Sustainable Practices at the Fair
Sustainable Practices Employed
at the 2010 Fair
Sustain Door will attempt to practice what it preaches by incorporating more sustainable procedures at the 2010 Door County Sustainability Fair. The organization seeks to exemplify for other Door County festivals, ways to operate that reduce its dependence on mined and synthetic substances and minimizes encroachment upon nature while efficiently meeting human needs.
Some of the more sustainable practices incorporated at the Fair this year are:
A solar electric array is temporarily installed to help power the Fair and offset greenhouse gases and other pollutants. (Thank you, Lake Michigan Wind & Sun!)
Carbon offsets will be available for purchase by fairgoers to mitigate their greenhouse gas generation traveling to and from the Fair. (Thank you, The Nature Conservancy!)
A carpool matching service is provided. (Thank you, Door-Tran!)
Local and organic food will be provided by area vendors.
Waste generated at The Fair will be recycled and composted. (Thank you, Going Garbage & Recycling!)
Printed materials are 100% post-consumer fiber content.
Plastic and Styrofoam packaging is discouraged in the exhibit and food vendor areas.
Vendors and exhibitors have been screened for environmental responsibility.
Sustain Door has earned certification from Travel Green Wisconsin (TGW), a voluntary certification program that recognizes tourism businesses and events for reducing their environmental footprint through eco-friendly practices. For more information about Travel Green Wisconsin, a partnership of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism and the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative, visit