Session 56

Current Date

1255 A.C. Season of Ardus, Month of Rakator, Withdrawl, The First


    • Day 506 - After winning the battle against the Arachnomancer and her cohorts, Saichico captured a drow werespider and interrogated him in his dreams. They learned that the Arachnomancer, the Yochlol demons and the werespiders are all direct servants of Lolth and do not have loyalty to the Chelicera. Their purpose was to delay the party and thus give the Chelicera time to experiment on Toofee and the Hidden One.

    • Before they entered the underdark proper, Iris found a simple boulder trap set up by the drow. After everyone was beyond the trap and in the tunnel, Saichico triggered the trap on purpose from a distance and blocked off the exit in an attempt to prevent the drow from doubling back and escaping.

    • After some time in a long dark tunnel, the party found another set of double metal doors signifying a forbidden area. Iris checked for traps and discovered a magical ward. Using mage hand, Iris pushed the doors open and triggered the ward which exploded but, caused no lasting damage to the group.

    • Just beyond the door, the party found the dead body of a firbolg slave whose head had been decapitated through use of the drow slave collar. The firbolg was only a childhood friend of Murdock's, but, it was still enough to fuel the party's desire to stop the drow. Saichico took the used slave collar from the corpse.

    • Continuing down into the underdark the group arrived in a cavern deep underground. they found the remains of a battle between the drow and the coldrith which resulted in the two groups splitting up and going down different paths. There was also a third, unknown path. Using her Arcane Eye, Saichico decided to explore the unknown path while the party physically explored the path taken by the drow.

    • Not long after entering the tunnel following the drow tracks, the party was ambushed by phase spiders. Only a few at first, but, they seemed endless. Eventually, Saichico went ethereal and used a cone of cold to freeze all the phase spiders in the tunnel ahead removing the immediate threat of random ambushes in the prime against the party.

    • The tunnel eventually lead to a nexus point with multiple exits. The main drow force seemed to disappear while 8 tracks went down one tunnel. Saichico, being ethereal could see that a phase spider nest was nearby and wanted to hunt the queen for a magical item component.

    • At this time, Rilitar's actions became overly suspicious as he was using the rod of death to do unnecessary things such as killing rats and raising them as "familiars". Iris became concerned and mentioned to Rhuk that they would need to do something about Rilitar. Rhuk took immediate action and shot Rilitar in the back killing him. They removed the rod of death from Rilitar's corpse and revived him, but, he was still cursed by the rod. Iris restrained him with ropes and Murdock slung him over his shoulder as the party continued on.

    • After dealing with Rilitar, Saichico lead the group down the path toward the Phase Spider nest where they did battle with a Phase Spider Queen. During the battle, Rilitar, still weakened and restrained was targeted by phase spiders and killed a second time. Eventually, the battle was won, but, it was decided that raising Rilitar a second time was not worth the loss of components. Saichico, using a combination of various spells, burned Rilitar on an unknown hill in an unknown land and buried his ashes (after looting the body, of course).

    • Day 507 - Due to the battle and the great loss they just suffered, the team decided to rest in the mansion. During the rest, Rhuk's mind was intrigued by the strange book they found in Nebet-Nehats lair. She was obsessed with wanting to read the book but Saichico would not allow it. This argument came to blows and Rhuk was eventually knocked unconscious. After the long rest, Rhuk's mind was her own again and everyone woke feeling as refreshed as the circumstances would allow.

    • Continuing back to the nexus, Iris used the Minotaur Brain device and realized that there was a ninth exit to the nexus which was physically blocked off with a wall of stone. The group decided to chisel their way through while Saichico explored in the ethereal plane. While exploring, Saichico uncovered a large cavern of stalactites and stalagmites, a river of bubbling tar, a fortress and a bridge being guarded by a Glabrezu demon and at least 2 Draegloth. The demon was able to detect Saichico in the ethereal plane and engaged her in conversation via telepathy. during the conversation it was revealed that he was summoned by the drow matron and was compelled by magic to guard the bridge, however, he was willing to "re-interpret" his orders if the party was willing to engage in a game of chance.


  • Rillitar - died to phase spiders after being cursed by a magic rod


  • 1 used drow slave collar

  • 3 vials of drow poison

  • 1 gland of a phase spider queen


  • 1 phase spider queen

  • 4 phase spider soldiers

  • countless phase spider drones