
Welcome to the eleventh year The Eclectic Kasper, our humble monthly web journal about culture, theology, politics, music, history, movies, and much more! 

This is an interactive web journal; we would love to hear your views on any of our articles. Give our The Eclectic Kasper Facebook page a “like” and you can post comments or feedback there. Or send responses to feedback@eclectickasper.com, and we’ll publish your comments anonymously in a future edition. 


    The August 2021 edition of our monthly web journal is live! This edition contains some of our favorite articles that we have presented over the last few years, including a critical passage from Romans, the problem with those who discuss “my truth,” an article about whether an unborn baby is fully human, and some lessons learned from the Coronavirus pandemic

    The July 2021 edition of our web journal has some articles that you need to see, as well. What is wrong with telling kids to reach for the stars, and what do today’s memes say about America? Also, what does Romans 5 say about the moral pandemic that affects all humans? All this and much more in the new July 2021 edition of The Eclectic Kasper.

    Also, see the May 2021 edition where we continue our verse-by-verse discussion of the book of Romans, and we note some things they did right and wrong in the newest Star Wars trilogy. We discuss one of our favorite opera arias, and whatever you do, please don’t plant another church in this area! All this and more in the May 2021 edition.

    The March 2021 edition discussed God’s Present Wrath and the Christian, we had an article about what memes say about America. We also discussed why a Browncoat would like Studio 60, and we had many other great article in addition to these.     And see our January 2021 edition, the first edition of the second decade of informative and entertaining The Eclectic Kasper content! In this edition, we continue to discuss the wrath of God, we explore more contradictions of the left, and we introduce a new series “Show Within a Show” and discuss a Kasper-favorite TV program.

Thanks for reading, and if you haven’t yet, please give our Facebook page a “like.” We love hearing feedback from our readers, whether it is a question, a comment, or a rebuttal to any of our articles. You can post your thoughts and feedback there, or send your responses to feedback@eclectickasper.com.

    This year we will continue several of our series including “Conservative Corner,” “Modern Spirituality,” “Date Setters,” and “Browncoat Bay.” 

    We also continue our most ambitious project yet: a verse-by-verse commentary through the book of Romans! You can see those articles in our “Eclectic Archive” here.  

    We’ll also continue to offer soundtrack reviews, devotional thoughts, articles about politics, and more thoughts “Off The Top Of My Head.”

    I am a man of many interests, and this web journal reflects that. My formal academic training is in the fields of religion, history and theology, but I also like to dabble in music, science, movies, archaeology, sci-fi, politics, etc (you can find out more about me here!). 

    I enjoy dialogue both with those who are like-minded as well as with those who are not. I hope that the articles in The Eclectic Kasper can help facilitate some great dialogue and interaction!

    Please, feel free to comment and respond to anything you see by sending us a message at feedback@eclectickasper.com, so that this can be an eclectic conversation, not just an eclectic monologue.

    You can click on the sidebar to the left for the inaugural January 2011 edition of The Eclectic Kasper or for any of the issues since. Also, give our The Eclectic Kasper Facebook page a “like” to see recent posts and participate in our discussion topics. We are striving for 300 Facebook “likes” by the end of 2021, and we would love your help with that.

    Come be eclectic! You’re bound to find something you like!