Oliver Twist and the two strands of DNA ERROR cities: Liverpool, England and Livermore, California

Post date: Jul 13, 2020 8:35:34 PM

Liverpool → bio-computer Liver ….

data record BUFFER POOL battle

………. in the defective PEOPLE in the city of San Diego California

San Diego shooting: Gunman called ex during shooting ...

www.cnn.com › 2017/05/01 › san-diego-shooting

May 2, 2017 - Gunman opens fire at pool party 01:26 ... At some point during the shooting,

49-year-old Peter Selis took a seat (with SEATTLE software

from COVID-19 cover-up agent ….

Bill Gates (invoiced accounting bills and logic GATES)


…. MICrosoft and trick RICK Steves of PBS television and their

brain programming to travel to Europe and shit on NORTHERN

Europe brain neuron technology) in a lounge chair, pulled out his ...

DNA has existed for thousands of years ...in two major formats of expression.

1st --->the physical biology structure constructed of biochemistry molecules with a B.F.Skin (ner) dermatology box ..... with English language label: humanoid.

Around year 1865 such humanoids acquired a new FEATURE in Nature's advanced systems evolution ....... that was pre-dated by the Darwin concepts of physical evolution.

Lewis Carroll announced these new HUMAN species EARTH LAB features ...for those living on the geography surface of EARTH .......that is ....subset humans whose lives are embedded within the context of Nature and Nature's vast social system projects.

SparkNotes for Janet Reno Nevada and her TASTE of MIND

….. BRAIN thought circuits

For Waco Texas and the fire SPARKS

at the Camp David compound:

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Chapter 11: Who ...

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

A summary of Chapter 11:

Who Stole the Tarts? in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures

in ... that they all must do lest they forget their names before the trial's end. ... The White Rabbit, serving the court as a herald, reads the accusation that the ... The guinea pig is immediately “suppressed” by being tied up in a bag and sat on.

Thus we see in the Virginia TECH April 16 shooting tragedy .........many details about the deeper levels REALITY are SUPPRESSED. Ask the University of Chicago about how the puppet strings of society CONTROL and LIMIT the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology perceptions of STRING theory thinkers.

by being tied up --> Unraveling string theory - Recovery Act University of Chicago ...

.uchicago.edu › NewsSome

theoretical physicists believe that string theory could explain .......

“suppressed” by being tied up


reconcile these natural forces under one set of unifying laws. String

theory posits that ...

2nd ---> after physical biology and the existence of DNA biology platforms ...with arms / hands for writing instruments AND eyes / retina / optic nerve facilities...NATURE developed the bio-computer humanoid symbolic machine with the English language.

Since humanoids are constructed of Double-Helix molecules and their thoughts; and humanoids are constructed of glands and livers and digestive systems ....these INTERNAL thought structures decided to place their thoughts and social engineering ideas in EXTERNAL format on cellulose paper BOOKS with black ink words.

Herbert Spencer expressed this information systems communications process between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.

Herbert Spencer ... Human Progress


Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), British philosopher and sociologist, was a prominent, late 19th century defender ... This is Spencer's theory of indirect correspondence. ... Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to

external relations.

The 1st book expression ...we shall look at..... was the year 1726 LIVER book by Jonathan Swift.

The title of the book "GULLIBLE Livers" was published as GuL.Liver's Travels".

Thus ...we speculate ....

HOW does " the LIVER message TRAVEL ---> via printed book words, nouns, adjective" to other human optical READERS that have internal LIVERS ..... in a sense the

Jonathan Swift's LIVER ...managed to de.LIVER the LIVER message VIA the published book (EXTERNAL LIVER in symbols) that was circulated at libraries and book stores ......the audience obviously ..those humans with a internal LIVER that were interested in LIVER social science models....... say the British city of LIVER people of that day .... LIVERPOOL, England.

In today's modern bio-computer language of NATURE's systems ......the city

LIVERPOOL = bio-computer LIVER data record buffer POOL.

What PATH did the symbolic life of Gull ..LIVER's TRAVEL?

Molecular Path ........Pathology

of Liver Diseases

www.springer.com/medicine/pathology/book/978-1-4419-7106-7Molecular Pathology of Liver Diseases integrates the traditional

knowledge of physiological and pathological processes in the liver with a balanced emphasis on ..

Molecular &

Cell Biology of the Liver - Albert V ... - Google Books

books.google.com › Medical › GastroenterologyMolecular and Cell Biology of the Liver features the latest research findings

regarding liver structure and function.

In year 2012 we continued to look at the LIVER and its DNA ...Double-Helix messages ...

regarding liver English language structure and math function

..that is ...its symbolic expressions.

Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from ...

On the Origin of Species

Below..... in the TIME PERIOD of Charles Darwin and evolution ...we had humanoids in England that contained ..within them .... the subliminal mind SECRET molecule structure ....... that we now know in the conscious STATE of MIND as DNA, known since year 1953 ...as DNA....the DOUBLE-HELIX of Watson and Crick and others.


