Alice in Wonderland --> Chicago 1968 --> the Chicago Seven ENGLISH LITERATURE trial of Chicago university secret languages

Post date: Jul 18, 2020 6:33:54 PM

RD-blog-number-2523 by Herb Zinser

Let's look at an example of applied English literature.

Humans are bio-computer systems that receive optical data and optical input word commands to their eye / iris / retina/ cornea. The optical commands on thought and behavior are routed to the photon processor of symbols in the optical-nerve --->, human optical computer system. Thus nouns,verbs, adjectives,concepts printed on cellulose paper in BOOK pages are an EXTERNAL information database ...which is then an information input data stream to the INTERNAL human symbolic machine.

Thus we a sense...a CAUSE --> EFFECT relationships.

Given this knowledge of the EYE system flowchart ...universities, corporations,and governments WORK with Madison Avenue advertising and Hollywood movie / television script writers their very active attempts to manipulate and abuse the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEN 370 abstract brain symbolic processor.

As a consequence of their Hollywood and FCC optical attack upon the human BRAIN, we have Alzheimer's brain bio-computer cannibal subroutines and more social psychology problems. Citizen groups do not care.

Let's look at process .....already well-known in year 1865 by Lewis Carroll and other authors..


Alice in Wonderland

Who Stole the Tarts?

The twelve jurors

were all writing very busily on slates.

“What are they doing?” Alice whispered to the Gryphon. “They can’t have anything to put down yet, before the trial’s begun. "

Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. (As that is rather a hard word, I will just explain to you how it was done. They had a large canvas bag,

which tied up at the mouth

with strings;

into this they slipped the guinea-pig, head first, and then sat upon it.)

'I'm glad I’ve seen that done,” thought Alice “I’ve so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, ’There was some attempt at applause,

which was

immediately suppressed

by the officers of the court,’

and I never understood what it meant till now.”

. . . . .. .. Here the other guinea-pig cheered, and was suppressed.

“Come, that finishes the guinea-pigs!” thought Alice. “Now we shall go on better.”

Let's look at the EVENT in Chicago between 1968 and 1970.

The Chicago Seven trial and the 1968 Democratic National ... › News › Politics

Everybody knew it would be interesting, the trial of seven people charged with conspiring to incite the riots that erupted during the 1968 Democratic National ...

The Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial - History of the Federal


The trial of the “Chicago Seven” became a defining event in public debates about the Vietnam War, the student protest movement, and the fairness of the federal ...

Chicago Seven trial (United States history [1969]) --

Britannica ... Chicago-Seven-trial

These exploits, among others, led to Hoffman's being named a defendant in the so-called Chicago Seven trial (1969), in which he was convicted of crossing ...

Let's look at the Lewis Carroll DATA signals displayed by the EVENT.

a) The Lewis Carroll guinea-pig signals from the Chicago experimental literary region.... ----> Explicit signals in PIG words

When Cops Were Pigs - 1968 - ›

HistoryExplanation of how police were popularly called pigs after the 1968 National ... on the expression during the 1968 National Democratic Convention in Chicago.

When Cops Were Pigs

When Cops Were Pi gs

When Cops

Were math police …. Pi agents

What is pi?

What is pi?

What is pi bio-math animal?

Battleground Chicago - University of Chicago Press

The book Battleground Chicago: The Police and the 1968 Democratic ... painful era for many Americans. . . . to his great credit, [Kusch] allows 'the pigs' to speak ...

-------> Explicit guinea-pig CODE ----> PIG messages with Pictures

Pigasus (politics) - Wikipedia, t August 1968,

he was nominated for President of the United States during the ... The pig was placed in a police wagon and removed to the Chicago


---> the guinea-pigs cheered --> The CHICAGO human experiments that go unexplained in year 2012

Lewis Carroll ----> Come, that finished the guinea-pigs!' thought Alice.


Above, human bio-computers with optical nerves ...gather data for the LEWIS CARROLL project to clarify what's happening in the world of English language manipulations approved by the Department of Education, universities, library systems, etc. Citizens don't care about "The WORD of Honor" or atomic English language integrity.

Below, the court and the jury trial.

Lewis Carroll ---> 'Consider your verdict,' the King said to the jury.

'Not yet, not yet!' the Rabbit hastily interrupted. 'There's a great deal to

come before that!'


which was immediately suppressed by the

officers of the court," and I never

understood what it meant till now.'

Julius Hoffman - Wikipedia,


Chicago Seven‎: Judge Hoffman

became the favorite courtroom target of the Chicago Seven defendants,

who often openly insulted the judge. - Chicago Seven - In popular culture

Chicago Seven - Wikipedia,


For the ..... "Judge Hoffman Is Taunted at Trial of the

Chicago 7 After Silencing Defense Counsel".

Abbie Hoffman - Category:Chicago Seven - Tom Foran


Thus we see the more TRUE NATURE of the secret city of Chicago.

An Account of the Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial of



the Chicago Seven Trial merely, as one commentator

suggested, "a monumental non-event"? Was it, as others argue, an important

battle for the hearts and ...

Analyzing Closing Arguments in the Chicago Seven


...chicago7_psa.pdfFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

Through analysis of primary sources related to the Chicago Seven conspiracy trial, students will gain a deeper understanding of the events during the 1968 De-

Thus the CHICAGO TRIAL was a deeper level of REALTY expression of the protocol and methods outlined by Lewis carroll.

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online art or practice of using symbols especially by investing

things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or

intangible by means of visible or ...


The Chicago SEVEN conspiracy REALLY refers to the 7 major arrogant universities in Chicago and their myopic newspaper friends ...that manipulate the ENGLISH language word commands to the human brain brain bio-computer.

Their greatest INTELLECTUAL pleasures are the TRICK and sham methods they use ...and they celebrate this with their holiday of ST.TRICK Day with sham --> ST.PaTRICK's celebrations with the Shamrock.

Their financial OPTICAL IRIS (IRIS.h eyes) manipulations occured in 1985/1986 with the Beatrice Foods and Swift Foods mergers/etc resulting in a billion dollar profit.

Unfortunately , Jonathan Swift from year 1726 and his symbolic existence in literature...was watching the Swift Foods situation and CHICAGO IRISH eye tricks approved by the SEC and Washington,DC and the brain cell WALL --> WALL Street Journal and their reports on insider trading ...that is inside the brain and inside the optical nerve symbolic database.

Thus universities and shifting brain computer DATA RECORDS can cause people to behave and invest in the BRAVE NEW WORLD ..... as Aldous Huxley warned us about.

Virginia TECH approval of manipulation of the ENGLISH language and the propaganda machine resulted in NATURE's Base 16 hexadecimal shooting on April 16 of student bio-computer brains filled with programming ERRORS.

Thus we see how literature is a great influence upon our daily lives and the occasional language WAR expressions such as the George Orwell OCEANIA shooting at Cole Hall, Dekalb, Illinios.

Thus we ought try understand the situation .....these are a few pieces to a puzzle.