Session 55

Current Date – 2466ASE Xortus, Cartor, Emergence 3rd (April 22, 2023)

Day 330 (continued)

After the chaos wave had passed, the group found themselves surrounded by 4 more slaad, these were different colors, each in tune with a different aspect of chaos. The red ones seemed to be attuned to the chaos of time and space; they were able to manifest the effects of their actions before their actions were taken making them very unpredictable. The blue ones seemed to have an ability to cause chaos of the mind making their victims confused, tired, angry, or overwhelmed with pain. The heroes eventually dispatched the slaad and moved on with their investigation.

They found a staircase leading down into the hillside of the Weald. It lead to an old, now abandoned, reception area with governmental records. This then lead to a series of rooms that seemed to be for storage and record keeping until they came to two rooms in particular.

One room seemed to be a surgical lab. There was a red slaad on a table with its innards strewn out as well as a tome with notes written in infernal. Qo was able to translate and realized that is was some kind of manual that was trying to document the anatomy of the slaad. The only conclusion was that slaad anatomy was just as chaotic as Limbo and defied categorization. The main piece of information they were able to learn was that each slaad had a crystal embedded in the brain and, if done properly, it could be extracted without killing the creature. Doing so would make the slaad controllable to whomever held that crystal.

The other room seemed to be a bed room for the suspected hag coven. They found 3 dressers here each guarded by magical wards. Disregarding the potential hazards, they broke open the dressers and discovered rare magical potions and scrolls, although they did not know what they did just yet.

In addition they found some strange notes on a table with various items that the hags were researching. The value of the notes was not immediately apparent, but, they kept the notes for reference later.

Eventually, the group made their way to a large chamber where the hags were found. One of the hags referred to the room as a Limbo Vortex Chamber where an unstable portal to Limbo was being maintained. The hags also had 3 slaad guardians with them. The fight wasn't too difficult. The hags were outclassed by the groups magical power and the hags decided to retreat via the ethereal plane. They attempted to collect their slaad notes on the way out, but, the group had already collected them so the hags had no choice but to retreat empty handed.

While the group was recovering from the hag battle, another chaos wave went out and in its wake, Sal Ro Sek appeared with another slaad in hand. Before Sal Ro Sek knew what had happened he mentioned bringing another slaad for the hags army and demanded to be infused with chaos energy which gave a clue as to his agreement with the hags.

This battle was more difficult than the last. Sal Ro Sek's infusion of pure chaos gave him the ability to shift his scales and gain immunity to random elements. His first breath weapon spewed out a cloud of psychic gas that caused everyone to fall asleep. Then more chaos waves occurred causing Daz to turn into a ham sandwich and get eaten by another slaad, Azia and Quint'zhal temporarily switched bodies and at one point, everyone swapped locations in space. Eventually, however, the group was able to use Sal Ro Seks shifting of elements to their advantage and discovered that the hags notes from earlier were mapping his shifting nature. This allowed them to determine his vulnerabilities and use that against him.

When Sal Ro Sek was finally felled his body disintegrated into chaotic energies, the Limbo Vortex collapsed and all that was left was his head.




