The secrets of dermatolgy SKIN languages and the economic TAX system.

Post date: Jul 16, 2020 5:39:43 AM

RD-blog-number-4014 by Herb Zinser

This blog post reviews the IRS dermatology tax system LANGUAGE. Nature's systems and the internal medicine government tell us about the internal revenues service (IRS) .. better known to NATURE as the Infra-RED Spectrum (IRS) section of the electromagnetic spectrum used by humanoids in their bedroom skin HEAT emission language activities.


Infrared spectroscopy (IRS skin tax system) - Wikipedia, the free

Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) is the spectroscopy that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, that is light with a longer wavelength and lower frequency than visible light. It covers a range of techniques, mostly based on absorption spectroscopy.‎Infrared spectroscopy - ‎Fourier transform infrared - ‎Rotational–vibrational

To understand some of the ENGLISH language usage of Infra-red social control languages..... we look at the Germanic language and it usage of words.

German nouns - Wikipedia, the free

German nouns are always capitalised (for example 'the book' is always "das Buch"), and may be created ... der Mann, den Mann, dem Mann(e), des Mann(e)s‎Declension for case - ‎Orthography - ‎Compounds - ‎Common false friends

Words -->

Der Mann is equivalent to

The man .. ... or in a more general sense ... the husband

Now, Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE tells us ... using atomic ENGLISH alphabet or the 26 letters of the ferrous oxide IRON atom .....

Der Mann --> Dermatology man or SKIN Man

Thus Nature's perception is explained by the words --> der Mann ... is a package of bio-chemistry molecules contained within a package/wrapper of skin.

Thus in a sense .... this is parallel to a cellulose cardboard box containing some appliance..

Modern packaging encyclopedia and planning guide in

Beginning date: 1973; Ending date: 1973; Vol/date range: 1972-3. Related Items: Continues as an issue of the periodical: Modern packaging, 1973-1979.

The 1973 issue is good ... super-symmetry bio-physics language mirrors tell us .. year 1973 --> 73 mirror 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature.

Thus Nature's version of modern packaging of living humanoids

The word --> der MIRROR red --> implies infra-red frequencies that are emitted from the surface of human skin and transmitted to near-by receivers.

Thus as you walk through a grocery store emit your infra-red heat language to others. This is an automatic process of Nature. Thus ..on busy day in a grocery store..... you may communicate with dozens of complete strangers in the infra-red language CODE.

Now, if a woman has a husband named FRED --> F + RED--> frequency interceptor agent for infra-red.

Thus FRED .... and his subconscious mind gather data as he walks thru the grocery store. Thus people like dancer Fred Astaire..

Fred Astaire - Wikipedia, the free

Fred Astaire (born Frederick Austerlitz; May 10, 1899 – June 22, 1987) was an American dancer, choreographer, singer, musician and actor. His stage and ...‎Ginger Rogers - ‎Adele Astaire - ‎The Gay Divorcee - ‎Royal Wedding


The Germanic language exists at several application levels ...human social language used by the German speaking people AND EARTH LANGUAGE used by Solar System communication codes and Nature's BOTANY expression systems.

The human language ..German and its Anglo-Saxon extensions are social languages for daily activities and for bedroom activities between a man and a HOT woman ...... who emits secret codes from her skin in the infra-red frequency ....... in the presence of the proper male receiver ...such as her husband..

Husband ..........

Husband ......

.......bandwidth .... bio-radio / bio-television using infra-red and optics

Figure 2.6 The electromagnetic spectrum

The radio, microwave, infrared, and visible light portions of the spectrum can all be used for transmitting information by modulating various measurements related to electromagnetic waves (see Figure 2.7):

Figure 2.7 An electromagnetic wave

    • Frequency--The number of oscillations per second of an electromagnetic wave is called its frequency.

    • Hertz--Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), in honor of Heinrich Hertz.

    • Wavelength--The wavelength is the distance between two consecutive maxima or minima of the wave form.

