DH = Double Helix literary agent D.H Lawrence explains secrets of language. Bio-chemistry thought -->social chemistry.

Post date: Jul 13, 2020 9:54:30 PM

RD-blog-number-2382 by Herb Zinser

Humans are composed of 2 major parts:

a) physical biology components such as molecules, genes, and DNA

b) symbolic components such as nouns, verbs, math equations, and formula

Thus the question becomes...has NATURE given us CLUES about this architecture. How do the 2 components relate?

Let's propose the old paradox...which came first...the Chicken or the Egg?

Rather that tackle that tough problem ....we would build 2 models of the situation and gather empirical data from NATURE ..... to help us explain how its processes work.

Let's look at the Double-Helix. It has existed for thousands of years in formats.

a) the physical biochemistry within humans

b) the thought expressions of humans ....cities, the Roman empire and its highway system ...... all these are EXTERNAL displays of systems and organizations really dependent upon the INTERNAL systems expertise of Nature's molecular cell biology TEAMS inside the body.

As Nature's internal projects were being completed (the HEART construction project, etc ) ...Nature's molecular design and engineering teams became bored .....needed something to do.

Intelligent molecules, LOYAL to Nature and the natural number e = 2.718 , like to be active. As they say.... in periodic atomic table thought circles.....an intellectually active and curious molecule is a happy molecule

Thus Nature ..... having spent hundreds of thousands of years working on the internal HIGHWAY SYSTEM (the blood arteries and blood vessels) ...decided to build an EXTERNAL ...parallel, supersymmetry system ...thus came into being the ROMAN Empire aqueduct and highways ...... desires and orders from NATURE to explore new avenues and formats of expression.

The INTERNAL body waterways and their MIRROR expression .......

Roman Aqueductswww.unrv.com/culture/roman-aqueducts.php

The great and highly advanced Roman waterway system known as the Aqueducts, are among the greatest achievements in the ancient world. The running .,,

Let's remember our bio-chemistry heritage ...

Man Aqueducts


The great and highly advanced MAN internal waterway system known as the urinary system, blood system, etc ....... , are among the greatest achievements in the ancient .... ancient .... ancient world of primordial biochemistry with Nature.

What is the Double-Helix ?

Nucleic acid double helix - Wikipedia,

In molecular biology, the term double helix refers to the structure formed by double-stranded molecules of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. The double ...

History - Nucleic acid hybridization - Base pair geometry - Helix geometries

DNA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules are informational molecules encoding the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known ...

Nucleic acid - DNA sequencing - DNA replication - DNA profiling


Above, we see the words Double-Helix initials DH.

Thus Darwinian symbolic selection of human agents ....

....humans with a proper noun

......humans to be messenger /authors for Double-Helix social science articles and books ......

the Darwinian selection method .... ...in order to send an optimal correlation signal about its improved evolutionary methods .,.....

selected proper noun identifier ... D.H Lawrence ......

to write books describing ...............D.H.Law --> Double-Helix LAW books...which were banned by LAW schools ...since they are humanoids with no natural respect for NATURE and its entities.

Humanoids are partitioned into different groups.

a) the EAR/ mouth people that CHAT and talk and blabber ...their brain has subroutine instructions to open their mouth with verbal output.

b) EAR people with music

c) MOUTH /eat people cook and have restaurants and are in the food industry

d) optical structures like artists that paint and fashion clothes designers

e) serious, heavy duty optical people ..algebra , physics, chemistry textbooks,etc

Thus most people use the HUMAN biology body ...as a processing platform AND they allow nonsense thought bio-computer programs to use their SKULL/ brain.

Thus...we have Nature HOST bio-system with parasite nonsense subroutines inside the brain .....and this is encouraged by citizen/ government philosophy and television broadcasts,etc.

Thus Nature and the DH = Double-Helix molecular system selected D.H.Lawrence ...to display messages about life and to get some books printed.


Above, DH = Double-Helix Law in the Lawrence configuration.

Shakespeare - All the world's a stage

William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7) ... And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; ..

