About Me

    My name is Matt Kasper, thus the title, The Eclectic Kasper! I enjoy writing, reading, watching and just taking it all in.

    I am intrigued by all types of things about life. I have come to realize the older I get, the more eclectic my tastes become. There are very few types of movies, books, food, music, etc. that I really don't like.

    Because I like so many different aspects of life, I enjoy thinking about and writing about as many of them as possible. These various and diverse interests are the genesis of this monthly web journal: To find a place to write about my interests and to interact with others who share some of them, if not all of them. It had been a goal of mine for a long time to begin a journal like this. It is hard to believe that we have already been producing this web journal for over ten years, since our first edition in January 2011!

    I am married to a beautiful woman, conversations with whom spark new ideas. I have four kids between the ages of 24 and 12, and they continually help me challenge my interests and thoughts. Several of them have even contributed articles or parts of articles to this web journal over the years.       We currently live near Atlanta, Georgia and I enjoy shepherding a small, evangelical Bible church. We focus on expository Bible teaching, conservative evangelical doctrine, but we also try to share that through evangelism and witness to the areas near our church. You can see our Grace Atlanta Bible Church website here.

    I am also currently pursuing a PhD in History from Georgia State University with an emphasis on early modern Europe (fifteenth through seventeenth centuries) and on the German Protestant Reformation. 

    I am grateful for the opportunity to use The Eclectic Kasper to encourage discussion with others who, like myself, have many different kinds of interests. Feel free to e-mail me at any time with thoughts, suggestions, or comments at feedback@eclectickasper.com.

    Thanks for reading and for participating in this eclectic conversation!