    • Amplitude--Amplitude is a measure of the height of the wave, which indicates the strength of the signal.

    • Phase--Phase refers to the angle of the wave form at any given moment.

    • Bandwidth--The range of frequencies (that is, the difference between the lowest and highest frequencies carried) that make up a signal is called bandwidth.

Thus as the husbands bandwidth changes ..... as he gets older .... the size of his body weight ...his waist band get larger.

For example age 25 he may have a size 32 waist for his cotton pants.

At age 60 ..he may still have a size 32 / 34 waist


he may have a size 40 / size 44 waist ..... Nature's biology clue about the changing frequency bandwidth .. that controls his brain thought and perceptions.

The question then becomes. ..are the social engineering thoughts .. okay or do they contain some ERROR signals that Nature wants fixed.

The BOTANY language code --> dermatology --> der _ mato + logy.

Der --> spelled backwards --. red color


red + mato + logy --. therefore

red (skin) Tomato (vegetable) + biology bio-math logarithms used in the vegetable garden as the uses the function--> biology --> logy --> gy --> to grow into the Z-axis of the EARTH gy field --> gravity field.


Thus we see the ATOM ATOM physics expression code.

ATOM ATOM ..subset symbols

..TOM ATO --> spell tomato ..vector get table code --> ve + get + table --> vegetable

Thus we see Nature's atomic TOMATO that are sold in GROCERY stores..

Grocery --> subset letters--> GY --> Gravity communications site

Grocery --> G = universal gravitational constant

G roc --> Gravity ROC _ Region of Convergence in signal processing


Thus we see the shooting of Gabby Giffords at a grocery store ..... Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free

Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is a retired American ... term, Giffords was a victim of a shooting near Tucson, which was reported to be an ...

Jared Loughner, who shot Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson News

Apr 11, 2014 - Newly released FBI documents show Jared Loughner made expletive-filled Internet rants in the months before deadly shooting.

The incomplete explanations of the signaling EVENT ..carefully omit the important information factors of the signal .... tomato code, gravity and NASA with Gabby Gifford''s husband. the Safeway grocery store code ,,,,etc.

Hence, the rigged trail of Jared L. --> Ja + re + L --> Job accounting infra-red Language war in Arizona .. EARTH geography state of Arizona and the State of MIND Arizona ...AZ -- English alphabet state of MIND.;

The BOTANY Germination nation ,,,,german language of Nature and its germination process ,,,,,,,,, the color red--> german word ROT ..... a component of the bio-chemistry word --> protein.

Thus Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE provides information clues about the data processing and thought abilities of proteins.

Thus we see that red --> infra-red --> infra-rot (in german Botany language) ...and that electro-magnetic warmth frequency influences protein evolution.

Hence, in springtime..when the EARTH climate gets warmer in Northern Europe ..the vegetable SEED proteins recognize the warmth of the SUN and respond according ..... hence, the proteins grow .. such as seen by farmers and vegetable gardeners.

Hence, Nature's EARTH government with LAND GRANT programs for colleges and universities ...with the ROT program ..color red ..infra-red program ..better known in the United States as the ROTC

The Isaac Asimov bio-chemistry psychohistory equation .........

ROTC --> ROT + C --> RED + C =186,000 -->

Infra-red frequency languages (botany to bedroom) C = 186,000 velocity of light

,,,and word velocity ..subset word city.

Thus an information city exists in the word ,,,and that city travels at 186,00 miles per second

Thus we see the existence of 2 cities.... .Earth geography cities and EM / photon SYMBOL LIFE / concept/ idea cities in the velocity of light.

Hence, Nature's military ROTC ..whose existence Washington, DC and the Pentagon ought recognize..


Hence , we have another information DISPLAY signal .... . Nature's message from the UV region ( University of Virginia) and the organic compound humanoid (Hannah Graham representing T.W. Graham SOLOMON organic chemistry textbook) .

Thus we see some pieces to a puzzle about Nature's social message systems and the Theory of Everything .which includes some of the concepts and data outlined above.