he says that he can lure God's favourite human being (Faust), who is striving to learn everything that can be known, away from righteous pursuits. The next scene takes place in Faust's study where Faust, despairing at the vanity of scientific, humanitarian and religious learning, turns to magic for the showering of infinite knowledge.

Let's look at the modern application of Goethe and Faust in the State of MIND --> the State of Virgina ..... a parllel to the Earth geography region of the State of Vriginia.

Nature's BRAIN qualty control system uses a binary tracking system a double-helix method of analysis.

To understand this, we have 2 types of existence for an object .......a biochemistry physical existence and a symbolic existence such as the English language words and science words and flowcharts in a basic college biochemistry or molecular cell biology textbook.

Nature, foe this project uses 2 objects ......for the binary tracking system.

a) nicotine molecules ina human that are INPUT via Virginia tobacco in the format of cigarrettes and the process of smoking cigarettes ...Nature's mission to SMOKE OUT the LUNG bull-stories of arrogant, self-rightous snobs opposed to smoking.

b) actylcholine

Acetylcholine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (often abbreviated ACh) is an organic,

polyatomic cation that acts as a neurotransmitter in both the peripheral nervous

system (PNS) and central ...

Acetylcholine receptor - Acetylcholinesterase - Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor -

Acetylcholine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is also the principal neurotransmitter in all autonomic

ganglia. In cardiac tissue acetylcholine neurotransmission has an

inhibitory effect, which ...

Acetylcholine receptor - Acetylcholinesterase - Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor -

Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine Acetylcholine is the primary

neurotransmitter involved with thought, learning, and memory. It

sharpens our concentration and perception.


Acetylcholine Neurotransmission

Acetylcholine, the first neurotransmitter discovered, was originally described

as "vagus stuff" by Otto Loewi because of its ability to mimic the electrical

stimulation of the vagus nerve. It is now known to be a neurotransmitter at all

autonomic ganglia, at many autonomically innervated organs, at the

neuromuscular junction, and at many synapses in the CNS.

11.2 Acetylcholine in the Autonomic Nervous System

In the autonomic nervous system, acetylcholine (ACh) is the

neurotransmitter in the preganglionic sympathetic and

parasympathetic neurons

Introduction to the Cell Biology of the Cholinergic Synapse

The relationship between cigarette nicotine and natural acetylcholine is a parallel relationship ...known to the super-symmetry physics ......that is atomic bio-physics and atomic bio-chemistry of message systems analysts.

Nicotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a potent parasympathomimetic alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants (Solanaceae) that acts as a nicotinic

acetylcholine receptor agonist.

cigarette - Nicotine poisoning - Nicotine withdrawal - Nicotine gum.

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are

cholinergic receptors that form ligand-gated ion channels in the plasma

membranes of certain neurons and on ...

Structure - Binding the channel - Opening the channel - Effects

Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors - ATSDR

At the conclusion of this section, the learner will be able to describe the key function of nicotinic receptors, describe where nicotinic receptors are found and ...


Nicotine binds to receptors of the neurotransmitter


thus nicotine has excitatory effects on a broad range of cells.

Thus Nature can use nicotine to keep track of the Virginia TECH university thoughts and social sciences bull-stories and real estate housing and their brain social,economic psychology tricks.

Thus Nature used the cigarette tobacco and nicotine for Nature's military

intelligence systems.

Cigarettes and Virginia Tobacco farms ........ algebra subset ..

Ci.a --> Central Intelligence aged tobacco cured molecules .... CURE ... can cure all kinds of biased and manipulative intellectual problems at universities and state governments.

Thus we see that NATURE's molecule level CIA uses ...the as a parallel ..the CIA in Langley Virginia composed of male humanoids that tell their girlfriends about their intellectual superiority over all of Nature's systems. Now that is good PR = + Public Relations for a happy social life ...... but, when we're talking serious EARTH and Nature system projects ...... that line of bull is not successful.

Thus the incomplete explanations of the Virginia TECH tragedy.

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school

shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia

Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...

Let's look at the symbolic equations used by Nature's neurotransmitter DEFENSE system.

