Session 41

Current Date

1255 A.C. Season of Xortus, Month of Multor, Withdrawl, The Sixth


    • Day 339 - The group woke from their slumber in the magic mansion and spent a whole day trudging through the swamp. Near the end of the day they found themselves in a mire surrounded by fireflies. Then the lights went out and, as if they were transported to another place, found themselves in a dark, featureless void. Here the voices of Abigail and Hope taunted them, explaining how they were all to blame for what is happening now. When the encounter was over, they were transported back to the swamp where they were treated with visions of their loved ones, dead, floating in the murky waters. having confidence that the visions were just illusions they proceeded on ward.

    • They eventually came to a place in the swamp where they felt that the corruption of the Hags had not fully reached. It was a cave filled with luminescent fungus. They explored the cave to find that some trolls were slowing being eaten alive by an unknown mold. When they tried to leave, they were surrounded by small, vegetable people. The Veggie Chief approached them and said that they were hiding from the Hags and that if the group was trying to kill the Hags then they would allow the group to stay in the cave for the evening. Being somewhat cautious, the group decided to leave the cave and set up their magic mansion.

    • Day 340 - The next morning, the group was greeted by a pile of 4, coconut sized spore pods, obviously arranged for them to find. not knowing what to do with them, the group collected the pods and proceeded on. They traveled for a few hours before being blocked by a massive wall of razor vines. after some deliberation, Iris used the rope of climbing to create a way over the wall without touching it.

    • After passing the wall, the group saw the Hag's cottage, but, were ambushed by the Toad King, Froghemoth and his court of giant toads and shambling mounds. After a grueling battle, the group made their way toward the cottage.

    • In the cottage they found nothing of note, except for a secret staircase inside the fireplace. The secret door lead down into a hallway where they learned about some of the cruel and demented past times of the hags (animal abuse, tea party slaughter houses and strange rituals to commune with fiends). Eventually, they made their way into a maze of doors. After getting a distance into the maze, Grandmother Cecilia used her connection with her lair to close and magically lock all the doors in the maze causing the party to be split up and unable to assist each other. In addition to the maze itself, there were deadly traps and hazards as well as guardians such as rot trolls, spirit trolls and a strange ogre-like toad creature created by the hags.

    • The group managed to navigate the maze, dealt with its hazards and defeated the guardians and finally came face to face with the coven. Iris was the first in the lab and was treated with a heavy barrage of magic missiles as well as being the target of an Demon that was hiding invisibly until just the right moment to strike.

    • Saichico and Tila had a plan prepared. Tila used her Dimension Door spell and took Saichico right up to Grandmother Cecilia, at which point Saichico activated the 5th face of the Cube of Force such that Nothing could pass through the cube. Saichico gambled that the connection the coven needed for their enhanced spells would be broken by the cube and she was right. Grandmother Cecilia wrestled and fought against Saichico in the cube, but, was unable to make any progress. Saichico, on the other hand was able to deal a massive blow to the Hag which was enough to convince her to escape via a planeshift ability. The other two hags, feeling the break of the coven retreated to the ethereal plane and escaped on foot. The group cleaned up the remaining bulgura demons and accepted victory.

    • During the battle, Iris used the ability of her helm to see invisible and ethereal things and realized that the hags had a second laboratory in the ethereal plane over lapping the prime lab.

    • Day 341 - The group took a long rest in the hags lab and explored the rest of the area. They found a cavern full of experiments around trolls and stopped a second dire troll from being formed. They also discovered a laboratory used to create the ogre-toad men. Saichico used her Etherealness spell to enter the secondary lab and, in addition to magical and mundane treasures, she discovered two imps with arcane writing on their backs. The writing implied that they imps were "messenger imps" and they were delivering a very important message to Grandmother Cecilia. Apparently, Vartu, the rakshasa from the soul forge incident, has resurfaced and is auctioning off the void metal ingots he made while he was posing as a High Priest of Sekolah. Grandmother Cecilia had placed a bid and won. Her "congratulations note" had the address where she was to go to claim her prize; the Lady's District of Sigil - City of Doors.

