The Eclectic Questions

Post date: Mar 29, 2011 1:20:19 PM

On our The Eclectic Kasper Facebook page we have started some discussion topics so that you can have a chance to chime in with your opinion. Last week's Eclectic Question was Should We Go To War In Libya? and a follow-up is, How do you think that the effort in Libya is being handled? This week, we're reflecting on the article about Theology over Chronology in Scripture. So what do you think? Does it bother you that Matthew and Luke list the temptations of Jesus in different order? How does this affect your understanding of inspiration or infallibility of Scripture? Is your perspective of inspiration broad enough to allow Biblical authors to rearrange the order of events for theological or literary purposes?  Give us a "like" over on our The Eclectic Kasper Facebook page and then click on the "Discussions" tab to participate in the conversation!