1st --> deep in the symbolic mind (at some deep level ) is the the symbolic life of the Goethe literature identifier: Faust

2) Whatever FAUST means OR explains in the traditional sense ...Nature takes a copy version of FAUST and adapts that particular version to Nature's nicotine.

S.I. Hayakawa in "Language in Thought and Actions" would take the different version of Faust and give them numbers.

Faust(1) -- the original

Faust(2) - something else

Faust(3) -- different application




Faust ( subscript n) --> neurotransmitter project

modern Faust and Nature's military equation

Faust --> Fa + Ust --> Base 16 hexadecimal + United States Tobacco industry ---. that concept implies Virginia Tobacco --. implies smoking cigarettes and nicotine

PARALLEL PROCESSING trap set-up by Nature's molecules

( BULL-talk problem of bragging non-smoking humanoid molecules)

VIA molecule military strategy ----> Nicotine binds to

receptors of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine,


Virginia Tobacco -->

Virginia T ----> Darwinian selection of an optimal symbolic location --->

Virginia Tech ...geography location with symbol identifier Virginia T....

optimizes the creation of a message that can be figured out ---> consequently the Base 16 hex shooting of April 16 at location Virginia T. with

Darwinian selection of a humanoid to sacrifice for the acetylcholine WAR mission.

acetylcholine --> ace + tyl + cho + line ---> Mr. CHO + lines of English language...


Seung-Hui Cho and George Orwell

January 18, 1984 – April 16, 2007) was a Korean spree

killer who killed 32 people and wounded 17

others on April 16, 2007, at Virginia

Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.[3] An additional 6 people were injured

jumping from windows to escape.[4] He was a senior-level undergraduate

student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the "Virginia

Tech massacre."[5][6] Cho later committed suicide after law

enforcement officers breached the doors of the building where the majority of

the shooting had taken place. His body is buried in Fairfax,


Let's review the symbolic life of proper nouns, nouns, science words, Base 16 Computer Earth system 370 and Nature's symbol navigation systems. that operate independently of the individual humanoid. The human brain is an MFT bio-computer --> Multiple Fixed Tasks and this was announced by Nature's LSMFT --> Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco ......Nature's nicotine / neurotransmitter SMOKE SCREEN project with the tobacco molecule industry.

Thus ...given Goethe and Faust from the year 1806 thru 1831 ...... we arrive at modern Faust ...symbolic life that Nature converts into a social engineering EVENT creation mechanism.

Faust ---> Fa + ust --> Farms + United States Tobacco company listed on Wall Street stock market…..

and the United States Tobacco industry with

tobacco grown in Watertown Wisconsin --->

agriculture farms growing Virginia Tobacco --> implies Virginia T --> thus Darwinian selection of Virginia TECH for the nicotine/ acetylcholine BATTLE FIELD over smoking and the arrogant humanoid

bio-computers with a data bit bitch error.

Faust --> Fa --> Base 16 hexadecimal giving April 16 event of the engineering department CAD = Computer Aided Design of student CAD --> CADavers.

About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others --> and the student CAD --> human CADAVER program.t

Faust --> Fa --> Faculty = Fa + Cult + y --> Fa + Cult + Y2K errors in the

bio-computer system after year 2000

Thus we see the incomplete picture and the lack of intellectual integrity at American universities

Acetylcholine Neurotransmission



Thus we see a few pieces to a puzzle about the relationship ...the Social Contract between Nature and Man.

Thus the STAR WARS movie and paperback books with Luke Skywalker.....and Wookie known in the phonetics, sound world as .... Chew Tobacco. All these CLUES add up to an interesting neuroscience science WAR puzzle.

In computer science ....parallel processing and super-symmetry symbolism ...

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online art or practice of using symbols especially by investing

things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or

intangible by means of visible

English language brain computer word command

Virginia TO --> TOBACCO

Virginia TE ---> TECH

................OE --Order Entry to the English language symbolic processor and its vowels ---> A, E, I/O U ---> Input / Output Universe

Thus more pieces to a bigger puzzle about the State of Virginia and its citizens and institutions. AND their neuroscience violations to the Constitution of the UNITED STATES of MIND.