IN 1850 ......Nature had a DOUBLE-Helix output message system .....known as the 2 strands of messages ...the Charles D. communications strands.

1st) Charles Darwin and his analysis of physical biology evolution with empirical data about reptile shapes, forms ,etc from the Galapagos Islands and elsewhere.

2nd) Charles Dickens and the evolution of symbols and words of the living English language dictionary.

Charles Dickens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English

writer and social critic who is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of

the Victorian period and the creator of ...

Category:Novels -

Charles Dickens bibliography - A Christmas Carol

Born: February 7, 1812, Portsmouth

Died: June 9, 1870, Gads Hill Place

Oliver Twist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Oliver Twist,

also known as The Parish Boy's Progress, is the second novel by English author

Charles Dickens, published by Richard Bentley in 1838. The story ...

Oliver Twist (2005) - modern movie and television

Rating: 6.9/10 - 16147 votes

An adaptation of the classic Dickens tale, where an orphan meets a pickpocket on

the streets of London. From there, he joins a household of boys who...

Directed by Roman Polanski. Starring Barney Clark, Ben Kingsley.

Oliver Twist

(2005) - modern movie and television

Rating: 6.9/10 - 16147


An adaptation of the classic Dickens tale --> the year 1953 Cavendish labs unique, skin adaptation by the

Double-Helix players Watson & Crick with others.


Thus ...we see the Herbert Spencer process unfold VIA the LIVER PATH and the history of LIVER PATH and Pathology ...that eventually leads to Lawrence LIVER National LABS in Livermore, California with the (Jonathan) SWIFT iron automobile with license plates 70MEV

and the physics liver language BOOK " The Power of Alpha" whose author worked at Livermore and lives in the Darwin information island ...known as the city of Santa Cruz ...the Malcolm MacGregor . parallel to Charles Darwin Santa Cruz Island research station. Supersymmetry physics has thus provided this human specimen..... gentlemen and thinker.

The LIVER Path and investigation into Live pathology started in year 1726 with the 26 protons of IRON and its 26 atomic English alphabet letters.

Gulliver's Travels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of

Several Ships, better known simply

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World

Nations of the World

Nations of the World

Nations of the World at Liver Labs in California

per Santa Cruz Island (city island) California

The Power of [alpha]: Electron Elementary Particle ...

books.google.com › books

Electron Elementary Particle Generation with [alpha]-quantized Lifetimes and Masses Malcolm H. MacGregor. The first ... 0.2.4 contains the q ≡ (u, d) nucleon quarks, and hence represents one of the most important results in particle physics. The Mμ ... 0.2.5, where only the particle excitation column is shown. It consists of ...

Malcolm H. MacGregor - 2007 - ‎Business & Economics

Malcolm H. MacGregor.

Malcolm H. MacGregor.

Malcolm H. MacGregor.---> code name

…………… H. Mac → Hamburger Macro …

protein THOUGHT molecule ……

beef PROTEIN MACHINE subroutine….

expression agent

Origin of language: atomic English language invention 17 ...... that is 17 centuries of 100 years EACH (the equivalent of mechanical engineering patents /inventions of 17 years in United States legal system on exclusive property rights ) ........ thus starting at the 0000BC = 0000AD TIME BOUNDARY .....in Nature's biochemistry calendar we go from

year 0000AD

+ equation 17 times 100 years (the B.100.D time number located within the alpha/numeric word B100D)

+ 26 years of the IRON proton language project = year 1726 ....with agent Jonathan Swift.

After year 1726 with biochemistry LIVER travel guide ...the social engineering system MAP publication ......

we encounter the NEXT major LIVER publication on Double-Helix bio-math geometry EXPRESSIONs in society.

Repeating the message PATH ....

Gulliver's Travels - Wikipedia , Travels into

Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. ...

thus the year 1726 project plan SIGNAL of several ...7 nitrogen protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons that comprise the FOUR parts of the 4 DNA nucleotides with nitrogenous bases.

Then came the next LEVEL of LIVER expression in year 1838/ 1839.

Oliver Twist Summary |


www.gradesaver.com › Oliver Twist

› Study


You +1'd

this publicly. UndoOliver Twist

Summary. Oliver Twist is the story of a young orphan, Oliver,

and his attempts to stay good in a society that refuses to help. Oliver is born

in a ...

Summary of Oliver Twist

A Summary of the Action of

The Adventures of ........ O ..... liver .... Twist


Above, we see the TWO strands of WAR --> known as the DNA war of LIES, false information, lack of integrity, BALONEY social science and theology and philosophy family stories --> World WAR 2 = World War Base 2 bio-computer science with IBM --> World War 2 = Double-Helix war ...

above the Axis powers of 1943 ..followed by

the Cavendish DNA year 1953 ....... 5 ---> 3 signal from cam.BRIDGE

and the Joe STACK age 53 message to the University of Texas, Austin that they must STOP their DNA manipulation schemes and scams .

