Quote for Contemplation

The Real World, Tom Brokaw (January 2011)

Burnout or Spiritual Death?, Henri J. M. Nouwen (March 2011)

The Doom of Leadership, Julius Saturninus (June 2011)

The Gospel Vs. The American Dream, David Platt (June/ July 2012)

The Big American Choice, Ronald Reagan (September 2012)

What the TV says about TV, Dick Cavett (April 2013)

Muggeridge on Suffering, Malcolm Muggeridge (June/ July 2012)

A Nod to Brian McLaren, Brian McLaren (August 2013) 

Drift Toward Holiness?, D. A. Carson (May 2014)

Western Decline, Norman Cantor and George Steiner (March 2015) 

Children of Light, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (October 2015)

Merely a Great Moral Teacher?, C. S. Lewis (January 2016)

Divine Election and Free Will, Charles Haddon Spurgeon (January 2017)

Small Government and Human Dignity, Ronald Reagan (February 2018)

A Conversion to Joy, C. S. Lewis (November 2019)

The Brevity of Life, William Shakespeare (January 2020)

The Rascally Erasmus, Desiderius Easmus (May 2020)

The Ultimate Stage of Absurdity, Thomas Sowell (July 2020)