Session 60

Current Date – 2466ASE Ardus, Mulltor, Emergence 1st (Sep 16, 2023)

Day 376 (Continued)

After solving the riddle of Nezzuhiss, the group continued up the stairs. They found a war room where the walls had been vandalized with blood and claws and four lumps of humanoid leather were draped over a stone table.

Proceeding to the Atrium, they found 4 giant serpents arguing about the future of the Yuan-Ti. The group surmized that the four giant serpents were Yuan-Ti malisons that had shed their skins. Apparently, the Eye of Mershulk showed them the actual plans that the Exile had for the world and the Yuan-Ti were going to become slaves not masters in the new world. The vision caused the generals and Nezzuhiss to go insane and argue among themselves. When the group tried to interact with the generals, the generals simply left the atrium and headed up to the next level giving the group time to explore.

While exploring they found that this level of the temple contained all the written records of all cult activity for the entire global Yuan-Ti empire. They found information about Cardonia and Tierevolk nation, Shepstead, Dunwick and even Jaubala. Specifically they learned that Amber's new church has already been infiltrated and was being used as a cover to spread the Yuan-Ti cult to other locations. They also learned that Quint'zhal's Guild of Ecstasy was being targeted by the cult as it was seen as competition. They also found some maps of abandoned tunnels in the Dwarven settlements which they assumed they could later when they go after Illsensine.

Continuing up the temple they finally found their target, the Eye of Mershulk. The Four Serpent Generals, having been exposed to aberrant energies and fully insane had physically merged with Nezzuhiss into a 5 headed Naga-Hydra. When the Eye of Mershulk beheld them they realized that this beholder's central eye worked differently than the last, their magic was not nullified, but, slowed instead, forcing them to adopt new tactics.

The battle was not going in their favor at first, the chilling effect of the central eye was devastating and the massive 5 headed mutation was quite deadly was well. However, Qo eventually decided to use a spell from her special ring that she was saving for another opportunity. She cast a Hallow spell on the floor and used its special property to create an area of magical darkness. This turned out to be a weakness of the beholder, if it can't see, it can't target with its eye rays. And witnessing a weakness in the being they thought was a divine messenger caused the serpent generals to question their faith. This proved to be quite a turning point for the group and they were able to win the battle.

As the Hallow spell is permanent, they decided to leave Nezzuhiss alive and wallow in their insanity in the hallowed darkness and jumped into the leyline fountain.

Day 377

They appeared in the final temple, Squamos Temple, which they were told was being used as a hospital. When they arrived, they were greeted by 3 yuan-ti pureblood nurses who were blindfolded. Being blindfolded Qo took the opportunity to make them believe they were yuan-ti there for an inspection. Qo was convincing enough and instead of a fight, they were welcomed. Using this opportunity they started to explore the temple. Eventually they learned why the nurses were blindfolded, the hospital uses basilisks to petrify the patients as a form of anesthesia and the doctors are all trained in both medicine and sculpting.

They eventually made their way to the second floor where they decided to use Dazanni's familiar, Putty, to scout the floor. They found that the doctors were all Medusa and they were using some kind of special clay as a bonding and sculpting agent for more delicate procedures. Eventually, Putty found a door that they could not squeeze into and was sealed. They surmised that whatever was behind the door was important and proceeded to find a way to open it...


Various amounts of coins, jewelry and some ceremonial weaponry

Lots of information about Yuan-Ti cult activity around the world


1 Eye of Mershulk (Beholder)

Nezzuhiss, Guardian Naga of Lepidos Temple

The Four Serpent Generals (Combined into a Naga-Hydra)


Xorta's Lyre – 5 strings of 10 repaired

