Eclectic Archive

    Welcome to “The Eclectic Archive”! This is kind of my online version of the “Bat Cave,” but slightly more public. The Eclectic Archive allows you to reference articles from The Eclectic Kasper by topics, which are listed below on the left. Below that is a “How to Use this Archive” section as well as a “How to Cite Articles” section. These will hopefully help you maximize your use of this archive.  If you have any questions about this archive or if you find that a link isn't working properly, please let us know at and we'll fix it as quickly as possible. This archive will updated every month after a new edition of The Eclectic Kasper is released.



Bible/ Bible Studies (or see “Theology” below)

Books/ Literature

Browncoat Bay




Insights on Islam

Luke-cletic, articles by Luke Kasper (New!)

Movie/ TV


Politics/ Culture/ News

Proverbs to Ponder

Quote for Contemplation 

Romans/ An Ongoing Commentary on Romans

Sermons (New!)

Theology (or see “Bible/ Bible Studies” above)





    My hope is that for many of you, this archive may be a storehouse of entertaining and edifying reading. Beyond that, however, I hope that you will also learn to utilize this archive as a helpful tool. The main value here is having articles categorized according to topic, and that can come in handy when you need some extra material.

    For instance, I would encourage pastors, teachers and lay leaders to teach/ preach/ lead studies using the material from the series on the eleven “ESSENTIALS OF THE FAITH.” These are foundational truths that the modern evangelical church should focus on, rather than highlighting and fighting over secondary and tertiary doctrines and practices. Teachers may benefit from the “QUOTES FOR CONTEMPLATION” series, which can serve as teaching tools and lesson illustrations. I would encourage anyone involved with worship at a local church to carefully read and implement the “DIMENSIONS OF WORSHIP” articles as you teach toward and plan for increasingly thoughtful, creative, and substantive corporate worship in regular Sunday services.  

    These articles are now yours, for your edification and enjoyment; swipe them and use them . . . please!   



    Since I'm encouraging you to swipe this material, I should at least show you how cite it if you plan to use it in a lesson, a paper, a blog or in another web journal. A good teacher/ reader/ scholar is responsible with the resources she or he uses and passes on that joy of discovery to those whom she or he teaches. I try to be careful with my cites and I want you to be responsible with what you cite also. I'm not a credit hog, and don't just crave having my name everywhere, but I want the ideas that you see here and that you pass along to contribute to a greater dialog about ideas. Proper citation can encourage that eclectic dialog. 

    Here are two examples of how you can cite an article from The Eclectic Kasper in an endnote, footnote, bibliography, or works cited section: 


Matt Kasper, “The Essentials of the Faith: Part 1, Explanation and Trinity,” The Eclectic Kasper, January 2011.


Kasper, Matthew J. “Dimensions of Worship: Part 2, Worship is Theocentric and Christocentric.” The Eclectic Kasper. September 2011. 


    In some cases, you may be able to simply put the URL in the footnote or endnote, or a link to the URL if you are dealing with a web-based medium. This should be sufficient for citation, unless your teacher or audience is really picky about format. If so, they should be able to tell you how to cite or footnote from a web journal in a manner that they deem acceptable.