
    Luke, I am your father!

    My son, Luke Kasper, has written several articles for The Eclectic Kasper. In true eclectic spirit, he has penned pieces about science, numbers, movies, and more! He’s an eclectic guy.

    Below is a list of the great articles that Luke has provided for our web journal, and we think that you will enjoy them!

        MOVIES/ TV: The Good, The Bad, and The Last Jedi (January 2018) 

        FOOD FOR THE MIND: Mind-Numbing Numbers (February 2018)

        MOVIES/ TV: Some Great Movies of 2018 (So Far!) (April 2018)

        MOVIES/ TV: The Definitive Review of Avengers: Infinity War (June 2018)

        THE ABORTION DEBATE: Is An Unborn Baby Human? (July 2018)

        EVOLUTIONISM VS. CREATIONISM: Fundamental Flaws in Evolution (June 2019)