    • Day 350 - The group decided that going after Vartu was important and that stopping the auction was their next major goal, however, they did not have anyway of getting to Sigil. They headed back to Jaubala to recuperate and figure out their next move. While the group was gone, Morvar Firebeard had visited Jaubala with the intent of checking in with the group and to set up a formal trade agreement with the plantation. The group contacted Morvar via sending message and Morvar made another trip back to the plantation.

    • Day 356 - The group told Morvar what had been going on and Morvar said that he would inquire with the Callio Sisters about any ways to get to Sigil.

    • Day 362 - Morvar returns with news about Sigil, but, the news is bleak. The sisters were only aware of one other portal key to Sigil which is currently in the possession of Lomg'zx. The sisters did not give much information to Morvar, but, they said that Lomg'zx was a hermit that lived high in the mountains of Re-Tha's Spine, to the West of the Trollstien Hills. This news was bitter sweet as they all realized that it was an opportunity to check in with Augan, their old traveling companion.

    • Day 368 - Before leaving for the Hills, Iris and the others finally decided to take the World Rivers Council up on their offer to participate in a parade and ceremony commemorating their heroism during the still recent calamity. This gave Iris, Tila and Rhuk a chance to collect their official papers and permits and allowed Iris to get her captain's uniform.

    • The group decided that the best way to travel to the Hills was via the Ley Line network as Iris had once visited Augan's city many years ago when she was a pirate.


LEVEL UP! PC's to level 14, retainers to level 6.

1 Identification Crystal for the Auction of Souls

COIN: CP 30128; BP 5394; SP 12240; EP 8405; GP 654; PP 38

GEMS: Fire Opal, Fire Opal, Garnet, Garnet, Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Jet, Jade, Beryl, Beryl, Topaz, Topaz, Topaz, Alexandrite, Peridot, Jacinth, Ruby, Ruby, Black Opal, Aquamarine, Spinel, Tourmaline, Black Pearl, Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Blue Sapphire, Amber, Amber, Diamond, Diamond


Stack of 23 Sheets of Vellum

Earring, Fire Opal set in Porcelin

Satin Chocker/Collar with a Peridot and Alexandrite medallion

Polar Bear rug

Painting of a tiger stalking boar in the jungle, Oak and silver frame

Bust of a Sahuagin made of Ceramic and coated with Blue and Green enamal. Eyes are made of Lapis and the teeth are made of Onyx

6" figurine of a scorpion made of crystal. Its stinger is made of Citrine


14 Naga Scales

3 Pegasus Feathers

4 Hippogriff Feathers

Human Heart in a Jar (still beating)

Ectoplasm (glowing blue)

Vial of Wyvern Venom (CON 15 or 7d6 poison damage (save for half))

Vial of Snake Venom (CON 13 or 3d8 poison damage)

Vial of Venom Troll Puss (CON 16 or 4d8 poison damage and poison condition for 1 minute (save for half and no poison))

1 cubic foot glass sealed container with a black pudding (still alive)

1 open crate of growth serum (5 doses left)


Potion of Storm Giant Str

Potion of Flying

Potion of Growth

2 Potion of Superior Healing (8d4+8)

Potion of Supreme Healing (10d4+20)

Keoghtom's Ointment (4 doses)

Spell Scroll of Prismatic Spray

Spell Scroll of Bestow Curse

Spell Scroll of Wall of Thorns

Mithral Splint Mail +1

Wand of Pyrotechnics

Sentinel Shield +1

Horn of Blasting

Studded Leather +1

Short Sword +1

Periapt of Proof Against Poison

Spell Tome:

1st: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Sleep, False Life

2nd: Blur, Flaming Sphere, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Spider Climb

3rd: Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Haste, Fly

4th: Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Leomunds Secret Chest, Otilukes Resilient Sphere


  • 1 Legendary Night Hag

  • 2 Night Hag

  • 1 spirit troll

  • 1 rot troll

  • 3 banderhobb

  • 1 froghemoth

  • 4 shambling mounds

  • 4 giant toads

  • 3 balgura demons