Shakespeare - All the world's a DNA expression stage .

- All the world's a stage

.. And all the men and women merely DOUBLE-Helix players: They have their exits and their entrances; ..

Shakespeare - All the world's a DNA expression stage .

- All the world's a stage

.. And all the men and women merely DOUBLE-Helix p layers --> processing layers.

They have their exits and their entrances ....between processing layers

- Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness levels

- Maslow's Hierarchy of NEEDS ..... of theoretical physics regarding the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... atomic social anthropology Hierarchy Problem..

-subliminal mind levels

-STATES of MIND .....like COLOR optics/ eye/retina optical geography map represented by STATE of COLORADO

Thus we come back to D.H.Lawrence, with his profile shown above with important numbers:

Born: 11 September 1885 ...... rewritten as SEPT 11 --> S 11 --> SKU.11

Died 2 March 1930 (aged 44),,,, algebra subset letters and symbols

D 2 ......................44

Period 1907 - 1930

Some of the above numbers proved LINKS to the atomic levels of REALITY and the Double-Helix level of LIFE.

KEY NUMBER 4 of .age 44

Thus we ask, does the DOUBLE-Helix use number 4.

Name the four nucleotides that makeup

DNA and indicate how do they ...

answer: There are 4

nucleotides that make up DNA A = Adenine T = Thymine C = Cytosine G =

Guanine Adenine pairs with Thymine, Cytosine with Guanine.

The DH agent --> Double-Helix Lawrence died on March 2 ...age 44.

Perceived and translated as a Double-Helix DEATH SIGNAL..of significance .....

we have 2 strands of a structure with 4 DNA nucleotides and 4 DNA nucleotides .......one strand manages INTERNAL physical biology biochemistry processing and the other strand represents information systems......symbolic processing and relationships with the EXTERNAL world of daily activities of humans.

Key concept ---> period 1907 - 1930 ...with number 07 implies nitrogen atom with 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electron orbitals. Nitrogen is used by the nitrogenous BASES that are part of DNA molecular structures.

Thus...we see strong CLUES that D.H. Lawrence .....was one of Nature's literary agents ..with D.H. = Double Helix Law.

What other CLUES have occured in DNA English literature ..... about the Double-Helix TWISTED strands or the 4 DNA nucleotides.

Oliver Twist | Charles Dickens | year 1838

Oliver Twist is Charles Dickens' second novel. It

is about a boy named Oliver Twist, who escapes from a workhouse and meets a ... Source: Dickens, C. (1838).

Thus we see ..year 1838 ...2 INTERNAL twisted information strands of DNA send a message to the EXTERNAL world of cellulose, printed books:

2 strands --> second book

DNA twist --> oliver TWIST

Another, important signal was sent by around year 1890 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The Sign of the Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sign of the Four (1890), also called The Sign of Four, is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle wrote four ...

Thus we see ..year 1890 ...2 INTERNAL twisted information strands of DNA send

a message to the EXTERNAL world of cellulose, printed books:

2 strands --> second book

4 DNA nucleotides --> sign of FOUR

Thus we see...thru actual data ...that DNA has been sending important signals...that are ignored by university English departments, Department of Education, etc.

Thus LAW schools and their legal student graduates thought it okay to BAN the DH Lawrence Double-Helix Law books. Perhaps, the books ought have restricted to those that study advanced biology or advanced chemistry --> social chemistry expressions of molecules ...in this case DNA molecules.

Let's look at the DNA English alphabet of 26 symbols.

Letter and bio-chemistry bio-computer address location



Thus we see the bio-computer symbolic processing features.

D --> 4 data bits (1/2 .byte) and implies numeric BASE 4

H --->8 data bits ( 1 byte) ..thus the size of the DNA computer "Word"

Now, author DH Lawrence ...was assigned a MISSION by Nature.

His DNA was to extend the range/ the reach of DNA messages in increments of 4 ..because that appears to be the BASE 4 ...method ...multiples of 4.

