Book 1984 .... The INVERSE Wilson Hall ... FermiLAB Physics ERROR

Post date: Jul 16, 2020 5:27:42 AM

Rd-blog-number-3925 by Herb Zinser

This blog post reviews the C.P.Snow " TWO Cultures" year 1959 lecture and how blacks and whites in the social sciences, humanities, sports, and entertainment WORK full time to manipulate and lie and the brains of math, physics, and engineers in the various sciences.

The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free

The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a ...‎The lecture - ‎Implications and influence - ‎Antecedents - ‎See also

Flip WIlson belongs to one side to the TWO Cultures.

The humanities, social sciences, music. entertainment, sports,religion, theology, education, political science, farmers, factory workers, and business belong to a self-proclaimed superior group of thinkers ...... whose elite and superior thoughts are needed to manage the stupid people that study math, chemistry, organic chemistry, molecular cell biology, physics, mechanical engineering, electronics, etc.


The brain manipulation mission of FLIP WILSON was to gain control of the social perception section of the human brain of the math and science people that work at FermiLAB ...Wilson Hall.

Hence, the language WORD command "FLIP WILSON" to the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR of math and physics brain section ..... that is unaware of the television SYMBOL/picture/comedy routine attack upon the C.P.SNOW section of the brain. C.P.Snow was a chemists/physicis person and represents math and the serious sciences.

The FLIP WILSON target --> FLIP the brain thoughts at Wilson Hall and the associated University of Chicago, etc


Fermilab and Wilson Hall - Wikipedia, the free



FLIP → IP address with Pier Oddone of


Arequipa → IPA LINK to the

HG WELLS book about the

Village of Iping year 1897

As of January 1, 2007, Fermilab is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance, a joint .... The design of the administrative building (Wilson Hall) harks back to St.‎History - ‎Accelerators - ‎Experiments - ‎Architecture

Hence. Nature's defense systems for the human Central Nervous System and Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language defense system authorized the EVENT in Ferguson, Missouri with proper noun identifiers -->

Flip Wilson ---> F + Wilson --> Ferguson and Darren Wilson

The created EVENT ( Nature's brain engineering systems revenge for the FLIP WILSON attack) .. ..the EVENT has sufficient proper nouns to act as a living English LANGUAGE feedback control system ERROR message.

Ferguson --> subset letters--> fer --> route EVENT data to FermiLAB

Darren Wilson --> Wilson ---> Route data to Wilson Hall in Batavia, Illinois

MIchael Brown age 18 sitting at table --> implies --> periodic atomic table and the 18 families/columns message ... per Margaret Mead atomic nuclear families and its atomic social engineering conflicts.

The Periodic Table: Families and Periods - For Dummies

The vertical columns of elements are called groups, or families . Periods ... ... In each period (horizontal row), the atomic numbers increase from left to right. The periods are ... The newer method uses the numbers 1 through 18. So why do the ...



(ato)Michael Brown age 18 at the table ..........messenger


Hence, we have atomic mass --> atomic mass communications --> mass communications

(TV, radio, print, graphic arts, publishing, movies, INTERNET, etc)

Political Propaganda Is Cult Brainwashing - Prison

    • frame their case and sell their policies and programs. But how many people look upon this process as one designed, not to persuade you; but to indoctrinate you ...

    • Mind control - Wikipedia, the free

    • Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought .... that the CIA had invented the concept of "brainwashing" as a propaganda strategy to ...

Hence, we have the Carl Jung collective community of ST.Louis (GROUP MIND) tha doesn't care about REAL explanations of REALITY.


Carl Jung - Collective

Jung concept of collective unconscious is based on his experiences with ... archetypal images (in all the cultures and religious doctrines),

in dreams and visions.


Theory of Dreams

Following in the footsteps of Sigmund Freud, Jung claimed that dream analysis is the primary way to gain .... According to Jung, the former refer to collective dreams, which arise from the collective unconscious; the latter to ... Jung, Carl Gustav.


I Have a Dream - Wikipedia, the free

"I Have a Carl Jung Dream" is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in ...‎Mahalia Jackson - ‎George Raveling - ‎I Have a Dream (disambiguation)

Instead of basketball ..... blacks and whites ought to be serious about Nature's systems of life, language, and brain engineering of the Central Nervous System 370 processor.

George Washington carver had a science project plan .... Martin Luther King had a dream. Hence we see the C.P. SNOW concept of " TWO Cultures of thought" via the 2 black gentlemen ... and their different directions.

Saddly, the sports and religious people refuse to communicate with serious science thinkers ... about the communications GAP between the TWO Cultures.

Other, brainwashing wars reported .........

The GEORGE ORWELLL --> Battle of OCEANIA in oceanography class

Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local ... approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.


Above ...the symbolism ....the TWO CULTURES ..... school rooms of thought

Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free


Eurasia and Eastasia are the three fictional superstates in George Orwell's

futuristic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

History - ‎Oceania - ‎Eurasia - ‎Eastasiat

The Orwell battle with the Virginia TECH ENGLISH department -->

BOOK 1984 ..commands

BOO ...scare the nonsense dribble out of their brains ..

use MAX BORN bio-physics agent code 1984



Above year 1984 ..... day 18 --> the 18 atomic families of the Margaret Mead periodic atomic table ... atomic social policy and atomic family planning policy conflicts.

Day 18 --> age 18 --> code 18 Michael Brown ... the messenger from Ferguson, Missouri


Hence, we see a LANGUAGE feedback control system in action,


Hence, the input to the BRAIN SYSTEM occurred around 1970 with Flip WIlson and his television show.

Now, over 30 years later we have the LANGUAGE/optical system response ...the Darren Wilson feedback signal on behalf of FermiLAB code --> Fer --> route to Ferguson to some black person ..the FLIP WILSON social psychology trick in cahoots with white person manipulators at Madison Avenue advertising and marketing, etc. ... all approved by citizens and their bedroom communities.

Thus we see the keyword

--> entertainment --> component of word COMMAND

--> enter += tain + ment

--> enter taint/damage ..mental abilities

Hence, we see the creation of Alzheimer's problem ..... the desire of

radio and television singers (the music head ... human sub-species) to

impose upon other people's BRAIN the desire to SING ....

and that is accomplished with citizen and Federal government approval ......

the SING SING brain prison .... that occurs for older people ....

in an Alzhenmer's

nursing home .......

sing sing --> Home sweet Home

sing sing --> Home sweet nursing Home.