Joe Stack age 53 signal 5 ---> 3 AND

the living EARTH cell ...geography and the information HIGHWAY I-35 ... Austin and the State of Texas violation of DNA message angles 5--> 3 and 3---> 5.

The state of TEXAS and their universities have neglected their responsibilities under D.H = Double-Helix LAWS as explained by D.H.Lawrence book about MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY secret rackets with cell phones and INTERNET chat rooms ...in the book .....Lady Chat Rooms Chatter.Brain LOVER,

Thus the LIVER war continues in year 2012 in TEXAS.

The more recent LIVER signal was around 1984 ......

Oliver North ---> O + LIVER + North pole magnetic field interaction with iron hemoglobin protiens at LAW of LIVER LABS in Livermore , California ........the American dream LABS in Margaret Mead nuclear family .....atomic social anthropology RD site.

www.historycommons.org › Entities

May 1984: CIA Officer Introduces NSC's Oliver North to Nicaraguan Contra Leaders .... Notes taken by the US Ambassador to El

Salvador, Edwin Corr, about ..Oliver North — Drug Trafficking Hero!

www.jesus-is-savior.com/.../oliver_north-drug_trafficking_hero.htmHummers, SUVs, Mercedes, and Cadillac were arriving for Oliver

North and The ... who in turn was an ex-business partner of

CIA agent (Cubano) Felix Rodriguez. ... supply network in

El Salvador (DALI) ....modern Spanish art expressions converted to REAL life,

Contra-Intelligence on O + liver + North America -by Celerino Castillo


Above, the OLIVER North brain experiments at LIVER lab North America.

Oliver North - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


affair‎: North came

into the public spotlight as a result of his participation in the Iran–Contra affair, a

political scandal of the late 1980s, ...

Early life - US Marine Corps career -

Military - Iran–Contra affair ---->

Military Iran = Independent random variables

Contra = math awareness contradictions and problems in American brain cells with symbolic bio-computers

Contra-Intelligence on Oliver North-by Celerino Castillo 3rd -


Contadictions and paradoxs and other inconsistent situations ....that empitcal data suggests has a better explanation ,...that those incomplete explanations of social, political, and economic EVENTS given by the university fo BULL

May 12, 2004 – During the 1980s, Felix Rodriguez was in charge of the Contras' supply network in El Salvador for Oliver North. In addition, Rodriguez hired a


Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online

The art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...

The Symbolist Movement:

To Make the Invisible Visible

The Symbolist Movement:

To Make the Invisible Visible. Symbolism is always confusing because we use the word to refer to the study of symbols or iconography

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

National security laboratory aiming to ensure the safety,

security, and reliability of the U.S.

nuclear deterrent --> cell nucleus is composed of atomic nuclear elements.

Thus they are to deter HUMAN cell nuclear ERRORS.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -

Wikipedia, the free ...


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) founded by the University of California in ...

Mission - Background - Origins

Cell nucleus - Wikipedia,

Cell_nucleus ---> nuclear power theory of life

In cell biology, the nucleus (pl. nuclei;

from Latin nucleus or nucleus, meaning kernel) is a

membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells.

It contains ...

History - Structures - Function - Dynamics and regulation

Lawrence_Livermore_National_LaboratoryLawrence -

Nuclear weapons projects ---> biochemistry WAR at Fort Hood

In addition to Lawrence Livermore Lab we have Liverpool , England

Map for lawrence livermore ...that is INSIDE the California humanoid specimens is LIVER Road map

(INTERNAL MAP) .......that the the Herbert Spencer .....Europe

GLAND country...known as en.GLAND has nicely put in EXTERNAL display format...using the geography surface of Great Britain.

Map for LIVER people at lawrence livermore that may have listened to the LIVER message (a possible emergency signal)...Via song"HELP" by the Liverpool music group ...the Beatles AND their INTERNAL iron hemoglobin protein alliance to the EXTERNAL iron motor vehicle ..the BEETLE by Volkswagen.

7000 East Ave ---> go EAST to England for details about LIVER + MORE


CA ---> Computer Earth system 370 VSAM CA = Control Area

Map for lawrence livermore

Map for law ..... liver ...will agent 70 MeV Malcolm deliver the goods .......

Map for lawrence livermore ........ with M-theory highways and Crosby = Cross=correlation data byte


Thus we see the 2 strands of expression of the LIVER Double-Helix ...via the social science LIVER cities on display ..on the surface of EARTH Lab.

The Tale of 2 Cites --> the Tale of 2 LIVER Cities ...can they deLIVER a message in Nature's communications network? .