Thus INTERNAL biology agent

D.H Lawrence and EXTERNAL cellulose systems P = Publishing optical books

4...8..12................................................................Base 16 hexadecimal

Thus we see NATURE's attempt to establish some Base 16 hexadecimal communication LINK of importance.

Virginia TECH English department has ignored Nature's DNA expression signals ..the consequences of university arrogance was the Base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer bio-optical .... tragedy of APRIL 16, 2007.

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia,


The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on

April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Thus we see the Base 16 HEX/curse of data processing message of

year 2007 --> translated as 2 strands of atomic number 007 = Nitrogen of the nitrogenous bases of DNA bio-chemistry -->DNA anger --> social chemistry DEMO on APRIL 16, 2007 ...... a DNA awareness TEST and DNA existence of a working symbolic BRAIN test.

All East coast universities are affected ..with self-inflicted brain disease.

What else does the D.H.. Lawrence Published .......

capital letter codes: D, H, L, P ...... tell us


Let's look at word .....LAWRENCE

.....key subset ...........LA --> Load address computer instruction AND

.....key processor ID...LA -->Ladder device structure of DNA

LADDER = LA + adder --> Load Address adder / symbolic calculator ..using

English alphabet letters and math integer numbers ,4,8,12,16,,...



Thus we see ...the 10 strands levels into double helix (2 strands) ..gives us a model of 10 left bio-signaling devices and 10 right bio-signaling devices.

LADDER = LA + adder --> IBM Load Address adder for

human bio-computers / symbolic calculator …… using

English alphabet letters and math integer numbers ,4,8,12,16,,...

Thus the INTERNAL bio-physics structures with 10 strands levels CAN be seen in the EXTERNAL format of a graduate student or professor ..who studies TOE theory ...the Theory of Everything includes self-awareness of

LEFT side DNA 10 (5 fingers and 5 TOES) and the RIGHT side with supersymmetry of ( 5 fingers and 5 TOES) .

Thus we now understand the REASON for the university cover-up in TOE theory ....because they wear leather shoes to cover their TOES...and this interferes with their abstract thought process ..in considering all concepts in the THEORY of EVERGREEN trees, Mount EVEREST, Adam and EVE, EVEN integers,

Voice an Opinion - Botany Governor Tony Evers

appengine.egov.com › apps › voice-an-opinion

We encourage all Wisconsin citizens to reach out to the EARTH government …..

Botany trees and vegetables SUBSET

Government with human expression agents …..

Office of Governor Evers

Office of Governor Evers.

Office of Governor Evers.

Office of ………….or Evers.

Office of ………….or Evers.

Office of ………….orchards & Evergreen + spruce trees

But please know that any communications through this website are subject to ...

Voice an Opinion - Governor Tony Evers

appengine.egov.com › apps › voice-an-opinion

We encourage all Wisconsin citizens to reach out to the Office of Governor Evers. But please know that any communications through this website are subject to ...

Voice an O..nion - Governor Tony Evers

---> Ton E → Tons of atomic earth soil

Voice an Onion

Below, the parallel to the human mouth

Top piece of bread → roof of mouth

Beef hamburger → Talking meat of the tongue

Onion → Voice of opinion of Governor Evers

Lettuce input cellulose pages → become output pages


Scott brand name toilet paper

PER Bathrooms at FermiLAB Batavia Illinois …..

Wisconsin Governor → or → orifice anus hole…..

LEADER of rectum (um = universal mind) people

Scott Walker

EVERYTHING has many practical pieces ...that abstract thinkers categorize and condense into symbolic models and equations.

I'll leave that to them...that is the hard part.

I am just giving them some data examples about the REALITY of Nature's processes and interwoven systems ...which include some people and some EVENTS..

Thus we see that the atomic bio-physics DOUBLE-Helix structure handles English and numbers in some pattern ...that accomplished a lot of things. Thus the DNA symbolic machine ...and of course, our brain is a bio-computer symbolic processor,,,that needs algebra symbols, chemistry formula, bio-chemistry diagrams, physics equations, etc...to remain healthy. Symbols and knowledge nourish the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic processor.....Nature's special project.