The enzyme English language Hieroglyphics Hierarchy bio-physics Problem between FermiLAB and Egypt causes Cairo protests.

Post date: Jul 16, 2020 10:16:14 PM

RD-blog-number-2861 by Herb Zinser

The study of the physics equation: Egypt helps us understand many concepts of physics that are put on display at an everyday human level.

Egypt --> Energy pointers ...with many applications ..... such as

atomic energy or language pointer or enzyme expression pointers.

An example of this ... is the atomic information display by atomic bio-physics enzymes that use humanoids as display devices. Let's look at 2 recent events involving enzymes expressions.


Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting rampage came to be known as the "Virginia Tech massacre." Cho .... According to Chris Davids, a high school classmate in Cho's English class at .

Ex-classmates say gunman was bullied - US news - Crime & courts ...

Apr 19, 2007 – Next story in Massacre at Virginia Tech A year after Va. ... Cho, 23,

a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ...

Let's look at Nature's enzyme language expression equation .. that was converted to the HUMAN LEVEL of expression ...hence, the DEMO at Virginia TECH with Mr.CHO. Thus we see ...the Darwinian selection of Mr..CHO --> the CHOSEN ONE for the enzyme SOCIAL communications mission.


Above..we see the words ....many individual enzyme-catalyzed reactions take place ............... thus we see this translated in nasty REALTY ...with the mapping of words ...........

many --> the many students on a college campus ---> shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others

individual --> solar energy messenger--> CHO ...... .carbohydrate english class

enzyme ---> subset letters --> en + z + Y + me --> english (A to) Z Y2k messenger ................ SIGNAL 2 ..........

in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart,

enzyme-catalyzed reactions ----> modern social engineering ...... Nature's new, VIRGIN TECHOLOGY lesson for Virginia TECH .....

Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others

The other EVENT ....occurred at the ink PEN university known a PENN State.

Here the various university departments ..... at their Carl Jung collective unconsciousness level (theIr GROUP MIND and their usage of the symbolic student body with theoretical experimental enzymes) ... the university departments wished to take the unconscious LEVEL and bring it to a level of consciousness. This is hard to do directly ...... .but indirectly they achieved the information display at the conscious level ,,,,, .... ... then that empirical database had to be properly interpreted into an enzyme SOCIAL SCIENCE messages model.

Let's look at the database .....

Jerry Sandusky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After Sandusky retired as assistant coach at Penn State, he continued working .... (Sandusky often initiated overtly sexual

behavior in the locker room showers).

Joe Paterno - Touched - The Second Mile - Game Over

Penn State child sex abuse scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The trial of Jerry Sandusky on 52 charges of sexual crimes against children ....

the locker room at the Lasch Football Building at Penn State and heard what he


Let's look at the KEYWORD pointer signal of the 2 recent keyword signaling EVENTS.

Solar energy --> sunlight with MR. CHO language --> ancient civilizations with languages in regions of SUNLIGHT..

Mr.CHO --> E and English ---> Enzymes --> E ---perhaps Egypt.

Mr.Cho --> Carbohydrates confirm SIGNAL via ..... I

Do Egyptian men like fat women?

The real answer is that Egyptian men their subliminal mind ...... like the Solar System photosynthesis equation and MOTHER EARTH.

Their deep primordial feelings and their appreciation for Nature's carbohydrates process are then displaced onto nearby women ...who bring social sunshine into their lives.

Sandusky --> algebraic subset word --> SAND implies white spectrum

Sandusky with ink Pen at Penn State --> ancient sand , ancient ink pen, white visible spectrum ..... implies Hieroglyphics.


Above, we see the Sandusky signals and the CHO signals that point to the origins of Enzyme languages --> E = Egypt.

Egyptian hieroglyphs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egyptian hieroglyphs HY-roh-GLIF) were a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians that combined logographic and alphabetic elements. Egyptians ...

Etymology - History and evolution - Writing system - Spelling


Thus we see ...... Nature's biochemistry expression DISPLAYED by humanoids at the active site E = Egypt ..... Cairo ...Blocks in the city --> ECB ......

thus the molecular computer .... social engineering / EVENT CONTROL BLOCK demonstrations

with the humanoid enzyme country of IS = Information Systems represented by ISRAEL and atomic physics with Palestine ...... known as PAL Leon Lederman with agent code --> pa.LEON.tology in the Chicago region.

Let's look at the enzyme reaction DEMO in Egypt.

2011 Egyptian revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Protests took place in Cairo, Alexandria, and in other cities in Egypt,




Protests --> Prote --> Proteins express anger on behalf of the enzyme language continuum .

Below we see a modern source of much ligand conflicts --> ligation law school.

Below .....the conflicting groups in the EArth LAB Cairo message processing region


Above...we see the molecular cell biology EXTERNAL display using humanoid expressors in Cairo.


Above, we see the ancient enzyme HUMANOID language ..

a project plan underwritten by the oxygen molecule mass 32 ..that started the language project in year 3200 BC = Bio-Chemistry in the ancient period .... long ago.

Thus starting with Hier --> Hieroglyphics ...we now have in year 2013 ...the Hierarchy Problem of the FermiLAB modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... with atomic social sciences, atomic English language, and atomic mass communication policy ERRORS regarding television, radio, and print.

Hierarchy problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In theoretical physics, the hierarchy problem is the large discrepancy between aspects of the weak nuclear force and gravity. Physicists are unable to explain, for ...

Technical definition - The Higgs mass - Supersymmetric solution

quantum field theory - What is the hierarchy problem? - Physics

Nov 6, 2012 – So far I understood that the hierarchy problem was the large difference between the gravitational scale

What is the hierarchy problem?

What is the hier problem?

What is the hier +arch + y problem?

What is the hieroglyphics (symbolic) architecture (optical) highway problem?

Thus we have CLUES to a mystery about the language continuum ....

from the molecular cell biology hieroglyphics language inside the TOMB ROOMS of the Great Pyramids (the burial rooms symbolize brain cells and their internal secret enzyme language content)


the other end of the continuum is at FermiLAB ...with their modern version of atomic symbols ...... in a sense ... .atomic hieroglyphics.

Will the Department of Energy ever acknowledge Nature's project Egypt


the solar energy battle field at Virginia TECH


the PSSC physics ripple tanks / wave mechanics battle at the Cole Hall ocean class, etc .

Diplomatic communications theory needs new participants.,