Session 4

Current Date

1254 A.C. Season of Xortus, Month of Rakator, Emergence, The Second


    • Day 14, Grenadin - The party finally arrives in the village of Grenadin where they see that spring has returned to this village; people are working the fields and everyone seems happy. After interviewing various people and speaking with the village leader, the party learns about an old woman, Aunti Margaret, who is posing as a representative of Re-Tha and is seeking child sacrifice in exchange for removal of the blight. This village already performed the exchange and thus the blight was removed. The party also learns that Bollygrove, a neighboring village, was recently blessed with a child of their own.

    • Day 15, Bollygrove - The party heads to Bollygrove in an attempt to track Auntie Margaret. When they arrive they find that Auntie Margaret was here just a few hours prior and had already taken an infant as payment for removal of the blight. The party tracked the hag with the help of Janice's new familiar until she disappeared into a thick grove of trees to the east of the village. The party decided to rest and wait until morning to enter.

    • Day 16, Hag's Forest - The party realizes that the forest is heavily enchanted and seemingly alive. They tried to burn their way in, but, the forest was able to extinguish it on its own. They attempted to hack their way in and were able to start making a path. Eventually the path lead them to a clearing where they met a dryad who gave them a warning to proceed no further. She would leave the path behind them open so they can leave. The party pressed on and was assaulted by the forest itself; awakened trees and shrubs starting attacking the party.

    • Through fire and grit, the party was successful in felling the awakened trees. The party continued on into the forest attempting the track the dryad as she jumped from tree to tree. The dryad eventually lead them into an ambush where other plant creatures were already feeding on dead animals. The party was assaulted by living vines, thorns and twigs but were eventually victorious.

    • The final encounter was against the dryad's pet dire boar which the team dispatched expertly. Augan used his hunting trap just before the boar charged forward and it caught the boar just before it could gore him. After being caught in the trap, it was a simple slaughter.

    • Eventually, the dryad lead the party to a safe zone and campsite and revealed that she was under the influence of the hag. She had to deter heroes from entering, but, the hag never said that she couldn't also offer rest. The party took a long rest before the battle with the hag and had bacon for breakfast.

    • Day 17, Hag's Hut - Just before arriving in the center of the forest, the dryad said that “Death” was near. Just as the party was about to engage the hag, they saw a man dressed in black, full plate armor with a black sword and helmet meeting with Auntie Margaret. Before the party can react the Black Knight vanished into a vortex of darkness and Auntie Margaret retreated into her hut. The way forward was opened by the dryad and the party entered the forest center.

    • They scouted the area first before trying to enter the hut, but, the hag was already on to them and met Audra at the door. Audra tried to sneak a dagger into the hag before engaging in parley, but, the hag was too fast for them and a battle ensued. A scarecrow animated from a nearby garden and swarms of ravens flew down from the trees. The hag went invisible and a battle ensued.

    • During the battle, Audra and Janice investigated the hut and found two infants in a root cellar.

    • After the battle, the Dryad revealed that her name was Tythorea and she was a Prophet of Pollen, a Herald of Dortona. Tythorea unlocked the power of the forest in Terryn as a gift for his bravery and also revealed that one of the infants (the older one) was actually a baby hag. Tythorea said that the party was welcome in her grove whenever they wished and then proceeded to release spring to the region.

    • The party looted the hut as the dryad wanted nothing to do with any of it. They also decided to take both children back to Father Gavin and have the church decide what to do with them.

Treasure: Coin, Art and Magic

Treasure found in the Hags hut

  • CP 987 (20 lbs)

  • BP 718 (14 lbs)

  • SP 209 (4 lbs)

  • EP 25 (.5 lbs)


  • Blue Quartz

  • Azurite

  • Banded Agate

  • Rose Quartz

  • Malachite


  • A book written in old High Treaconian. Pages are thin slats made of animal bone bound together with sinew and leather straps.

  • A Painting depicting the chaos of creation (Light vs Darkness). Framed in Slate.

  • A Painting depicting a lovely garden. Framed in Granite.

Other Oddities:

  • 10 White Feathers

  • 10 White and Brown Feathers

  • Vial of a viscous, transparent solution

  • Vial of a transparent solution with a fingernail floating in it

  • Vial of liquid with a red bead in the center which constantly but slowly expands and shrinks.

  • Boar skin rug

  • Jar of green pigment

  • Jar of yellow pigment

  • Jar of brown pigment

  • 2 scrolls with arcane symbols

  • 1 scroll of Gaseous Form (lvl 3 warlock spell)

  • Gnarled wooden staff with leaves growing out of it

  • Well made, clean iron rod with depictions of horse heads on either end and a button on one end

Combat, Encounters and Experience

The following experience is for all characters

    • Attendance – 45 xp

    • Role-playing (staying in character) – 90 xp

    • Interviewing the citizens of Grenadin and Bollygrove - 180 xp

    • Tracking Auntie Margaret to her forest den - 45 xp

    • Witnessing “Death” - 45 xp

    • Safely rescuing the children - 45 xp

    • Saving Tythorea from the Hag and returning Spring to the Region - 1000 xp

    • 2 Awakened Trees - 150

    • 6 Awakened Shrubs - 10

    • 3 Twig Blights - 13

    • 2 Needle Blights - 17

    • 2 Vine Blights - 34

    • 1 Dire Boar - 75

    • 1 Scarecrow - 34

    • 2 Swarm of Ravens - 17

    • 1 Giant Raven - 34

    • 1 Green Hag - 117

XP Total by Person: 1951 xp

LEVEL UP! Everyone should be level 4!

  • Audra - Grand Total 3347

  • Terryn - Grand Total 3347

  • Rhuk - Grand Total 3347

  • Janice - Grand Total 3299

  • Vega - Grand Total 3109

  • Augan - Grand Total 2986